SFX Magazine AvP Picture

Started by Darkness, May 21, 2004, 07:44:27 PM

SFX Magazine AvP Picture (Read 13,206 times)



hmm he's jacket has another colour than the one sebastian wears, but i guess its just the lightning... anyways maybe this means that he won't get killed by the Alien, as we've seen clearly footage of an Alien just about to bite him..   so he has to escape from one of 'em, i'm looking forward to see how.    ;D 



I don't think Pred is going to kill Sebastian in this scene, Sebastian's not armed.



I think this picture is great and proves it is going to be a really good film.

Rusty Nails

Rusty Nails

To those of you who thought about it: No predator was ever bare-footed.  -Rusty Nails

Commander Kruge

Commander Kruge

The first predator had some predator sandels on as you can clearly see them in plain view when you see full body shots, etc. etc...., the second predator I always thought was barefoot, maybe not.  Picture does look pretty good.



hey guys just wanna  say wuz up im new on this site . and well about the pic the pic look pretty like i read be4 on a few postupz it lookzlike it iz just a production pic.. not that bad..

The Papertang

The Papertang

  8)   I would like to know sum more info on the new movie i only know that its got one or more predators vs a bunch off aliens .. yer so tell me more . Predgirl just wantin to know where is it u live    8)  

leeroy jetson

leeroy jetson

i still dont understand why predators would be hunting humans...isnt an alien like the big fish in the hunt, and arent the predators supposed to be trying to survive some sort of coming of age ritual by being left with aliens. like turn on your cloak and human threat ends. makes no sense yoz



leeroy jetson.....I c ur point many ppl are getting confused with many version of the but the predator arent hunting for humanz they hunting the alien or better known as "The coming of agr rituals" the humans get in between the the alien and predator....

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