EW magazine "Predators" short preview article

Started by Keith, Apr 17, 2010, 12:52:04 PM

EW magazine "Predators" short preview article (Read 4,865 times)


I took the liberty of scanning it: http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/4366/predatorsew.jpg

I wonder if that one pic is an official production photo?

Corporal Hicks

Am not sure. Shame it doesn't give anything away.  :-\

Lt. Mike Harrigan

Alice looks frickin' hawt! :o

Oh, and nice find.


You go girl 8)


She looks completely diffrent in I am legend. I didn't get that feeling when you recognise some one but not there name.


I was disappointed when I heard there was a female sniper, but now I am excited. She is so hot.


Even when she's dirty and sweaty like in the trailer, she's still cute. :D


She looks like Micheal Jackson with a bigger nose in that picture. To each their own I guess.  :P


^^^^ I'm keeping to my own as well.

Lt. Mike Harrigan

Quote from: Aliator on Apr 18, 2010, 04:53:33 AM
She looks like Micheal Jackson with a bigger nose in that picture. To each their own I guess.  :P



I really hope she does a good job in this role.


Wow. I got my question answered about the photo pretty fast. You guys are quick.  :)

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