Whislist for next patch

Started by -Sharky-, Apr 12, 2010, 08:13:32 PM

Whislist for next patch (Read 20,572 times)



Pros: Auto-aiming, large magazine, discovers hidden enemies, secondary MANUAL aiming
Cons: Slower movement, auto-aiming targets "body" (no headshots), short-medium range (con/pro), hard to find, very long respawn time

There are definite ways around this gun.
As an avid Alien player, the only time I get killed by this gun is if I'm caught off guard. And that is rare. Speed, stealth, and pounce.
As a pred, because the gun has only so much range, plasmacaster or spear or even mines takes care of the job.
As a marine, sniper rifle takes out any smartgunner. If up close, double-barrel shotgun to the face. When used right, the pulse rifle also wins via headshots. Pulse rifle can also pull off across-the-map kills. SG has a harder time doing that.

The key here is to be Smarter than the so-called, "Smartgunner". Most of the time, that is quite easy, brother.



You know that's a good point, I will include SEGA in the mail-them-a-box-of-cat-turds list!  In all fairness, I do play on XBox live regularly (sorry, no PS3 :D) but the flaws are always there, and the menus and wait times for games are always irritating.  It's only because I love the universe and am dedicated to getting my $60 worth that I put up with it.

As for the smartgun, the only complaint I have is that wacked out sound they gave it.  Why?  Why?  I would think it would take MORE work to come up with some weird new sound instead of the classic screaming bripp bripp from the movies, like a Pulse Rifle on steroids, it was, awesome it is, yes...

The smartgun is supposed to auto-track, and has in every game it's been in.  Now, you still have to be looking generally at your target, which is how it works in the movies.  That's why it's on that gimble joint that Drake and Vasquez wear, so they can swivel the puppy into a good firing position, then let the computer take over to track the target.  Smart.  Gun.  Do you complain that smart bombs are unfair in COD because they actually home in on things?

It still requires skill to use the smartgun.  I watch marines get butchered thinking that the smart gun is "auto aim-bot win" all day online, they don't appreciate the finer points of smart gunnery.  You are much slower, you have no melee ability, and the gun goes through rounds pretty fast, not to mention you can't have another gun besides your pistol while carrying it.  Once you run out of bullets you better be hauling balls to the nearest pulse rifle, marine.  It's meant to be a team weapon, not a one-man Rambo job...

Crni Vuk

Crni Vuk

Quote from: Highflys on Jun 29, 2010, 07:04:46 PM
Pros: Auto-aiming, large magazine, discovers hidden enemies, secondary MANUAL aiming
Cons: Slower movement, auto-aiming targets "body" (no headshots), short-medium range (con/pro), hard to find, very long respawn time

There are definite ways around this gun.
As an avid Alien player, the only time I get killed by this gun is if I'm caught off guard. And that is rare. Speed, stealth, and pounce.
As a pred, because the gun has only so much range, plasmacaster or spear or even mines takes care of the job.
As a marine, sniper rifle takes out any smartgunner. If up close, double-barrel shotgun to the face. When used right, the pulse rifle also wins via headshots. Pulse rifle can also pull off across-the-map kills. SG has a harder time doing that.

The key here is to be Smarter than the so-called, "Smartgunner". Most of the time, that is quite easy, brother.
Thats not the point. I never said its impossible to overcome it. Its just the same like "focus attacks" that it requires from you not more but hit a button which is in my eyes for a game not great. Thats my oppinion though. The Smargun was that way already in past games and I found it already there pretty useless.

The use of weapons in the hands of marines is already quite low. 90% of the Marine players use the puls rifle and nothing else. I sadly dont see much diversity in the weapons. And the Smartgun in my eyes just requires not much player skill or input. And for that it seems to be also nerfed in quite some areas (range as you mentioned) which is sad. I said earlier I dont mind it to be a very powerfull weapon. As long it requires player skill to use it. But weapons with tracking are which make this game sometimes so strange. Or does anyone love people which do nothing else but use the plasmacaster all the time ?

I am probably just to old fasioned as I played for quite long time games like UT99, Quacke Arena, CS, DoD or Tactical Ops in MP and here you really dont have any weapons with tracking. But each to his own I guess.

But sadly it seems not like AvP3 will hold very long considering how much players it has already loost and how few diversity it offers in its gameplay ~ as it seems really only Species Death Match is populated while anything else gets more or less ignored and with the 3 or 4 maps available this is really not that much I am counting somewhat around 60-70 Players for AvP3 right now and somewhat the same number for Red Orchestra which is a I think 3 years old WW2 shooter. I mean certain mods I play have almost more players then AvP3 which I find a bit shocking.  And if some of the servers which you would consider to play have a ping of 200+ this starts to become more frustrating then fun. I mean I never expected a playerbase in AvP3 as big like with CS or DoD in its best days but that a commercial game drops already after a few months so fast in player numbers is quite a issue.

I can of course only speak for my self and not for others. But even with the new patch I think there was not done enough to push the gameplay in new directions from the begining. With new types of gameplay for example or more diversity in general AvP3 has less weapons available then AvP2. There seems to be no modding support and I havnt found any map tools avilable so far ~ the community can really do a lot to the longevity of a game. As much as I would love to see more support, new features and more players for this game I somehow have my doubts things would improve greatly. To many games in the past in similar situaitons which had indeed potential proved otherwise.



Okay, I see what ya mean and I agree with most of it.
Regarding the smartgun though, if you consider it skill, the player using it has to strategize to make sure they stay alive.

For example, when using the gun you need to be aware of the fact that once the ammo is gone you only have a pistol to defend with. You have to know that you are much slower and that long-range weapons will kill you. This means finding a position on the map that has weapons nearby, provides cover from long-range attacks, requires little movement to obtain target, and has enough space so target does not get close before it gets killed.

If you consider any of that, "skill", then there it is. If not, then yeah, your right, the gun doesn't really take skill. But like the plasmacaster, you have to be wary of the downsides of the weapon at all times (red laser = give away position, charging makes you slow when moving, etc).



Stealth/Trophy Kills need to be addressed. As it is, they are simply too easy to pull off. The recent change in distance required to execute them is nice, but I think it's missing the root of the problem - Stealth/Trophy kills are instantaneous.

The way Stealth Kills work now, it goes against the very nature of "stealth". As it is now (and has been for far too long), circle strafing around someone and pressing "E" is enough to get you a free kill. How is that "stealthy"?

To me the obvious solution is to change it so that instead of pressing "E" for an instant kill, have the Stealth/Trophy Kill mechanic work the same as picking up a weapon - Hold "E" (or whatever button you have mapped). This allows a second or two window for the opponent to react, rather than spinning around wildly hoping the Alien/Predator player doesn't get the insta-kill prompt as it is now.

Anyone who's played the Halo: Reach Beta knows what I'm talking about, and that's how Stealth/Trophy Kills should be implemented.

-- Change Stealth/Trophy Kill mechanic to require holding down button for 2 seconds to activate.

- Lenbo



Quote from: S.Y.L on Jun 24, 2010, 02:00:22 PM
i think you`re the only one mate, there was enough balking about the fact marines can block light attacks, giving them kill moves would be a whole new shitstorm.
for once I can agree and not only that what could the marine possibly do to the Alien or pred both are physically stronger then the Humans and personally I don't see how it is possible for a marine to knock a alien or pred down with melee.



Quote from: Lenbo on Jul 01, 2010, 02:16:33 AM
The way Stealth Kills work now, it goes against the very nature of "stealth". As it is now (and has been for far too long), circle strafing around someone and pressing "E" is enough to get you a free kill. How is that "stealthy"?

That's not what it was meant to do, but people will find ways to spam anything. I once had this alien circling me trying to get a stealth kill, but we had the same horizontal sensitivity or something cuz he couldn't get to my back. So he just circled me while I tried to get him in my sights for a few minutes, which was lame, and then he bugged out and got shot in the face with a shotgun from a marine ally. Talk about karma.

Also, about the "stealth" portion of the stealth kills. Does anyone else realize that once an SK is performed it makes a lot of noise? Seriously, how stealthy is it if I can hear a teammate's throat being ripped out 20 feet away? When I first heard of the stealth kill I had this image in my head where I would be traveling as a marine in a squad of 4 and taking point. Then I get to our destination and turn around only to see my squad members decapitated and mutilated on the ground in a line. Then my head gets lopped off. That's how a STEALTH kill should be. Stealthy.......



I think the Smartgun is one of the few things in the game that doesn't need to be fixed.  Stealth kills are a headache, as well as the melee system.

It was also clear from the beginning that this game wasn't going to make any breakthroughs in the "multiplayer game modes" category, which is sad because the AvP games can have the best and most diverse multiplayer of any FPS.  Too bad :)



I wonder if they could change the halo color for marines (blue) and preds (green) for Alien vision....



Quote from: newbeing on Jul 01, 2010, 02:15:00 PM
I wonder if they could change the halo color for marines (blue) and preds (green) for Alien vision....

To what?... and why?



Quote from: Insomniac on Jul 01, 2010, 03:34:52 PM
Quote from: newbeing on Jul 01, 2010, 02:15:00 PM
I wonder if they could change the halo color for marines (blue) and preds (green) for Alien vision....

To what?... and why?

The colors I've mentioned in my post. In the previous games Predators and Marines had different colored halos. Preds were green and marines were blue. I think having different colors would help Aliens with assessing certain ambush situations. Granted you can make out the differences between preds and marines with their silhouettes or in how they move, but it can be sort of tough when your quickly moving around or when they're in groups. It would just add an additional element of strategy for the alien.

Also there are a few maps that are red in color which makes seeing enemies tougher since their red silhouettes blend in with the environment colors.



Agreed, your vision is already compromised by the light/glow in some maps and you can't see your enemies from a longer distance.



Quote from: Lenbo on Jul 01, 2010, 02:16:33 AM
Stealth/Trophy Kills need to be addressed. As it is, they are simply too easy to pull off. The recent change in distance required to execute them is nice, but I think it's missing the root of the problem - Stealth/Trophy kills are instantaneous.

The way Stealth Kills work now, it goes against the very nature of "stealth". As it is now (and has been for far too long), circle strafing around someone and pressing "E" is enough to get you a free kill. How is that "stealthy"?

To me the obvious solution is to change it so that instead of pressing "E" for an instant kill, have the Stealth/Trophy Kill mechanic work the same as picking up a weapon - Hold "E" (or whatever button you have mapped). This allows a second or two window for the opponent to react, rather than spinning around wildly hoping the Alien/Predator player doesn't get the insta-kill prompt as it is now.

Anyone who's played the Halo: Reach Beta knows what I'm talking about, and that's how Stealth/Trophy Kills should be implemented.

-- Change Stealth/Trophy Kill mechanic to require holding down button for 2 seconds to activate.

- Lenbo
This will make stealth kills useless. Ever heard of sensitivity changes? If people use the highest setting, then you "holding E" for a specified amount of time.. will NEVEr get to do a SK when you know you should've landed it because the target has max sensitivity and he turned around in half the time. I don't really get many aliens running behind me to push E in a 1on1 game.. it only happens in a 2vs1 scenario and in those cases.. it's my fault for not using the right weapon, reaction accordingly or so on. Holding E is a bad idea. Here's a solution.. why no TURN around when you see the alien trying to go behind you.. ? or are you one of those marines who just holds block and sits and waits?



This is from a 360 gamers perspective, but 9 out of 10 times I am stealth killed as a marine, here's how it goes:

I hear my tracker, and take a quick glance at it.  I turn towards the blip, see my enemy, but too late apparently.  I then die to the stealth-kill animation, after I turned to see them coming head-on??  Huh?

I think the fix is in distances and the timing of the X (or E) button.  It needs to be right behind someone, not 8 feet away, and immediately cancelled if they turn around in time. 



Two things that should be changed in stealth kill system:

1) If you get shot/attacked by someone who is certain distance away from you, you can not execute Stealth kill on that person for, say 5 seconds.

2) If someone performing stealth or trophy kill and they get shot/attacked, the process is interrupted and the victim gets released while been stunned for a second or less. You don't get a kill for interrupted trophy/stealth kill.

That should make stealth kills real stealth kills, which should be pretty rare. And that would stop  people who trophy/stealth kill just to get a kill even though they die in a process.

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