Black Super Predator?

Started by vortep, Sep 30, 2009, 07:05:09 PM

Black Super Predator? (Read 213,588 times)



lol so childish.

Don't you want some mystery, don't you want them to let things for the audience to interpret and make our imagination work? I think Hollywood tried too much to explain recently and almost killed their own creation. And yeah, external explanations wouldn't change anything to the movie.



Not exactly. It's not the first movie about Preds and humans. Mystery? Right. But every story has to have introduction, development and completion. Characters take up somewhere ... About  humans characters we know a lot- who they are, what they did before, how they act ... And we are human beings too, we have similar experiences.
And suddenly, after a few parts (P1, P2, AvP, AvP: R), there is something - from nowhere. No basis, no explanation. Nothing.
Lack of continuity, lack of logic.
Director may not also refer to any basis, then change it beyond recognition and do it without any explanation.
Maybe I'll try different way....
We have computer game "Concret jungle". We have introduction, so we can understand what's going on. We had played games before. So why we need introduction?
Because it makes sense. It takes basis for all game.
I can't explain it more clear. :-\

Childish? I don't think so...

BTW Even Star Wars have introduction. Explanation. Haven't?



To begin with, Predators and Star wars aren't the same kind of movies. One is a whole saga, a space opera with context and the other, predator, is a genre picture in which the focus remains the hunt. And even in Star wars, they kept the explanations fairly minimal, we didn't know a lot about Darth Vader and Luke's childhood, and that was exciting. When they tried to tell the mythos behind the story in the new trilogy, they uterlly failed, that was so disappointing. Introduction doesn't mean explanation, check your vocabulary. I think
the predator hanging on that pole and their discussion with Noland
are enough of an introduction to this new situation for you to imagine further, it gives you what you need to know about what's going on, these are small hints for us to guess. And I don't think the movie really changes the basis that much, except for introducing new individuals in the species and adding a possible conflict in it. A different but still a jungle, a man in a suit, etc...

Every time hollywood tried to explain the origins of a myth, they gave us the bad matrix sequels, a shitty T4, a disappointing SW trilogy. I don't really want that.

Bad Bloods, not bad bloods, is that really important seriously?



I checked my vocabulary, my dictionary, everything I have  ;)... And I still think, that "introduction" it's good word. Not the best, but good enough.
Because introduction introduces viewer into an action of movie. It makes everything clear. Viewer has basis - what happens and why.
RR makes a revolution in the Preds world . He changes all the values. He takes what he wants, he rejects what he does not like. Ordinary viewers (no fan) has no reason to draw any conclusions. Ordinary viewer does not know the canon. Ordinary viewer does not know about Bad Blood. RR is doing another, next  movie. The basis already is. It must not be underestimated, disdained. This means disrespect for us -the fans. Fans are waiting for this movie the most. And once again (see AvP: R) they are ignored as all the rules.

I do not insist on the introduction, as in Star Wars. But some kind of explanation for this mess must be. Anderson did it in his comments and interviews. Maybe RR could make the same?

BTW don't talk to me like to child, please. I'm not a child. I'm adult enough. Only my language skills are incapable and awkward. ;)

Mystic Ninja

Mystic Ninja


I can understand why you would want an explanation to the BSP behaviour and rivalry with the classic Predators. However, this is the BSP first appearance and it would be difficult to cram in all that information without comprimising the pace of the story.

Also, in the original Predator movie, no explanation was really given about why the Predator was doing what it was doing. All we got was the basics such as "hunting for trophies" and "appearing in hot weather". All the other stuff about clans, honour, ect came in later movies and books.

If RR started to go into heavy detail about why the BSP genetically enhances it self and why it fights other Predators it would ruin the pace of the film and would take away developing the human characters. Also, I believe that we are intentionally left in the dark so that we know how Royce and co are feeling - they have been kidnapped, dumped on an alien planet and being hunted down by geneticaly modified alien monsters! The only explanation that they get about the monsters is from Noland and his in the same boat as them so he could not know that much having have to hide 99% of the time. So where exactly in the story can RR give an explanation about the history of the BSP without it looking unrealistic and without it comprimising the story and pace?



You don't need to explain the BSP at all. If anything, you wanna avoid any such information to add to the mystique and danger of an unknown creature...
Actually, I think the little bit of background Noland give is too much... IMO it would be better if he just mentioned that there's various types/clans/races and they don't get on

Mystic Ninja

Mystic Ninja

I agree.

Keep them mysterious, twisted and evil sob!



Quote from: Mystic Ninja on Dec 24, 2009, 12:00:22 AM
I agree.

Keep them mysterious, twisted and evil sob!

Hell, as soon as you go explaining them you piss people off... Let people use their imagination...

Now, having said that... the fact the BSP is RR's attempt to stamp his name onto the franchise he may just explain them so no one can change his idea of what they are...



The explanations quite clear. RR has decided to make the bad guys stand out - End of. The script probably would not work with the "Bad Blood" idea with the oringinal designs unless you were using some lame colour coded armour or masks.

That's the reason he is making the BSP and the normal predator different. I seriously hate explanations.



Quote from: highlandpred on Dec 24, 2009, 01:57:16 AM
The explanations quite clear. RR has decided to make the bad guys stand out - End of. The script probably would not work with the "Bad Blood" idea with the oringinal designs unless you were using some lame colour coded armour or masks.

That's the reason he is making the BSP and the normal predator different. I seriously hate explanations.

I guess some people just don't like the idea of 'RAWR SCARY MONSTER'.... It really might not end up that bad... looks wise... And the script doesn't give much explanation... and with the removal of 1 line of dialogue could put the whole issue to rest...

What happens if the BSP ends up being awesome?

Reaper Pred

Reaper Pred

I guess if pred3 is a hit ;D ...maybe then a deeper insight on the bsp (pred4) wouldn't be a"BAD IDEA"(pun intended)



I hate it when characers just show up and explain everything, just puts me off. They did Nolan's scene rather well though. Of course, there are exceptions.



Guys. You misunderstand me. I don't expect some kind of storyteller, narrator behind the frame, talking about what is happening. No... NO!
I would like to RR and AN responded to this mess somehow. For example, as Anderson did. Not obsessive indoctrination. But after making of such revolutionary changes, some kind of explanation.
Not in movie, it could be only in interviews, but somehow.
I am especially interested in, why.
Why RR did what he did and why BSP does what he does. It's not too much, I guess..  ;)

Mystic Ninja

Mystic Ninja

Its early days. I'm sure once the release date is close we will see many interviews with RR, Antal and brody and they might give some explanation as to why the created the BSP. If not then may be on the DVD commentary.

Either way I hope they don't explain too much. I like to make my own interpretations and then debate with other people with different ideas!

From the script, I have got the following:

(1) BSP are a seperate clan of Predators who for some reason value the genetic material of their prey more then their skulls.

(2) the BSP want to be bigger and stronger warriors and they do this by gene splicing the genes of the strongest prey into their genome. They clearly have been doing this for a long time hence explaining their different and "mutated" appearance.

(3) the planet that movie is set is actually a giant lab/mouse maze - which the BSP use to cherry pick the strongest and toughest prey.

The prey are kidnapped and dumped on the planet and put through hell to test their resolve and strength - not only do they have to survive the BSP, they have the enviroment, the dogs and other hostile prey to contend with. Any prey that can survive all that and still manage to kill a BSP is bad ass in their eyes and they want his genetic material in their so that they can get his strengths!

(4) their behaviour mentioned in points 1-3 has pissed off the more traditional Predators - who are a bit more honourable and believe that nature should determine who is the strongest not science.

The rivalry has been going on for a very long time e.g. Ancient skeletons

I believe that Predators(2010) is just a small piece in a bigger story. I know the alternative ending is a bit pants and random but may be it hints at something more epic. Clearly there is a division in the Predator species.



@Mystic! Could you use "the spoilers" in your post, please??
We don't wanna troubles.... ;) ;)
spoilers... ;D

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