Alien 5 Will Be Delayed By Avatar Sequels and The Gone World

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jul 14, 2016, 05:57:07 AM

Alien 5 Will Be Delayed By Avatar Sequels and The Gone World (Read 41,405 times)


Quote from: Valaquen on Jul 14, 2016, 08:38:40 PM
Quote from: BishopShouldGo on Jul 14, 2016, 08:33:29 PM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Jul 14, 2016, 07:43:11 PM
Ridley's 78... he better be thinking about filming them back to back.  :P

Although I'm trying to comprehend why anyone would want this movie instead of Ridley's Alien trilogy.

You know, it's possible to want both...

Greedy aren't we. :P However if it's an either/or context, many would pick NB's Aliens 2 over Alien: Covenant. That's what I don't understand. From my point of view Ridley's Alien Universe seems to offer up so much more potential than the sequel many of us wanted, from 30 years ago.

Think about it, what went from a haunted house in space is now a story about the very existence of creation. I'm all on board with taking the alien straight into the twilight zone in an epic fashion. Us sci-fi/horror fans don't get this type of production very often. Especially when your turning the pages of one of Giger's books and thinking to yourself, holy shit, we may yet get to see this world on film. For all of Prometheus flaws, it's a damn good movie with so much unanswered content that just begs one to ponder about the universe. The populace can have their Avatar for all I care; but give me Alien.


Quote from: The Alien Predator on Jul 14, 2016, 08:18:44 PM
Quote from: FiorinaFury161 on Jul 14, 2016, 08:05:26 PM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Jul 14, 2016, 07:43:11 PM
...I'm trying to comprehend why anyone would want this movie instead of Ridley's Alien trilogy.
I as well.

Same here.

I'm not bothered by this news at all, maybe it's a good thing because they might finally change things for Alien 5 and add more original characters. Alien shouldn't be shackled to RIpley, Newt or Hicks. It's a huge universe with so much more potential than that.

So I am much more excited for Covenant and the new characters and storyline it will introduce. Prometheus already was a sort of renaissance for this franchise. It has added so much for me to enjoy and I cannot wait to see what Covenant will expand upon.
While I am very cautiously optimistic on Covenant, and I mean CAUTIOUSLY, I am more optimistic of Blomkamp's vision and here's why. Alien 3, for all its faults, I thoroughly enjoyed but always hated that they killed off Hicks and Newt. They were, in the comics, the continuation of the story. No Ripley.....not until the final act of that arc. Other stories following that were also successful and did not contain Ripley.

While I 100% agree with you, that the Alien franchise has near-limitless potential and doesn't need to be labored by the yoke of Ripley, I would respectfully disagree with you, as I did not find Prometheus to be what I was personally expecting and now Covenant will be Fox's parallel response to AVP with AVPR. Covenant will be so dark, so sinister, so graphic and in-your-face than Prometheus, we will forget we're watching an Alien movie and that is what I am fearful we will get.

For those that want that, fine. I respect that. But all I ask for in return is the same respect to those who will not be satisfied with this film.   

Alien3 Ends Ripley

Alien3 Ends Ripley

I hope it's delayed til it's dead.

The Alien Predator

Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Jul 14, 2016, 10:13:33 PM
Quote from: The Alien Predator on Jul 14, 2016, 08:18:44 PM
Quote from: FiorinaFury161 on Jul 14, 2016, 08:05:26 PM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Jul 14, 2016, 07:43:11 PM
...I'm trying to comprehend why anyone would want this movie instead of Ridley's Alien trilogy.
I as well.

Same here.

I'm not bothered by this news at all, maybe it's a good thing because they might finally change things for Alien 5 and add more original characters. Alien shouldn't be shackled to RIpley, Newt or Hicks. It's a huge universe with so much more potential than that.

So I am much more excited for Covenant and the new characters and storyline it will introduce. Prometheus already was a sort of renaissance for this franchise. It has added so much for me to enjoy and I cannot wait to see what Covenant will expand upon.
While I am very cautiously optimistic on Covenant, and I mean CAUTIOUSLY, I am more optimistic of Blomkamp's vision and here's why. Alien 3, for all its faults, I thoroughly enjoyed but always hated that they killed off Hicks and Newt. They were, in the comics, the continuation of the story. No Ripley.....not until the final act of that arc. Other stories following that were also successful and did not contain Ripley.

While I 100% agree with you, that the Alien franchise has near-limitless potential and doesn't need to be labored by the yoke of Ripley, I would respectfully disagree with you, as I did not find Prometheus to be what I was personally expecting and now Covenant will be Fox's parallel response to AVP with AVPR. Covenant will be so dark, so sinister, so graphic and in-your-face than Prometheus, we will forget we're watching an Alien movie and that is what I am fearful we will get.

For those that want that, fine. I respect that. But all I ask for in return is the same respect to those who will not be satisfied with this film.

Thanks for sharing your view on this, PRJ, you do have some valid concerns.

Even though I am not keen on Alien 5, as a fan I will still go see it. Ripley, Newt and Hicks won't make me not enjoy a film with our favourite monsters fighting our favourite space marines again (I wanted to see another Colonial Marine movie for a long time since I've seen Aliens). I just don't like the idea of them having to always use Ripley in everything. Alien is pseudo-realistic as opposed to a space opera such as Star Wars. I feel that there are so many fresh faces that can be facehugged, you know?  ;D Ripley encountering them too many times can be less coincidental and more "here we go again..."

In Alien it made sense due to a chance encounter, in Aliens it also made sense due to her going back to the same place, in Alien 3 it made sense due to an accident involving these critters, and in Resurrection it made sense due to them cloning the things. I wonder what would motivate Ripley in the new film?

Some people have raised interesting views on how to enjoy Alien 5 and still see Alien 3 and Resurrection as relevant.

Someone suggested an idea of seeing Alien 5 as a sort of "flash before her eyes" of what could've been while Ripley is falling into the furnace. It holds a similar parallel to the "it was all a dream" some fans have suggested for Alien 3 and Resurrection.


Yup honestly at this rate just let the idea go.  Write up a new story with new characters and lets do this. 


I'm trying to figure how they can include 3+4 while still carrying on from Aliens and I wonder if Blomkamp's story could fall somewhere along this path; Ripley is part of the grand experiment, a resourceful, instinctive, indefatigable fighter - the very best qualities of humankind. Rescued from the Sulaco, she's has been in stasis for years, but she's also been cloned and sent out to face different "exercises" against the Xenomorphs in a bid to understand their behaviour. Alien 3 and 4 are examples of these "exercises" - in some of these other universes, she's also failed - and perhaps we have a glimpse into these. The original Ripley is awakened, discovers the company's ultimate goal, to have the alien deployed as the ultimate weapon and now so trained in tackling Earth's most determined warrior, they are virtually unbeatable. Anyway, you get the gist - any other theories? 


Firstly, I'm quite looking forward to 'Avatar's sequels as that universe has a lot of potential.
Secondly, I hate 'Prometheus' for how awfully it's written and irrelevant it is in this universe.
Thirdly, I love 'Alien 3' and think so many people are so caught up on what they wanted that they ignore what they got. I am so glad Newt and Hicks were killed off in 'Alien 3' for numerous reasons (see multiple previous posts on other threads) and regardless, the whole idea of 'Alien 5' is basically fan service made official. Thoughts there aside, I may go and see 'Alien 5' depending on whether or not I like the trailer and how much it's linked to 'Prometheus'.
The same can't be said for 'Alien: Covenant' however which I have no plans to watch after the horror (not in the intended way) that was 'Prometheus'.
Regarding where it's been said that this universe has so much more to offer and shouldn't be restricted to Ripley's story, I disagree. a) What works in comics isn't the same as what works in films and b) the 'Alien' series is not about the universe. It is about Ripley. She's not just someone we follow to see the adventure. She's the best part of the story. The aliens are where the action/horror is but the story is her's. This attitude of people's misses the point of the series and is such a studio mindset. The 'Alien' films are so artistic and thematic and constantly symbolic of other things. It's not an "ooh look here's a cool alien"... "ooh look someone's dying in a really cool way"... "ooh look pretty CGI"... "did you miss the art. Here it is. In your face. Just in case you missed it. Oh and we'll put some fan service over here". Stop cheapening the franchise and while I appreciate the ideas behind 'Prometheus' it did not work at all (past the first half hour maybe); stop sucking every franchise dry and do something original.

Scorpio: "You know Arnold Schwarzenegger is older than her.  So is Harrison Ford, and he's still playing Han Solo/Indiana Jones."

- You're not really making your case there. Arnold's a bad actor generally though that said, I did like 'Escape Plan'. As for Harrison Ford... wow he sucked in the latest 'Indiana Jones' and 'Star Wars' cash grabs.


"We have to f**k around for 5 or so years because of stuff and things and reasons before filming." God, this shit is tiresome. I'm not even that into the idea of Alien 5, but I wish they'd just cut the nonsense and film the f**king movie already.


Quote from: CelticPred97 on Jul 15, 2016, 12:30:03 AM
Scorpio: "You know Arnold Schwarzenegger is older than her.  So is Harrison Ford, and he's still playing Han Solo/Indiana Jones."

C'mon then, I wanna see what happens in 'Star Wars' VIII.  Will we see the re-appearance of Han Solo?

No.  Do you want to know why?  Well, maybe it's got something to do with the face the character is dead.  And the notion of retconning dead characters back is just stupid.  DEAD.  Even in a fairy tale Universe like 'Star Wars' it's just stupid. As for that last 'Indiana Jones movie'... BWAHAHAHAAAA!!!!1!!     You want more of that?!  You're kidding, right.  You must be. 

...oh and the same can be said for 'Terminator: Genysis'.  Yeah.  You're kidding.  I get the gag now.  LOL.  :laugh:

Just let go of these tired old characters, already.  Sheesh.


The Alien Predator

Quote from: windebieste on Jul 15, 2016, 01:16:14 AM
Quote from: CelticPred97 on Jul 15, 2016, 12:30:03 AM
Scorpio: "You know Arnold Schwarzenegger is older than her.  So is Harrison Ford, and he's still playing Han Solo/Indiana Jones."

C'mon then, I wanna see what happens in 'Star Wars' VIII.  Will we see the re-appearance of Han Solo?

No.  Do you want to know why?  Well, maybe it's got something to do with the face the character is dead.  And the notion of retconning dead characters back is just stupid.  DEAD.  Even in a fairy tale Universe like 'Star Wars' it's just stupid. As for that last 'Indiana Jones movie'... BWAHAHAHAAAA!!!!1!!     You want more of that?!  You're kidding, right.  You must be. 

...oh and the same can be said for 'Terminator: Genysis'.  Yeah.  You're kidding.  I get the gag now.  LOL.  :laugh:

Just let go of these tired old characters, already.  Sheesh.


Look on the bright side, Winde, a lot can happen in the upcoming years. This thing might be scrapped and a more original story for Alien 5 might take its place!

They can still keep a similar atmosphere of Aliens and Alien, easily! I bet even if they scrapped Ripley, Newt and Hicks, almost 99,9999999% of the fandom, including many that wanted these characters, will still be f**king happy to get an Alien 5 without them but with the same themes.

But no, let's divide the fandom with some fan (dis)service. I wish Bomkamp stuck to his original idea... at least it had new characters.  :-\

I might still watch this film, borrow it from a friend or something and check it out.


I would love to see Blomkamp make an 'ALIEN' movie.  He's certainly got the talent, experience and technical expertise for one.  Hell, I'd love it if he made a direct sequel to 'ALIENS'!  It could even be a story about another group of USCM encountering xenos on a different planet.  People would love that! 

Everybody I know would love a new 'ALIENS' movie.  Not everyone I know wants a retcon.

A fresh take on the themes and situations developed in the 2nd movie that runs parallel to the events of 'ALIEN 3' without the need for  a retcon is possible - and preferable.   Hell, even I could come up with a story of that nature and credibly solve the problem of the egg aboard the Sulaco thus keeping everyone happy* and I'm not even a writer! LOL.

It can be done.

...but no.  Weaver is prematurely big-mouthing and pushing hard for this retcon nonsense.   You are correct, it is the worst kind of 'fan (dis)service'.  Well, it's all talk and nonsense at this stage, anyway.  It's guaranteed to change, that's for sure.


*Except for those few fans who still think it's 1988 and Ripley, Hicks and Newt aren't dead. 


THANK GOD. The idea of Alien 5 retconning the series always made me sick to my stomach. This is the best news I've heard all day.

Quote from: The Alien Predator on Jul 14, 2016, 08:18:44 PM
Quote from: FiorinaFury161 on Jul 14, 2016, 08:05:26 PM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Jul 14, 2016, 07:43:11 PM
...I'm trying to comprehend why anyone would want this movie instead of Ridley's Alien trilogy.
I as well.

Same here.

I'm not bothered by this news at all, maybe it's a good thing because they might finally change things for Alien 5 and add more original characters. Alien shouldn't be shackled to RIpley, Newt or Hicks. It's a huge universe with so much more potential than that.

So I am much more excited for Covenant and the new characters and storyline it will introduce. Prometheus already was a sort of renaissance for this franchise. It has added so much for me to enjoy and I cannot wait to see what Covenant will expand upon.

Dude, I couldn't agree more. 

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: windebieste on Jul 15, 2016, 01:16:14 AM
You want more of that?!  You're kidding, right.  You must be. 

The particular fella you quoted already he wasn't too fussed but if the trailer is good, he'll give it a go? He doesn't want the retcon. At the end of the day, that's what it's going to be down to. If it's good, then yay.

We might not even see Alien 3.2 at this rate. Weaver is pushing but the timing is not on their side. By the time they get around to it, the interest might have gone or Blomkamp might not be arsed. This will be twice he's been burned on existing licenses by the same company.


I have no particularly strong feelings about Blomkamp's Alien film.

That being said, f*ck the Avatar movies. I can't even stand the first one anymore.



My own opinion, right or wrong, is that if I found a fan-boy Aliens sequel on youtube with 100m+ production values, or whatever, with original cast members it would be like Christmas morning, no Prometheus pun intended, just like when I found that amazing fan-movie by Trevor :) I don't care what they do when I approach it like this. I say I'm all out of blue-ray commentaries and makings of, I want some new material! I respect, but don't understand some of the hate this movie's premise has attracted. I was sad the frost/newt fan-movie got red carded, so I hope this gets done. Good on you Blomkamp for trying to get this bird in the air.

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