Alien: Covenant Shooting March 2016 + Trilogy Details

Started by Corporal Hicks, Nov 27, 2015, 07:27:46 AM

Alien: Covenant Shooting March 2016 + Trilogy Details (Read 31,951 times)


I was amazed that in the 3 that followed  that no-one asked the question "why the Alien, who made it and why? - Perhaps everybody realized it was a naturally occurring life form.


More like an assumption made by the Directors of the sequels and fans themselves, I'd say.  There's nothing ever mentioned in any of the movies that suggests that the Alien was the result of natural evolutionary process.

No one ever asked Scott about it, I guess.  After all, this thing was his in the first place and it does not look natural:

That thing looks manufactured rather than the result of a natural process to me.

I'm happy to see Scott address how the Creature was 'made'.   I'm hoping he doesn't mess things up.  Fingers crossed and anxiously awaiting more information about these movies.

I'm happy to see the origin of the Alien explained if Scott is the one to do it.  I'd hate to entrust this difficult task to anyone else.  There's a whole series of missing links that he could explore that would dovetail into what he intends to do with these movies.   Why does its larval stage fit neatly upon a Human face with its long appendages wrapped around its victim's head?  Why is the embryo so compatible with a human host?  Why is the adult bipedal and possesses the basic morphology of a human being..?  From what we have seen in 'Prometheus' - and what Scott has hinted at - it certainly does look like the Alien was a manufactured bio-weapon purposefully constructed to eradicate Humans.  BUT WHY? 

There are more important questions that Scott is posing to us.   Why would someone make it such a personal affront to Humanity?  Was it really the Engineers who made this thing to exterminate us  ... and why Us?  Why make it so personal?  What have we done to deserve this thing cast upon us?  WHY..???

This is the intriguing path I am hoping that Scott hopes to take us down if this is his intention to explain the Alien's purpose and its relationship to us.  I'm thinking this is something Scott has spent quite some time thinking about and hopefully he will deliver answers that don't end in a massive face palm. 



Quote from: windebieste on Nov 29, 2015, 10:38:00 PM

I'm happy to see Scott address how the Creature was 'made'.   I'm hoping he doesn't mess things up.  Fingers crossed and anxiously awaiting more information about these movies.

I'm happy to see the origin of the Alien explained if Scott is the one to do it.  I'd hate to entrust this difficult task to anyone else.  There's a whole series of missing links that he could explore that would dovetail into what he intends to do with these movies.   Why does its larval stage fit neatly upon a Human face with its long appendages wrapped around its victim's head?  Why is the embryo so compatible with a human host?  Why is the adult bipedal and possesses the basic morphology of a human being..?  From what we have seen in 'Prometheus' - and what Scott has hinted at - it certainly does look like the Alien was a manufactured bio-weapon purposefully constructed to eradicate Humans.  BUT WHY? 

There are more important questions that Scott is posing to us.   Why would someone make it such a personal affront to Humanity?  Was it really the Engineers who made this thing to exterminate us  ... and why Us?  Why make it so personal?  What have we done to deserve this thing cast upon us?  WHY..???

This is the intriguing path I am hoping that Scott hopes to take us down if this is his intention to explain the Alien's purpose and its relationship to us.  I'm thinking this is something Scott has spent quite some time thinking about and hopefully he will deliver answers that don't end in a massive face palm. 


Initially the ALIEN was meant to be an creature indigenous to LV446.  That concept was tossed out when the pyramid idea was thrown away due to cost considerations.  I think it's safe to say that the Xeno origin story has been fluid for decades, and probably hasn't nailed down until recently.  Hell, I'm not even sure Ridley had any idea about the Xeno origin when he did Prometheus.

Keeping Prometheus in mind, I don't think the Xeno was made to destroy humans.  I'm coming at it from another direction.  I think they were created from humans which would explain their biological morphology.

What do we know.

1) Engineers created life on earth, and humans are a direct biological offspring.

Perhaps the real target of the Xeno is a group of Engineers.

2) Engineers visited earth over the millennia in order to give humans biological as well as technological upgrades.  WHY?

My theory here is that they wanted humans to achieve a specific level of development and a large enough population density.  The equivalent of waiting for the fruit to grow and ripen before harvest.

3) What was the purpose of the black goo? 

Humans were always scheduled for a dose of black goo at a specific point of development.  We were never meant to be left to our own devices and develop space travel.


That's a very fair appraisal of the situation and  I agree.   I'm sure no one has seriously addressed the Alien's origin until Scott and Co.  First tackled the notion when 'Prometheus' was first called 'ALIEN: Origins'.  Then, of course, a lot of things changed.  They always do.  Then they get recycled, like the reappearance of the pyramid concept from the early 'ALIEN' scripts turns up again in 'Prometheus'.

In this regard, I sometimes think 'Prometheus' resembles what 'ALIEN' could have been had such elements been included.   

Quote from: Mustangjeff on Nov 30, 2015, 12:54:05 AM
Humans were always scheduled for a dose of black goo at a specific point of development.  We were never meant to be left to our own devices and develop space travel.

I think this statement is the key to everything this series represents.  My own pet theory is that the Derelict didn't crash on Acheron.  It was deliberately placed there.  As a bait in the form of a warning, set to trap Humans once we became a space faring species.   The derelict may turn out to be the Galaxy's great mouse trap, set to eradicate out of control vermin.  Namely, Us.

Kind of like the inverse of the monolith found on the Moon during the events depicted in '2001 - A Space Odyssey'.  Except the purpose of the derelict is much more malign and it was intended to keep us away from that particular region of space - or suffer the consequences for ignoring the 'warning' message. 

I really like what Scott is doing here.  I found 'Prometheus' to be a very uneven movie, but it laid the foundation for an extremely intriguing premise that I am happy to watch unfold during the next few years.  I suspect this is going to be a very exciting time to be an 'ALIEN' fan. 




Quote from: windebieste on Nov 30, 2015, 02:42:13 AM
That's a very fair appraisal of the situation and  I agree.   I'm sure no one has seriously addressed the Alien's origin until Scott and Co.  First tackled the notion when 'Prometheus' was first called 'ALIEN: Origins'.  Then, of course, a lot of things changed.  They always do.  Then they get recycled, like the reappearance of the pyramid concept from the early 'ALIEN' scripts turns up again in 'Prometheus'.

In this regard, I sometimes think 'Prometheus' resembles what 'ALIEN' could have been had such elements been included.   

Quote from: Mustangjeff on Nov 30, 2015, 12:54:05 AM
Humans were always scheduled for a dose of black goo at a specific point of development.  We were never meant to be left to our own devices and develop space travel.

I think this statement is the key to everything this series represents.  My own pet theory is that the Derelict didn't crash on Acheron.  It was deliberately placed there.  As a bait in the form of a warning, set to trap Humans once we became a space faring species.   The derelict may turn out to be the Galaxy's great mouse trap, set to eradicate out of control vermin.  Namely, Us.

Kind of like the inverse of the monolith found on the Moon during the events depicted in '2001 - A Space Odyssey'.  Except the purpose of the derelict is much more malign and it was intended to keep us away from that particular region of space - or suffer the consequences for ignoring the 'warning' message. 

I really like what Scott is doing here.  I found 'Prometheus' to be a very uneven movie, but it laid the foundation for an extremely intriguing premise that I am happy to watch unfold during the next few years.  I suspect this is going to be a very exciting time to be an 'ALIEN' fan. 


I like the idea of these places we explore on these moons, essentially being like mouse traps or in the case of Prometheus, roach bait. We bring it back to the nest and infect everyone else with it.

I also like this idea of question if the Alien evolved or was made. I suppose, and I don't think Ive ever discussed this before, but in my mind, while watching Alien, I was thinking, here we are encountering a creature who's defenses have evolved to survive and/or destroy all the conventions of space travel. That's what I was thinking, anyway. IE; that the creature has been surviving off of other species it encounters via space vehicles of some sort. I suppose the idea that someone made it for that reason, also works, if not even better. Like, maybe some Alien species don't want other alien species to know about them, so they manufactured this pest for them to discover and find, and then be killed by before any civilization can venture further outward into space and interfere with their own cultural advancement.


Quote from: windebieste on Nov 29, 2015, 10:38:00 PMNo one ever asked Scott about it, I guess.

Technically they did, and according to him, it's an artificially engineered species. At least one of the various Alien documentaries quotes him as saying that.

Ironic also that there have been several scripts that intended to introduce that idea as fact into the series, but in each case it's never quite made it to the screen.


My only issue with the mouse trap scenario is that it seems like a round about way to get the job done. 

The Engineers clearly meant to deliver a mass quantity of goo to the earth 2000 years ago.  The reaction of the final Engineer is also telling.  He appears to have a WTF are they doing here reaction after being woke up, and not a "Welcome children, this black goo is your birthright and will solve all your problems.  Take it home with you"


Well, that's a good point.  They do seem to conflict each other.  On the other hand, we don't have all the facts, either.  3 more movies coming could deliver any explanation.  That is, if one is forthcoming.

We know that the black goo has transformative properties.  Maybe the goo was originally intended to be delivered and change humanity in  a more positive way.  Maybe we were to become like the Engineers themselves.   But the black goo was a bad batch.  Maybe the stuff has just 'gone off' during the Centuries it's been lying in neat little stacks inside the Juggernaut.  Maybe it's gone stale.  It's been 'left out of the refrigerator for too long' and it's former positive properties have altered and become come something less desirable.  lol.  Like  yogurt that's been sitting on the kitchen bench for a week...  Eating it is not going to do the good things it was originally intended for.  At this point, we just don't know. 

Maybe the Prometheus crew stumbled on the Galactic equivalent of the fully stocked Cosmic Ice Cream Truck that's been locked inside its depot for 20 years. 

There's just so many details we have no idea about at this stage.  There's a large chasm between 'Prometheus' and 'ALIEN' that might need a very carefully crafted trilogy to bridge properly.  Where's my popcorn?



This is going to end up with the Space Jockey from the original Alien actually turning out to have been David. Isn't it?


HAHA!  ...why not? 

Maybe it's Shaw.  After all, Scott has confirmed Rapace will reprise her role as a "minor part" in 'ALIEN: Covenant'. 

A role long enough, maybe, for her to get face hugged and then strap herself down in the Jockey's chair.  Now that would be a real treat, huh.  lol.



Quote from: irn on Nov 30, 2015, 09:32:13 PM
This is going to end up with the Space Jockey from the original Alien actually turning out to have been David. Isn't it?

Or Shaw......  Which has been a theory since before Prometheus was released.

The problem there is the timeline.  There isn't much time between Prometheus and Alien for David to get to paradise let events to play out.

1) turn the crew of the Covenant into eggs
2) fly back to lv426, and get infected
3) become fossilized



I wouldn't give much credence to the idea of the space jockey being fossilized.  Dallas looked at the thing for 1 minute and made a judgment call that wasn't his to make.  Even the characters in Prometheus at first thought the helmet of the space jockey was a complete head until they discovered there was a person inside.  If it is Shaw in the derelict and the thing is fossilized, then we are in time travel territory my friends.

It's like Burke saying Amanda Ripley McLaren was dead.  That whole idea could change with one keystroke.


You know I was thinking about the title covenant... none of you guys suppose Ridley's going down the Alien Cult Route do you? Read that as worship, fanboy or believers.


Quote from: whiterabbit on Nov 30, 2015, 11:34:53 PM
You know I was thinking about the title covenant... none of you guys suppose Ridley's going down the Alien Cult Route do you? Read that as worship, fanboy or believers.

A covenant implies an agreement or commitment, but I rarely hear the term outside of religious discussions.  Then again, I'm agnostic so I really don't get involved in too many religious conversations if I can at all help it.

Lots of options for a covenant.

1) Between Engineers and David
2) Between Engineers and humanity
3) Between Engineers and Xenomorps
4) Between Engineers and their creators

5) Between David and Shaw
6) Between David and the creators of the Engineers

and on and on...

Then you have repercussions to breaking a covenant which sounds much more ominous than breaking an agreement.

Born Of Cold Light

I'm sorry, but I just can't get with the idea of the Alien being nothing but a manufactured weapon.  If that's the case, we might as well name the series Construct.

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