John Davis: Shane Black's Predator Sequel will Reinvent Franchise

Started by ace3g, Aug 14, 2015, 02:05:12 AM

John Davis: Shane Black's Predator Sequel will Reinvent Franchise (Read 38,321 times)

The Alien Predator

Quote from: pred169 on Aug 15, 2015, 02:33:38 PM
Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Aug 15, 2015, 02:34:19 AM
Quote from: RakaiThwei on Aug 14, 2015, 11:26:03 PM
I am quite a bit apprehensive regarding this movie and where it's gonna go. Naturally I am holding my outlook on it in a neutral spectrum because I don't know anything but I don't wanna get my hopes up. We all know that Shane had an uncredited writing hand on the first movie and that makes me feel a bit hopeful but what keeps me on edge is the guy he chose to do the script.

I liked Fred Dekker and some of his works like Night of the Creeps and Monster Squad but you'd think I would be happy right? Well.. a red flag regarding Dekker is one that's got me worried is a movie Dekker never recovered from, and that's Robocop 3. For me, that movie is too hard to ignore because it killed his directorial career.

I hope my apprehension is proven wrong with this movie. I want something I can enjoy.
Don't we all? :)

Honestly, IMO, Predator 4 (which I would hope it is not titled officially) should start following the freaking comic story arcs. There are so many awesome stories to pick from which only actual fans know about. I feel like we got a good taste of Predator in the past from Dark Ages, which was phenomenal. I don't believe we must go down that path or similar to make a good movie.

What really concerns me is the idea that people seem to have this "been here, done that" attitude towards films. As if film makers must constantly change various elements to "freshen it up" when people seem to keep returning to the original films to enjoy over and over again! If people love the original so much, why do people insist that we need to do something different to the point where directors/producers deviate so far out that people end up disliking their work or flat out hating it?

As for Pred 4, further develop the Yautja as a species. Introduce new weaponry, new tactics, but keep the original ones and original tactics present too (cloak, mimicry, wrist blades). Show us the difference between a controlled hunt and all-out war. Have a massive battle with the Predators and US Military. Use the post-war recovery as the reason for ramping up space exploration/terraforming efforts (do something with the Yutani name finally) as an effort to preserve humanity by spreading the population out as well as the reason for creating the Colonial Marines...

The two franchises are forever intertwined so might as well make it interesting.   
I love the idea of controlled hunt vs all out war. Personally I would like to see some elements from the concrete jungle novel. Maybe a quick battle between NYPD and preds. Perhaps in the struggle a few preds are wounded and captured before they can activate their wrist nuke. The remaining preds leave unaware their comrades had been captured. When they learn of this travesty they return with more advanced and more powerful weaponry. Determined to gain their tech back before it is reverse engineered to humans advantage.
  At this point maybe we would see a different type of predator. Soldier based. Not something that looks different. What I mean by this is one that acts differently. He doesn't carry himself like any other pred we've seen. Not stealthy and silent but Something more aggressive and determined. Something that doesn't distinguish between armed and unarmed. It's sole purpose is destruction.  Not a black super predator but perhaps more armor and heavy weapons but never cloaks. A predator that is so pumped up on adrenaline that he's batshit crazy with blood lust. And he has full auto plasma casters and plasma based tactical mini nukes.
  Once the tech is recovered they decide they want to teach our race a lesson and unleash full scale war on the planet. Killing millions and pretty much decimating our military forces. Then they leave thinking all was done, completely unaware that we had managed to aquire several pieces of tech during the battle and hide it. The tech is the reverse engineered while the world is in a rebuild phase. THEN comes the world's first plasma phased pulse rifles and plasma based weapons. Other tech would include ftl travel and cloaking devices. The Colonial Maries are then created.

Sorry so long. I get to thinking about the possibilities then I get all excited....[emoji16]

For a moment, I almost disagreed, thinking that this would make the Predators just "another invading alien", but when you said "and then they leave", that actually makes sense.

It sounds like something Predators would do if they feel insulted enough. These are the galaxy's saltiest babies afterall, desecrate their rules enough and they will send the very sky crashing down on you and then leave.

No conquering, no enslaving, just leave you with your defeat and shattered pride.

Thinking about it like that, it could work, but for a movie, it would have to be executed carefully. But it'd bring something new as currently, Predators are stuck in a constant cycle of endless hunts which I don't mind, yet seeing something new doesn't seem bad.

We might see some more of their war tactics in the Rage War novels.



Quote from: Guan Thwei 1992 on Aug 15, 2015, 03:35:26 PM
Quote from: pred169 on Aug 15, 2015, 02:33:38 PM
Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Aug 15, 2015, 02:34:19 AM
Quote from: RakaiThwei on Aug 14, 2015, 11:26:03 PM
I am quite a bit apprehensive regarding this movie and where it's gonna go. Naturally I am holding my outlook on it in a neutral spectrum because I don't know anything but I don't wanna get my hopes up. We all know that Shane had an uncredited writing hand on the first movie and that makes me feel a bit hopeful but what keeps me on edge is the guy he chose to do the script.

I liked Fred Dekker and some of his works like Night of the Creeps and Monster Squad but you'd think I would be happy right? Well.. a red flag regarding Dekker is one that's got me worried is a movie Dekker never recovered from, and that's Robocop 3. For me, that movie is too hard to ignore because it killed his directorial career.

I hope my apprehension is proven wrong with this movie. I want something I can enjoy.
Don't we all? :)

Honestly, IMO, Predator 4 (which I would hope it is not titled officially) should start following the freaking comic story arcs. There are so many awesome stories to pick from which only actual fans know about. I feel like we got a good taste of Predator in the past from Dark Ages, which was phenomenal. I don't believe we must go down that path or similar to make a good movie.

What really concerns me is the idea that people seem to have this "been here, done that" attitude towards films. As if film makers must constantly change various elements to "freshen it up" when people seem to keep returning to the original films to enjoy over and over again! If people love the original so much, why do people insist that we need to do something different to the point where directors/producers deviate so far out that people end up disliking their work or flat out hating it?

As for Pred 4, further develop the Yautja as a species. Introduce new weaponry, new tactics, but keep the original ones and original tactics present too (cloak, mimicry, wrist blades). Show us the difference between a controlled hunt and all-out war. Have a massive battle with the Predators and US Military. Use the post-war recovery as the reason for ramping up space exploration/terraforming efforts (do something with the Yutani name finally) as an effort to preserve humanity by spreading the population out as well as the reason for creating the Colonial Marines...

The two franchises are forever intertwined so might as well make it interesting.   
I love the idea of controlled hunt vs all out war. Personally I would like to see some elements from the concrete jungle novel. Maybe a quick battle between NYPD and preds. Perhaps in the struggle a few preds are wounded and captured before they can activate their wrist nuke. The remaining preds leave unaware their comrades had been captured. When they learn of this travesty they return with more advanced and more powerful weaponry. Determined to gain their tech back before it is reverse engineered to humans advantage.
  At this point maybe we would see a different type of predator. Soldier based. Not something that looks different. What I mean by this is one that acts differently. He doesn't carry himself like any other pred we've seen. Not stealthy and silent but Something more aggressive and determined. Something that doesn't distinguish between armed and unarmed. It's sole purpose is destruction.  Not a black super predator but perhaps more armor and heavy weapons but never cloaks. A predator that is so pumped up on adrenaline that he's batshit crazy with blood lust. And he has full auto plasma casters and plasma based tactical mini nukes.
  Once the tech is recovered they decide they want to teach our race a lesson and unleash full scale war on the planet. Killing millions and pretty much decimating our military forces. Then they leave thinking all was done, completely unaware that we had managed to aquire several pieces of tech during the battle and hide it. The tech is the reverse engineered while the world is in a rebuild phase. THEN comes the world's first plasma phased pulse rifles and plasma based weapons. Other tech would include ftl travel and cloaking devices. The Colonial Maries are then created.

Sorry so long. I get to thinking about the possibilities then I get all excited....[emoji16]

For a moment, I almost disagreed, thinking that this would make the Predators just "another invading alien", but when you said "and then they leave", that actually makes sense.

It sounds like something Predators would do if they feel insulted enough. These are the galaxy's saltiest babies afterall, desecrate their rules enough and they will send the very sky crashing down on you and then leave.

No conquering, no enslaving, just leave you with your defeat and shattered pride.

Thinking about it like that, it could work, but for a movie, it would have to be executed carefully. But it'd bring something new as currently, Predators are stuck in a constant cycle of endless hunts which I don't mind, yet seeing something new doesn't seem bad.

We might see some more of their war tactics in the Rage War novels.
I agree. It would definitely have to be done very carefully.  I also feel it would be best displayed if broken into at least 2 parts. If not a trilogy, definitely a duet. I feel like if it were done in one film there would be so much crammed in that when it was over, the audience couldn't really enjoy it and would feel a bit overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time. Personally I would do it in three parts.
   The first part as the original fight and flee. I would end it on a high note with the preds in orbit realizing some of their comrades were captured and turning mid orbit while arming themselves heavily. Or someone catching a fleet of ships on a radar screen inbound at a high rate of speed opening fire at our satellite and radar arrays. Or maybe with a close up of a ship landing and a group of heavily armored soldier preds coming out on foot and with some type of heavy assault vehicles.
   The second would be the all out war and decimation of mankind and our military forces. It would end with the ships leaving and a global alliance group of scientists displayed working in an underground bunker. Everyone focusing on what they're doing and then you see a predator wrist bracer or plasma caster. Then the camera pans away. As it pans you pass by several computer monitors just slow enough to glimpse blueprints of several prototype weapons and a schematic for an ftl drive engine. The camera keeps going until it enters another room filled with several people standing looking at a prototype exosuit as it fires the first plasma based human weapon. Camera pans to a 4 star general with a scarred face who smirks. Role credits.
   The third film would start with narration from the general explaining what has happened. With flashbacks from the other 2 films. Then the camera would jump screen to a military testing facility still being built. Credits would come up and identity the name of the facility and x amount of years later. Cut scene to system launch checklist. As an engine fires up the camera zooms out. You see a few craft flying that look like early iterations on the dropship. You see powerloader versions of the exosuit moving crates. And then the camera speeds up the zoom out and you finally see it.... the first Conestoga class ship. From that point the film should focus on marines and prepping a crew for travel to another planet they believe is the predator home world (Which it turns out not to be). The ship and crew heads out and gets to the planet and confronts a clan. Only to find its just a game preserve. Another clan sees the attack and fires on the vessel disabling the ftl drive. Stranded on this distant planet they radio back requesting help knowing their fate is sealed. Cut scene to empty space with the transmission being played in the background. Then a spacestation being built comes into view. Dozens of dropships and smaller craft fly around working and welding. Then you see several other Conestoga class ships docked and others  undocking. The camera cut scenes to a control room as an officer tells another man in a lab coat "you have a transmission from corporate." You then see him hang his coat in a hall and enter a small computer room. Then the man walks in and sits down initiating a computer. The screen lights up with the message "science officer eyes only". The man is obscured and out of focus. Then as the camera focuses he speaks as you see him for the first time. (Ash) "what's the story mother." Screen goes blank.
Credits start with opening score from alien.

Now I know alot of people don't want another cross between the series. I'm not saying the series has to cross necessarily. But I would like to use these events as a precursor for HOW wey-yu came to be in possession of such advanced  technology. Nothing more. I just felt ash would make a nice Easter egg in the film. All while paying homage to another great series.

  Again this is only how I personally would do it.


I loved Predators 2010 just an amazing movie. So suspenseful keeping the monsters in the shadows while still showing them a lot of the time. Mama zing acting by all the cast members that lets you study them. I think Nimrod and Robert even said the cast and acting is so good that you can make  a movie around each characters alone. This film is just so awsome. You have a badass R-rating. Just incredible I can praise this movie all day. I love how the title has a double meaning Predators vs Predators to the point you forget there is creatures in the movie that the human Predators then have to go up against the alien Predators. Rating for Predators would be a 20/10. Off the charts. I would of loved to see that Noland Prequel we almost got green lot back in 2010. In fact it was green light by the studio at one point Robert pointed out but something happend that it never got started. But I still look very forward to the new story in Predator 4!!!! :D One of my favorite badass shots from Predators is when the team is at Noland hideout and Royce puts a red flare to escape and they knock the door down the Preds have been banging on by toying with them and there all getting out slowly and equipped and posed in a badass defense mode in the red lighting mist getting ready to fight the Predators! It's so cool because these Human Predators show there fear against these stronger Predators but they know they must work together to survive. This is a tension filled battle that started in the beginning of the film! I love this movie so much!

System Apollo

Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Aug 15, 2015, 02:34:19 AM

Don't we all? :)

Honestly, IMO, Predator 4 (which I would hope it is not titled officially) should start following the freaking comic story arcs. There are so many awesome stories to pick from which only actual fans know about. I feel like we got a good taste of Predator in the past from Dark Ages, which was phenomenal. I don't believe we must go down that path or similar to make a good movie.

What really concerns me is the idea that people seem to have this "been here, done that" attitude towards films. As if film makers must constantly change various elements to "freshen it up" when people seem to keep returning to the original films to enjoy over and over again! If people love the original so much, why do people insist that we need to do something different to the point where directors/producers deviate so far out that people end up disliking their work or flat out hating it?

As for Pred 4, further develop the Yautja as a species. Introduce new weaponry, new tactics, but keep the original ones and original tactics present too (cloak, mimicry, wrist blades). Show us the difference between a controlled hunt and all-out war. Have a massive battle with the Predators and US Military.
I was reading until this point... I hope this never ever happens.


Quote from: System Apollo on Aug 16, 2015, 07:18:48 AM
Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Aug 15, 2015, 02:34:19 AM

Don't we all? :)

Honestly, IMO, Predator 4 (which I would hope it is not titled officially) should start following the freaking comic story arcs. There are so many awesome stories to pick from which only actual fans know about. I feel like we got a good taste of Predator in the past from Dark Ages, which was phenomenal. I don't believe we must go down that path or similar to make a good movie.

What really concerns me is the idea that people seem to have this "been here, done that" attitude towards films. As if film makers must constantly change various elements to "freshen it up" when people seem to keep returning to the original films to enjoy over and over again! If people love the original so much, why do people insist that we need to do something different to the point where directors/producers deviate so far out that people end up disliking their work or flat out hating it?

As for Pred 4, further develop the Yautja as a species. Introduce new weaponry, new tactics, but keep the original ones and original tactics present too (cloak, mimicry, wrist blades). Show us the difference between a controlled hunt and all-out war. Have a massive battle with the Predators and US Military.
I was reading until this point... I hope this never ever happens.
What stopped you from reading at this post?

System Apollo

Why does it have to be the U.S Military? And further reading the original poster's post:

Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Aug 15, 2015, 02:34:19 AM
Use the post-war recovery as the reason for ramping up space exploration/terraforming efforts (do something with the Yutani name finally) as an effort to preserve humanity by spreading the population out as well as the reason for creating the Colonial Marines...     
We already had the alien skull in Predator 2. Does the franchise have to take it a step further and meddle with James Cameron's work too?

QuoteThe two franchises are forever intertwined so might as well make it interesting.
But they shouldn't be. Predator has been leaning on the Alien franchise like a crutch on often occasions; it really disdains the franchise. Almost as if it can't be rich of it's own back-story.


Quote from: System Apollo on Aug 16, 2015, 02:01:53 PM
Why does it have to be the U.S Military? And further reading the original poster's post:

Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Aug 15, 2015, 02:34:19 AM
Use the post-war recovery as the reason for ramping up space exploration/terraforming efforts (do something with the Yutani name finally) as an effort to preserve humanity by spreading the population out as well as the reason for creating the Colonial Marines...     
We already had the alien skull in Predator 2. Does the franchise have to take it a step further and meddle with James Cameron's work too?

QuoteThe two franchises are forever intertwined so might as well make it interesting.
But they shouldn't be. Predator has been leaning on the Alien franchise like a crutch on often occasions; it really disdains the franchise. Almost as if it can't be rich of it's own back-story.

First I don't see where adding in the Yutani corporation or the colonial marines impedes or meddles with Cameron's work. Do you also complain about it when various authors combine these elements in comics or novels? It's not meddling. Truth be told if it were my work and someone wanted to use it and tie it into another franchise such as the predator series I would be flattered. Noone said they would alter his work and drag it through the dirt. The person who posted it was simply saying AFTER a war with humans and predators use the events to EXPLAIN the ramp up for space exploration and space travel as well as terraforming. The idea of spreading people out across the galaxy to preserve our race is a very realistic thought. And if the catalyst for exploration was an invasion and war with another race then yeah....your gonna want to create an army capable of supporting all colonies and traveling to said colonies. The Yutani name was used and the colonial Maries title was used. Doesn't mean it has to be the colonial marines as you know them from Cameron's work. Possibly a precursor to that entity.
   Second the series has had 2 intertwinings thus far. I would in no way say the predator franchise has been using the alien franchise as a crutch. There was a 5 second shot of an alien skull in predator 2.... big deal. There was no reference to aliens or wey-yu or anything else in any other standalone predator film. So saying the franchise isn't rich in back story is a bit ridiculous.  The AVP series intertwined two franchises and pretty well failed. I'll agree to that. But it wasn't the idea that failed it was poor directing and lack of storyline. It was more like mortal kombat. Two opponents get thrown into a ring "fight". The film goes on like this for another hour then the boss battle happens... finish him.... Role credits.
   That being said I feel if it were done carefully and given proper direction it could work. The series has been intertwined in novels and comics and has done well so it "can" be done.

System Apollo

Meddling with Cameron's work was me dramatizing my point.
Using the comics as a reflection on what could possibly be done on screen is not a good idea. I should know; I read all of them. And I could safely say, most of them will not pull through as a movie adaptation. Intertwining a concept from the Alien universe into the Predator universe is a bad idea and is surely going to upset a lot of fans from both franchises.

Granted in terms of film, it is only the alien skull in Predator 2 that intertwines them. But from AvP2004 onward the Predator franchise only saw one standalone game which was Predator Concrete Jungle and it had a stage with aliens in it. :laugh:
Alien is just breaking through with it's independence and I think it is time that Predator does so as well.

So I am not in agreement with the opinion that:
That predators fight a war with the U.S military; the military loses or wins and the world becomes the Alien universe.

I'm sorry if it offends you but I just hate it...  :(


Quote from: System Apollo on Aug 16, 2015, 03:19:02 PM
Meddling with Cameron's work was me dramatizing my point.
Using the comics as a reflection on what could possibly be done on screen is not a good idea. I should know; I read all of them. And I could safely say, most of them will not pull through as a movie adaptation. Intertwining a concept from the Alien universe into the Predator universe is a bad idea and is surely going to upset a lot of fans from both franchises.

Granted in terms of film, it is only the alien skull in Predator 2 that intertwines them. But from AvP2004 onward the Predator franchise only saw one standalone game which was Predator Concrete Jungle and it had a stage with aliens in it. [emoji23]
Alien is just breaking through with it's independence and I think it is time that Predator does so as well.

So I am not in agreement with the opinion that:
That predators fight a war with the U.S military; the military loses or wins and the world becomes the Alien universe.

I'm sorry if it offends you but I just hate it...  :(
No offense taken at all. I just enjoy a good debate and seeing other points of view. I was simply stating that the original poster's idea wasn't too far fetched and didn't necessarily meddle with Cameron's work. I agree the comic adaptation may not work. I was more referring to the comics about the war aspect in general. But I do feel like the events from the concrete jungle novel could work as a good staging point for a full scale invasion. And as far as intertwining wey-yu.... I think an Easter egg such as a weyland yutani merger would be great. Referring to the concrete jungle game I actually liked the post credit scene involving said merger and the original mother prototype. Not sure if I would go so far into the franchise to explain mother but the merger would be a nice touch. Maybe have yutani corporation creating the FTL drives and the vessels and weyland industries providing the armament and cryogenics chambers. Just a couple of ideas.

System Apollo

Quote from: pred169 on Aug 16, 2015, 03:32:37 PM
Quote from: System Apollo on Aug 16, 2015, 03:19:02 PM
Meddling with Cameron's work was me dramatizing my point.
Using the comics as a reflection on what could possibly be done on screen is not a good idea. I should know; I read all of them. And I could safely say, most of them will not pull through as a movie adaptation. Intertwining a concept from the Alien universe into the Predator universe is a bad idea and is surely going to upset a lot of fans from both franchises.

Granted in terms of film, it is only the alien skull in Predator 2 that intertwines them. But from AvP2004 onward the Predator franchise only saw one standalone game which was Predator Concrete Jungle and it had a stage with aliens in it. [emoji23]
Alien is just breaking through with it's independence and I think it is time that Predator does so as well.

So I am not in agreement with the opinion that:
That predators fight a war with the U.S military; the military loses or wins and the world becomes the Alien universe.

I'm sorry if it offends you but I just hate it...  :(
No offense taken at all. I just enjoy a good debate and seeing other points of view. I was simply stating that the original poster's idea wasn't too far fetched and didn't necessarily meddle with Cameron's work. I agree the comic adaptation may not work. I was more referring to the comics about the war aspect in general. But I do feel like the events from the concrete jungle novel could work as a good staging point for a full scale invasion. And as far as intertwining wey-yu.... I think an Easter egg such as a weyland yutani merger would be great. Referring to the concrete jungle game I actually liked the post credit scene involving said merger and the original mother prototype. Not sure if I would go so far into the franchise to explain mother but the merger would be a nice touch. Maybe have yutani corporation creating the FTL drives and the vessels and weyland industries providing the armament and cryogenics chambers. Just a couple of ideas.
I accept the idea. :)
If I were to perhaps throw in an idea.
What if we dedicate a segment to the rituals performed by the predators? Two warring clans pick a hunter to represent each other and have them fight to the death for the right of a special hunt. The setting would take place in Africa seeing as there is a type of relevance to the cultures found in certain countries in the contenent which would be further elaborated within the film. The losing clan is sour about the loss and sends one of their own to kill the hunter. The hunter finds out and tries to alert it's clan while trying to kill it's assailant. The protagonist attempts to track down and kill the both of them. Eventually the hunter's clan is informed and it begins to send out a request to any arbitrary clan within the area and the climax is a space battle between the rogue clan and the hunter's clan including arbitrators.


Quote from: System Apollo on Aug 16, 2015, 05:21:13 PM
Quote from: pred169 on Aug 16, 2015, 03:32:37 PM
Quote from: System Apollo on Aug 16, 2015, 03:19:02 PM
Meddling with Cameron's work was me dramatizing my point.
Using the comics as a reflection on what could possibly be done on screen is not a good idea. I should know; I read all of them. And I could safely say, most of them will not pull through as a movie adaptation. Intertwining a concept from the Alien universe into the Predator universe is a bad idea and is surely going to upset a lot of fans from both franchises.

Granted in terms of film, it is only the alien skull in Predator 2 that intertwines them. But from AvP2004 onward the Predator franchise only saw one standalone game which was Predator Concrete Jungle and it had a stage with aliens in it. [emoji23]
Alien is just breaking through with it's independence and I think it is time that Predator does so as well.

So I am not in agreement with the opinion that:
That predators fight a war with the U.S military; the military loses or wins and the world becomes the Alien universe.

I'm sorry if it offends you but I just hate it...  :(
No offense taken at all. I just enjoy a good debate and seeing other points of view. I was simply stating that the original poster's idea wasn't too far fetched and didn't necessarily meddle with Cameron's work. I agree the comic adaptation may not work. I was more referring to the comics about the war aspect in general. But I do feel like the events from the concrete jungle novel could work as a good staging point for a full scale invasion. And as far as intertwining wey-yu.... I think an Easter egg such as a weyland yutani merger would be great. Referring to the concrete jungle game I actually liked the post credit scene involving said merger and the original mother prototype. Not sure if I would go so far into the franchise to explain mother but the merger would be a nice touch. Maybe have yutani corporation creating the FTL drives and the vessels and weyland industries providing the armament and cryogenics chambers. Just a couple of ideas.
I accept the idea. :)
If I were to perhaps throw in an idea.
What if we dedicate a segment to the rituals performed by the predators? Two warring clans pick a hunter to represent each other and have them fight to the death for the right of a special hunt. The setting would take place in Africa seeing as there is a type of relevance to the cultures found in certain countries in the contenent which would be further elaborated within the film. The losing clan is sour about the loss and sends one of their own to kill the hunter. The hunter finds out and tries to alert it's clan while trying to kill it's assailant. The protagonist attempts to track down and kill the both of them. Eventually the hunter's clan is informed and it begins to send out a request to any arbitrary clan within the area and the climax is a space battle between the rogue clan and the hunter's clan including arbitrators.
I like the idea. Alot actually however I don't think it would work on film as there is little If any human presence in the film. If you were to throw in some type of military presence in the middle of the conflict..absolutely.  I could see that being a realistic possibility for a film. I just feel like without some type of human presence no major studio will approve it. It was an act of Congress for brotherhood of the wolf to be aired in American theaters because the entire movie was done in french.  That being said no major studio will do a film where you have to read subtitles or captions throughout the whole movie to know what's going on. But I do like the idea of two warring clans. Maybe instead of fighting for a particular hunt they are fighting to be the next high council. An elder clan is more or less retiring so to speak and the successor of the war wins the seat and becomes the new council of elders. Something to that effect.

System Apollo

System Apollo

Quote from: pred169 on Aug 16, 2015, 07:16:30 PM
Quote from: System Apollo on Aug 16, 2015, 05:21:13 PM
Quote from: pred169 on Aug 16, 2015, 03:32:37 PM
Quote from: System Apollo on Aug 16, 2015, 03:19:02 PM
Meddling with Cameron's work was me dramatizing my point.
Using the comics as a reflection on what could possibly be done on screen is not a good idea. I should know; I read all of them. And I could safely say, most of them will not pull through as a movie adaptation. Intertwining a concept from the Alien universe into the Predator universe is a bad idea and is surely going to upset a lot of fans from both franchises.

Granted in terms of film, it is only the alien skull in Predator 2 that intertwines them. But from AvP2004 onward the Predator franchise only saw one standalone game which was Predator Concrete Jungle and it had a stage with aliens in it. [emoji23]
Alien is just breaking through with it's independence and I think it is time that Predator does so as well.

So I am not in agreement with the opinion that:
That predators fight a war with the U.S military; the military loses or wins and the world becomes the Alien universe.

I'm sorry if it offends you but I just hate it...  :(
No offense taken at all. I just enjoy a good debate and seeing other points of view. I was simply stating that the original poster's idea wasn't too far fetched and didn't necessarily meddle with Cameron's work. I agree the comic adaptation may not work. I was more referring to the comics about the war aspect in general. But I do feel like the events from the concrete jungle novel could work as a good staging point for a full scale invasion. And as far as intertwining wey-yu.... I think an Easter egg such as a weyland yutani merger would be great. Referring to the concrete jungle game I actually liked the post credit scene involving said merger and the original mother prototype. Not sure if I would go so far into the franchise to explain mother but the merger would be a nice touch. Maybe have yutani corporation creating the FTL drives and the vessels and weyland industries providing the armament and cryogenics chambers. Just a couple of ideas.
I accept the idea. :)
If I were to perhaps throw in an idea.
What if we dedicate a segment to the rituals performed by the predators? Two warring clans pick a hunter to represent each other and have them fight to the death for the right of a special hunt. The setting would take place in Africa seeing as there is a type of relevance to the cultures found in certain countries in the contenent which would be further elaborated within the film. The losing clan is sour about the loss and sends one of their own to kill the hunter. The hunter finds out and tries to alert it's clan while trying to kill it's assailant. The protagonist attempts to track down and kill the both of them. Eventually the hunter's clan is informed and it begins to send out a request to any arbitrary clan within the area and the climax is a space battle between the rogue clan and the hunter's clan including arbitrators.
I like the idea. Alot actually however I don't think it would work on film as there is little If any human presence in the film. If you were to throw in some type of military presence in the middle of the conflict..absolutely.  I could see that being a realistic possibility for a film. I just feel like without some type of human presence no major studio will approve it. It was an act of Congress for brotherhood of the wolf to be aired in American theaters because the entire movie was done in french.  That being said no major studio will do a film where you have to read subtitles or captions throughout the whole movie to know what's going on. But I do like the idea of two warring clans. Maybe instead of fighting for a particular hunt they are fighting to be the next high council. An elder clan is more or less retiring so to speak and the successor of the war wins the seat and becomes the new council of elders. Something to that effect.
lol, well of course the human characters would have the most screen time and dynamic. I'm saying as a conflict that would be innovative yet not over the top. Having predators fight a war with humanity will be the final nail in the franchise's coffin.

Wow, sorry, I sound like a real asshole. I'm not saying this because I have a general dislike to the idea due to personal preference. Read Predator (2009), this is the closest to predators fighting a war with the U.S military in the EU. The concept begins to get really messy once the conflict rises. This isn't the only time we see this. In Predator Concrete Jungle (comic) an invasion is carried out on New York. Once again, it becomes messy. It's just the idea, it contradicts the image of what is established already for Predator.


Well it seems that An Predator movie with the Predator view is finnaly arriving , its definitly an movie focus only in Predator , will be R rated and will bring only death and Yatuja History with small humans scenes and Predator lives in the end

Original Predator

The only way to do this thing is to bring Arnold back and have an "ultimate" type Pred, the best Pred they got hunt Arnold as a vegance mission.

Something along those lines.  Arnie's holed up, moved on with life, paranoid still, he starts finding "evidence" or "clues" that Pred may be after him, that a pred is stalking many cool things...

There is nothing I want to see "new" with the Predator series.  Nothing "re-invented".  You got 2 guys (Glover) that fought and survived a f-cking Predator and I'm sposed to just believe that the Pred's don't care...(not including Brody, anything after Pred 2 is worthless to the franchise and the story)



so excited, NOT.

Yeah sure...


Quote from: Original Predator on Aug 17, 2015, 03:17:20 PM
The only way to do this thing is to bring Arnold back and have an "ultimate" type Pred, the best Pred they got hunt Arnold as a vegance mission.

Something along those lines.  Arnie's holed up, moved on with life, paranoid still, he starts finding "evidence" or "clues" that Pred may be after him, that a pred is stalking many cool things...

There is nothing I want to see "new" with the Predator series.  Nothing "re-invented".  You got 2 guys (Glover) that fought and survived a f-cking Predator and I'm sposed to just believe that the Pred's don't care...(not including Brody, anything after Pred 2 is worthless to the franchise and the story)



so excited, NOT.

Yeah sure...

Don't you think the Predators would respect Dutch after surviving on his own and winning fair and square?
It doesn't seem in their character to go around looking for revenge, it's not personal. It was a game to them and that Predator lost.
I'd say the Predator would leave Dutch alive if he came across him in a crowd of people, even if he kills everyone else. Dutch earned his life in the eyes of Predators.

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