In The News

Started by DoomRulz, Nov 30, 2012, 03:53:46 AM

In The News (Read 1,426,443 times)



Those mandatory sentences are so damn unfair especially when the crime is minor. Plus it cost so damn much to store people. Also the privatization of prisons is a disaster. All it did was breed harden criminals. Criminals are people but after a tour in one of those facilities they come out monsters. Yea great work morons. Well that is the difference, public facilities are called correctional facilities while private facilities are prisons. Correctional facilities try to fix the people there; prisons just stack them 5 high until they are released back into society as freed caged animals.

Let me be clear I have no problem terminating the actual filth but for goodness sake most people that go to prison are either stupid or greedy... you can fix stupid. For the greedy people we should make them bust ass in community service until the real dollar amount is paid back. Make them wall streeters comb the desert. If they don't want to do it garnish their bank accounts until they do. If they're too old make them a street greater. You wanna see them think twice. Prison, hah, no one smart actually cares about that until they are actually sent there for life.

Mental illness needs to be f**king solved before people get sent to the mental institution. It has to be way cheaper in the long run. It's ridiculous how much it cost to store them.



QuoteI have European friends and my stepbrother lives in Sweden, and what they're saying is that hidden racism in Europe is rampant, which clashes hard with any attempt of trying to make it easier for immigrants to fit in and become a part of society. They also say that immigration policies have the right intention so to speak but have been executed and enforced in a very, very clumsy way. Very flawed and full of loopholes, which makes it easy for xenophobes and right-wing populists, like the ones in Italy and Hungary, to swoop in and gain traction, which is so destructive and disgusting.

Yes that's true but at the same time it also effects the regular public's opinion of the situation and their government. We all know the EU runs the show which many hate, but its all the abused loopholes, easy access, easy rules, asylum rules etc...which change peoples minds. People who aren't right-wing at all but just get fed up with the constant influx which (in the UK) is having a huge impact on everything. I read a good fact not so long ago, it went something like this (not exactly like this, it was another State). The UK fits into the State of Texas with room to spare (common knowledge). The population of Texas is just under 27 million, the population of the UK is over 64 million, with some sources saying its actually closer to 90 million. Let that sink in eh ;)

All the immigrants know that they only have to touch down on European soil and they are set, if they claim asylum then they literately cannot go wrong, they all know it, and many abuse it (because many don't come from war torn countries and the EU rules state, you claim asylum in the nearest safest country to your own. You don't make a bee-line for the best countries halfway across the continent lol!)

The immigrants are a bloody cheeky lot, they are taken in by one country, say Italy, Bulgaria or Spain etc...but that's not good enough for them, they have to try and illegally get into the UK or Germany, France etc...It show goes to show many of them aren't really that bad off otherwise they'd be quite happy in any half decent European country, anywhere's better than a war zone right?

Its also a massive danger because IS are supposedly utilising this influx into Europe, its basically an unchecked highway to anywhere you want!



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 15, 2015, 04:53:54 PM


Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 15, 2015, 04:53:54 PM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Jul 15, 2015, 12:05:18 AM
Feminists don't scare me. I just think they're mindless drones, not far removed from the Borg.

So you're scared of them then. Sure sounds like it the way you describe them, bunching them (us) all together into this non-human hive-mind organism out to castrate you and put you on a leash...

What the hell do you call this then? Or this? And as a follow-up to the previous story.

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 15, 2015, 04:53:54 PM
QuoteAs for political correctness, yeah, I am scared of it because it's just more bullshit designed to muzzle people and police our thoughts and actions so f**k that.

I call bullshit on that.

The true meaning of Political Correctness has been abducted by people, usually (western white) guys, feeling threatened and trampled upon because they no longer get a free pass when heckling and vilifying Muslims, gays, blacks, immigrants, feminists/women etc.

Just bark "PC!" and "Political correctness!" whenever someone put you in place. It is just reactionary wiggle room and has very little to do with free speech and muzzling people. It is just a stunt. PC is not a big societal problem, it's people on both sides abusing it that is.

This is political correctness in 2015.



Hey does anyone remember philosophy 310 from college or whatever course number it is. Where no matter what happens it is half your fault for getting up in the morning and existing? Yea, that bullshit logic still be contemplated isn't it? It's more loopy than Terminator Time travel.

Carlin is right. Political correctness is all about removing the humanity from language that is painful. The adage of: if you ignore it; it'll go away.

All right guys I think we need to buy a shovel for this one.



Carlin was a pretty cool dude.



Quote from: Hubbs on Jul 17, 2015, 06:06:34 AM
Yes that's true but at the same time it also effects the regular public's opinion of the situation and their government. We all know the EU runs the show which many hate, but its all the abused loopholes, easy access, easy rules, asylum rules etc...which change peoples minds. People who aren't right-wing at all but just get fed up with the constant influx which (in the UK) is having a huge impact on everything. I read a good fact not so long ago, it went something like this (not exactly like this, it was another State). The UK fits into the State of Texas with room to spare (common knowledge). The population of Texas is just under 27 million, the population of the UK is over 64 million, with some sources saying its actually closer to 90 million. Let that sink in eh ;)

Texas is huge and is quite unpopulated compared to its size. Texas is also not an old colonial power with potential populations moving in from "abroad". Texas is a also quite anti-immigration.

QuoteAll the immigrants know that they only have to touch down on European soil and they are set, if they claim asylum then they literately cannot go wrong, they all know it, and many abuse it (because many don't come from war torn countries and the EU rules state, you claim asylum in the nearest safest country to your own. You don't make a bee-line for the best countries halfway across the continent lol!)

]The immigrants are a bloody cheeky lot, they are taken in by one country, say Italy, Bulgaria or Spain etc...but that's not good enough for them, they have to try and illegally get into the UK or Germany, France etc...It show goes to show many of them aren't really that bad off otherwise they'd be quite happy in any half decent European country, anywhere's better than a war zone right?

Why wouldn't you want to move to a place with better living conditions and where there already are countrymen present and where it is easier to find a job? Bulgaria is poor and Spain suffers from rampant unemployment, and Italy I've heard is not friendly towards its immigrants.

QuoteIts also a massive danger because IS are supposedly utilising this influx into Europe, its basically an unchecked highway to anywhere you want!

IS is the same as ISIS, right?

That is a classic anti-immigration tactic, i.e. to be extremely tough, scrutinizing and intolerant with ALL immigrants just in case some of them might be dangerous and part of some organization. Here in the U.S. Mexicans get that treatment. I mean, listen to Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump's lovely speeches about Latinos and Mexicans - just switch out Mexicans for Muslims, and there you go.

What I'm saying is that the absolute majority of all immigrants are NOT terrorists and criminals. But if treated badly, marginalized and always vilified, sooner or later some of them will turn to crime or join destructive organizations or movements. Nothing strange about that if you ask me.

Quote from: DoomRulz on Jul 17, 2015, 11:55:57 AM

Just trying to be polite, pal. Replies to three different members in one post. Poo on me for trying...

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 15, 2015, 04:53:54 PM
What the hell do you call this then? Or this? And as a follow-up to the previous story.

Once again Doom, there are feminists and then there are feminists, which is something you don't seem to want to get. Of course things are going to be abused by some people for their own gain or whatever. What bothers me is that you choose to champion the assholes, clueless opportunists and radical extremists as the standard of the movement, which is so inaccurate and sad.

Also, "mens-rights" movements, opposing womens-rights groups, is just laughable and so off the mark. It's like civil rights groups for white people... Give me a break!

This is political correctness in 2015.

Like I said before, there is complaining about PCness and then there is complaining about PCness. What I am reacting against is for example racists who start barking "PC!" when people don't go along with their bullshit. I have no tolerance with that kind of anti-PCness.

Then of course we have the kind of PCness that is ridiculous without any function other than, like you say, muzzling people, especially comedians. That is a different deal altogether.

To actively and systematically harass, heckle, vilify and ridicule minorities or people outside the norm is not a human right or a democratic right or free speech, it's hate speech, beating downwards and a tool to suppress and control "lesser" people that you find to be a threat to you. Unfortunately the people that are the most vocal about PCness, other than comedians, are usually people with xenophobic or misogynist views and ideals, knowing that most people are fed up with PCness in general and by abducting the anti-PC stance they will have everyday people standing on their side when it comes to stand up against PCness. Directly fiendish if you ask me.

Quote from: whiterabbit on Jul 17, 2015, 12:52:18 PM
Hey does anyone remember philosophy 310 from college or whatever course number it is. Where no matter what happens it is half your fault for getting up in the morning and existing? Yea, that bullshit logic still be contemplated isn't it? It's more loopy than Terminator Time travel.

Carlin is right. Political correctness is all about removing the humanity from language that is painful. The adage of: if you ignore it; it'll go away.

All right guys I think we need to buy a shovel for this one.

...Unfortunately racists, misogynists, homophobes and whatnot are piggybacking and riding the anti-PC wave hard, because let's face it - PC in general is annoying and silly. It's so easy to be anti-PC. It's cool to be anti-PC. But then it bites you in the ass when anti-PCness has turned just as destructive, if not more destructive, than PCness. Case in point people who feel offended that they can't crack directly offensive racist jokes in a public setting without being people getting pissed off.

Just saying.



Political correctness is about all about control. That's it. Entities use it to control what you can say, what you can think and thus dictates your actions for you. This is why we have that thing in our Constitution called "freedom of speech". Feminism is political correctness run amok with a little reproductive rights thrown in.

I mean just look at Obama telling everyone to stop making "prison rape" jokes the other day. Plus he paused so many times trying to word what he said so carefully as not to offend anyone that I'd have flunk him if this were a public speaking class. Just think about that, the leader of the free world is terrified to speak his mind.



Quote from: whiterabbit on Jul 17, 2015, 10:43:22 PM
Political correctness is about all about control. That is it

Just like anti-PCness.

QuoteEntities use it to control what you can say, what you can think and thus dictates your actions for you.

Just like anti-PCness

QuoteThis is why we have that thing in our Constitution called "freedom of speech".

...which goes both ways.

QuoteFeminism is political correctness run amok with a little reproductive rights thrown in.

Wow, whiterabbit... You just broke my heart. You sound just like Doomrulz.

QuoteI mean just look at Obama telling everyone to stop making "prison rape jokes" the other day. Plus he paused so many times trying to word what he said so carefully as not to offend anyone that I'd have flunked him in public speaking course. Just think about that, the leader of the free world is terrified to speak his mind.

I didn't see it that way at all. Not at all. He is trying to change the way we look at prison and everything that has to do with it, which hasn't really been done before by an American president. It was not about not offending people, but more about breaking stereotypes instead of catering to them. That means that you have to rephrase yourself and think outside of the box (not prison pun intended).

You people accuse people being easily offended and thin skinned, but at the same time you interpret everything as rabid PCness as soon as someone dare to bring up your god given right to heckle, vilify and push people down just because you can...



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 04:58:54 PM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Jul 17, 2015, 11:55:57 AM

Just trying to be polite, pal. Replies to three different members in one post. Poo on me for trying...

Tis' a joke my friend. Ever seen CinemaSins? They do it quite often, except it's usually "MOVING THINGS! CAMERA! EXCITEMENT!"

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 15, 2015, 04:53:54 PM
What the hell do you call this then? Or this? And as a follow-up to the previous story.

Once again Doom, there are feminists and then there are feminists, which is something you don't seem to want to get. Of course things are going to be abused by some people for their own gain or whatever. What bothers me is that you choose to champion the assholes, clueless opportunists and radical extremists as the standard of the movement, which is so inaccurate and sad.

As I predicted, "NAFALT". What you don't seem to want to get is that the ones who matter are like that. Instead of telling me not all feminists are like that, start telling the feminists who are like that, to stop being like that!

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 04:58:54 PMAlso, "mens-rights" movements, opposing womens-rights groups, is just laughable and so off the mark. It's like civil rights groups for white people... Give me a break!

What are you on about? There's nothing wrong with being anti-feminist. Feminism is not above criticism, as much as you might want to think it is. Also, who's opposing women's rights groups here? The group the student wanted to create wasn't doing any such thing. He just wanted a group to discuss the rights and needs of men. If you seriously think that's a problem, then I pity you. No, really.

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 04:58:54 PM
This is political correctness in 2015.

Like I said before, there is complaining about PCness and then there is complaining about PCness. What I am reacting against is for example racists who start barking "PC!" when people don't go along with their bullshit. I have no tolerance with that kind of anti-PCness.

Then of course we have the kind of PCness that is ridiculous without any function other than, like you say, muzzling people, especially comedians. That is a different deal altogether.

To actively and systematically harass, heckle, vilify and ridicule minorities or people outside the norm is not a human right or a democratic right or free speech, it's hate speech, beating downwards and a tool to suppress and control "lesser" people that you find to be a threat to you. Unfortunately the people that are the most vocal about PCness, other than comedians, are usually people with xenophobic or misogynist views and ideals, knowing that most people are fed up with PCness in general and by abducting the anti-PC stance they will have everyday people standing on their side when it comes to stand up against PCness. Directly fiendish if you ask me.

I won't be so arrogant and naive to deny their existence (the sort of people you mentioned here), but in my experience, the people screaming "POLITICALLY CORRECT" simply want control, like whiterabbit said. Here's another example of how bad it is. Also, we have to remember that there are people in life who just want to be hateful assholes. That's just the way it is. Nothing will ever change that. Part of life is learning to shake these people off and not cry about it.



Well yea, PC and anti-PC is all about control. Pure anti-PC would be a total lack of control, anarchy. Everything goes. To meet in the middle is freedom. Neither side should ever be able to trump the other. That is true freedom of speech. The freedom of self control over ones speech; because it is the right thing to do and not because someone or some group tells you that is so. Then destroys you through mob rule and social media.

I think Doomrulz is a pretty cool guy, eh kills aliens and doesnt afraid of anything. Seriously though, what's wrong with the guy?

Feminism is all about women wanting to wear the pants. It's like women saw how well men f**ked up the world and said to themselves "I want to be just like them". Plus I like a good dirty joke but I'm not going to say one just to be a dick.

The thing about abortion is that some dudes can't get this through their heads; if a women doesn't want your child then don't f**k the women and bitch about it later because she aborts it. It's probably because you're ugly and alcohol was involved.

Actually guys we are talking about the extremes on all sides. Lets cut the cheese and admit that most people, mid 70% are decent and tolerable of all human opinions and understand that there really isn't one the rules over the others and they change with time.



Quote from: DoomRulz on Jul 17, 2015, 11:12:34 PM
Tis' a joke my friend. Ever seen CinemaSins? They do it quite often, except it's usually "MOVING THINGS! CAMERA! EXCITEMENT!"

Sorry about that, haven't seen CinemaSins  :-\

QuoteAs I predicted, "NAFALT". What you don't seem to want to get is that the ones who matter are like that. Instead of telling me not all feminists are like that, start telling the feminists who are like that, to stop being like that!

What makes you think that isn't the case?

I would say that the majority of my friends consider themselves feminist, even though some are hesitant admitting it in public, because feminism, especially the word itself, has been badmouthed and vilified ever since the women's rights movement started.

I have one friend who used to be more of a "feminazi". We have had our share of wild discussions about feminism. She has softened up a little. Her main stance is that to have real change it needs to be radical in its nature and take every though, concept and idea to its "logical" conclusion. I don't agree with her and I let her know every time she goes political on me.

All feminists that matter are extremists? No. The ones you focus on and believe matter within the movement are more or less in the fringe. The majority with truly feministic values, whether they call themselves feminists or not, are far away from the militant version preached by the radicals you spout.

Also, the tactic of putting the burden on the feminist movement to focus on itself is the same thing as when Islamophobes or people intolerant of Islam accuse regular everyday Muslims for not dealing with Islamists and Jihadists and whatnot. It's a way to say: "As long as you don't get rid of the bad elements in your movement/religion/population etc. it is ok for me to bunch all of you together and be as judgmental and outspoken as I want"

QuoteWhat are you on about? There's nothing wrong with being anti-feminist. Feminism is not above criticism, as much as you might want to think it is. Also, who's opposing women's rights groups here? The group the student wanted to create wasn't doing any such thing. He just wanted a group to discuss the rights and needs of men. If you seriously think that's a problem, then I pity you. No, really.

Anti-feminist = being against women's rights, gender equality and equality between the sexes etc.

But since it sounds like feminism as a whole is pretty pretty much the same as nazism in your eyes and has nothing to do with equal rights, possibility and respect, calling oneself an anti-feminist is a positive thing whereas in reality, looking at the history of feminism, it is the other way around. Being an anti-feminist is pretty much being a fascist against women everywhere.

Mens rights and needs? Nothing wrong with that, as long as you bark up the right tree, which is not feminism. Like I said in my previous posts -  the backside of our patriarchal culture also affects men, as men are supposed to provide for women, always be strong and self-sufficient, should not be too nurturing or spend too much time with young children etc. So in a way mens rights are needed to fight old patriarchal values so that they/we can become truly modern men not feathered to old myths about men (and women). Unfair custody rules, alimony, automatic suspicion against men working with young children etc. are all effects of the old patriarchal system to help out the weaker sex.

QuoteI won't be so arrogant and naive to deny their existence (the sort of people you mentioned here), but in my experience, the people screaming "POLITICALLY CORRECT" simply want control, like whiterabbit said. Here's another example of how bad it is. Also, we have to remember that there are people in life who just want to be hateful assholes. That's just the way it is. Nothing will ever change that. Part of life is learning to shake these people off and not cry about it.

It goes both ways and I would say that racists, Islamophobes are the loudest when it comes to condemning labeling everything as PC and being rabidly anti-PC. And there is no reason to let them be and push societal progress backwards and into dark corner. It's not acceptable at all. It doesn't have to do with just some people being natural born assholes, it has to do with people using the anti-PC stance as loophole to gain sympathy while peddling intolerance and hate.

Quote from: whiterabbit on Jul 17, 2015, 11:25:46 PM
Well yea, PC and anti-PC is all about control. Pure anti-PC would be a total lack of control, anarchy. Everything goes. To meet in the middle is freedom. Neither side should ever be able to trump the other. That is true freedom of speech. The freedom of self control over ones speech; because it is the right thing to do and not because someone or some group tells you that is so. Then destroys you through mob rule and social media.

Well, that is the climate and reality we have today. Needless to say I do agree with you. And like you said, social media and the accessibility to everything that is internet makes things crazier than ever.

QuoteI think Doomrulz is a pretty cool guy, eh kills aliens and doesnt afraid of anything. Seriously though, what's wrong with the guy?

I like Doomrulz, I really do, even if I'm pretty hard on him at times. I was just referring to his fear of feminism and feminists.

QuoteFeminism is all about women wanting to wear the pants. It's like women saw how well men f**ked up the world and said to themselves "I want to be just like them". Plus I like a good dirty joke but I'm not going to say one just to be a dick.

That's pretty crass...

QuoteThe thing about abortion is that some dudes can't get this through their heads; if a women doesn't want your child then don't f**k the women and bitch about it later because she aborts it. It's probably because you're ugly and alcohol was involved.

whiterabbit, are you a damn dirty feminist?

QuoteActually guys we are talking about the extremes on all sides. Lets cut the cheese and admit that most people, mid 70% are decent and tolerable of all human opinions and understand that there really isn't one the rules over the others and they change with time.

Thank you Captain Obvious!  ;)



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Jul 17, 2015, 11:12:34 PM
Tis' a joke my friend. Ever seen CinemaSins? They do it quite often, except it's usually "MOVING THINGS! CAMERA! EXCITEMENT!"

Sorry about that, haven't seen CinemaSins  :-\

No time like the present!

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
QuoteAs I predicted, "NAFALT". What you don't seem to want to get is that the ones who matter are like that. Instead of telling me not all feminists are like that, start telling the feminists who are like that, to stop being like that!

What makes you think that isn't the case?

I'm not seeing much of it in action. It's there in sparse moments in YouTube and Facebook comments which is encouraging but given how pervasive feminism's influence is along with gynocentrism in general, it's unlikely to change anything.

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
I would say that the majority of my friends consider themselves feminist, even though some are hesitant admitting it in public, because feminism, especially the word itself, has been badmouthed and vilified ever since the women's rights movement started.

Any why do you think that is exactly? It goes a bit beyond muh soggy knees, as you're probably thinking.

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
All feminists that matter are extremists? No. The ones you focus on and believe matter within the movement are more or less in the fringe. The majority with truly feministic values, whether they call themselves feminists or not, are far away from the militant version preached by the radicals you spout.

Oh God man. Because the radicals are the ones who are writing books (Dworkin, Solanis [they may be dead but their influence on modern day feminism is unquestionable. Just look at Jessica Valenti, writer for the freaking Guardian]), drafting policy (Hillary Clinton), or teaching in academia (Adele Mercier, Elizabeth Sheehy [the former is a bona fide rape enabler, the latter advocates for spousal (read male) murder).

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
Also, the tactic of putting the burden on the feminist movement to focus on itself is the same thing as when Islamophobes or people intolerant of Islam accuse regular everyday Muslims for not dealing with Islamists and Jihadists and whatnot. It's a way to say: "As long as you don't get rid of the bad elements in your movement/religion/population etc. it is ok for me to bunch all of you together and be as judgmental and outspoken as I want"

Except that Muslims make regular attempts at distancing themselves from radicals and some rather major attempts at that. So yeah, I can other ideologies like feminism to the same standard. Muslims make an honest effort to weed out those retards. I can't say the same for feminists.

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
QuoteWhat are you on about? There's nothing wrong with being anti-feminist. Feminism is not above criticism, as much as you might want to think it is. Also, who's opposing women's rights groups here? The group the student wanted to create wasn't doing any such thing. He just wanted a group to discuss the rights and needs of men. If you seriously think that's a problem, then I pity you. No, really.

Anti-feminist = being against women's rights, gender equality and equality between the sexes etc.

I'm against none of those things. What I am against is totalitarianism and authoritarian control which is what feminism is. Heck, it's pretty much been that since the suffrage movement.

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
But since it sounds like feminism as a whole is pretty pretty much the same as nazism in your eyes and has nothing to do with equal rights, possibility and respect, calling oneself an anti-feminist is a positive thing whereas in reality, looking at the history of feminism, it is the other way around. Being an anti-feminist is pretty much being a fascist against women everywhere.

And you sir are making the assumption that women everywhere call themselves feminists. Not every feminist is female, anymore than every female is a feminist. I know you've heard of Women Against Feminism.

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
Mens rights and needs? Nothing wrong with that, as long as you bark up the right tree, which is not feminism. Like I said in my previous posts -  the backside of our patriarchal culture also affects men, as men are supposed to provide for women, always be strong and self-sufficient, should not be too nurturing or spend too much time with young children etc. So in a way mens rights are needed to fight old patriarchal values so that they/we can become truly modern men not feathered to old myths about men (and women). Unfair custody rules, alimony, automatic suspicion against men working with young children etc. are all effects of the old patriarchal system to help out the weaker sex.

Credit where it's due: shouting at feminism and feminists is absolutely not the way to go about it. That's why I no longer label myself as an MRA or visit AVFM. It's all they ever seem to do. They're more interested in getting in shouting matches with feminists on Twitter or catching them in "Gotcha!" moments which go nowhere. So maybe you proved a feminist on the internet wrong about something. So what? Now what? Who cares? What have you done to help advance the cause of men? I'm more interested in tackling traditionalism and gynocentrism, the root cause of most of gender-related problems in my eyes.

What you call patriarchy, I call traditionalism. Society operated the way it has for generations because they were born out of the biological need for survival, where men did the hunting and women did the nesting. Now, since we don't live in caves anymore, those gender roles don't mean much because both sexes need to do their fair share. The problem is that women (not feminists) aren't too keen on that whole "fair share" part. Everyday it seems like women are receiving some sort of handout to make their lives easier. And you may call me misogynistic, evil, patriarchal, whatever, I really don't care. When I hear about shit like hiring quotas or lowering the standards for women getting into the military or STEM fields, it makes me think that women aren't really interested in doing what it takes to succeed in life and would rather rely on Big Daddy government while shouting "I'M A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN". Feminists routinely push for that sort of thing because they aren't interested in equality. They want supremacy. As an example, forcing the military to lower their standards tells me that women just aren't as good as men. If a woman really can do anything a man can do and do it better like Gloria Steinem once said, what's with the handouts? Please tell me.

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
QuoteI think Doomrulz is a pretty cool guy, eh kills aliens and doesnt afraid of anything. Seriously though, what's wrong with the guy?

I like Doomrulz, I really do, even if I'm pretty hard on him at times. I was just referring to his fear of feminism and feminists.

I like you too man. You're insufferable at times, but what's a little friction amongst friends? You're miles ahead of the other people we used to have around here. I won't mention any names but I'm sure you know who I'm referring to.

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
QuoteThe thing about abortion is that some dudes can't get this through their heads; if a women doesn't want your child then don't f**k the women and bitch about it later because she aborts it. It's probably because you're ugly and alcohol was involved.

whiterabbit, are you a damn dirty feminist?

Fine. And if a man wants nothing to do with that child, he should have the option of financial abortion. That is, no child support. Or are we going to tell him to man up and be a real man and be the responsible one?

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 17, 2015, 11:58:14 PM
QuoteActually guys we are talking about the extremes on all sides. Lets cut the cheese and admit that most people, mid 70% are decent and tolerable of all human opinions and understand that there really isn't one the rules over the others and they change with time.

Thank you Captain Obvious!  ;)

It's all about how those extremists are dealt with.



These quote trees are too much for me to process. I'm starting to think the problem with the world is that too many words end in ism. :P

*manhugs everyone. Now isn't it Friday night... shouldn't we be out there corrupting the youth?

Actually SpreadEagleBeagle, what exactly does that nick mean. What comes too my mind is a Beagle Spreading Eagle. Which I guess you can't get more progressive than that. Am I close?

Whiterabbit is just the name of a site I used to mod at a long time ago that is now dead. It has no meaning. If anyone cared.



Given how much I saw you posting in the Jurassic Park thread, I assumed whiterabbit was in reference to "white rabbit object".



Eh more Alice in wonderland... Follow the white rabbit down the deep black hole. Although the name was taken from the white rabbit bit from the Matrix for the site. Jurassic world on the other hand was just plain awesome. Been watching the dvdscreener and I noticed how badly hishe blew their parody of Jurassic World. CinemaSins better do a better job than that. :P

And speaking of white, it's snowing on mauna kea. Which is a mountain on an island in the middle of the pacific ocean almost on top of the equator and it is the middle of summer.... climate change is rearing it's ugly head. Yea it is hot as f**k on the beach. :)

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