Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 324,260 times)



Thanks for the review, EEV.

And the sinking feeling in the pit of my gut grows deeper...

Ooze on First

Cool review...although the constant twitching was a bit distracting.
Also, I LOL'ed at the captions.  :laugh:



My thoughts:

Prometheus is without doubt a Ridley Scott film, sharing a lot of it's DNA with Alien. Visuals, aestethics, editing, conceptual designs, lighting and so on – pure Alien territory. It looks and sounds fantastic, perhaps with one exception I'll talk about later. The first act establishes the (main) characters, the worlds, the larger thematic undercurrents at play. Humanitys origins. Our place in the Universe. Our purpouse.

Story- and pacewise, you can draw a loose comparison to the first part of Alien, fused with the last part of Aliens. From character building, pieces of exposition etc. into a rollercoaster final where the momentum just builds. Just not as good as those two movies when measured directly. Prometheus does not  give itself time to dwell in dark Nostromo-like corridors and otherwise, just attempt to generate mood from very little happening on screen. It's not Alien in that regard. The pace is faster and there's a lot more dialogue between characters. The finale has some problems with stitching some scenes together to make the flow and edit seem as 'natural' or effortless as Aliens.

Gotta mention the opening 10 or so minutes – absolutely breathtaking and spectacular. The best  segment Ridley has made since Gladiator. From the early Earth sequence to the crew awakening and getting up to speed with current events, this is stellar. The 3D works really well – easily the best use of the technology I've seen since Avatar +2 years ago. It's all about depth and scale when it's utilized. Often you don't actually notice it – dialogue scenes etc – just as it should be.

Michael Fassbenders David really shines – it's mostly through him and his almost childlike but razorsharp curiosity, the most profound discussions are channeled. Easily my favorite character of the film next to Shaw. It's not really an Ash or a Bishop infused performance – if anything, it's more akin to Roy Batty, speaking with the voice of Peter O'Toole. Think a bit of Ian Holms cold portrayel when it comes to interacting with the humans, fused with a bit of Bishops essentially benign servant nature and then wrap it around with Battys intensity, playful, constantly emitting some degree of inner doubt with small gestures and facial tics. A quite restrained performance.

The 3 mains – Fassbender, Rapace and Theron are pretty strong overall (although Vickers fate comes seemingly out of nowhere and to little effect), so much so that you could argue, that the other performances suffer somewhat from it. Should a directors cut arrive on home video, I would expect some of the added scenes to flesh out some of the supporting characters more – I'd welcome that very much. Janek and his flight crew could benefit from some more interaction, although Janek gets to have some pretty good scenes with the main actors. There are some bodyguard-type characters that are never given any attention whatsoever and that's fine. They are just around to be part of the background. You could get rid of half of them scriptwise and no one would notice.

Cvalda was right all along about LMG  ;) – he's a douchebag, portraying a douchebag in a douchebaggy performance. I don't really care who's to blame in the end. Basically the character just doesn't work as intended as it is.

Personally, I'd have liked the film to dive just that extra layer into the themes it puts up there, but it does indeed seem like Lindlof, Spaihts and Scott came through with their Q&A statement about not offering definitive answers to some of the plot points, background etc. On one side, I agree with the notion that it's essentially the questions and what asking those questions does to us, that's at the core of a well told story and perhaps not the answers themselves, however alluring it is 'to know'. On the other hand, I can understand how the ambiguity will cause some critisism and I'll agree that the story pretty much abandons this strand when the action kicks in and right up until the end. One scene depicts a couple of the main players questioning the engineer, but they don't see eye to eye on what they should ask him. It's a great scene as it is, but would have had more resonnance, if the themes had been brought up more to the forefront of the film up until that point. We understand what this place essentially is about (massproduction of death – you noticed that skull on top of the temple?), what this group of engineers were up to and why the last one cannot be allowed to go to Earth. But nothing more. It's up to you to speculate further down that road.

The one thing that didn't quite work for me design-wise, would be some of the creatures. I don't mind the engineer design and execution. Neither do I mind the choice to promote the mechanical designstrand as opposed to the bio/sexual designstrand (Alien) in the alien/engineer designs. But some of the underling creatures, including the starbeast, just doesn't quite work for me in the context of the film I'm watching. Especially the lighting and edit of the starbeast facehugging a certain individual.

Another thing that seems like it should have been completely reworked was the ending reel. It should have been adjusted storywise, dialogue and the edit. Right now, the ending seems somewhat 'unfinished' or rushed, which was the biggest surprise of the film to me, considering the talent involved.

I'll stop here for now – it's 1:30am and I have other stuff to do here before I turn in

Overall I think it's a good film, but not great. Visually and with regards to sound, it's second to none. This needs to be watched on the big screen – the bass sounds when the juggernaut is activated and 37 other scenes (at least) is just unbelivable. My seat was literally shaking. My main problems are with the ending, a couple of character interactions don't quite deliver and the thematic ideas could have been scrutinized deeper to a greater effect.

Characterwise, I'd give it a solid 7 of 10  :)



Quote from: Eva on May 30, 2012, 11:44:13 PM
Cvalda was right all along about LMG  ;) – he's a douchebag, portraying a douchebag in a douchebaggy performance. I don't really care who's to blame in the end. Basically the character just doesn't work as intended as it is.

Considering you and I were apparently separated at birth and have largely analogous taste, I suppose this review is heartening. :)



That review was fantastic, Eva.  Just fantastic.


:laugh:  But thank you much, I'm sure we all appreciate it and I'm glad you had a good time overall!  At least Ridley's beautiful visuals and David can make up for the pitfalls.

I can be happy with a good effort, but this is helped by the scars left from AvP :D.  I can imagine how I'd receive the film if we'd actually had good shit to watch in the past ten years.  Culturally speaking, feels like we're really scraping the bottom now.

Thanks again, Eva.



Quote from: Eva on May 30, 2012, 11:44:13 PM
My thoughts:

Prometheus is without doubt a Ridley Scott film, sharing a lot of it's DNA with Alien. Visuals, aestethics, editing, conceptual designs, lighting and so on – pure Alien territory. It looks and sounds fantastic, perhaps with one exception I'll talk about later. The first act establishes the (main) characters, the worlds, the larger thematic undercurrents at play. Humanitys origins. Our place in the Universe. Our purpouse.

Story- and pacewise, you can draw a loose comparison to the first part of Alien, fused with the last part of Aliens. From character building, pieces of exposition etc. into a rollercoaster final where the momentum just builds. Just not as good as those two movies when measured directly. Prometheus does not  give itself time to dwell in dark Nostromo-like corridors and otherwise, just attempt to generate mood from very little happening on screen. It's not Alien in that regard. The pace is faster and there's a lot more dialogue between characters. The finale has some problems with stitching some scenes together to make the flow and edit seem as 'natural' or effortless as Aliens.

Gotta mention the opening 10 or so minutes – absolutely breathtaking and spectacular. The best  segment Ridley has made since Gladiator. From the early Earth sequence to the crew awakening and getting up to speed with current events, this is stellar. The 3D works really well – easily the best use of the technology I've seen since Avatar +2 years ago. It's all about depth and scale when it's utilized. Often you don't actually notice it – dialogue scenes etc – just as it should be.

Michael Fassbenders David really shines – it's mostly through him and his almost childlike but razorsharp curiosity, the most profound discussions are channeled. Easily my favorite character of the film next to Shaw. It's not really an Ash or a Bishop infused performance – if anything, it's more akin to Roy Batty, speaking with the voice of Peter O'Toole. Think a bit of Ian Holms cold portrayel when it comes to interacting with the humans, fused with a bit of Bishops essentially benign servant nature and then wrap it around with Battys intensity, playful, constantly emitting some degree of inner doubt with small gestures and facial tics. A quite restrained performance.

The 3 mains – Fassbender, Rapace and Theron are pretty strong overall (although Vickers fate comes seemingly out of nowhere and to little effect), so much so that you could argue, that the other performances suffer somewhat from it. Should a directors cut arrive on home video, I would expect some of the added scenes to flesh out some of the supporting characters more – I'd welcome that very much. Janek and his flight crew could benefit from some more interaction, although Janek gets to have some pretty good scenes with the main actors. There are some bodyguard-type characters that are never given any attention whatsoever and that's fine. They are just around to be part of the background. You could get rid of half of them scriptwise and no one would notice.

Cvalda was right all along about LMG  ;) – he's a douchebag, portraying a douchebag in a douchebaggy performance. I don't really care who's to blame in the end. Basically the character just doesn't work as intended as it is.

Personally, I'd have liked the film to dive just that extra layer into the themes it puts up there, but it does indeed seem like Lindlof, Spaihts and Scott came through with their Q&A statement about not offering definitive answers to some of the plot points, background etc. On one side, I agree with the notion that it's essentially the questions and what asking those questions does to us, that's at the core of a well told story and perhaps not the answers themselves, however alluring it is 'to know'. On the other hand, I can understand how the ambiguity will cause some critisism and I'll agree that the story pretty much abandons this strand when the action kicks in and right up until the end. One scene depicts a couple of the main players questioning the engineer, but they don't see eye to eye on what they should ask him. It's a great scene as it is, but would have had more resonnance, if the themes had been brought up more to the forefront of the film up until that point. We understand what this place essentially is about (massproduction of death – you noticed that skull on top of the temple?), what this group of engineers were up to and why the last one cannot be allowed to go to Earth. But nothing more. It's up to you to speculate further down that road.

The one thing that didn't quite work for me design-wise, would be some of the creatures. I don't mind the engineer design and execution. Neither do I mind the choice to promote the mechanical designstrand as opposed to the bio/sexual designstrand (Alien) in the alien/engineer designs. But some of the underling creatures, including the starbeast, just doesn't quite work for me in the context of the film I'm watching. Especially the lighting and edit of the starbeast facehugging a certain individual.

Another thing that seems like it should have been completely reworked was the ending reel. It should have been adjusted storywise, dialogue and the edit. Right now, the ending seems somewhat 'unfinished' or rushed, which was the biggest surprise of the film to me, considering the talent involved.

I'll stop here for now – it's 1:30am and I have other stuff to do here before I turn in

Overall I think it's a good film, but not great. Visually and with regards to sound, it's second to none. This needs to be watched on the big screen – the bass sounds when the juggernaut is activated and 37 other scenes (at least) is just unbelivable. My seat was literally shaking. My main problems are with the ending, a couple of character interactions don't quite deliver and the thematic ideas could have been scrutinized deeper to a greater effect.

Characterwise, I'd give it a solid 7 of 10  :)

You did good Eva ;), I think you can say the movie turned out the it is now was because Ridley has not made an Alien related movie sinse 1979.


Dunno, sounds fishy to me. Especially now that I checked some of your other reviews, compared to them, this review had a lot of cuts and a lot of "Umm.." moments as if you were trying to just remember what people have said about it on the internet. You also don't really talk of any details, but just give a very broad review of it.

But, I might be wrong and you've seen it. Doesn't matter to me.  :laugh:


ngr01 has debunked thee.

I haven't seen the fricken film and I could answer his question lol
(Curse you spoiler threads!!!!)

A item that ties into the main theme should not be forgotten.



I basically agree with eva.
The visuals are top notch.
Creatures are lacking especially the squid.
The end was rushed.
Characters not fleshed enough.
She sees the glass half full i see it half empty.

Eva please since you're seen as one of the "pure" one of the forum (those who had not been wishing the movie to be baddddddddd) just tell me how you feel about some things :
The way Fifield and Millburn get lost after being the one who mapped the temple and been giving direction thanks to his puppies,and the fact that they go rest where they were affraid to enter?
Janek being the one who explain out of the blue to the audience what the temple is?
Ravel and Chance happy suicide?
Weyland arc?
Vickers death?




AWESOME Review balanced so fair. THANK YOU.



Wow, great review Eva. So sad to hear the ending seems rushed :( 24 hours from now I'll know.



sorry just got back from eating dinner lol (its really late here)

I assume you're talking about the necklace-deal right? with the cross? (I couldn't remember it at first)

she din't want it to get contaminated or something correct?

Quote from: Dowly on May 31, 2012, 12:09:10 AM
Dunno, sounds fishy to me. Especially now that I checked some of your other reviews, compared to them, this review had a lot of cuts and a lot of "Umm.." moments as if you were trying to just remember what people have said about it on the internet. You also don't really talk of any details, but just give a very broad review of it.

But, I might be wrong and you've seen it. Doesn't matter to me.  :laugh:

The reason my reviews flow "smoother" in the other videos is because I always record them RIGHT after seeing the movie.

It's been about a day and a half and honestly im starting to forget a few things LOL!

I saw Men In Black 3 recently and although I liked it if you asked me some small detail about it I most likely would not remember it hahaha

in fact the only movie I've seen recently i could probably LITERALLY give you every detail about is the AVENGERS because I saw it in theaters 5 times lol



I saw it last night myself,but Eva basically summed up my thoughts exactly.

I enjoyed the film,Ridley wasnt lying when they said it is not a Alien film. The DNA is there but it can be watched as a completely seperate from everything you know.

I do hope they create a second film,if just to tie up the pile of questions that went through my head as the credits rolled.

I will see it again,as this film does warrent a 2nd viewing.

I'm going to give it a solid 8/10

Its not "Alien" but its a great creature flick that houses some of the themes we love.
I have to add,Fassbender really carrys the film in some parts. Like how Robert Downey carried Sherlock Holmes.



Well thx guys  :)

Quote from: NGR01 on May 31, 2012, 12:30:58 AM
Eva please since you're seen as one of the "pure" one of the forum (those who had not been wishing the movie to be baddddddddd) just tell me how you feel about some things :
The way Fifield and Millburn get lost after being the one who mapped the temple and been giving direction thanks to his puppies,and the fact that they go rest where they were affraid to enter?
Janek being the one who explain out of the blue to the audience what the temple is?
Ravel and Chance happy suicide?
Weyland arc?
Vickers death?


Well, I just sort of guessed that F & M didn't mind going in there (big head room) as much, after the other teammembers had spent time in there with no problems. Remember how they freaked out in the remote corridors with piles of bodies. Wanna stay there? Besides, it seems like there was more heat trapped in there, compared to the rest of the place and M was clearly freezing with that alu blanket.

If anything, watching them joking around came over as somewhat 'mood killing', taking some of the tension away, which was a bad call.

To some degree, I would agree with the other points you mentioned.

I'll cut my response short for now, because I just have to go to bed now  :)



LOL love your sig Eva  :laugh:

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