Mass Effect

Started by Space Sweeper, Dec 12, 2010, 01:46:57 AM

Mass Effect (Read 426,190 times)



He has a badass introduction in 3. I did save him on my main guy.

He shoots that guy...and he just explodes. It was brutal.

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

You can actually talk to him before that, right before you go to the lower-level labs. You get him and the STG as Salarian military assets if you do.



......Daaaaammmnit! I missed that on my first playthrough. Thanks for that, though. I'll make sure and do it on my imported playthrough.




Thought this was pretty cool.

Notice that the "Vulture" became the "Cannibal" and the "Tyrant" became the "Marauder".



Quote from: coolbreeze on Mar 16, 2012, 07:34:15 AM

Thought this was pretty cool.

Notice that the "Vulture" became the "Cannibal" and the "Tyrant" became the "Marauder".
That's not actually a marauder, they're called adjutants and they're from the comics, I was suprised they never turned up in mass effect 3.



Quote from: Nightlord on Mar 16, 2012, 09:00:50 AM
Quote from: coolbreeze on Mar 16, 2012, 07:34:15 AM

Thought this was pretty cool.

Notice that the "Vulture" became the "Cannibal" and the "Tyrant" became the "Marauder".
That's not actually a marauder, they're called adjutants and they're from the comics, I was suprised they never turned up in mass effect 3.

Neat, I haven't read the comics yet.



Now that I am at a computer I want to put down my opinion and feeling on this game. There may be minor spoilers ahead, I have spoiler tagged the bigger ones, but read at your own discretion.

When Mass Effect 2 came out, I wondered how Bioware was ever going to top this game, the characters and that opening/ending sequence truly blew me away, but Mass Effect 3 just blew all that out the f**king water! The music score was truly a credit to the game, (Coming to think of it, I bought the Collectors Edition...wasn't I supposed to get a soundtrack?)

The graphics were simply gorgeous to look at, the immersion of the environment that you play in truly captured me because no place looks the same or is the same for long. (Aside from the Normandy) With most of the environment being beautiful to look at, or having to dodge massive electrical charges in a geth ship, I was never bored. The explaration aspect was much better than ME2, im glad Omega was done with, I found it pretty boring after a while, but did love the Blade Runner esque side to it, being all dirty and cyberpunk like with the neon signs and different species being around in one place.

Characters; The way that they ended the story arc of certain characters was...acceptable - Superb in most cases in my opinion. Of course depending on how you deal with them or experience them. I was always attatched to my Shepard, despite not being able to import his face, I more or less got the face I originally had, it was probably better that he looked slightly older,wiser and more experinced than the previous two games. His attatchement with the child
(Who is harbringer in my opinion)
was quite surprising to watch, seeing finally a strain on the Commanders mind after all this time.  I loved Mark Meer's voice acting even more in this game, hearing him screaming and yelling for the first time was great, I loved his voice, not as great as Brandon Keeners, but deffinetly one of my favorite voice actors.

Thane and Mordin:

Thanes fight scene with Kai Leng was fantastic, I was pretty wary of the drell, due to him being terminally ill, but he showed no signs of weakness, right down to the very end. A terminally ill drell taking down an assassin, he was right in saying that Kai Leng should be embarrased, felt good stabbing that c**t for Thanes death in the end. I, jumping onto his blade and smashing across the face was f**king epic. I was glad Kolyat and Shepard got to be with him in his dying moments, and the prayer for Shepard was very, humbling.

Mordins death...In all honesty stirred up some real emotions in me, humming Gilbert and Sulliven before being reduced to ashes, being completely focused on the task at hand, taking that deep breath accepting his fate, just reminded me of how great of a scientist and friend he was.

Wrex and Grunt had a great return, having him respect Eve as well as a Krogan could was a funny thing to watch. And the banter he comes out with on the Salarian STG base is great, Im so glad I chose to cure the genophage, sharing a brofist with Wrex before he goes beserk and lays the smackdown on some reapers. I never really admired Wrex previously until ME2 and ME3. Grunts mission was great, did anyone else get that Aliens sort of feeling, with having a flamethrower entering the queens nest, eggs being everywhere and Krogans being caccooned into walls? With Grunt staying behind to take care of the reapers while Shepard and his squad escaped was superb. And grabbing a massive pole and smashing a Rachni to death with it...Garrus would be proud. And then returning out the cave covered in blood!? Epic! Was a shame we never got to see him on the final assault on earth but whatever.

Jack: Although I enjoyed her new appearance and some of her development into caring for other biotic kids. I couldn't help but feel that most of her script was a bit cliche and bland. I wish she showed more of her badass personality.

Legion: Entering the VI was pretty fun and different,
Was just a shame it sacrificed itself, but lives on in the rest of the Geth collective.
when it accepted Tali's trust and friendship, and finally considered itself to be an individual being, like EDI instead of being constricted to the Geth Collective another great moment of storytelling.
I'll miss his robot dancng.

Garrus most cherished video game character ever, returned being as confident and battle hardened as ever before. The friendship between Shepard and Garrus couldn't be matched, being loyal on the field as well as finding guidance and being there for each other over the years was a fantastic thing to watch. Im curious to find out how the relationship between my femshep and him continues into the end. I also loved how the developers added in the Calibrations sort of meme with him, truly showing how they listen to their fans most of the time. I'm going to miss him and his witty one liners when this finally comes to an end.


I enjoyed seeing Tali, she had an interesting character, but I still dont see how people could have romanced her.
I'm glad I got to give her and her people their homeworld back, and get them to work with the Geth.

The Galaxy at war feature was actually fairly simple and easy for me. I easily had my bar filled up and delivered most of the Galaxys assets to Hacket on the final approach to the cerberus base and taking back earth. The amount of weapons and customizable features in the game were fantastic, I was glad I never had to carry around every goddamn weapon like in the first two games, and giving the player the chance to tailor the way the want to fight on the ground.

The endings: (Spoilers Obviously)

The grandaddy topic right now. The last 30 minutes of gameplay were just breathtaking, litterally my jaw was dropped when Shepard awoke with half his armor blown to f**k and being all bloodied...I desperatly searched for Garrus almost screaming that the possibility that he had died was just hair pulling for me, but I never found him...The confronation between Shepard and The Illusive Man (Who looked f**king insane in that sequence) was one of the games most immersive moments in a video game for me, watching my Shepard dying slowly battered and bloody was emotional. And the final three choices...boy am I glad that I chose to follow with Destroying the reapers, It all looked funny with Anderson being highlighted as a renegade choice, and the boy saying you will destroy "Us." And seeing Shepard awaking in the pile of rubble was just hair pulling for me, I need more! I can't have the story end like that! I want to know what happened to Garrus and the rest of my squad! The sequence where Joker was piloting the Normandy away from the destruction blast, was nail biting material, It send shivers through my body at first, because seeing the cockpit spark with warning signs, the music rising and the Normandy seemingly buckle and strain, about to break...I thought I had destroyed the crew and the ship at that moment because I had killed EDI and all other synthetic life. That indoctrination video had better ring true, if it does...It will simply be one of the greatest mindf**ks in history, It has to be true! If its not...I wouldn't say it would ruin the game for me...but it wouldn't be a satisfactory ending to such a compelling trilogy.

Multiplayer - a great addition to the game, also enjoyed the fact it helped the players campaign in gaining galactic readiness, which was good in my books because I had no idea how to increase it in the campaign. The Geth are the easiest opponents, then Cerberus and finally the reapers. Revenant Machine gun, marksman and my Turian Soldier tear through shit left right and center. I just wish the the choice to customize my turians appearance even further wasn't so hard to come by and left to an element of chance with the Spectre Packs.

Once again Bioware never failed in delivering us a game with characters that we get attatched to, and never forget. The use of music and story telling is just legend in my opinion. They truly deserve game of the f**king century! I more or less got the most optimal experience out of this game. Getting every war asset, having no crew member die, (Aside from Kaiden on Virmire and those that you don't really get the chace to save.) having every bit of DLC so far. It was all worth it and deffinetly makes this game my most favorite game ever, taking place of Mass Effect 2. I Honestly can't find the words to describe what a masterpiece this game was, and if they give us that ending that we all desire...God I can't imagine how f**king fantastically epicly brilliant it will be!

"If your not a fan, now is the time to start."

Seriously, shame on you if you haven't experience these three magical and complelling games. You dont know what your missing out on.

Well thats more or less my outlook on the game, theres so much more that I could write about this game, but It would seriously take me another hour or two. If I have put down something someone has allready said, well I dont really give a f**k. I haven't been to this thread in a while due to not wanting to find any spoilers.

Looks like Bioware is going to talk to us about the ending, but not yet due to the amount of people that still haven't experienced the games ending.



Soundtrack is digital. You have to download it.

And I definitely agree on your post.

Man, it was such a superb conclusion to his story. He really got to right the wrongs of the Genophage.

We he finally said "I" instead of "we" before sacrificing himself...I got choked up...Really wish he stayed around...



Quote from: coolbreeze on Mar 16, 2012, 11:55:44 AM
Soundtrack is digital. You have to download it.


(More views on the endings.)

On analysing the ending even more. The endings just do not make sense at all. In every ending the Mass Relays are destroyed, which robs the galaxy or all critical technology. And in the Arrival DLC in ME2. Blowing up a Mass Relay was enough to replicate a supernova, So Shepard has just condemned more people to death than what the Reapers would probably have done. With no way to get out of the systems, (Provided that they survived) Everyone is stranded and Shepard has condemned them to extinction.

In regards to Jokers mad dash to escape the blast:

At the beginning of the final mission, every single squad member travels down to earth with you. Whichever two you chose to accompany you to the Conduit are with you during the final push when you're blasted by Harbinger. That blast nearly kills you and Anderson. It can only be assumed – again, we ares forced to fill in blanks – that your squad was also hit in the blast. Meanwhile, Joker remained in orbit around earth to take part in the final battle. So how did he A) manage to rescue your squad and B) get the ship to the Charon relay in time to outrun the explosion? The ending cutscene makes it clear that the explosions begin almost concurrently with whichever end to the Reaper threat we chose. So, did Joker chicken out and abandon his post along with your crew? Did the game suddenly introduce Transporter technology? Was it some kind of magical nonsense?

Indoctrination Ending is the only ending that makes any sense whatso ever.

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Quite an insightful review from the user section on Metacritic:



Ah, that's bullshit! Barely reviewed the game at all.



This was the original design for the Illusive man


This was taken from my Digital art folder from the Deluxe edition.I have 74 Art renderings in all,If people want me to upload it I will later.









Kai Leng was appalling. What the hell was a space ninja doing in Mass Effect? I can't take the guy seriously. That and he gets his shit slapped up by Thane. Some villain he is. The only reason Shepard couldn't kill him until the end is because the game wouldn't allow it.

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