Started by zakzak, Aug 01, 2012, 10:34:38 PM

PROMETHEUS 2 & 3 (Read 11,203 times)



Quote from: zakzak on Aug 01, 2012, 10:34:38 PM

Any suggestions on how they should be done?

First of all: bring back HR Giger! Or at least that Alex Gutani guy.


A joint Weyland-Yutani expedition is sent to investigate the disappearance of Weyland CEO, and their own interest in the weaponization of the Black Goo. With the aid of Shaw recording, Prometheus lifeboat black box & the Engineer's hologram recording, they discover the coordinates of the Engineer home the same way David finds out about Engineer's intent to visit Earth.  The new team concludes that the Engineers are nasty mofos out to wipe out mankind, and they need to rescue Shaw and nuke the alien homeworld from orbit (echoes of ALIENS).

The movie flashes TITLE and then fades to : Shaw & David's arrival on the Engineer's home planet (the writers would have a field day trying  to explain how a human and a decapitated android pilot an alien ship), discovering more hints as to why Engineers plot a return to Earth. Also, the reason why there are 2 factions of the Engineers, one creative, the other destructive. As the Weyland-Yutani crew arrives on Engineer's planet, they quickly clash with the Engineers. Scenes of major fights with Xenos which we discover are the Engineers' pitbulls. Shaw, still believing in the benevolence of the Engineer Gods, tries to convince the crew that they are two different factions but a new corporate officer played by a Charlize clone bitch-slaps her (sorry I am not a trained screenwriter): "Wake up, Snow White! They want us dead! Dead, you hear! Pilots, initiate nuclear countdown and nuke these bastards!"

EPILOGUE: Surviving members of the Engineers slowly walk out of a shelter amidst nuclear winter.

Elder #1:
"Our creation has failed us.."

Elder #2:
"Hope springs eternal"

Elder #1
"F*ck that! On to the Juggernauts!"

A shot of Juggernauts rising to the atmosphere ominously. As one of the last Juggernauts disappear into the vast expanse of the sky, a white-grey disk-like craft tails the military procession surreptitiously.


Engineer vs Humans. Insane battle of epic proportion. Scenes of people discovering Juggernauts (with ampules inside) crash-landed all over the earth (ala ALIEN on LV 426) on a desert, near waterfall in a temperate deciduous forrest, near a small town in rural America, on a crumbling Mayan temple, in the middle of the Arctic Ocean (discovered by Norwegian fishing vessel ;-). Scenes of gradual mutations, infections, humans turning into....leathery eggs, some hang from the ceilings. NASA discovers other Juggernauts orbiting the Earth with some hiding in the dark side of the moon. Humans initially have advantage over Engineer's slower and non-weaponised crafts but they slowly lose out on biological/molecular warfare. Instead of hitech space ships with pulse weapons, or "red matter", the Engineers plan a stealth attack of Earth through bio warfare, infection, nasty mutations, zombie virus, and yes, giant Xenos, humans turning against humans, civilizations imploding form within. Scenes of empty streets littered with rows and rows of Xeno eggs. Scenes of skyscrapers turned into massive Xeno hives with human hosts. Scenes of Xenos slowly decomposing as they run out of human hosts. A scene where Engineers & humans negotiate peace terms on Antarctica and the fate of remaining humankind in the future. Engineers offer to take a few thousands of humans - mostly the young- in order to rebuild civilization on one of their seeded planets, and sterilize the rest of Earth completely. Leaders of mankind pause to ponder: fight to the death, or accept Engineer's offer. The pacifist faction of the Engineers smuggled by Shaw & Weyland-Yutani arrive on Earth to counter-offer: "We know their weakness.."

You know the rest.


This thread is to provoke discussion, not to start flame wars etc. I wrote those paragraphs quickly drawing from what I generally like about PROMETHEUS. This is definitely not what Lindelof have in mind when he implied there may be 2 more movies before the original 1979 ALIEN. Fox probably have this planned as a Trilogy to jump-start the series. and probably would throw away my idea, lol!

How about no.



Quote from: BANE on Aug 04, 2012, 01:23:12 AMA good portion? More like 30%, if this site is anything to go by. More like a small portion.

That's a good portion of anything. I never said a large portion. Maybe I should of said 'a considerable portion'?.. 'a noticeable portion'?

Nit-picker. ;)



Quote from: SM on Aug 04, 2012, 03:33:53 AM
Because of course Ripley use a time machine to travel 57 years into the future...

What does that has do to with anything? In fact, you're helping my point. How can event #1 lead to event #2 that takes place 57 years before event #1? That's just... Ah, my head hurts.



Quote from: bov930527 on Aug 04, 2012, 11:40:59 AM
Quote from: SM on Aug 04, 2012, 03:33:53 AM
Because of course Ripley use a time machine to travel 57 years into the future...

What does that has do to with anything? In fact, you're helping my point. How can event #1 lead to event #2 that takes place 57 years before event #1? That's just... Ah, my head hurts.

Nah man, its perfectly logical. Time machines are the shit.



Quote from: bov930527 on Aug 04, 2012, 11:40:59 AM
Quote from: SM on Aug 04, 2012, 03:33:53 AM
Because of course Ripley use a time machine to travel 57 years into the future...

What does that has do to with anything? In fact, you're helping my point. How can event #1 lead to event #2 that takes place 57 years before event #1? That's just... Ah, my head hurts.

Who said anything about Prometheus leading straight up to Alien?



Quote from: samoht on Aug 04, 2012, 05:31:03 AM
Quote from: zakzak on Aug 01, 2012, 10:34:38 PM

Any suggestions on how they should be done?

First of all: bring back HR Giger! Or at least that Alex Gutani guy.


A joint Weyland-Yutani expedition is sent to investigate the disappearance of Weyland CEO, and their own interest in the weaponization of the Black Goo. With the aid of Shaw recording, Prometheus lifeboat black box & the Engineer's hologram recording, they discover the coordinates of the Engineer home the same way David finds out about Engineer's intent to visit Earth.  The new team concludes that the Engineers are nasty mofos out to wipe out mankind, and they need to rescue Shaw and nuke the alien homeworld from orbit (echoes of ALIENS).

The movie flashes TITLE and then fades to : Shaw & David's arrival on the Engineer's home planet (the writers would have a field day trying  to explain how a human and a decapitated android pilot an alien ship), discovering more hints as to why Engineers plot a return to Earth. Also, the reason why there are 2 factions of the Engineers, one creative, the other destructive. As the Weyland-Yutani crew arrives on Engineer's planet, they quickly clash with the Engineers. Scenes of major fights with Xenos which we discover are the Engineers' pitbulls. Shaw, still believing in the benevolence of the Engineer Gods, tries to convince the crew that they are two different factions but a new corporate officer played by a Charlize clone bitch-slaps her (sorry I am not a trained screenwriter): "Wake up, Snow White! They want us dead! Dead, you hear! Pilots, initiate nuclear countdown and nuke these bastards!"

EPILOGUE: Surviving members of the Engineers slowly walk out of a shelter amidst nuclear winter.

Elder #1:
"Our creation has failed us.."

Elder #2:
"Hope springs eternal"

Elder #1
"F*ck that! On to the Juggernauts!"

A shot of Juggernauts rising to the atmosphere ominously. As one of the last Juggernauts disappear into the vast expanse of the sky, a white-grey disk-like craft tails the military procession surreptitiously.


Engineer vs Humans. Insane battle of epic proportion. Scenes of people discovering Juggernauts (with ampules inside) crash-landed all over the earth (ala ALIEN on LV 426) on a desert, near waterfall in a temperate deciduous forrest, near a small town in rural America, on a crumbling Mayan temple, in the middle of the Arctic Ocean (discovered by Norwegian fishing vessel ;-). Scenes of gradual mutations, infections, humans turning into....leathery eggs, some hang from the ceilings. NASA discovers other Juggernauts orbiting the Earth with some hiding in the dark side of the moon. Humans initially have advantage over Engineer's slower and non-weaponised crafts but they slowly lose out on biological/molecular warfare. Instead of hitech space ships with pulse weapons, or "red matter", the Engineers plan a stealth attack of Earth through bio warfare, infection, nasty mutations, zombie virus, and yes, giant Xenos, humans turning against humans, civilizations imploding form within. Scenes of empty streets littered with rows and rows of Xeno eggs. Scenes of skyscrapers turned into massive Xeno hives with human hosts. Scenes of Xenos slowly decomposing as they run out of human hosts. A scene where Engineers & humans negotiate peace terms on Antarctica and the fate of remaining humankind in the future. Engineers offer to take a few thousands of humans - mostly the young- in order to rebuild civilization on one of their seeded planets, and sterilize the rest of Earth completely. Leaders of mankind pause to ponder: fight to the death, or accept Engineer's offer. The pacifist faction of the Engineers smuggled by Shaw & Weyland-Yutani arrive on Earth to counter-offer: "We know their weakness.."

You know the rest.


This thread is to provoke discussion, not to start flame wars etc. I wrote those paragraphs quickly drawing from what I generally like about PROMETHEUS. This is definitely not what Lindelof have in mind when he implied there may be 2 more movies before the original 1979 ALIEN. Fox probably have this planned as a Trilogy to jump-start the series. and probably would throw away my idea, lol!

How about no.

Don't you want to see this scene in the sequel?

Nightmare Asylum

Nightmare Asylum

Could make for a very interesting visual, that's for sure.



Quote from: Highland on Aug 04, 2012, 12:27:26 PM
Quote from: bov930527 on Aug 04, 2012, 11:40:59 AM
Quote from: SM on Aug 04, 2012, 03:33:53 AM
Because of course Ripley use a time machine to travel 57 years into the future...

What does that has do to with anything? In fact, you're helping my point. How can event #1 lead to event #2 that takes place 57 years before event #1? That's just... Ah, my head hurts.

Who said anything about Prometheus leading straight up to Alien?

Lindelof and Ridley (kinda) did. They hinted at that there need to be more films after prom to "lead to" the events in the original Alien. And by "lead to" I interpret it as the sequel to prom (or sequel to its sequel) should be the prequel to Alien. But that will be impossible if sequel to prom takes place after the events of Alien. I'm just confused, that's all  :-[



Quote from: bov930527 on Aug 04, 2012, 04:06:13 PM
Quote from: Highland on Aug 04, 2012, 12:27:26 PM
Quote from: bov930527 on Aug 04, 2012, 11:40:59 AM
Quote from: SM on Aug 04, 2012, 03:33:53 AM
Because of course Ripley use a time machine to travel 57 years into the future...

What does that has do to with anything? In fact, you're helping my point. How can event #1 lead to event #2 that takes place 57 years before event #1? That's just... Ah, my head hurts.

Who said anything about Prometheus leading straight up to Alien?

Lindelof and Ridley (kinda) did. They hinted at that there need to be more films after prom to "lead to" the events in the original Alien. And by "lead to" I interpret it as the sequel to prom (or sequel to its sequel) should be the prequel to Alien. But that will be impossible if sequel to prom takes place after the events of Alien. I'm just confused, that's all  :-[

That still doesn't necessarily mean we'll get anything going directly in like the recent "The Thing".

It could mean we see one Jockey ship get infested with eggs or the birth of the first Biomechanical Alien, or the story goes off into another area of the galaxy.... The possibility's are endless.



But doesn't Prometheus kinda exactly that? I mean, explaining 1979 "Alien" without leading directly into it?



Quote from: bov930527 on Aug 04, 2012, 06:13:13 PM
But doesn't Prometheus kinda exactly that? I mean, explaining 1979 "Alien" without leading directly into it?

Not really. All we know is a little more about the SJ race and the company.

Nightmare Asylum

Nightmare Asylum

Quote from: Highland on Aug 04, 2012, 06:59:28 PM
Quote from: bov930527 on Aug 04, 2012, 06:13:13 PM
But doesn't Prometheus kinda exactly that? I mean, explaining 1979 "Alien" without leading directly into it?

Not really. All we know is a little more about the SJ race and the company.

Which is, essentially, expanding on some of the more vague aspects of Alien :P



Quote from: zuzuki on Aug 03, 2012, 05:20:50 PM
Quote from: RoaryUK on Aug 02, 2012, 03:01:47 PM
Quote from: wmmvrrvrrmm on Aug 02, 2012, 02:20:20 PM
well, for a start, let's stop Lindelof being interviewed about the film and being quoted in regards to the movie, that was nauseating enough for me. Some people might like the Lindelof experience but I could do without it, whether his part taken in the writing of the movie had any effect on the seemingly pointlessn quality of much of the plot or not.

Well said man, Lindelof's constant tweets don't help either, while he cant be held totally resposible for the mess he still has plenty to say for himself, and yet I get the feeling he is really trying to distance himself from further involvement... I wonder why!!   ::)
he won't be back cause he has a a lot on his plate. he signed adeal with a network for 3 years to develop shos for them plus other movies he is involved in.
and i don't think he is distancing himself. so far he has no reason to. even if the movie pissed die hard alien fans, the general audience liked it, the critic score is good, the movie is making good money so far, enough to guarantee a sequel.he has no reason to be ashamed of his work on these reasons. anyway i don't even see these interviews as a problem or that he is throwing Ridley under the bus. since the start of  filming we were told in interviews how Ridley was in charge in everythin about this movie, direction,vision,script,ideas.

I said Lindelof is distancing himself from "further involvement" in Prometheus not the current film, I wouldn't be suprised if the sequel was already writen, with Rapace and Fassbender signer to reprise their roles, but Lindelof has taken so much flak for the script (much of it deserved in my opinion) I doubt he would have come back anyway, the big question is will Scott stick to it or bring in another writer to avoid further 'problems'.



Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Aug 04, 2012, 07:05:43 PM
Quote from: Highland on Aug 04, 2012, 06:59:28 PM
Quote from: bov930527 on Aug 04, 2012, 06:13:13 PM
But doesn't Prometheus kinda exactly that? I mean, explaining 1979 "Alien" without leading directly into it?

Not really. All we know is a little more about the SJ race and the company.

Which is, essentially, expanding on some of the more vague aspects of Alien :P

Yeah it's expanding but not really saying directly THIS is what happened in Alien and why. I think the guy thinks that somewhere along the line everything will tie up nicely but I'm not so sure and really, I'm not that fussed either.



It still pisses me off they went that way with the SJ.  Who ever pictured the SJ wearing cloth hoods and playing flutes? 

I say let dead dogs lie if all that is to be expected is more of the same.  They'd need to do some serious revamping for the sequel to be effective in my mind.

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