Ruptured Cistern - New Horde Mode Map

Started by PAS, Dec 06, 2022, 04:15:51 PM

Ruptured Cistern - New Horde Mode Map (Read 10,797 times)

Corporal Hicks

There's been no confirmation. But if they follow the old pre-Disney plans I've seen, they should be doing more.


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 15, 2022, 08:29:28 AMThere's been no confirmation. But if they follow the old pre-Disney plans I've seen, they should be doing more.

I will have my Pala Station excursion!

Corporal Hicks

It'd make sense to get one eventually! It'd be an entirely new visual aesthetic and that's one of things I did enjoy about the game, the campaigns are all very different from each other in that regard. An Aliens feel would be a nice addition to the game.


But in the sequel!


Any word on an upcoming DLC?

Corporal Hicks

I assume we're not getting any now, but rather this new game instead.


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Oct 11, 2023, 03:05:24 PMI assume we're not getting any now, but rather this new game instead.

I mean they did say in their last press statement that there will be "long requested updates" coming to AFTE.



QoL and updates and new shit for Alpha and what can that be?  and how long will that take?
This game deserves a health shot of vitamin A and B for sure not another short ended content update. Something like that won't get people back considering they can swing their battle axes towards A:DD(if they haven't) and Robocop and Alan Wake 2.

If they want to compete, I only expect something large and unexpected. Like a full 3 mission pack that brings this games story full circle.

If they were smart they should. And considering that your icon on the PC for AFTE is red, and all the marketing material shows red hues for aliens making it such an abnormal glow for the xeno, I would highly consider for them to go red xenos next time round. Its an easy thing to do, and they could focus their efforts and making other stuff in the game! and the inclusion of red xenos pulls you towards why the Prowler was the way he was. Further more the lore even indicated Red Xenos in Alien Genocide.....just saying something simple like that coupled with a new campaign would be the biggest distraction this winter~!

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