Gamertags, PSN ID’s, and Steam ID’s

Started by Nukiemorph, Jul 27, 2021, 07:14:14 PM

Gamertags, PSN ID’s, and Steam ID’s (Read 12,937 times)


Steam: Xenomrph



Finding matches is a headache right now so I'd be glad to have some adds. 


Psn ID: NihilistFIN
Would be cool to find people who would like to play on higher difficulties


PSN: StanSwitek85.

Please add me, and let me know when you'd like to play.


PSN ID: gr8escape
Time zone (GMT-4)


Steam ID is razeak. Send me a PM if you see me on steam. My 13 year old plays too so we could fill in a fireteam if we are playing.


Xbox: PvtHudson8146

I only play Fireteam, especially looking for dedicated people to play with down the road on Extreme and Insane difficulties.

Voodoo Magic

If you'd like to match with a subpar to average player who drinks waaaaay too much vodka sometimes when he plays, I may be available some nights after 10pm!

PSN: FnVoodooMagic
(GMT-4) / Eastern Time


Steam: Samhain13. If you want someone to play on higher difficulty I'm here. Demolisher class combat rating 600+.


On steam: Camarguess



PSN:  synapticflow

Note:  I'm playing on PS4.  I live in the USA (eastern time zone) Currently I'm usually on the PS4 anytime between 2PM to midnight.  On weekends I might go to 1AM.
Also I'm a bit of a PS4 noob, as I always buy my systems late in the life cycle.  I don't know how to add friends.  I do however know how to accept friends requests and join parties.  I also have a headset.  I usually don't like to use it after 9PM since I have a roommate, but if I'm playing late at night and just have to use it, I will but I'll be speaking a little quietly.

Also, and I hope this doesn't turn anybody off, I have only played the game three times so far.  I have not made it though the first campaign.  I got close to the end.
When I play with someone, I don't want to tear through the entire game in one night.  I want to save some of the fun for later by stretching out the game.
Basically what I am saying is I would probably like to go no further than completing one campaign per session.

Sorry for the information overload!

Play on guys!


Lookin for a squad on PlayStation 

PSN ID : JayHy17


PSN: AnthaiHero


Steam ID: [WPC] cthu


Steam: Thatsoutrageouss

Managed to solo till the last gift of fire mission on intense so I'm looking for a couple diehards to eventually try insane difficulty with me

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