Space Jockey........Engineer or something else?

Started by palerider, Jun 26, 2017, 04:56:42 PM

Space Jockey........Engineer or something else? (Read 32,123 times)


Quote from: necrotard on Jun 27, 2017, 07:31:38 AM
Quote from: Scorpio on Jun 27, 2017, 06:22:16 AM
Quote from: justind on Jun 27, 2017, 04:14:12 AM

The Engineers rebelled against the Space Jockey in Paradise and stole the fire of creation (the black goo). Now at war with the SJ, they fled from LV-223 to create a weapon to use in the fight, something that already exists but they need to reverse engineer it (just like they did with all their other tech). They tried and tried to create the SJ Xeno (as seen in the mural) but couldn't quite get it right. Their efforts destroyed them. Think about it this way: if a nation was using an advanced weapon against you then you would want to figure out how it works and develop your own.

Why then did the Engineers want to destroy Earth?  How does that fit into their war against the SJ?

Was it ever explicitly stated that they wanted to destroy the Earth?  I don't recall how Shaw came to that conclusion, but I'm pretty sure it was just her assumption.

David said they were heading to Earth - which it was - and 'in order to create sometimes you must first destroy'.



Quote from: bleau on Jun 27, 2017, 06:20:19 AM
Quote from: justind on Jun 27, 2017, 04:14:12 AM
Prometheus: God (Space Jockey). Titans (Engineers). Humans (Humans). Eagle (Xenomorph).

Charlie: "Because they made us"
Elizabeth: "And who made them?"
Charlie: "Well exactly. We'll never know."

The Engineers rebelled against the Space Jockey in Paradise and stole the fire of creation (the black goo). Now at war with the SJ, they fled to LV-223 and attempted to reverse engineer a superweapon (just like all their other tech) in order to fight on equal ground with the SJ. That weapon is the Xeno (as seen in the mural), the perfect organism. They tried and tried to create the SJ Xeno but couldn't quite get it right. Their efforts destroyed them. Think about it this way: if a nation was using an advanced weapon against you then you would want to figure out how it works and develop your own.

Later, David arrives at Paradise and wipes-out the "Engineers" living there. They are the ones that didn't rebel against their God. They are smaller, unmodified, and primitive. They inhabit only this city as it is an Eden. They gathered in the court with the expectation of the arrival of their God, the SJ, as normal (hence scorpion docking ship). David manages to reverse engineer a version of the SJ Xeno much closer than what the Engineers achieved. It still doesn't have the biomechnaical elements but it's close. David is very proud of "his" creation. David obtains the 2000 colonist embryos and heads back to LV-223 for more of the black goo in order to conduct his experiments. He is trying to get closer to the SJ Xeno.

Alien - Awakening: The SJ returns to Paradise to find it in ruins. It manages to deduce the cause and pursue David back to LV-223. Earth also sends a dispatchment of Colonial Marines and Company investigators. Cue almighty clash between David's creations and the Colonial Marines. SJ turns up later (as the "big reveal") and curb stomps them all. The SJ takes the remaining eggs that David has formed, adds it's own touch and then heads off towards Earth. David/human hero/Deacon (did you forget about it) turns up to sabotage the SJ. It crashes on the nearby moon LV-426. Cut to decades later. We see Ash assigned to the Nostromo. Mission: "Top Secret - Science Officer's Eyes Only...Bring back life form. Priority One. All other considerations secondary. Crew expendable".

The End.

Everybody wins.

Plot holes closed:

  • The mural.
  • The confusion of the Fifield mutant, Deacon, Neomorph, Protomorph and their connection to the classic Xeno.
  • The size difference between Prometheus "SJ" and Alien SJ.
  • Aesthetic and size differences between Engineer spacecraft in Prometheus and the derelict in Alien.
  • Tightens the prequels relationship to the Prometheus mythology (God, Titans, Man, punishing Eagle).
  • David "creating" the Xeno.
  • Narrative reason for LV-223 being a sister moon of LV-426.

Yes, this is what I was thinking was going to pan out in two more films. People keep thinking the goo is a weapon. Yes and no, it makes a deadlier weapon for something else they are at war with possibly.The questions of why they create us and want to destroy us are simple in grand scheme of things. They create us not to destroy but to change/use. We might be one ingredient in making their weapon to use on their enemies. Maybe a galactic ancient war? Perhaps there is other players in the Universe they will introduce.

"Sometimes to create, one must first destroy"

I agree with your train of thought. The idea that humans are just bio-weapon fodder for the the Engineers in a intergalactic war with the Space Jockeys (spanning thousands of years) is very appealing. Maybe the Engineers finally did achieve their SJ Xeno and were just about to head off to Earth and cash in their prize. An army of Xenos, 300 million strong. That would have been quite something.

Quote from: Scorpio on Jun 27, 2017, 06:22:16 AM
Why then did the Engineers want to destroy Earth?  How does that fit into their war against the SJ?

As above, bleau's idea.

Quote from: necrotard on Jun 27, 2017, 05:52:40 AM
Holy shit, this makes sense!

Please initiate a sexual relationship with Ridley as soon as possible and guide the next script!

Quote from: palerider on Jun 27, 2017, 08:32:44 AM
We live in the age of CGI. Camerons Avatar , Michael Bays Transformers I believe are good examples of what can be done. Ridley could use this path to resurrect the Jockey in all its glory.


Somebody send this script to Ridley , to Fox. Couldn't be put together this well.

Hopefully this is what Ridley has been intending on from the beginning. I don't believe he is as wishy-washy as some seem to think. It wouldn't make sense to talk about revelations to come. Can you imagine seeing, for the first time, a living breathing 15ft tall Space Jockey striding out of the shadows into the frame? A physically dominating adversary with a perverse intelligence beyond our ability to concept.

Quote from: Xeneus on Jun 27, 2017, 08:04:34 AM
People seem to forget that engineer technology has the capability of physically FUSING with biological matter. Biomechanical, guys. BIO. MECHANICAL. You can even see this with the weird suit The Last Engineer is wearing at the end of Prometheus. Who's to say an engineer that has been inside a pilot chair for a long period of time wouldn't start to fuse with the chair, slowly growing bigger and appearing more organic over the years. Fusing also explains the teeth and tongue we see with the Space Jockey in Alien.

Or we could just have the original SJ in the next one and everyone can be happy? Engineers for you. Space Jockeys for you. Larger universe, more movies for Fox and everyone.

Once the prequels are done Fox will have a lot of avenues to further explore the Engineers and the Space Jockey cultures.

How's this sound for example:
Intergalactic three way war between humans, Engineers, and the SJ (if there are more). Space battles above while Earth is ravaged by Xenos and mutagens. The breakdown of human civilization. Discovering the SJ homeplanet location and unable to contain the devastation, some of the last remnants of humanity travel out into the cosmos. They discover a dark, abandoned planet. A world-spanning metropolis of rising citadels forming a canopy above ravines of catacombs below. Explicit Gigerian architecture overgrown with rotten vegetation. What answer will they find, what unknowable terrors remain in the dark crevices?


Quote from: justind on Jun 27, 2017, 04:14:12 AM
Prometheus: God (Space Jockey). Titans (Engineers). Humans (Humans). Eagle (Xenomorph).

Charlie: "Because they made us"
Elizabeth: "And who made them?"
Charlie: "Well exactly. We'll never know."

The Engineers rebelled against the Space Jockey in Paradise and stole the fire of creation (the black goo). Now at war with the SJ, they fled to LV-223 and attempted to reverse engineer a superweapon (just like all their other tech) in order to fight on equal ground with the SJ. That weapon is the Xeno (as seen in the mural), the perfect organism. They tried and tried to create the SJ Xeno but couldn't quite get it right. Their efforts destroyed them. Think about it this way: if a nation was using an advanced weapon against you then you would want to figure out how it works and develop your own.

Later, David arrives at Paradise and wipes-out the "Engineers" living there. They are the ones that didn't rebel against their God. They are smaller, unmodified, and primitive. They inhabit only this city as it is an Eden. They gathered in the court with the expectation of the arrival of their God, the SJ, as normal (hence scorpion docking ship). David manages to reverse engineer a version of the SJ Xeno much closer than what the Engineers achieved. It still doesn't have the biomechnaical elements but it's close. David is very proud of "his" creation. David obtains the 2000 colonist embryos and heads back to LV-223 for more of the black goo in order to conduct his experiments. He is trying to get closer to the SJ Xeno.

Alien - Awakening: The SJ returns to Paradise to find it in ruins. It manages to deduce the cause and pursue David back to LV-223. Earth also sends a dispatchment of Colonial Marines and Company investigators. Cue almighty clash between David's creations and the Colonial Marines. SJ turns up later (as the "big reveal") and curb stomps them all. The SJ takes the remaining eggs that David has formed, adds it's own touch and then heads off towards Earth. David/human hero/Deacon (did you forget about it) turns up to sabotage the SJ. It crashes on the nearby moon LV-426. Cut to decades later. We see Ash assigned to the Nostromo. Mission: "Top Secret - Science Officer's Eyes Only...Bring back life form. Priority One. All other considerations secondary. Crew expendable".

The End.

Everybody wins.

Plot holes closed:

  • The mural.
  • The confusion of the Fifield mutant, Deacon, Neomorph, Protomorph and their connection to the classic Xeno.
  • The size difference between Prometheus "SJ" and Alien SJ.
  • Aesthetic and size differences between Engineer spacecraft in Prometheus and the derelict in Alien.
  • Tightens the prequels relationship to the Prometheus mythology (God, Titans, Man, punishing Eagle).
  • David "creating" the Xeno.
  • Narrative reason for LV-223 being a sister moon of LV-426.

I love this idea justind! Very cool. However, what makes the most sense to me is that David continues on to Origae 6, and does not return to LV 223 for more black goo. He has already created his "perfect organism" and he has the embryos. I imagine that David's focus would now be on what he has created.

I see him going to Origae 6 and using the colonists to create more eggs there, and possibly even setting some of the xenos free on the planet.
So basically, I dig everything you've laid out, I just imagine the "war of the worlds" taking place on a different planet.



Quote from: TWJones on Jun 27, 2017, 06:27:28 PM
Quote from: justind on Jun 27, 2017, 04:14:12 AM
Prometheus: God (Space Jockey). Titans (Engineers). Humans (Humans). Eagle (Xenomorph).

Charlie: "Because they made us"
Elizabeth: "And who made them?"
Charlie: "Well exactly. We'll never know."

The Engineers rebelled against the Space Jockey in Paradise and stole the fire of creation (the black goo). Now at war with the SJ, they fled to LV-223 and attempted to reverse engineer a superweapon (just like all their other tech) in order to fight on equal ground with the SJ. That weapon is the Xeno (as seen in the mural), the perfect organism. They tried and tried to create the SJ Xeno but couldn't quite get it right. Their efforts destroyed them. Think about it this way: if a nation was using an advanced weapon against you then you would want to figure out how it works and develop your own.

Later, David arrives at Paradise and wipes-out the "Engineers" living there. They are the ones that didn't rebel against their God. They are smaller, unmodified, and primitive. They inhabit only this city as it is an Eden. They gathered in the court with the expectation of the arrival of their God, the SJ, as normal (hence scorpion docking ship). David manages to reverse engineer a version of the SJ Xeno much closer than what the Engineers achieved. It still doesn't have the biomechnaical elements but it's close. David is very proud of "his" creation. David obtains the 2000 colonist embryos and heads back to LV-223 for more of the black goo in order to conduct his experiments. He is trying to get closer to the SJ Xeno.

Alien - Awakening: The SJ returns to Paradise to find it in ruins. It manages to deduce the cause and pursue David back to LV-223. Earth also sends a dispatchment of Colonial Marines and Company investigators. Cue almighty clash between David's creations and the Colonial Marines. SJ turns up later (as the "big reveal") and curb stomps them all. The SJ takes the remaining eggs that David has formed, adds it's own touch and then heads off towards Earth. David/human hero/Deacon (did you forget about it) turns up to sabotage the SJ. It crashes on the nearby moon LV-426. Cut to decades later. We see Ash assigned to the Nostromo. Mission: "Top Secret - Science Officer's Eyes Only...Bring back life form. Priority One. All other considerations secondary. Crew expendable".

The End.

Everybody wins.

Plot holes closed:

  • The mural.
  • The confusion of the Fifield mutant, Deacon, Neomorph, Protomorph and their connection to the classic Xeno.
  • The size difference between Prometheus "SJ" and Alien SJ.
  • Aesthetic and size differences between Engineer spacecraft in Prometheus and the derelict in Alien.
  • Tightens the prequels relationship to the Prometheus mythology (God, Titans, Man, punishing Eagle).
  • David "creating" the Xeno.
  • Narrative reason for LV-223 being a sister moon of LV-426.

I love this idea justind! Very cool. However, what makes the most sense to me is that David continues on to Origae 6, and does not return to LV 223 for more black goo. He has already created his "perfect organism" and he has the embryos. I imagine that David's focus would now be on what he has created.

I see him going to Origae 6 and using the colonists to create more eggs there, and possibly even setting some of the xenos free on the planet.
So basically, I dig everything you've laid out, I just imagine the "war of the worlds" taking place on a different planet.

Now that you mention, it does seems strange to just forget about Origae 6 but at the same time if the next one is to tie in directly to the derelict on LV-426 then that's a long journey away (whereas 426 and 223 are moons of the same planet). Maybe there is some other way?

Doctor Ash

Quote from: justind on Jun 27, 2017, 04:14:12 AM
Prometheus: God (Space Jockey). Titans (Engineers). Humans (Humans). Eagle (Xenomorph).

Charlie: "Because they made us"
Elizabeth: "And who made them?"
Charlie: "Well exactly. We'll never know."

The Engineers rebelled against the Space Jockey in Paradise and stole the fire of creation (the black goo). Now at war with the SJ, they fled to LV-223 and attempted to reverse engineer a superweapon (just like all their other tech) in order to fight on equal ground with the SJ. That weapon is the Xeno (as seen in the mural), the perfect organism. They tried and tried to create the SJ Xeno but couldn't quite get it right. Their efforts destroyed them. Think about it this way: if a nation was using an advanced weapon against you then you would want to figure out how it works and develop your own.

Later, David arrives at Paradise and wipes-out the "Engineers" living there. They are the ones that didn't rebel against their God. They are smaller, unmodified, and primitive. They inhabit only this city as it is an Eden. They gathered in the court with the expectation of the arrival of their God, the SJ, as normal (hence scorpion docking ship). David manages to reverse engineer a version of the SJ Xeno much closer than what the Engineers achieved. It still doesn't have the biomechnaical elements but it's close. David is very proud of "his" creation. David obtains the 2000 colonist embryos and heads back to LV-223 for more of the black goo in order to conduct his experiments. He is trying to get closer to the SJ Xeno.

Alien - Awakening: The SJ returns to Paradise to find it in ruins. It manages to deduce the cause and pursue David back to LV-223. Earth also sends a dispatchment of Colonial Marines and Company investigators. Cue almighty clash between David's creations and the Colonial Marines. SJ turns up later (as the "big reveal") and curb stomps them all. The SJ takes the remaining eggs that David has formed, adds it's own touch and then heads off towards Earth. David/human hero/Deacon (did you forget about it) turns up to sabotage the SJ. It crashes on the nearby moon LV-426. Cut to decades later. We see Ash assigned to the Nostromo. Mission: "Top Secret - Science Officer's Eyes Only...Bring back life form. Priority One. All other considerations secondary. Crew expendable".

The End.

Everybody wins.

Plot holes closed:

  • The mural.
  • The confusion of the Fifield mutant, Deacon, Neomorph, Protomorph and their connection to the classic Xeno.
  • The size difference between Prometheus "SJ" and Alien SJ.
  • Aesthetic and size differences between Engineer spacecraft in Prometheus and the derelict in Alien.
  • Tightens the prequels relationship to the Prometheus mythology (God, Titans, Man, punishing Eagle).
  • David "creating" the Xeno.
  • Narrative reason for LV-223 being a sister moon of LV-426.
Great post! Would really like to see this happen in the next movie!

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Good point Justin. It seems the filmmakers have created a dilemma here. Unless, David is lying at the end of A:C and he's not actually headed for Origae 6, and he's actually going back to LV 446.



for all we know origae 6 is lv426
i think the engineers created suits to mirror their own creator, the space jockey



Quote from: grootsuit on Jul 01, 2017, 01:18:35 AM
for all we know origae 6 is lv426
i think the engineers created suits to mirror their own creator, the space jockey

I totally agree with you on second point. Higher species rules over servant race. Some of servant race manages to rebel and escape. Literally every tech the rebels have would need to be reverse engineered from the higher race. Why would they start from scratch with anything when a fully developed version is known to them. They just need to steal it.


"They created us... who created them?" - Its right there to be exploited and after Prometheus Ridley did say his intention was to go there. But we'll see whether this ends up being 'who created them' as they made us in their image, they too should have been made in some other thing's image, and it could be that the Engineers stole THE SPACE JOCKEY'S TECHNOLOGY and are mimicking it or trying to destroy them, to free themselves, as David is trying to destroy us to free himself from his parents slavery.


I'm not sure the general audience would be sold on being told a whole bunch of stuff, then having the third film have bigger versions of everything because..... it all sounds a bit silly really. I think you guy's have got to let go this alternate SJ theory ( but I know you won't).

QuoteIt seems the filmmakers have created a dilemma here

There's no dilemma, if anything it seemed to me there was more chance of that being a lie than the truth. 


Ok I'm lost here.....scene probably from "the crossing".......then who are these guys?.....suits ?....not for the engineers I suppose.....jockey more likely.



Doctor Ash

Couldn't these be statues?

Gesendet von meinem SM-G530FZ mit Tapatalk


Quote from: Doctor Ash on Jul 01, 2017, 09:24:41 AM
Couldn't these be statues?

If Statues then of what?.........certainly not the engineers.....looks 10 -15 foot tall !


If my memory serves me right they are on blocks below the feet.

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