Empire Podcast Alien: Covenant with Ridley Scott [SPOILERS]

Started by Ingwar, May 23, 2017, 06:28:58 PM

Empire Podcast Alien: Covenant with Ridley Scott [SPOILERS] (Read 76,062 times)


AVP and AVPR aren't canon, they have nothing to do with the Predator Movies or the Alien Saga, the only thing they share is that they both are 20th Century Fox property's and where put into a comic crossover series by Dark Horse. From what I can tell Ridley Scott considers this his canon series: Prometheus, Covenant, Awakening, Paradise, Alien. (maybe Aliens too but probably not)


Quote from: WABOR on May 27, 2017, 01:59:33 AM
AVP and AVPR aren't canon, they have nothing to do with the Predator Movies or the Alien Saga, the only thing they share is that they both are 20th Century Fox property's and where put into a comic crossover series by Dark Horse. From what I can tell Ridley Scott considers this his canon series: Prometheus, Covenant, Awakening, Paradise, Alien. (maybe Aliens too but probably not)

If we continue down this road, they're going to start being seen as having just as much validity as this new series of prequel films.


At this point we are rapidly heading into X-Men Movie discontinuity and NO ONE, regardless of how they feel about this film or that, should be excited about that. Scott is mucking it up and there is no one that gives two craps about the rest of the films there to stop him. 



Bringing the toy line into this... really?

If that's going to be the case, I say let Scott do what he wants, clearly peoples minds have been addled if this what some fans of both series have resorted to. However, Scott has said NOTHING about getting rid of the Queen and you all appear to be getting in a tizz over little but assumptions (what a surprise). Have people not learned yet that the life cycle of these creatures is entirely mutable. The eggs and the face huggers in the Prometheus mural show they've been around for thousands of years, David is just playing with someone else's chemistry set.

Hasn't it been revealed that the Dean Forster novelisation of Covenant that there was already an egg on Paradise? All his novels seems to be based on early screenplays of the film, who knows what's been cut out so far. One of the more followed podcasters said something about this, though I can't remember which one, the Mr H fellow? In fact that's why I checked this site to see if you've published anything about it yourselves.

Though wow, Scott took a few pot shots, although considering Cameron revealed his hypocritical bitching earlier in the year he had it coming.


Quote from: Xenomorphine on May 27, 2017, 06:07:17 PM
Quote from: WABOR on May 27, 2017, 01:59:33 AM
AVP and AVPR aren't canon, they have nothing to do with the Predator Movies or the Alien Saga, the only thing they share is that they both are 20th Century Fox property's and where put into a comic crossover series by Dark Horse. From what I can tell Ridley Scott considers this his canon series: Prometheus, Covenant, Awakening, Paradise, Alien. (maybe Aliens too but probably not)

If we continue down this road, they're going to start being seen as having just as much validity as this new series of prequel films.
Which is to say, either no validity whatsoever or all-inclusive equal validity. I like the bigger universe. I like the AVP idea. I don't like the big bald human engineers. It's too lazy, too Star Trek and too poorly executed in the movies. I disagree with Dark Horse's stumpy-legged, bipedal elephantine engineers solution. It assumes the jockey's whole body was in the chair. I think that poor fellow was grown into the chair and couldn't move if he had to. But at least stumpy legs was an attempt based on what we saw in the original. I'm not in love with Fire & Stone, but at least it's bigger universe. I guess there was some push to have a unified canon eu, but it looks like that's going to end up in the tip. It appears all the Alien, Aliens, AVP EU is going to be equivalent of Star Wars legends. It includes good stuff but it doesn't count to canon.

Also, FWIW, Xenomorphine, I tend to agree with your posts and opinions. You've frequently saved me the need to type. Ridgetop, too.


I can retire safely in this knowledge. 8)

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