Alien Covenant Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 09, 2017, 05:39:30 PM

What did you think of Alien Covenant?

Loved it. (5/5)
100 (21.8%)
Good, it was enjoyable. (4/5)
147 (32%)
It was okay. (3/5)
89 (19.4%)
Could have been better. (2/5)
61 (13.3%)
Didn't like it. (1/5)
32 (7%)
Hated it! (0/5)
30 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 457

Alien Covenant Fan Reviews (Read 288,509 times)



Quote from: MightyViper on May 14, 2017, 01:06:40 AM
Quote from: AlienĀ³ on May 14, 2017, 12:43:23 AM
Just got back from my second viewing of Covenant. Loved it even more.

I noticed so many details this time around.

Quote from: bacchus on May 14, 2017, 12:12:12 AM
You mean 1 CG sequence right? Pretty much all of the sequence at the end involving the Xeno chasing people through the corridors and locking the doors etc was CG, at least 3 minutes worth.

The only CG shot in Alien 3 is the cracks running down the head when the alien is splashed with water. All the shots of it running down the corridors etc, is a rod-puppet added onto the footage.


This specifically was the CG I was thinking of:

QuoteTo finish the alternate cut, a shot of the infant Dragon running away from the carcass of its host was completed with a CGI version of the creature, as the sequence had originally been dropped from the film before the creature effects were added

That cgi was done for the assembly cut in 2003


Quote from: 426Buddy on May 14, 2017, 01:09:33 AM
Quote from: MightyViper on May 14, 2017, 01:06:40 AM
Quote from: AlienĀ³ on May 14, 2017, 12:43:23 AM
Just got back from my second viewing of Covenant. Loved it even more.

I noticed so many details this time around.

Quote from: bacchus on May 14, 2017, 12:12:12 AM
You mean 1 CG sequence right? Pretty much all of the sequence at the end involving the Xeno chasing people through the corridors and locking the doors etc was CG, at least 3 minutes worth.

The only CG shot in Alien 3 is the cracks running down the head when the alien is splashed with water. All the shots of it running down the corridors etc, is a rod-puppet added onto the footage.


This specifically was the CG I was thinking of:

QuoteTo finish the alternate cut, a shot of the infant Dragon running away from the carcass of its host was completed with a CGI version of the creature, as the sequence had originally been dropped from the film before the creature effects were added

That cgi was done for the assembly cut in 2003

Shame they couldn't of cleaned up the rest of the creature effects. Alien 3 is good, but the puppet effects are so so bad.



Quote from: 426Buddy on May 14, 2017, 01:09:33 AM
That cgi was done for the assembly cut in 2003

I never specified which cut of the film I was referring to.

I just gave the CGI in Alien 3 as an example of jarringly bad.

Which it is. It doesn't stop existing because some of the effects were puppets.

Or stop being bad because it's in just one of the cuts of the film.

That example is easily the worst CGI in any of the movies, bar none.



Me and my girlfriend watched it yesterday, along with 2 other friends we dragged in the cinema and it was great and was quite shock on some things. I wouldn't give it a perfect score but sir Ridley Scott certainly gave us what most we wanted and to be honest I did leave the theater wanting more... which we'll probably see in a blu-ray release. I'm from the Philippines and it actually showed here at May 10, which I though was gonna show by May 19.

But, can't wait for the next one.  ;D

(But I wish they'd put to use the prototype Pulse Rifle in the next one lol)


Quote from: MightyViper on May 14, 2017, 01:17:50 AM
Quote from: 426Buddy on May 14, 2017, 01:09:33 AM
That cgi was done for the assembly cut in 2003

I never specified which cut of the film I was referring to.

I just gave the CGI in Alien 3 as an example of jarringly bad.

Which it is. It doesn't stop existing because some of the effects were puppets.

Or stop being bad because it's in just one of the cuts of the film.

That example is easily the worst CGI in any of the movies, bar none.

I'm confused now. Most of the horrible creature fx shots were puppet shots. Can you link a youtube video of the shot(s) you're referring to? The bambi-burst shot is probably the best creature effect shot in the entire cut.



Quote from: newagescamartist on May 14, 2017, 02:59:59 AM
Quote from: MightyViper on May 14, 2017, 01:17:50 AM
Quote from: 426Buddy on May 14, 2017, 01:09:33 AM
That cgi was done for the assembly cut in 2003

I never specified which cut of the film I was referring to.

I just gave the CGI in Alien 3 as an example of jarringly bad.

Which it is. It doesn't stop existing because some of the effects were puppets.

Or stop being bad because it's in just one of the cuts of the film.

That example is easily the worst CGI in any of the movies, bar none.

I'm confused now. Most of the horrible creature fx shots were puppet shots. Can you link a youtube video of the shot(s) you're referring to? The bambi-burst shot is probably the best creature effect shot in the entire cut.

I don't see how you can be, considering it's one of the only CGI moments in the film and I've already spelled out the exact thing I'm talking about.

Unless you haven't seen the assembly cut of Alien 3?

If so don't worry. Here's a link:

Starts about 1.51 in, just so there's no further confusion.

Also I have no idea why you're mentioning terrible puppet shots again. I never said the puppet shots were good or bad. In fact, I didn't even mention them in my OP. I was comparing bad CGI to okay/good CGI. If you want to debate horrible puppetry talk to someone who actually raised it. If however you're just trying to claim that horrible blurry, jerky, barely looks like it's in the movie thing isn't jarringly bad...

Well lol we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.



Agree to diagree. That cgi shot is fine.



Quote from: newagescamartist on May 14, 2017, 04:47:46 AM
Agree to diagree. That cgi shot is fine.

Lol ok



Quote from: T Dog on May 13, 2017, 11:33:40 PM
Quote from: cucuchu on May 13, 2017, 10:52:17 PM
Quote from: Dan2004 on May 13, 2017, 09:51:38 PM
Just watched -  not happy


Way too long character building
Slaughtered everyone within minutes
Too many different monsters
Very predictable
Kill scenes way too fast
End scene very predictable
Talking to Aliens FFS

Xeno CGI impressed me beyond expectation
Bombing scene nicely done - just slightly quick

Overall if you're expecting Alien type Ridley (Dark corners hunting down crew slowly and in a scary unpredictable manor) forget it. If he makes another and it's anything like this - Game over man

Thanks for the review....but really, are they showing two different versions of the film at different cinemas??? You praise the CGI, others praise it, then others say its jarringly bad...Some say the characters are well fleshed out,others say we get hardly any character development.

I know everyone has their opinions and that is fine...its just funny how all over the place the fan AND official reviews are. On the plus side, since everyone's reviews keep cancelling each other out, I have no idea what to expect on the 18th when I see it  :)
The creature CGI is not good. It looks weightless when neomorphs and creates the modern issue of "lets show more because we can" which leads to more ropey cgi shots. The fully grown xeno actually moved much better than the neos but by god was its birth sequence hilarious, it looked like it was gonna start singing and dancing "new york new york".

Something I've come to notice is you lot just don't absorb text.

It impressed me BEYOND my expectations. Seeing the tracking clip and the poor work with the back spikes not moving - the fact they corrected it was a slight improvement for the film.

The film was horrible. Xenos standing up playing heads shoulders knees and toes with David. Honestly what are we doing anymore. Pretty sure the first instinctive thing a xebo dis was run like hell following burst.


End of.



This one made me chuckle



Long time reader of the site - it's brilliant and I'm a huge fan of the franchise generally.

I also write as a fan of Prometheus.

After watching Covenant, I feel that Scott may have felt frustrated after Prometheus, not because the franchise had 'cooked' the Alien, but because his audience no longer wanted to be challenged by film.  The audience whinges about unanswered questions, having no patience to wait for a longer story to unfold must have affected his motivation for returning to the franchise.

The result is this film, where Scott ticks off every cliche in the (now literally created) book. 

It all starts well, with a set-up that introduces a great cast and draws you into its world - I was a huge fan of that.

However, once a foot is placed on the planet, the pace is relentless, cramming in an army of ideas into the rest of the movie.  Potentially stunning images flash by with no time to linger - for example, David's workshop.

My major gripes lie with the Aliens themselves though.  A scene where David calms and controls a Neomorph strips away nearly all of the mystery.  The chestburster sequence is rushed, and ridiculous - to film the Alien raising its arms to copy David, coupled with the music in that scene...surely it's visual sarcasm from Scott?  Surely it's him flicking the V's at those who simply wanted more Aliens with none of the challenge or risk that used to come with it. 

I'm not one of those fans who wants ideas to blend perfectly with the past - I say take liberties, change things, Cameron did.  The idea of David creating the Alien is a good one.  It's the execution of those ideas that make the film feel unsatisfying.

Overall, I wanted to love it.  I really wanted to.  But the breakneck pace, coupled with how Scott develops the Alien are film-breakers for me.  Behind closed doors, my belief is that Scott didn't, and still doesn't want to use the Alien.  A (metaphorical) gun was held against his head in these troubled franchised cinema times and he had to use them.  At times, you can feel Scott's bold ideas rubbing against those that feel studio/lunchbox/t-shirt selling ones.

Some will praise it just because it's an Alien film.  When I left the cinema, I was disappointed.  It's a sell-out - for all the wrong reasons.



Quote from: p_w_s86 on May 14, 2017, 10:24:35 AM
Long time reader of the site - it's brilliant and I'm a huge fan of the franchise generally.

I also write as a fan of Prometheus.

After watching Covenant, I feel that Scott may have felt frustrated after Prometheus, not because the franchise had 'cooked' the Alien, but because his audience no longer wanted to be challenged by film.  The audience whinges about unanswered questions, having no patience to wait for a longer story to unfold must have affected his motivation for returning to the franchise.

The result is this film, where Scott ticks off every cliche in the (now literally created) book. 

It all starts well, with a set-up that introduces a great cast and draws you into its world - I was a huge fan of that.

However, once a foot is placed on the planet, the pace is relentless, cramming in an army of ideas into the rest of the movie.  Potentially stunning images flash by with no time to linger - for example, David's workshop.

My major gripes lie with the Aliens themselves though.  A scene where David calms and controls a Neomorph strips away nearly all of the mystery.  The chestburster sequence is rushed, and ridiculous - to film the Alien raising its arms to copy David, coupled with the music in that scene...surely it's visual sarcasm from Scott?  Surely it's him flicking the V's at those who simply wanted more Aliens with none of the challenge or risk that used to come with it. 

I'm not one of those fans who wants ideas to blend perfectly with the past - I say take liberties, change things, Cameron did.  The idea of David creating the Alien is a good one.  It's the execution of those ideas that make the film feel unsatisfying.

Overall, I wanted to love it.  I really wanted to.  But the breakneck pace, coupled with how Scott develops the Alien are film-breakers for me.  Behind closed doors, my belief is that Scott didn't, and still doesn't want to use the Alien.  A (metaphorical) gun was held against his head in these troubled franchised cinema times and he had to use them.  At times, you can feel Scott's bold ideas rubbing against those that feel studio/lunchbox/t-shirt selling ones.

Some will praise it just because it's an Alien film.  When I left the cinema, I was disappointed.  It's a sell-out - for all the wrong reasons.

My thoughts exactly. Couldn't have put it better myself.



Im so glad somebody brought up the spaceballs alien. Because that is exactly the level the xeno has now been reduced to in my eyes. A caricature of its former great self.

I don't believe for one minute that the alien doesn't attack/destroy androids. It attacked a TV monitor for Petes sake,, so it can freaking well attack David, just like it did Bishop.

Actually, even facehugging David to give birth to a more mechanical/digital alien would have been better than the direction the ending finally took. And no - I don't believe David swallowed the facehugger embryos and that is why the chestburster spared him.



Without spoiling anything Alien: Covenant was very different to what I expected. I did enjoy it a lot but it was far more in depth than I expected, what with those big Prometheus questions and themes running throughout. I don't think there's any doubt in my mind that they dropped the ball making the majority of the creatures CGI because the effects already look bad in some places and far worse than those in Prometheus and even the first two Alien movies.
I should note that the self-important tone from Prometheus carries over into Covenant and that may turn away more casual viewers who are simply looking for body horror and bloodshed (or fans who loathed Prometheus). 

Alien: Covenant is definitely more of a Prometheus sequel than an Alien movie, although it still feels like the latter, in fact I'd highly recommend watching or re-watching Prometheus and its pre-release ancillary viral content before seeing Covenant. Your view on Prometheus will either make or break this movie for you. Personally I really enjoy the former and I very much enjoyed the scenes in Covenant where the bigger questions and themes are teased and prodded at.

Overall Alien: Covenant is a strong and at times a very tense movie and it felt very much like an Alien film which is pretty much what I wanted. It's a movie that will benefit from repeat viewings and I think that as part of the larger Alien prequel tapestry it is simply only the start. After all, big things have small beginnings.

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