Screenshots Thread

Started by stemot, Oct 07, 2014, 07:28:27 PM

Screenshots Thread (Read 20,176 times)



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Oct 27, 2014, 01:51:25 PM
Quote from: ikarop on Oct 27, 2014, 12:19:28 PM
>implying you hadn't already shat them from minute one...

Not going to deny that.

However...the emotional impact
of seeing all those Aliens, after the trouble you'd had with one and if you were unlucky encountering 2 at the same time...I was like "shit"

Yep absolutely.

Its those scenes that always make you think: "Good god i survived it, lets hope to never see this beast again whatsoever!" and then there are multiple ones ;).

The pacing there is quite well done and its believable at the same time, after seeing the hive of course being purged ... especially when you utilize the tracker on hard as much as me does while in the hive region ;) ... .

This is what keeps you on your toes while having the strong urgent desire to get more (content cause for me the game could have lasted a bit longer) :P ;).



A few screens are from near the end


Quote from: Huol on Oct 26, 2014, 08:36:10 PM
Quote from: esz on Oct 23, 2014, 12:26:01 PM
Could someone upload screenshots from the ending, please? I mean specifically...

the moment when a bunch of Aliens is right before Amanda when she releases Torrens, and the moment from the finishing cutscene when her face is being lit by bright light.

May as well post what I took

:laugh: That last one. laughingaliens.jpg






Here's a bunch I put on my Flickr not too long ago.



I love the pics of the Alien with the corpse in the background. And that last one of it emerging from the vent.



EvilPraetorian: where did you get all those wonderful pics? Unless you have the magic key to the engine, those are impossible to take without full control of the camera, or timeline.



Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Oct 08, 2014, 01:17:36 PM

Where did the tripod and all those crates come from? None of your team members are carrying anything.
The tripod the Nostromo crew used was turned into a makeshift travois in order to carry Kane back and they definitely weren't lugging crates around.

I did some exploring in this area prior to turning off the beakon... I was amazed at the detail and atmosphere this part of the game had. Anyway, while I was exploring next to the jocky pilot, I found the hole leading down to the egg chamber, and the tripod was laying on its side nearby. It looked to me like the crew from the nostromo cast it aside after they pulled Kane up and hastily left it behind. The crates were there too. At that moment, the crew members who are with you mention the tracks, and I think someone says something about it looks like something was being dragged out. I assumed that CA was alluding to Kane's body being dragged out all those years ago. Then when you deactivate the beakon and return, your crew members have the tripod setup again... [spoiler/]



Quote from: acrediblesource on Nov 06, 2014, 11:40:10 PM
EvilPraetorian: where did you get all those wonderful pics? Unless you have the magic key to the engine, those are impossible to take without full control of the camera, or timeline.

I don't hold the magic key to the engine unfortunately,  HOWEVER..  I have a friend on my friends list who has been developing a .dll that you need to inject into the AI.exe process which has things like customisable DOF,  Sharpening etc etc..

I believe it's still a work in progress but yeah..  Expect a tonne of stuff from me in the near future.

While you await more from me.

This was taken on the Last Survivor DLC in the adjoining area to where Brett met his maker.

Also this :D


Maybe you should ask me about our safety protocols

You're becoming hysterical

There's something else here

The hunt begins

The hot entrance

The hot entrance 2

The hot entrance 3

It can smell your sweat

The Search for food

The search for food 2

It knows you're close

Caught out


The Medlab Entrance







I seriously love that bit where it pirouettes down out of the vent in the med centre. Next playthrough I must stop crapping myself long enough to stand wand watch it.

Quote from: Quarax on Nov 11, 2014, 09:23:04 PM

:laugh: Haha how did you manage that?!






Quote from: HuDaFuK on Nov 12, 2014, 02:36:30 PM
I seriously love that bit where it pirouettes down out of the vent in the med centre. Next playthrough I must stop crapping myself long enough to stand wand watch it.

Quote from: Quarax on Nov 11, 2014, 09:23:04 PM

:laugh: Haha how did you manage that?!

I got both groups together and tossed a Noisemaker.






Quote from: nico_celtic on Nov 12, 2014, 08:37:47 PM


Also I don't remember finding the Chestburst victim, is that Foster?

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