In The News

Started by DoomRulz, Nov 30, 2012, 03:53:46 AM

In The News (Read 1,426,465 times)



Of course more whites get shot than blacks... we're the majority in america... That argument is totally irrelevant here...

D. Compton Ambrose

D. Compton Ambrose

Sweden Proposes Aggressive Nordic Defense

QuoteA former Norwegian defense and foreign minister, Stoltenberg said he favored the formation of joint Nordic forces while working with Russia to develop long-term political, economic and security stability in Northern Europe and the Arctic region.

Despite the fact that 'defense' and 'aggression' are practically perpendicular in terms of military application, there have been some other unsettling developments in regard to Nordic-Russian ties...

QuoteSome might view that as a sign of the so-called "special relationship" and friendly ties between Norwegians and Russians in the northernmost parts of both countries.

And despite the fact that Russia has been going around grabbing territory as of late...

QuoteThe goal is that neither country will lose any territory.

Wot? What has Norway ever done for Russia? Unless of course the Nordic countries are drifting away from the west and toward the Kremlin at an ideological standpoint.

Norway and Russia 're-adjust' border

QuoteForeign Minister Kristian Jensen told Jyllands-Posten on Friday that he plans to reopen political dialogue between Denmark and Russia. Jensen said that the Russians have requested a top-level meeting between the two countries and he intends to accept the invitation.

Denmark to 'reopen dialogue' with Russia

Danish foreign minister set to reopen dialogue with Russia

So much for a united front against Putin and Russian aggression. I am beginning to suspect Russia is just a scapegoat and distraction from something far more sinister being perpetuated by someone or something else.

Oh nuuuu...! Russia annexed Crimea! Big whoop, China economically annexed Spain back in 2011. Imagine how influential China is now in 2015.



Quote from: Gate on Aug 21, 2015, 10:15:16 PM
Of course more whites get shot than blacks... we're the majority in america... That argument is totally irrelevant here...

No it's not pleb. The data accounts for that. Pretty basic statistics, honestly.

But since we're talking about important things now, why don't we focus on the real failure in America?



Quote from: RagingDragon on Aug 21, 2015, 07:43:55 PM
And please, do we really, really have to get into another gun argument? How long can people be proven wrong and continue to assert that they're right? Yeah, they don't have crime in the UK because they outlawed guns. Do you people even have parents to teach you how to think straight? The UK has one of the highest violent crime rates in the world, and it's as high if not higher than statistics in the US. Aggravated assaults are much higher. Gee in an unarmed populace, I wonder why people are being assaulted so often??? GEE I DON'T KNOW.

The article is from 2009, but it's a lot more effort than you deserve in response to your crap posts.
QuoteThe U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609.
Yup, a lack of guns are clearly why Britain has such a high crime rate!

The lack of guns isn't Britain's problem when it comes to violent crimes. All letting people be armed would do is increase the number of shootings. The violence comes from much deeper rooted problems in British society, but they're hard to pin down and can't be fixed by making a certain device legal or not. Giving everyone guns would not deter the sorts of people who are likely to commit a violent crime in the UK; it would simply give them guns to shoot people with. A lot of the crime comes from young, angry people roving in packs. They would not give a flying f**k if someone they targeted was armed, they would just shoot them first.



Quote from: RagingDragon on Aug 22, 2015, 12:08:22 AM
Quote from: Gate on Aug 21, 2015, 10:15:16 PM
Of course more whites get shot than blacks... we're the majority in america... That argument is totally irrelevant here...

No it's not pleb. The data accounts for that. Pretty basic statistics, honestly.

But since we're talking about important things now, why don't we focus on the real failure in America?
Go back to /v/



And America thinks it has migrant issues. Europe reaches melting point with migrant crisis.

Macedonia has declared a state of emergency.

The days of the EU must be numbered at this rate. Many Eurozone countries are clearly now not adhering to EU law when it comes to border controls as the influx from Africa and the Middle East goes through the roof. Hungry is building its border fence/wall and now Macedonia is virtually on the brink of closing its borders to all. Other countries in the area are sure to follow.

Germany (who's Angela Merkel championed the now infamous Schengen agreement and will not talk about reforms to it) is expected to have 800,000 migrants enter the country by the end of the year. Of course, Germany is now panicking because that's too many people, yes that's right Germany, its too damn late you idiots. They are now calling for the UK to take yet more migrants in, luckily so far the UK has refused.

How ironic Chancellor Merkel, look how this situation has bitten you on the arse, you wanted the Schengen agreement, you deal with them. Germany is slowly but surely being utterly swamped and its now too late for them, yet they keep letting them in, Germany is in serious sh*t. All I can say is thank God for our channel!

'German towns have been housing refugees in tent cities and converted gyms, but as tensions increase, there has been a rise in attacks on asylum seekers.
In the east, thousands of people have marched in towns and cities in protest at asylum seekers being housed in their areas and against what they call the "Islamisation of the West.'

Sir Forte states clearly leaving the EU would not affect his business one bit, its scaremongering.

And lastly, is it a stretch to say that all these migrants flooding into Europe might see more terrorist attacks like this?

Surely its a real possibility, most are Muslim, we have no idea who many of them are, they could be anyone. This presents a major security risk to target western countries, its not hard to see where this is all going.

Novak 1334

Novak 1334

Quote from: whiterabbit on Aug 21, 2015, 08:26:10 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Aug 21, 2015, 04:32:22 PM
I think the problem in the US with cops being so extreme in their ways is simply down to the fact America is full of guns, the police have to be this way half the time.

People say, oh the police force in the UK or Europe or where ever are so much better and they don't act like American police etc... Yeah but over here there are no guns! The police can be very confident in the fact that, in a worse case scenario, they might get punched in the face or maybe someone might have a knife, but no one has guns, you're not gonna get shot when you pull someone over in their car.

The other problem being I'm pretty sure many officers are now afraid to do their jobs properly because everyone is looking to cry racism or assault etc...People are using the current climate to their advantage and abusing the police.

I've seen these clips where American police have pulled someone over in their car and the guy pulls a gun, its terrifying! I think being a policeman/woman in America is more dangerous than being in a military conflict with the US army.
Yea those points you bring up are likely very real. Also America is a big place and full of back water and ghetto culture. More so all of this violence has little to do with race and more to do education or lack there of. Another thing, I think cops just forgot how to "dog fight" like the good old days.

Also RagingDragon; Novak 1334 is just dishing out what foxnews serves all damn day on their channel and about the corresponding examples you posted, well like Bill O'reilly always says "don't try to excuse bad behavior by pointing to the other bad behavior". Wait did you also point to where cops shooting people could be considered a good thing?  :laugh:

Ban all guns. rawr. No, no, I just kid. However just think of the day we finally get ray-guns. Ballistics is going to have their work cut out for them or worse.

Yay, somebody realised that I was joking!  Good old MURICA!!

D. Compton Ambrose

D. Compton Ambrose

Quote from: Hubbs on Aug 22, 2015, 03:40:49 AM
And America thinks it has migrant issues. Europe reaches melting point with migrant crisis.

Macedonia has declared a state of emergency.

The days of the EU must be numbered at this rate. Many Eurozone countries are clearly now not adhering to EU law when it comes to border controls as the influx from Africa and the Middle East goes through the roof. Hungry is building its border fence/wall and now Macedonia is virtually on the brink of closing its borders to all. Other countries in the area are sure to follow.

Germany (who's Angela Merkel championed the now infamous Schengen agreement and will not talk about reforms to it) is expected to have 800,000 migrants enter the country by the end of the year. Of course, Germany is now panicking because that's too many people, yes that's right Germany, its too damn late you idiots. They are now calling for the UK to take yet more migrants in, luckily so far the UK has refused.

How ironic Chancellor Merkel, look how this situation has bitten you on the arse, you wanted the Schengen agreement, you deal with them. Germany is slowly but surely being utterly swamped and its now too late for them, yet they keep letting them in, Germany is in serious sh*t. All I can say is thank God for our channel!

'German towns have been housing refugees in tent cities and converted gyms, but as tensions increase, there has been a rise in attacks on asylum seekers.
In the east, thousands of people have marched in towns and cities in protest at asylum seekers being housed in their areas and against what they call the "Islamisation of the West.'

Sir Forte states clearly leaving the EU would not affect his business one bit, its scaremongering.

And lastly, is it a stretch to say that all these migrants flooding into Europe might see more terrorist attacks like this?

Surely its a real possibility, most are Muslim, we have no idea who many of them are, they could be anyone. This presents a major security risk to target western countries, its not hard to see where this is all going.

And all its going to do is further fan the flames fueling hypernationalist parties ascending to power all across the continent. You've got the Golden Dawn, who are practically Nazis, poised to assume power in Greece after Tsipras stepped down yesterday. You've got the neofascist Front Nationale in France, the Danish People's Party are the second largest in the government and then there's Ukraine's Right Sektor. Things are getting pretty nasty in Europe, which is the last place you want to play with the powder keg of economic austerity. Seriously, Europe's starting to look like it did in the 1930's.



I don't want another war between Korea. It's bad enough that America has been known to jump into other wars since after WW2. We don't need to have the US fight another war since we still have to take care of ISIS and other terrorist.



Quote from: Dan Grant on Aug 22, 2015, 12:05:17 AM
Despite the fact that 'defense' and 'aggression' are practically perpendicular in terms of military application, there have been some other unsettling developments in regard to Nordic-Russian ties...

Not quite. Aggressive defensive strategies are just that: Defensive. It means to act fast and act hard. Doesn't mean it's pre-emptive offensive strategy.

Places like South Korea and Taiwan probably have aggressive defensive plans in case of invasion.

Quote from: Hellspawn28 on Aug 22, 2015, 09:16:35 PM
I don't want another war between Korea. It's bad enough that America has been known to jump into other wars since after WW2. We don't need to have the US fight another war since we still have to take care of ISIS and other terrorist.

It's probably just domestic posturing. North Korea wouldn't survive very long against even the South, let alone the combined might of any US forces called in. Of course, the leadership is fairly insane and might just as easily decide to go down in flames on an impulsive whim.

Regardless, the US is perfectly capable of defending on multiple fronts. It's one of the few nations which can. The ISIS stuff is relatively low-intensity and only a fraction of military assets are being used over there. If the US was really bothered, it could eradicate ISIS in very short order. It's more interested in supporting allies already involved and making sure their own economies remain stable (beware the ripple effect).



Quote from: Dan Grant on Aug 22, 2015, 05:03:34 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Aug 22, 2015, 03:40:49 AM
And America thinks it has migrant issues. Europe reaches melting point with migrant crisis.

Macedonia has declared a state of emergency.

The days of the EU must be numbered at this rate. Many Eurozone countries are clearly now not adhering to EU law when it comes to border controls as the influx from Africa and the Middle East goes through the roof. Hungry is building its border fence/wall and now Macedonia is virtually on the brink of closing its borders to all. Other countries in the area are sure to follow.

Germany (who's Angela Merkel championed the now infamous Schengen agreement and will not talk about reforms to it) is expected to have 800,000 migrants enter the country by the end of the year. Of course, Germany is now panicking because that's too many people, yes that's right Germany, its too damn late you idiots. They are now calling for the UK to take yet more migrants in, luckily so far the UK has refused.

How ironic Chancellor Merkel, look how this situation has bitten you on the arse, you wanted the Schengen agreement, you deal with them. Germany is slowly but surely being utterly swamped and its now too late for them, yet they keep letting them in, Germany is in serious sh*t. All I can say is thank God for our channel!

'German towns have been housing refugees in tent cities and converted gyms, but as tensions increase, there has been a rise in attacks on asylum seekers.
In the east, thousands of people have marched in towns and cities in protest at asylum seekers being housed in their areas and against what they call the "Islamisation of the West.'

Sir Forte states clearly leaving the EU would not affect his business one bit, its scaremongering.

And lastly, is it a stretch to say that all these migrants flooding into Europe might see more terrorist attacks like this?

Surely its a real possibility, most are Muslim, we have no idea who many of them are, they could be anyone. This presents a major security risk to target western countries, its not hard to see where this is all going.

And all its going to do is further fan the flames fueling hypernationalist parties ascending to power all across the continent. You've got the Golden Dawn, who are practically Nazis, poised to assume power in Greece after Tsipras stepped down yesterday. You've got the neofascist Front Nationale in France, the Danish People's Party are the second largest in the government and then there's Ukraine's Right Sektor. Things are getting pretty nasty in Europe, which is the last place you want to play with the powder keg of economic austerity. Seriously, Europe's starting to look like it did in the 1930's.

Yeah? And who's fault is that?  bleeding heart liberals and their political correctness control/regime. No one in Europe wanted this, we weren't asked, there was no vote, it's been forced upon us all by beaucrats in Brussels and their ridiculous EU control.

This is the result, it's completely falling apart, the EU has damaged Europe severely, yet even in the face of collapse, Chancellor Merkel still refuses to back down in Germany. Her people are protesting yet she ignores them, just as the EU has ignored most Europeans.

D. Compton Ambrose

D. Compton Ambrose

Quote from: Hubbs on Aug 22, 2015, 11:55:25 PM
Quote from: Dan Grant on Aug 22, 2015, 05:03:34 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Aug 22, 2015, 03:40:49 AM
And America thinks it has migrant issues. Europe reaches melting point with migrant crisis.

Macedonia has declared a state of emergency.

The days of the EU must be numbered at this rate. Many Eurozone countries are clearly now not adhering to EU law when it comes to border controls as the influx from Africa and the Middle East goes through the roof. Hungry is building its border fence/wall and now Macedonia is virtually on the brink of closing its borders to all. Other countries in the area are sure to follow.

Germany (who's Angela Merkel championed the now infamous Schengen agreement and will not talk about reforms to it) is expected to have 800,000 migrants enter the country by the end of the year. Of course, Germany is now panicking because that's too many people, yes that's right Germany, its too damn late you idiots. They are now calling for the UK to take yet more migrants in, luckily so far the UK has refused.

How ironic Chancellor Merkel, look how this situation has bitten you on the arse, you wanted the Schengen agreement, you deal with them. Germany is slowly but surely being utterly swamped and its now too late for them, yet they keep letting them in, Germany is in serious sh*t. All I can say is thank God for our channel!

'German towns have been housing refugees in tent cities and converted gyms, but as tensions increase, there has been a rise in attacks on asylum seekers.
In the east, thousands of people have marched in towns and cities in protest at asylum seekers being housed in their areas and against what they call the "Islamisation of the West.'

Sir Forte states clearly leaving the EU would not affect his business one bit, its scaremongering.

And lastly, is it a stretch to say that all these migrants flooding into Europe might see more terrorist attacks like this?

Surely its a real possibility, most are Muslim, we have no idea who many of them are, they could be anyone. This presents a major security risk to target western countries, its not hard to see where this is all going.

And all its going to do is further fan the flames fueling hypernationalist parties ascending to power all across the continent. You've got the Golden Dawn, who are practically Nazis, poised to assume power in Greece after Tsipras stepped down yesterday. You've got the neofascist Front Nationale in France, the Danish People's Party are the second largest in the government and then there's Ukraine's Right Sektor. Things are getting pretty nasty in Europe, which is the last place you want to play with the powder keg of economic austerity. Seriously, Europe's starting to look like it did in the 1930's.

Yeah? And who's fault is that?  bleeding heart liberals and their political correctness control/regime. No one in Europe wanted this, we weren't asked, there was no vote, it's been forced upon us all by beaucrats in Brussels and their ridiculous EU control.

This is the result, it's completely falling apart, the EU has damaged Europe severely, yet even in the face of collapse, Chancellor Merkel still refuses to back down in Germany. Her people are protesting yet she ignores them, just as the EU has ignored most Europeans.

This is true. Hyperglobalism isn't the answer to hypernationalism, as good as it sounds. All globalism advocates is a globalist totalitarian world government dominated by a very few, very powerful elite so you are correct in that regard.



I remember the US went through Wilson's isolationist policy in the past when it comes to other world conflicts. That's why the US stay out of WW1 for three years. Going into other country wars seem to make things worst for the US. I hope the US would stay out in another Korean war.



Quote from: Hellspawn28 on Aug 23, 2015, 04:18:35 AM
I remember the US went through Wilson's isolationist policy in the past when it comes to other world conflicts. That's why the US stay out of WW1 for three years. Going into other country wars seem to make things worst for the US. I hope the US would stay out in another Korean war.

It would be impossible, the US has servicemen stationed in South Korea 24/7, they'd have to get involved



Okay but I still feel like that the US should remain neutral when it comes to other wars. A lot of people feel like fighting in Vietnam and fighting Iraq in 2003 was a big mistake. People where against the US going to other world conflicts since the 1910's.

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