In The News

Started by DoomRulz, Nov 30, 2012, 03:53:46 AM

In The News (Read 1,427,653 times)



QuoteIf there is doubt then you should hold on to them and let the law run its course.

But if there's reasonable doubt, they shouldn't be convicted at all.

Sgt. Apone

Sgt. Apone

Quote from: Kimarhi on Dec 17, 2013, 09:38:00 PM
I don't disagree.

However, for people that are guilty as f**k, flaunt their guiltiness, and have admitted to being murderers there is no point keeping them around.

If that makes me cold as f**k than so be it.  They had their chance, and they f**ked it up.

And what about the people who were thought to be guilty as f**k but turned out to be innocent? There are people who have been in prison for thirty years or more and may be innocent. There was a huge thing in the news about people who were actually innocent but beaten and forced into pleading guilty. So how are we going to decide who to kill?

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 16, 2013, 10:28:04 PM
Humans are barbaric by nature so I don't see what the big deal is.
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 17, 2013, 12:06:59 AM
It's not ok for a civilized race but lets face it humans are barbaric by nature and that's not going to change anytime soon.
That's true. You know what I f**kin' miss? Slavery. I mean, the abolishment of it and progressive bettering of society is the reason I'm alive, but the concept is what's beautiful. Just, you know, as long as it's none of the ethnicities I belong to, then we're cool.

We should stop kidding ourselves.



Quote from: Sgt. Apone on Dec 18, 2013, 01:21:13 AM
Quote from: Kimarhi on Dec 17, 2013, 09:38:00 PM
I don't disagree.

However, for people that are guilty as f**k, flaunt their guiltiness, and have admitted to being murderers there is no point keeping them around.

If that makes me cold as f**k than so be it.  They had their chance, and they f**ked it up.

And what about the people who were thought to be guilty as f**k but turned out to be innocent? There are people who have been in prison for thirty years or more and may be innocent. There was a huge thing in the news about people who were actually innocent but beaten and forced into pleading guilty. So how are we going to decide who to kill?

I'm talking about the braggards.  The people that admit to doing wrong and gloat about it on TV.  Like the dude wearing the killer shirt or the two guys that knifed the british soldier, or the guy who shot up Fort Hood (but he is on death row).  Of Manson who has freely admitted to what he's done and says if he'll get out he'll do it again.  f**k all those people.

Xeno Killer 2179

Xeno Killer 2179


Scientists can actually observe the brain changing from analytical circuits to social/empathetic circuits, and claim we can only be one or the other at a given time.





Quote from: Space Sweeper on Dec 18, 2013, 02:09:38 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 16, 2013, 10:28:04 PM
Humans are barbaric by nature so I don't see what the big deal is.
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 17, 2013, 12:06:59 AM
It's not ok for a civilized race but lets face it humans are barbaric by nature and that's not going to change anytime soon.
That's true. You know what I f**kin' miss? Slavery. I mean, the abolishment of it and progressive bettering of society is the reason I'm alive, but the concept is what's beautiful. Just, you know, as long as it's none of the ethnicities I belong to, then we're cool.

We should stop kidding ourselves.
Slavery still exists in many forms. All of which are right in our backyard. Be in traditional, sexual or economic.

Not sure if this is true but I remember watching a documentary about where those on death row in Germany can get their sentence commuted to life in prison if they agree to be real life crash dummies. Would that be an unreasonable thing to do in the US? No better way to get great data then using live test subjects.



Quote from: Kimarhi on Dec 17, 2013, 09:38:00 PM
I don't disagree.

Thumbs up for that.

However, for people that are guilty as f**k, flaunt their guiltiness, and have admitted to being murderers there is no point keeping them around.[/quote]


QuoteIf that makes me cold as f**k than so be it.  They had their chance, and they f**ked it up.

It's only natural to feel that way when you read about terrible murders and the remorseless killers committing them. I also instinctively feel vengeful as well as I feel hatred towards people like that (people bragging about killing other people, like those school shootings, or the 2011 nationalist terrorist attack in Norway etc.), but fortunately, and hopefully, the justice/penal system and our society don't operate on those feelings and levels because it would make us just as cold-blooded (or boiling hot blooded if you want) and detestable as those murderers, but not only that, it would also foster movement towards mob-like punishment savagery and loss of empathy and humanism in our culture and society. We don't need that.

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 18, 2013, 06:36:47 AM
Quote from: Space Sweeper on Dec 18, 2013, 02:09:38 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 16, 2013, 10:28:04 PM
Humans are barbaric by nature so I don't see what the big deal is.
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 17, 2013, 12:06:59 AM
It's not ok for a civilized race but lets face it humans are barbaric by nature and that's not going to change anytime soon.
That's true. You know what I f**kin' miss? Slavery. I mean, the abolishment of it and progressive bettering of society is the reason I'm alive, but the concept is what's beautiful. Just, you know, as long as it's none of the ethnicities I belong to, then we're cool.

We should stop kidding ourselves.
Slavery still exists in many forms. All of which are right in our backyard. Be in traditional, sexual or economic.
I'm not pretending as if it doesn't exist in first world environments in some forms still, and definitely not turning a blind eye on the less fortunate areas of the world, but there is such a thing as attempting to be a progressive society, and thinking we're not going to change "anytime soon" just leads to a series of lazy, ignorant, retroactive gutter-thoughts. Just because shitty things happen every day and will continue to happen for as long as humanity is around doesn't mean that we can't start treating eachother better as a species.

Yeah, I'll get down in a sec...



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Dec 17, 2013, 08:58:50 PM
Quote from: Kimarhi on Dec 17, 2013, 05:54:59 PM
Quote from: SM on Dec 17, 2013, 11:56:15 AM
QuoteIf a person is a known killer where there is no reasonable doubt that they have killed they should be executed.

But if there is some doubt - let them go?

If there is doubt then you should hold on to them and let the law run its course.  I'm talking about people that go to jail have freely admitted to killing and are rewarded with life.  Some of these fools only get 15-25 years in prison before they are released again in prisons that are overcrowded.

Big time mobsters and gangsters can throw enough cash at lawyers that they can delay the whole process and this is another problem.  They are the ones orchestrating interior and exterior activities that lead to other prisoners and civilians on the outside being killed.

So in other words you want to take the easy way out since the prison and justice system is faulty and sometimes corrupt we better just kill people off rather than fix the REAL problems? Sounds very short-sighted and brings us down an incredibly slippery slope.

Jesus what the hell is wrong with you?! do you live in Brussels?? jesus christ!!

This is the exact mentality that most of the UK is fighting against, human rights obsessed ultra liberal do-gooders who don't want anyone to be punished for anything they do basically. Can't do that it breaks their human rights!!! just give them a slap on the arse, a pack of biscuits and tell them not to do it again.

The point Kimarhi is making as am I is some people kill and enjoy it, they have no problem in letting the world know it when they do so, case in point the two black muslim extremists who tried to DECAPITATE an innocent man on the streets of London. I'm not being racist here, they were black and muslim, happy? its out there, read and enjoy.

These two don't deserve any kind of chance, trial or the opportunity to carry on with their lives in prison. Why? because they murdered a human being in an atrocious manner without mercy and they boasted about it with their f**ked up religious ideals. This is the type of case where capital punishment is fully acceptable in my eyes.

No it doesn't mean we are gonna slip down a slippery slope...the hell you on about?. You think we're gonna start executing everyone who commits a crime just because of that?! don't be so utterly ridiculous.

Obviously there are risks with anything but like you have been told now over and over, it would only be for certain cases like the example where the killer/s have killed blatantly, in view of others with no chance of been able to deny it...and then possibly preached about how fun it was. In other words a murder case where someone has been seen by many and is quite simply red handed, most likely terrorists or school shooters.

You think this is the easy way out?? pray tell me how its easy and keeping them alive to do what exactly isn't? what do you do with murderers of this nature? you tell me now. I doubt you can turn them around, and if you do like I said already, why should they have that chance after the hideous crime they committed?. You tell us all now how this can be 'fixed', in what way can law abiding tax payers help keep people like this alive in comfort for the rest of their lives.

Once again, if you were a family member who has to endure something like this I think you would have a difference of opinion. No one wants to see a human die, of course not. But if that human has tried to DECAPITATE your child in public and boasted about it then you will feel somewhat relieved with closure if that person is then executed for his crime. I think YOU would find it VERY hard to live your life knowing a man has killed your child and is alive and well in a prison being looked after, I think ANYONE would always feel very emotionally sick over that.



Uh oh



Quote from: Aspie on Dec 18, 2013, 01:19:58 PM
Uh oh
I got the popcorn you get the soda.



So in some really weird news...

A 560 lbs. man died after falling out of a chair. It sounds like a Three Stooges gag gone wrong if you ask me.



Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 18, 2013, 12:47:35 PM
Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Dec 17, 2013, 08:58:50 PM
Quote from: Kimarhi on Dec 17, 2013, 05:54:59 PM
Quote from: SM on Dec 17, 2013, 11:56:15 AM
QuoteIf a person is a known killer where there is no reasonable doubt that they have killed they should be executed.

But if there is some doubt - let them go?

If there is doubt then you should hold on to them and let the law run its course.  I'm talking about people that go to jail have freely admitted to killing and are rewarded with life.  Some of these fools only get 15-25 years in prison before they are released again in prisons that are overcrowded.

Big time mobsters and gangsters can throw enough cash at lawyers that they can delay the whole process and this is another problem.  They are the ones orchestrating interior and exterior activities that lead to other prisoners and civilians on the outside being killed.

So in other words you want to take the easy way out since the prison and justice system is faulty and sometimes corrupt we better just kill people off rather than fix the REAL problems? Sounds very short-sighted and brings us down an incredibly slippery slope.

Jesus what the hell is wrong with you?! do you live in Brussels?? jesus christ!!

This is the exact mentality that most of the UK is fighting against, human rights obsessed ultra liberal do-gooders who don't want anyone to be punished for anything they do basically. Can't do that it breaks their human rights!!! just give them a slap on the arse, a pack of biscuits and tell them not to do it again.

The point Kimarhi is making as am I is some people kill and enjoy it, they have no problem in letting the world know it when they do so, case in point the two black muslim extremists who tried to DECAPITATE an innocent man on the streets of London. I'm not being racist here, they were black and muslim, happy? its out there, read and enjoy.

These two don't deserve any kind of chance, trial or the opportunity to carry on with their lives in prison. Why? because they murdered a human being in an atrocious manner without mercy and they boasted about it with their f**ked up religious ideals. This is the type of case where capital punishment is fully acceptable in my eyes.

No it doesn't mean we are gonna slip down a slippery slope...the hell you on about?. You think we're gonna start executing everyone who commits a crime just because of that?! don't be so utterly ridiculous.

Obviously there are risks with anything but like you have been told now over and over, it would only be for certain cases like the example where the killer/s have killed blatantly, in view of others with no chance of been able to deny it...and then possibly preached about how fun it was. In other words a murder case where someone has been seen by many and is quite simply red handed, most likely terrorists or school shooters.

You think this is the easy way out?? pray tell me how its easy and keeping them alive to do what exactly isn't? what do you do with murderers of this nature? you tell me now. I doubt you can turn them around, and if you do like I said already, why should they have that chance after the hideous crime they committed?. You tell us all now how this can be 'fixed', in what way can law abiding tax payers help keep people like this alive in comfort for the rest of their lives.

Once again, if you were a family member who has to endure something like this I think you would have a difference of opinion. No one wants to see a human die, of course not. But if that human has tried to DECAPITATE your child in public and boasted about it then you will feel somewhat relieved with closure if that person is then executed for his crime. I think YOU would find it VERY hard to live your life knowing a man has killed your child and is alive and well in a prison being looked after, I think ANYONE would always feel very emotionally sick over that.

Digging through your reactionary semi-nationalistic populist (sometimes borderline fascist) rant I can discern three things:

1: Just like Kimarhi you acknowledge the shortcomings of the justice system and the prisons, but rather than to deal with THE problem you want to see heads roll (eye for an eye biblical justice).

2: You seem to be obsessed with this UK case when it is nowhere close to be the most heinous crime ever. However the perpetrators where black and Muslim and the victim a white Englishman and soldier.

3: Your mob justice & anti human rights stance _IS_ a slippery slope backwards down the centuries. No thanks.

It seems more like you're the problem in Europe. Golden Dawn and whatnot.



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Dec 18, 2013, 05:08:37 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 18, 2013, 12:47:35 PM
Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Dec 17, 2013, 08:58:50 PM
Quote from: Kimarhi on Dec 17, 2013, 05:54:59 PM
Quote from: SM on Dec 17, 2013, 11:56:15 AM
QuoteIf a person is a known killer where there is no reasonable doubt that they have killed they should be executed.

But if there is some doubt - let them go?

If there is doubt then you should hold on to them and let the law run its course.  I'm talking about people that go to jail have freely admitted to killing and are rewarded with life.  Some of these fools only get 15-25 years in prison before they are released again in prisons that are overcrowded.

Big time mobsters and gangsters can throw enough cash at lawyers that they can delay the whole process and this is another problem.  They are the ones orchestrating interior and exterior activities that lead to other prisoners and civilians on the outside being killed.

So in other words you want to take the easy way out since the prison and justice system is faulty and sometimes corrupt we better just kill people off rather than fix the REAL problems? Sounds very short-sighted and brings us down an incredibly slippery slope.

Jesus what the hell is wrong with you?! do you live in Brussels?? jesus christ!!

This is the exact mentality that most of the UK is fighting against, human rights obsessed ultra liberal do-gooders who don't want anyone to be punished for anything they do basically. Can't do that it breaks their human rights!!! just give them a slap on the arse, a pack of biscuits and tell them not to do it again.

The point Kimarhi is making as am I is some people kill and enjoy it, they have no problem in letting the world know it when they do so, case in point the two black muslim extremists who tried to DECAPITATE an innocent man on the streets of London. I'm not being racist here, they were black and muslim, happy? its out there, read and enjoy.

These two don't deserve any kind of chance, trial or the opportunity to carry on with their lives in prison. Why? because they murdered a human being in an atrocious manner without mercy and they boasted about it with their f**ked up religious ideals. This is the type of case where capital punishment is fully acceptable in my eyes.

No it doesn't mean we are gonna slip down a slippery slope...the hell you on about?. You think we're gonna start executing everyone who commits a crime just because of that?! don't be so utterly ridiculous.

Obviously there are risks with anything but like you have been told now over and over, it would only be for certain cases like the example where the killer/s have killed blatantly, in view of others with no chance of been able to deny it...and then possibly preached about how fun it was. In other words a murder case where someone has been seen by many and is quite simply red handed, most likely terrorists or school shooters.

You think this is the easy way out?? pray tell me how its easy and keeping them alive to do what exactly isn't? what do you do with murderers of this nature? you tell me now. I doubt you can turn them around, and if you do like I said already, why should they have that chance after the hideous crime they committed?. You tell us all now how this can be 'fixed', in what way can law abiding tax payers help keep people like this alive in comfort for the rest of their lives.

Once again, if you were a family member who has to endure something like this I think you would have a difference of opinion. No one wants to see a human die, of course not. But if that human has tried to DECAPITATE your child in public and boasted about it then you will feel somewhat relieved with closure if that person is then executed for his crime. I think YOU would find it VERY hard to live your life knowing a man has killed your child and is alive and well in a prison being looked after, I think ANYONE would always feel very emotionally sick over that.

Digging through your reactionary semi-nationalistic populist (sometimes borderline fascist) rant I can discern three things:

1: Just like Kimarhi you acknowledge the shortcomings of the justice system and the prisons, but rather than to deal with THE problem you want to see heads roll (eye for an eye biblical justice).

2: You seem to be obsessed with this UK case when it is nowhere close to be the most heinous crime ever. However the perpetrators where black and Muslim and the victim a white Englishman and soldier.

3: Your mob justice & anti human rights stance _IS_ a slippery slope backwards down the centuries. No thanks.

It seems more like you're the problem in Europe. Golden Dawn and whatnot.

Weak dude, just weak. I mention that because it was an atrocious crime, nothing like it has been seen in the UK before really, nothing I can remember, not at least in broad daylight in front of everyone. It shocked the country.

HR is fine but like some things these days its to the extreme, over the top, there is no common sense anymore and people abuse it.

The shortcomings of modern justice (in the UK) is the fact its too weak and people get away with things knowing all that will happen is life in a comfy prison...possibly getting out after 20yrs with good behaviour. I also fail to see how putting down very dangerous killers is 'a slippery slope backwards down the centuries'.

So tell would you deal with the problems?? how would you fix the issues? you haven't actually given any examples of how to magically solve the problem. Someone decapitates a member of your family and laughs about it on the news...what do you wanna see happen?.



Ah, man, Hubbs is using his review format for right-wing political rants now.

Quote from: Space Sweeper on Dec 18, 2013, 12:04:09 PM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 18, 2013, 06:36:47 AM
Quote from: Space Sweeper on Dec 18, 2013, 02:09:38 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 16, 2013, 10:28:04 PM
Humans are barbaric by nature so I don't see what the big deal is.
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 17, 2013, 12:06:59 AM
It's not ok for a civilized race but lets face it humans are barbaric by nature and that's not going to change anytime soon.
That's true. You know what I f**kin' miss? Slavery. I mean, the abolishment of it and progressive bettering of society is the reason I'm alive, but the concept is what's beautiful. Just, you know, as long as it's none of the ethnicities I belong to, then we're cool.

We should stop kidding ourselves.
Slavery still exists in many forms. All of which are right in our backyard. Be in traditional, sexual or economic.
I'm not pretending as if it doesn't exist in first world environments in some forms still, and definitely not turning a blind eye on the less fortunate areas of the world, but there is such a thing as attempting to be a progressive society, and thinking we're not going to change "anytime soon" just leads to a series of lazy, ignorant, retroactive gutter-thoughts. Just because shitty things happen every day and will continue to happen for as long as humanity is around doesn't mean that we can't start treating eachother better as a species.

Yeah, I'll get down in a sec...

Well said, good man.

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