Alternate Predators Teaser Trailer

Started by Darkness, Mar 20, 2010, 09:37:46 AM

Alternate Predators Teaser Trailer (Read 15,600 times)



An alternate version of the Predators teaser trailer was shown before Repo Men yesterday. Some scenes have been removed but there’s some additional shots and dialogue too. The shots include a shot of a Predator from the back, and another one running through flames. It’s available to watch over on G4TV in poor quality.

Update: You can now watch the alternate trailer in HD over on TrailerAddict.

Here’s some screencaps I took of the new shots:


Thanks to Yautja666, ace3g and Veteran Warrior for the news.

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will they have a test screening?

stealth bunny

really looking forward to this alot! ;D



Supernice ;D



a nice extra :)



Can't wait to see this less 4 months to go. ;D


does look very different to the avp films, looks like has more class to it.

veteran warrior

veteran warrior

I like this one a little more


Hmm, really awso,e trailer :)  , but poor friggin quality >:(

Brian c

origional predator is f**king scarey


whats goin on at 1:20 mark, is that his own hand going to his mouth removing something, or is it someone elses, maybe a pred grabbing or taking something from his mouth???? hmmm....very interesting!

can anyone else make it out? anyone have any idea???

Brian c

Brian c

warchant i dont see anything


Brian, it's def again, it's a rather dark shot, but you can def see something appearing to be a hand of some sorts going to his mouth while hes screaming or soemthing. As i watch again, it appears the object has something shiny on its wrist possibly, maybe a watch???

Brian c

Brian c

Every body that was neglecting me with past comments when I was sayiing this predators movie is on the predator homeworld, everybody said no to me. Well if you go to the and click on the predators youtube page, then go to the video that says trailer for predators, then click on the description and look it says PREDATORS HOME WORLD/PLANET


It's on a "Predator" planet (unless there's some kind of twist to this) but it isn't their literal "Homeworld." It's like a neutral hunting preserve.

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