Predators Teaser Trailer!

Started by Darkness, Mar 18, 2010, 11:15:44 PM

Predators Teaser Trailer! (Read 21,500 times)

Bum Burster

Bum Burster

This one *looks* to try too hard being like the first one sometimes. The planet doesn't feel alien at all.
Also, to bounce off David's words, we have more predators, more gadgets, more tribes, and then all in another jungle... feels like a high budget fan film.
Perhaps then should have been the time to actually throw some temples and other old ruins into the scenery, minus the xenos. Some people look like they're walking into wrecked stuff, but it feels so man-made.

Perhaps it's actually taking place on Earth, despite the claims that it's on an alien planet?

I like the beginning that's borrowed from Cube.



awesome teaser trailer, looks promising, my fingrs are crossed.

Space Disc Jockey

How can people NOT be excited for this? I read the script too and I was a little worried, but damnit this looks GOOD! Really, really good. I know its a teaser, but I totally love what I'm seeing. I believe Robert, Nimrod and crew have truly made a worthy Predator film. I will be there, opening night and know I will see this many times ;D



NICE!! NICE!! cant wait!!!



Call me stoic, but I don't feel very teased. I think AVPR had a better trailer than this film.

I still hope it's decent.



Did anyone else notice in the sneak peek video relased the other week that a predator was chained to one of them large bronze spikes that we keep seeing in photos and in the trailer. just think its abit strange are the humans realy going to have caught a preator?? not sure about that but im realy liking the rest of predators lets hope it stays that way we have all waited so long for a worthy film.



This looks amazing but has anyone noticed the guy holding the predator helmet so that adds to the excitment  really can't wait till it comes out



I'm still stoked about this, but I kind of cringe at the guy saying "who's your daddy now ...." I sincerely hope this character is developed in a way where this doesn't come off too cheesy. That kind of shit can definitely degrade quality from this movie. Still super geeked on this though.

Burn the Floor

Burn the Floor

Looks pretty amazing, but correct me if I'm wrong; wasn't that a thermal shot from AVPR?

This Is Now

This Is Now

Revengers | 23 Mar 2010 17:28
Looks pretty amazing, but correct me if I'm wrong; wasn't that a thermal shot from AVPR?

yep that thermal shot was from avpr.

thats because the 'new breed/tribe' in predators dont see in the original blue thermal vision like in the original films.

we will have 2 wait n see the new thermal vision mode(s)



hey david! i agree.i said it many times when avp trailer came out it looked good but then the movie came out and it sucked.then when avp-r trailer came out it looked good then that movie sucked.see the pattern?anyway i hope rodriguez shows how they catch the ninja (jakuza)his skills are unmatched.he could have the skill to kill a pred.better than anyone that would be cool.



Hey, maybe a good ending is Brody almost killing the last predator. And then it arms its self-destruct device, and Brody will run off, and Brody will fall in Nolan's cave before the device goes BOOM!!! And he'll just stay in Nolan's cave, being another survivor in the the game preserve planet.

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