Sigourney Weaver Says No to Alien 5

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 18, 2007, 09:41:23 PM

Sigourney Weaver Says No to Alien 5 (Read 8,512 times)



Ok Famke Janssen it's time for you step up and take Ripleys place   ;D    All you got to do is slap on a white t-shirt on her, put some blood coming down here face and a give her a Pulse Rifles, bam!   ;D  



Jodie Foster would be a kick ass heroine for another Alien film.

The Ultimate Predator

I have to agree, get rid of Weaver. We've had a heroine for all 4 Alien films, I think its about time they have a macho hero heading it. It seems that AvP2 is going to be largely dominated by a heroine.    >:(  



im not a alien fan but weaver iz to old n i think she shouldnt even had done AR but i quess.....



Dont get me wrong guys I love women but why does it always have to be a woman hero? I mean face it how many women could actually in real life pull it off? I am getting tired of the hero always being a woman. Almost every horror show there is the guy always dies so the woman can live. lets do something differant. and Yes ripley bye bye nobody cares what you think.



There is no Alien without Sigourney Weaver.   :-\  



No way, no how. And that's final!   :(   (and that was VERY sexist Kevin   >:(  .)



Forget all the talk about Ripley, I think the best part of alien 3, although I love the movie completely, was after the prison was locked down, the cryo-pod's computer restates Ripley's sign off speech. (Still, and will always give me goose-bumps.) That should have been the final appearance from Sigourney Weaver, and would have still left her for what she was from the beginning of the series. A strong female hero character, one of the first, that paved the way for other female based heroes in the future. .. But no.. she came back, and the script completely tore her character to shreds. She knows this. This is why she has such a hard time falling back into a role that left her career for dead. In Alien 4, they made Ripley's character far too lost, and tried too hard to show that she was losing her mind.. and the whole, being upset when "her" aliens were killed was again just a little too far for the character we all know her to portray. I for one would love to see an Alien movie stray away from her character, and start along a new path.. The only path at the time that seems the best would be a prequel regarding the "Space Jockeys", {...although they remind me of the bird things from "Metroid" that you would get your powers from}, and how the aliens directly came to be..






Kevin: I agree that they can cool down the women hero thing. The real reason i don't like it that much is because the women who gets cast in such roles usually suck. They never seem to pick the right persons. Take AvP. There were a lot of reasons why i hated that film, but the main reason was the horrific decision to cast Sanaa Lathan. But then again, it's obviously not an easy task of getting the casting right. I don't know their budget limit, but maby if that had something to do with it they got their pick of the litter.



As far as Alien 5 is concerned, they should scrap Weaver. Maby just have her in a couple scenes. I agree with her in that the story should be away from Earth, if that's even her opinion anymore since she tends to change her statement on every Alien 5 interview I've read. My main concern is bad casting. Storyline comes in a good 2nd place on my worry-list

Alien Fan

Alien Fan

OMG, what are u talking about guys, Weaver is form the beginning and she did realy great job in all of Aliens movies. First Alien, Was just great, something new, something incredible, realy great ATMOSPHERE and the growing tension was marvellous. That is true, if the first Alien would be an mistace, then the second part woudnt be even produced. The high potential is not only in story line, but also in the acting, and that is the reason why the Weaver is main hero and actress. Third Alien like the previous parts was staning too. A:R whas somethnig else, something new in story line, Replay was changed and difrent then Replay from the last three "episodes" (;. In my opinion (i dont wanna to be to progresiv) the 5th alien should be prequel of the first one ("Alien") but pls, dont insult to Weaver becouse she did realy great job, and thanks too HER we have some other films (AvP, AvP2 - i still whink that they nothing compare too Alien's story ;p). Greetings



I for one did not instult Weaver. I want to correct myself on my thoughts of scrapping Weaver. I think she should be a part of the cast but only as a minor character. Even though she obviously did a good job on the alien movies it does not mean that i want her as a 'leading' actress in the next one (if indeed it'll made) because i think she's played her part in the Alien series. And, as stated previously, she has aged quite a bit, which for my is a partially good reason not to include her that much. Let someone else dominate the screen to add some new flavor. IF this movie gets made someday i hope that they take great effort in writing a good enough script AND, as i stated above, casting the right actors for the right parts. It doesn't matter if Nicholas Cage or Samuel Jackson is a good actor, they have to be assigned to roles that fit them.

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