Predator SE R1 DVD Artwork

Started by Darkness, Apr 19, 2004, 12:44:54 AM

Predator SE R1 DVD Artwork (Read 10,296 times)

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

To PREDBOY,I think we are a dying breed who actually like Predator 2.I thought this movie was pretty sweet I mean it introduced us to alot of kick ass weapons and if it weren't for that infamous scene of the Alien skull on the Pred trophy wall, AVP may have never of been made.Even though there were a few cheesy moments in it and it stared of all people Danny Glover it brought some intersting ideas to the table.Like all the diff. Pred armor/masks diff sives and the Pred elder/leader himself.I know all these things are in the comics but this movie showed them on the big screen and made them fact in the Predator universe.Now that i've had a few days to look at the Pred designs of the Mcfarlane tous there starting to grow on me I think except the extreamely large plasma casters, I would preffer that they brought the Pred guns into the movie instead but thats just me.Also it seems that the Preds don't have enough armor on to protect themselves from large amounts of acid blood spray/splatter from those huge blades if they are infact in the movie but regardless the should be wearing full armour like in the orig. avp comic they looked sweet   ;D  



Wesley Snipes would be a better opponent than Glover, but the movie's been done years ago.  You can't "restore" it by swapping out one actor.



that mive predator,when you realy get into it and turn all the lights off,MAN ITS REALY F___KED movie, i would think this film would be any spec forces members worst nightmare to fight a ghost in the darkness that kill and leave with no traces or evidence that it wass even there,man what a movie!



I agree the story of Predator 2 was kind of iffy, but it showed us lots of new concepts about the predator, such as some of their rules about hunting the weak, the cleaning process he puts King Willy's head through and of course the famous alien scull on the ship.



Damn thats it? our region 4's edition is far far better, nuffin like that drab colour crap   :D  

El Demonio Cazador de Trofeos

El Demonio Cazador de Trofeos

Well people, I'm also a big fan of pred 2, I mean, I do like the first one better but I really liked the second one, it's cool to see some more predators, new guns, the ship, and overall a Predator Fest, the actors were like extras to me....Snipes would be a great contender for the Pred, I like that idea,!! Hopefully for Pred 3 or AvP 2!! Let's promote that!! And I don't think there will be a femal Predator, I mean, there are some things that work for comic books but when you transfer that to the big screen, doesn't seem to work, I think this iis one of those cases...



HEY GUYS! I LOVE PREDATOR 2 TOO!!!!!  oh, and maybe predators are like native americans, men are warrrior and worker, and female stay home and nursing children!!!   :D  



hey im like predator 2 toooooooo,, but one thing i dont get in it, when his mask comes off he still sees in infored in the first one the preds mask comes off and all he see's is red,, now can any one explain that to me??? i have one therey in pred 2 when his mask comes off he can still see heat but only glover cus in a cold place(fridge) same gos to the pred ship. if any one els can tell please do

Pvt Hudson

Pvt Hudson

I always assumed, that in predator 1 the jungle is sweeeeeeeeeeeltering hot and the trees keep the heat in which is why it was all red and the mask helped distinguish between air heat and body heat while in the 2nd it was hot but it was open so it wasnt aaaaaaaaaas hot!

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