!!!SPOILERS - Predators script by Mike Finch & Alex Litvak - SPOILERS!!!

Started by Stringer_Pred, Nov 11, 2009, 10:46:08 AM

!!!SPOILERS - Predators script by Mike Finch & Alex Litvak - SPOILERS!!! (Read 215,160 times)



You can download it here http://www.sendspace.com/file/pha7i6

Hope you enjoy it.
It is truly kick ass.

Johnny Handsome

Why did you had to post it? I wont download it, i just wont... ok i downloaded it, but i wont read it, i just wont...


Give in. You know you want to.


Give in Johnny! GIVE IN!

I know I have. ;D

bobby brown

....I dont believe it,


I don't know if I should thank you or curse you.

My god, I read the first page and it hooked me. Will I resist?


wow...dont know what to do...cant...resist...temptation...


Read only 10 pages so far. Really, really liking it.  Liking the Edwin character and looking forward to see Topher Grace in the role.


Is it  really true? I hate you, I love you. I know I have to read it... I will not resist. Curiosity is killing me.  :(


About half way through.

These guys really like referencing the first flick.


Say if its good, awesome, bad

Im not reading it yet...


I'll tell you when I'm finished. I'm not really sure yet.


I'm up to Page 26. Seems far better than anything AvP Requiem gave us but then again, I can't judge how a movie will be based on reading a script. Did I read it right or do the Predators have black blood?

I will read the rest later.


Only have read 52 pages so far. Overall I like it, though there've been some moments that made me go "Eh... come on, really?"


Well thirty pages after, and frankly I'm hooked. I like the interaction between the characters so far, and the hunting dogs scene is well handled. Oh, to those of you who fears a planet terror cheesy tone, don't, it's serious as f**k, nothing Rodriguez-like in it. It makes me laugh to see his name on it, there seems to be nothing left from his old draft, well I haven't came across the black super predator yet.

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