Constructing the Hunter, Talking The Predator With ADI's Alec Gillis - AvP Galaxy Podcast #77

Started by Corporal Hicks, Nov 26, 2018, 08:11:40 PM

Constructing the Hunter, Talking The Predator With ADI's Alec Gillis - AvP Galaxy Podcast #77 (Read 28,787 times)

Corporal Hicks

We have just uploaded the 77th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! Our latest episode sees RidgeTop and myself joined by the one-and-only Alec Gillis of Amalgamated Dynamics Inc. to talk about their work on The Predator!

We grill Alec about some of the design aspects that went into The Predator. Alec reveals that they tried to make one of the Emissary Predators female and we discuss studio politics, differentiating the Emissaries, the Alien 5 Marquette and plenty more!

At one point we’re discussing the author Steve Perry and Alec makes a Journey joke. I mistakenly think the author also dabbled in music too. It was in fact martial arts that Steve did in addition to writing, not music.

Be sure to head on over to studioADI’s YouTube channel to check out their amazing videos detailing the behind-the-scene work that ADI put into the films they work on! Keep an eye out for new The Predator videos too. You can also follow Alec personally on Instagram and Twitter.

As requested by Alec during the episode, do you have any favourite female Predator artwork that you think Alec would be interested in seeing? Please share down below and we’ll get them across to him. I’d also like to thank Chris Cooksey & Mike Heintzelman for their assistance with making this happen.

What did you think of our latest episode? Be sure to let us know down below! You can also listen to any of our previous episodes in the Podcast section under the News tab on the main menu. The Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast is also available via iTunesPodBean, GooglePlay Stitcher and now YouTube!

Keep a close eye on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on Alien and Predator! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!

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PredAlien BG386


Great Episode!, Alec sounds like such a cool guy!  :)


Thank you for Podcast,Love you guys ! ;D


Always nice to hear the ADI guys talking about their work.


Thank you for Podcast!
I could understand a little english, but it's still very difficult for me.
If it doesn't bother you, can someone please write what was there about Emissaries? I'm really interested.
So sorry that I can not fully understand what you're talking about   :'(


We don't need there to be female predators with tits! Move on form this nonsense. You see crap like this is why we keep getting garbage movies. So busy trying to add fluff to appease the SJWs of the world and make everything politically correct that they pull so far away from what made the original two movies do great.  Next thing you know they are gonna want to show the gay predator or the trans predator....



Quote from: Mrs.Majesty on Nov 27, 2018, 12:11:08 PM
Thank you for Podcast!
I could understand a little english, but it's still very difficult for me.
If it doesn't bother you, can someone please write what was there about Emissaries? I'm really interested.
So sorry that I can not fully understand what you're talking about   :'(

Not a lot of details were discussed about the emissaries.

But an abridged version is this.

- The Predator (or Yautja) has a caste system whereby the emissaries were elder scientists
- They arrived in plastic clothing, like laboratory coats, the concept designs will be on an ADI youtube channel (but not up yet).
- Emissary predators in the military clothing, from the leaked set photos had anthropomorphised features

Either way the movie studio 20th Century Fox hated the emissary predators either due to studio interference or rumoured audience screen testing coming back as negative. So they were cut from the final film completely.



Quote from: AVP-CAPCOM on Nov 27, 2018, 04:48:57 PM
Quote from: Mrs.Majesty on Nov 27, 2018, 12:11:08 PM
Thank you for Podcast!
I could understand a little english, but it's still very difficult for me.
If it doesn't bother you, can someone please write what was there about Emissaries? I'm really interested.
So sorry that I can not fully understand what you're talking about   :'(

Not a lot of details were discussed about the emissaries.

But an abridged version is this.

- The Predator (or Yautja) has a caste system whereby the emissaries were elder scientists
- They arrived in plastic clothing, like laboratory coats, the concept designs will be on an ADI youtube channel. The name of youtube channel wasn't made clear.
- Emissary predators in the military clothing, from the leaked set photos had anthropomorphised features

Either way the movie studio 20th Cebtury Fox hated the emissary predators either due to studio interference or rumoured audience screen testing coming back as negative. So they were cut from the final film completely.

Thank you very much!  :D It would be interesting to see predator scientists. What a pity they were cut from the script.

Quote from: brokentusk420 on Nov 27, 2018, 04:35:52 PM
We don't need there to be female predators with tits! Move on form this nonsense. You see crap like this is why we keep getting garbage movies. So busy trying to add fluff to appease the SJWs of the world and make everything politically correct that they pull so far away from what made the original two movies do great.  Next thing you know they are gonna want to show the gay predator or the trans predator....

Trans predators... I just imagined a good plot in SJW style. Oppressed on their planet trans predators go to Earth to capture it and then they will be able to move there and live in their free from oppression society. Traditional predators chase the ship of trans predators to destroy them. The trans predators who had flown to Earth were preparing to launch an attack on humans, but then they met the group of gay soldiers, discussed with them the problems of oppression and decided to unite to fight the oppressors(traditional predators) together. As a result, the traditional  predators were defeated by SJW PredHuman magic team, trans predators began to live with people together on Earth and founded their organization in support of the oppressed trans/gay/bi/etc predators. They didn't hunt people, they have more important problems.

Anyway, don't be so angry, man. I don't think we will ever see hot female predators and other ridiculous things. The film is not about that. If the screenwriter is not crazy, he will not add all these horrible things to the plot.


The predator is much better watching it in bed on apple t.v had much more fun the second viewing at home then the first in the theater

The Old One

The Old One

Quote from: brokentusk420 on Nov 27, 2018, 04:35:52 PM
We don't need there to be female predators with tits! Move on form this nonsense. You see crap like this is why we keep getting garbage movies. So busy trying to add fluff to appease the SJWs of the world and make everything politically correct that they pull so far away from what made the original two movies do great.  Next thing you know they are gonna want to show the gay predator or the trans predator....


The Predator's Sex, Orientation or Gender- never mattered before, why would it now?

If the Predators procreate as most animals do on Earth, as we do generally.
Unless their society has very, specific separation between the roles of males and females;
And they Hunt on Earth often, you'd eventually see a "female" Predator,
what that means as far as what "her" appearance would be is unknown.
Mammaries, I agree would be a pretty trite indicator.
Feathers, colouration or perhaps even a lack of quills would be more appropriate.
But I have yet to find any art of a "Female" Predator that's that inspired.



Tackling the PREDATOR lifecycle would be derivative regardless of politics to say the least.

ALIEN has an inbuilt "get out of jail free card" that transcends modern day political correctness and LGBT agendas.

As Alec Gillis said Stan Winston said they only had 6 weeks to re-design the PREDATOR creature (the design we all know and love now) as 20th Century  Fox were almost on the verge of canning the "insect design" and PREDATOR outright.

James Cameron also chipped in during a flight and if Stan Winston hadn't discussed the pencil concept drawings there'd be no mandibles.

So to say "how exactly does an alien species PREDATOR (one assumes a masculine trope) reproduce"? wasn't exactly on the cards or an afterthought of the 6 week deadline.

I believe General Lotz stated in the EU comic series that (female) PREDATORs were bigger than the males.................

Don't say I didn't warn you the idea was derivative.

The Old One

The Old One

Quote from: AVP-CAPCOM on Nov 27, 2018, 05:40:17 PM
Tackling the PREDATOR lifecycle would be derivative regardless of politics to say the least.

ALIEN has an inbuilt "get out of jail free card" that transcends modern day political correctness and LGBT agendas.

As an LGBT person, I can guarantee you that I have no agenda to humanise the Predator in the slightest. How dull.

And for the record, LGBT characters are necessary and I do believe for a long time they've been underrepresented
but like any character- they have to have depth, which a lot of token LGBT characters don't- 
often they're unrealistically flawless under studio request (Because they fear offending anyone)
Or completely token because the writer has no real knowledge of LGBT life experience.

The Cold Forge's excellent in this respect.
The fact it's inclusion of said type of person and life experiences wasn't a decision from "The Damn Company"
probably helped matters in that way, Alex White knew what he was talking/writing about- concerning an underepresented group.



Quote from: The Old One on Nov 27, 2018, 06:01:40 PMAs an LGBT person, I can guarantee you that I have no agenda to humanise the Predator in the slightest. How dull.


Ok if I were a 20th Century Fox executive who asked you "how do you design a PREDATOR reproduction or procreation system?"

How would you respond?

As for the ALIEN lifecycle it was simply a case of nature's "Ichneumonoidea wasps" which inspired the lifecycle, rather than feminism or "equality"..............let alone LGBT which was not featured in any sci-fi sans the prophetic "the forever war" novel by Joe Haldeman.

Even Alec Gillis said he hates any mentions of a PREDATOR EU, even to the point of disliking seeing a PREDATOR homeworld in AVP-R.

Not to deviate from the thread but I also learned from this ADI interview that Ridley Scott had set his sights on a 1997 version of "I Am Legend" with Arnold Schwarzenegger?!?!

He scrapped the project for GLADIATOR (1997) while Schwarzenegger went onto the gothic horror END OF DAYS (1999).

It's amazing as I had, unknowingly, commented on how much the engineer race in Prometheus had a similar aesthetic to the Dark Seekers in I Am Legend 6 years ago in my controversial "1 ot of 5" Prometheus review.

Even though this, practical, make-up test carried through to both I Am Legend (2007) and Prometheus (2012) and even elements of ALIEN COVENANT (2017).

Surely not a coincidence?



Oh Lordy, not this again.

Sexuality can be seen in both the alien and predator universes. Everything is sexualized in Alien. The original trilogy revolves around a female character being chased around by ravenous d*ck monsters. It is what it is, and so far, it's been pretty damn good.

As for predator, could there be gay predators? Could there be female predators? Absolutely, but only if there is any larger societal/sexual structure to them. All we really know from the films is that they're manly things that cruise around in big ships together, wear fishnets, have a penis cannon on their shoulders and hunt half naked muscle men in humid environments. If anyone thinks there is nothing sexual, or even slightly homosexual about any of that, brother/sister do I have news for you.   ;D

Perhaps they're asexual. Perhaps they lay eggs in some form. Perhaps there is no physical difference between male and female that would be discernable to us as humans. Maybe it's just scent based. Who knows? It doesn't matter. I wouldn't mind if there were gay or female predators. Either one would still be bad news for anything they were hunting. The issue could only arise if they were including scenes of predators getting sexual, which I feel is unnecessary and shouldn't be shown merely for the fact that it humanizes them too much.

As for gay characters in either franchise? I have no problem with it. Lope was proof positive that it can be done just fine. It's just like sexuality in any other form on screen, as long as the movie isn't going out of it's own way to constantly bring up the subject of sexual preference, where's the problem? It's simply a non-issue. I say just leave all the sex to the B-movies. This is alien and predator, it's gold star horror, and that needs to be the main point of focus in these stories.

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