Quote from: lv_226 on Mar 07, 2023, 08:18:16 PMSo, let me ask this of the group: If Ridley Scott shit the bed with the prequels, what would you all have rather seen? Remember, AVP and AVP:Requiem were the latest "Alien" films prior to Prometheus and Covenant. In my opinion, Alien:Isolation has been the most solid strictly "Alien" property since the first three films. Other than that, I am not sure where else the franchise could have been taken? A lot of the expanded universe stuff lives well within their respective mediums, but many would not likely crossover well into a medium to high budget film, in my opinion. I think the franchise has been confined by its tropes (confined spaces, lived-in futuristic aesthetics, corporate motivations, blue-collar professionals caught in the middle, and of course the titular creature) and I struggle to think where it could have gone from AVP. Was Prometheus everything it could have been? I think the film was solid, but I understand why others hate the hell out of it. It isn't without some issues, but I agree that the beast was cooked by the time AVP got done with it. So, now that we are getting a film and TV series, I am seeing that a lot of Scott's contributions via the prequels (opening up the universe, AI politics/bio-ethics, transhumanistic-themes) have made its way in-verse. I'm rambling now. I just don't know what else could be produced without rehashing the films that came before... oh, other than Blomkamp's Alien 3, of course.
I actually really liked what Ridley was trying to do with Prometheus and beyond: expand the mythology, incredibly ambitious ideas about gods and creation of life, David's and Shaw's characters, engineers homeworld, new worlds, big budget R rated sci-fi event movies with A-level production values. But again, he threw most of it away in Covenant, so we never really got to see what it could become. And it's a damn shame. The only good stuff in Covenant is Prometheus stuff, the rest is just pure trash.
The only thing to do with Alien after killing Prometheus sequel and Blomkamp's Alien was a lose Alien: Isolation movie adaptation with MEW playing Amanda Ripley. If done right, it could revive the franchise and create a future for it. It's so obvious, but morons at Fox prefer to just hit nails in that nice coffin I guess.
Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Mar 07, 2023, 08:30:26 PMWait, Fede's making a young adult flick? When was that confirmed?
Already announced young adult cast in a young adult flick, R rated young adult flick if you like it that way.