If it is 2 hours that will be excellent

Personally thats what i thought the movie lacked. But this whole Blu-Ray movement is going to change society. Im perfectly fine with my dvds And i really dont care if the definition is higher, as long as ive got it and like it. But I think sony is smart for making the ps3 blu-ray compatible, they waited for the right moment (isnt that great, sony fanboys are going to be giving everyone else more shit cos they didnt get a ps3) But with the governments and companies raising prices but lowering wages its not gonna help them much. I hope the realize this soon. So Im stickin with my dvds for now, unless of course all movie titles come out on blu-ray only

Lets just hope blu-ray subsides so maybe HD can still get a chance along with normal dvds. I just hope they release this 2 hour version on dvd!