Man, I get these cravings to play it, and when I do I play for about 2 hours, once I played for 4, but that was when I got it, and recieved the original AVP Comic book series: #s: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. They relate to the game in almost ALL ways. It's crazy.
Once you can play it again, go to Alien7, and set up a good hive, do NOT attack the Pred base.
Get a little platoon of maybe 5 runners, let's say, and take them up to the top enterance to the Pred cave. Your guys will die, but if you have cheats, select: "Toggle Unit Spying", and almost all the K-series Aliens will immediately go to where you just died and they will attack the Preds, and knock them out for you. Afterwards, send in a larger platoon to sieze the hosts.
Check my thread on AVp Extinction Glitches/Secrets.