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Comicpalooza 2016 Aliens 30th Anniversary Reunion

Last weekend saw the majority of the cast of Aliens reunited at Comicpalooza in celebration of Aliens 30th anniversary this year. Comicpalooza also hosted a panel discussion with the cast and for whose who weren’t able to attend the event themselves, Melelani Petersen uploaded the discussion to YouTube!

The Comicpalooza 2016 Aliens 30th Anniversary Reunion panel is just under 40 minutes long. Due to nearly all the cast being there, there wasn’t a lot of time to get into too much detail. However, they tell some great stories about their casting experience. One particular anecdote elicits some wonderful reactions from Bill Paxton once he learns so many read his lines at the auditions.

Michael Biehn & Sigourney Weaver at Comicpalooza 2016 Aliens 30th Anniversary Reunion. Picture via Cron. Comicpalooza 2016 Aliens 30th Anniversary Reunion

Michael Biehn & Sigourney Weaver at Comicpalooza 2016 Aliens 30th Anniversary Reunion. Picture via Chron.

When the floor is opened to questions the topic of Neill Blomkamp’s Alien 5 inevitably comes up. While no new details are spilled, Sigourney comments that “it’s such a brilliant script” and that it was coming after Alien: Covenant as “they [20th Century Fox] didn’t want both movies coming out at the same time.” Though no official casting has been announced, she also reaffirms that Michael Beihn and Hicks will be returning.

Thanks to Miguel Santos, Melelani Petersen and PRJ_since1990 for the various links!

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Comments: 17
  1. StrangeShape
    I love these reunions. Not only it shows the strength and worldwide passion for the movie, but its also ALWAYS very, very fun. I definitely watched every one of those that I could find on youtube
  2. PRJ_since1990
    Quote from: XENOMORPHOSIS on Jun 25, 2016, 06:43:48 PM
    Do any of you guys think that Sigourney Weaver hasn't been informed on Ridley Scott plan to stretch Alien Covenant into a Trilogy, it looks like it'll keep Neill several years before he gets a chance to helm the franchise. But all being if Scott is a producer he'll come to a compromise and guarantee that Neill will get to make his sequel.
    If you watch my video I posted, you'll hear Weaver say that she has the Avatar movies to star in and Neil has other films he is directing first. Probably not going to see Alien 3.5 until 2026 or so. That would coincide with Aliens 40th Anniversary. 
    Do any of you guys think that Sigourney Weaver hasn't been informed on Ridley Scott plan to stretch Alien Covenant into a Trilogy, it looks like it'll keep Neill several years before he gets a chance to helm the franchise. But all being if Scott is a producer he'll come to a compromise and guarantee that Neill will get to make his sequel.
  4. PRJ_since1990
    Quote from: BishopShouldGo on Jun 24, 2016, 04:29:20 PM
    It's a pet peeve of mine when the cast jokes too much and doesn't answer a question. Just answer what your favorite death is!
    To be honest, I felt it was a stupid question. Their befuddlement only attested to it. There are so many other questions I want the answers to, such as:

    Now that Aliens is 30 years old, where do you think the series can continue best, as in, what medium should they use? Comics, games, movies, tv shows?
    What did you all think of Prometheus? Is this where you believe the series should go?
    Since Aliens has become a massive pop culture phenomenon, do any of you read any of the comics or play the games based on this franchise?
    The Alien and Predator films, although seperate, have clashed in 2 poorly received films, yet have had many successful encounters in other mediums. Is there hope for these 2 warring species to clash on the big screen again with a script that respects both franchises and makes for a generally good movie? 
  5. PRJ_since1990
    It was a real blast being down there, even though most of the time was spent waiting in various lines (boarding the plane, waiting to order food, getting autographs, etc.).

    Thanks for the shout out Hicks!
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