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Ridley Scott Teases New ‘Travelers’ in Alien: Paradise Lost

Speaking with Awards Campaign, director Ridley Scott has teased a few further details on what the future holds for Shaw and David’s journey in Alien: Paradise Lost. We know that they go to the Engineer’s homeworld, aka Paradise, in search of answers but Ridley Scott has now confirmed they won’t be alone. A new group of characters will be with them for the journey. “It’s going to be it’s own separate thing because they are going to the planet of the Engineers and they are going to see what happened there. It was a disaster,” Ridley Scott says. “And they will be in that alien craft that takes them there, but with a new group that’s incoming, a new group of travelers in the beginning of the first act.”

david Ridley Scott Teases New 'Travelers' in Alien: Paradise Lost

This is pretty much a given since the whole movie can’t revolve around Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender. So just who are the mystery characters? Perhaps a second unit sent by Weyland Industries or a commercial vessel like the Nostromo just happened to be passing by? I suspect this is where the ‘Ripley connection’ will feature and somebody aboard will know of Ellen Ripley. Scott also implies that the Engineer homeworld has been destroyed, probably by their own creation – the xenomorphs.

Thanks to tmjhur for the news.

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  1. oduodu
    Don't worry xenia seeberg is gorgeous too but she lacked the onscreen charisma of eva. Mind you as series I thought It was quite good.

    Yes its true it does set itself as a sequel to prometheus.
  2. windebieste
    Absolutely right about Eva.  I had her in mind but couldn't find a decent group shot with all the characters present.  So Xenia had to do.

    Still, 'Prometheus' ending almost sets itself up as an alternative pilot for 'Lexx'.  lol.

    Man, that show was totally off it's tits and full of WTF? moments.   Well, both of them, really.

  3. oduodu
    Yes the ship is a living being and it can destroy whole planets in seconds in the two known universes. I am not sure if its an insect. Some of the other members may know. Anyone ??

    Sorry I forgot about the fly eyes. Definitely an insect then.
  4. Whiskeybrewer
    Quote from: windebieste on Nov 03, 2015, 08:12:52 AM
    Yeah... It could've been like that Tom Hanks film, 'Castaway' space.  With Noomi playing the Hanks role and Fassbinder playing Wilson.  Woulda been great.  Now they had to go and spoil it.

    Now I'm hoping that the new cast will include an incompetent security guard and 2000 year old revenant warrior zombie living dead person thingy.  Then it could be just like that weird German/Canadian/British co-production...  Think about it:  A hot chick in space with decapitated robot head and their crew aboard an organic alien spacecraft capable of destroying worlds. 

    I'd go for a 'Lexx' reboot right about now. ...and THIS IS IT!
    THIS...  This is exactly where 'ALIEN: Paradise Lexx' needs to go!


    Why didn't I think of this lol. Classic. But yeah Eva Haberman is better ;)
  5. windebieste
    Yeah... It could've been like that Tom Hanks film, 'Castaway' space.  With Noomi playing the Hanks role and Fassbinder playing Wilson.  Woulda been great.  Now they had to go and spoil it.

    Now I'm hoping that the new cast will include an incompetent security guard and 2000 year old revenant warrior zombie living dead person thingy.  Then it could be just like that weird German/Canadian/British co-production...  Think about it:  A hot chick in space with decapitated robot head and their crew aboard an organic alien spacecraft capable of destroying worlds. 

    I'd go for a 'Lexx' reboot right about now. ...and THIS IS IT!
    THIS...  This is exactly where 'ALIEN: Paradise Lexx' needs to go!


  6. Perfect-Organism
    Quote from: LCpl. D. Grant on Oct 31, 2015, 10:55:54 PM
    Quote from: redalert51 on Oct 29, 2015, 04:28:59 AM
    First Off , I don't care if " Alien: Paradise Lost " is prequel or not , in the twenty years or so , there have a lot of prequels . I hoping for more insight into the " Engineers culture , In first film the ' Engineer they woke from cryogenics, was not necessarily an engineer, but a solder with a mission no matter what. They such a powerful
    culture they can create life on molecular level the concept was really fascinating, also it interesting to find out what
    happens with " Deacon " ( I found i beautiful )  , I would like to know what " HR. Geiger thought of it.   

    I'm sure he's pissed that his artwork got sidelined once again. It didn't even look biomechanical.

    I presume you know this, but in case you don't, HR Giger passed away.
  7. D. Compton Ambrose
    Quote from: redalert51 on Oct 29, 2015, 04:28:59 AM
    First Off , I don't care if " Alien: Paradise Lost " is prequel or not , in the twenty years or so , there have a lot of prequels . I hoping for more insight into the " Engineers culture , In first film the ' Engineer they woke from cryogenics, was not necessarily an engineer, but a solder with a mission no matter what. They such a powerful
    culture they can create life on molecular level the concept was really fascinating, also it interesting to find out what
    happens with " Deacon " ( I found i beautiful )  , I would like to know what " HR. Geiger thought of it.   

    I'm sure he's pissed that his artwork got sidelined once again. It didn't even look biomechanical.
  8. redalert51
    First Off , I don't care if " Alien: Paradise Lost " is prequel or not , in the twenty years or so , there have a lot of prequels . I hoping for more insight into the " Engineers culture , In first film the ' Engineer they woke from cryogenics, was not necessarily an engineer, but a solder with a mission no matter what. They such a powerful
    culture they can create life on molecular level the concept was really fascinating, also it interesting to find out what
    happens with " Deacon " ( I found i beautiful )  , I would like to know what " HR. Geiger thought of it.   
  9. 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯
    Collider has also picked this up:

    QuoteAnd perhaps most intriguing, Ferguson is also being eyed for a role in Ridley Scott's next project, the Prometheus sequel Alien: Paradise Lost. Apparently the latest draft of the script was just delivered, and it's "very strong" with "a peach of a major female." Fox was eager to nab Ferguson for Gambit, and they're apparently hoping to land her for the Prometheus follow-up (which would reunite her with Fassbender for back-to-back projects), though no talks have taken place just yet. So what's the role? Scott recently revealed that in addition to Fassbender and Noomi Rapace's characters, Paradise Lost includes a new group of travelers, so perhaps that's where this new female character fits in. Or maybe she's an Engineer, which would certainly be an interesting fit.
  10. T Dog
    So supposedly they want yer wan from Mission Impossible 5 for this! For a "peach of a female role" according to collider.

    Maybe they realised what a bad hand they dealt poor Noomi Rapace!
  11. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: Mustangjeff on Oct 14, 2015, 04:31:15 AM
    Actually..  I just watched the video carefully.  You can see the text "Yutani Photo-Polygraph Technologies" on the right side.  The left side starts out as unconfirmed, but then sequences through a number of names similar to Elizabeth Shaw until it gets a lock.  As the left side attempts to get a positive identification, the right side has meters showing honesty, anxiety, and determination.

    At the end of the video you can see that the software was licensed to Weyland Corp.

    I have no idea if they would use it, but it would IMO be the perfect way to start the sequel.  It's not hard to believe that Yutani would be monitoring or have a back door built into a piece of software licensed to Weyland Corp.  It would make perfect sense, and give the writers the ability to introduce characters to LV223 close to the events in Prometheus. 

    Thanks for pointing that out. That makes far more sense! I could buy into them having a backdoor too.
  12. Mustangjeff
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Oct 13, 2015, 09:47:28 AM
    It would certainly imply some sort of corporate espionage. It's almost like the video is trying to map Elizabeth's facial features to find someone who could pass as her.

    My thought was that it was initially doing a facial recognition scan, and then identifying if she is telling the truth or lying.  Possibly and upgraded Voight-Kampff test :)

    Actually..  I just watched the video carefully.  You can see the text "Yutani Photo-Polygraph Technologies" on the right side.  The left side starts out as unconfirmed, but then sequences through a number of names similar to Elizabeth Shaw until it gets a lock.  As the left side attempts to get a positive identification, the right side has meters showing honesty, anxiety, and determination.

    At the end of the video you can see that the software was licensed to Weyland Corp.

    I have no idea if they would use it, but it would IMO be the perfect way to start the sequel.  It's not hard to believe that Yutani would be monitoring or have a back door built into a piece of software licensed to Weyland Corp.  It would make perfect sense, and give the writers the ability to introduce characters to LV223 close to the events in Prometheus. 

    Otherwise your looking at many years for a follow up mission to get there.  The gap would make it difficult for humans to follow the Juggernaut as a story option.  And the Deacon might starve to death by that point.   After the tasty hammerpedes there wont be much left to eat!

  13. Perfect-Organism
    Quote from: tmjhur on Oct 13, 2015, 10:09:20 AM
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Oct 13, 2015, 09:47:28 AM

    It would certainly imply some sort of corporate espionage. It's almost like the video is trying to map Elizabeth's facial features to find someone who could pass as her.

    Yeeeeeeaaaaah, don't think something from a viral video will make it into the sequel.

    Well if you consider the viral video from Prometheus, the one which was supposed to have been sent out to LV-223 in advance of Prometheus' arrival on the planet, you can see that at least one video was a part of the film.  That viral video was literally discussed in the film, making it de facto canon.  One could suppose that the 3 other viral videos are also canon.  I think therefore that it is fair to say that the Shaw viral video was intended to be canon and not just a marketing ploy.  It would be interesting to find out if Fox treats the viral videos as canon.  I can't see why they wouldn't.
  14. oduodu
    I always thought they were trying to see if she was lying about her discoveries or findings. What was interesting was the date of the video.I think 2083 ? Ten years before the mission.
  15. Mustangjeff
    Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Oct 09, 2015, 05:03:27 PM
    You guys remember that promotional video of Shaw talking about her project to Peter Weyland?  You could see the Yutani icon all over the place in that video.  My money is on the idea that Yutani was following Shaw and as soon as Shaw takes off from LV-223, we see a Yutani ship following her as well.  Remember, at some point before the events of Alien, the 2 companies have to merge.  That is a fact.

    That could work pretty well. 

    Movie starts with in a room that is completely dark with the exception of dim lighting from a computer console. 

    A display lights up, and text appears on the screen.  "Quiet Eye surveillance has detected priority message" "Decrypting...."

    The screen displays Elizabeth Shaw's video message to Weyland.  As the message end's the camera pulls back to show a secure facility with the Y logo with the words Yatani Corporation.  A little exposition and the audience could understand how a rival company might be just a few days behind the Prometheus.

    Not much of a stretch considering how phone traffic is recorded and run through voice recognition in todays world.

    You could have the Yutani ship enter the system just as Shaw and David leave in Juggernaut #2.  Hell, have Yutani send two ships.  One ship follows Shaw and David while the second lands on LV223 to check things out.

  16. CainsSon
    All I want to know is whether these new travelers are tailing Shaw and David or investigating LV223 again or both.
    It could also be, like in ALIEN where these other travellers are on some other mission and are offered some kind of bonus to investigate, since it would save the Company money and time, if there are some missions already close by.
  17. Alien³
    Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Oct 09, 2015, 05:03:27 PM
    You guys remember that promotional video of Shaw talking about her project to Peter Weyland?  You could see the Yutani icon all over the place in that video.  My money is on the idea that Yutani was following Shaw and as soon as Shaw takes off from LV-223, we see a Yutani ship following her as well.  Remember, at some point before the events of Alien, the 2 companies have to merge.  That is a fact.

    That would actually be pretty sweet!

    Quote from: dave1978 on Oct 09, 2015, 11:54:20 AM
    This is getting worse by the day.   Who still listens to this fool?     and if they do listen do them take him seriously?  its so laughable that if he announced that the new travellers were Predators i would actually be happy.  Or better still bigfoot, ET or THE THING.

    What a disaster

    It's all just entertainment man. Should never be taken 100% serious.

    Who wouldn't be happy if it was Predators? :laugh:
  18. Perfect-Organism
    You guys remember that promotional video of Shaw talking about her project to Peter Weyland?  You could see the Yutani icon all over the place in that video.  My money is on the idea that Yutani was following Shaw and as soon as Shaw takes off from LV-223, we see a Yutani ship following her as well.  Remember, at some point before the events of Alien, the 2 companies have to merge.  That is a fact.
  19. The Alien Predator
    Quote from: whiterabbit on Oct 09, 2015, 11:32:37 AM
    Well... travelers could mean anyone. Maybe it's a long lost troop of engineers or worse, other humans that they created from the planet Valhalla. Be freaking awesome it we found out that Ripley was from another human race that the engineers created. The reveal, the galaxy is littered with humans that have a DNA match with Earth humans. Always figured Arcturians were just really sexy humans. Outer world colonization my ass; it's galaxy assimilation!


    Are you an Arcturian?  ;)


    This reminds me of a bit of lore I remember reading about the "Predators" game, where Predators seeded other human like creatures on other worlds and apparently some on Earth. I can't fully remember how it was explained, but I think it did mention other human "races" or something.

    Look, I'm not saying it was Predators, but it was Predators! *outstretches hands dramatically*

    I do like the idea of seeing other Engineer creations, and it wouldn't be surprising to see some of them turn out very human looking. Didn't Ridley mention some new type of alien could show up in the sequel?
  20. HuDaFuK
    It was pretty obvious there would need to be more characters in this than just Shaw and David, but it's kinda stretching credulity a bit that even more people are running into the Alien before the Nostromo and yet people still know nothing about it in 2122.
  21. whiterabbit
    Well I kind of assume that they were creating other life forms throughout the eons, including other humans. Plus the engineers home world must be filled with unknown horrors. Out of sheer coincidence another sentient race could have been on their way to Paradise. Perhaps at the very least, something else already beat Shaw and David to what's left of paradise.

    Man if Ridley reads this board he's probably laughing his ass off.
  22. dave1978
    This is getting worse by the day.   Who still listens to this fool?     and if they do listen do them take him seriously?  its so laughable that if he announced that the new travellers were Predators i would actually be happy.  Or better still bigfoot, ET or THE THING.

    What a disaster
  23. whiterabbit
    Well... travelers could mean anyone. Maybe it's a long lost troop of engineers or worse, other humans that they created from the planet Valhalla. Be freaking awesome it we found out that Ripley was from another human race that the engineers created. The reveal, the galaxy is littered with humans that have a DNA match with Earth humans. Always figured Arcturians were just really sexy humans. Outer world colonization my ass; it's galaxy assimilation!

  24. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: Bob A. Booey on Oct 09, 2015, 03:01:30 AM
    I see all these comments about characters in ALIEN: LOST PARADISE "will know of Ellen Ripley" or will be connected with ALIEN 5. Does anyone know that Ellen Ripley was born in 2092 and PROMETHEUS takes place at the end on 2093? Unless the sequel takes place 20 years later, I don't think anyone would know of a 2 year old Ripley...

    It's speculation because Scott said Paradise Lost will feature a connection to Ripley.
  25. [BAM] Yojimbo
    I presume the other ship they are travelling in carries the "deadly cargo" aswell, what by some plot twist they are the "snake" to edens garden aka paradise aka engineers homeworld and inadvertently unleash the deadly black goo onto the engineer populace!

    What a cock up that would be for Shaw hahaha!
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