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Alien: Isolation E3 2014 Gameplay Trailer Released

SEGA and Creative assembly have just published a new trailer to promote Alien: Isolations‘s presence at E3 2014. You can watch it below or download it in HD here.

Additionally, a series of video previews have now been published by various game sites showcasing the E3 demo in detail. For more previews, videos and overall online coverage on Alien: Isolation at E3, please check this thread at our forums.

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  1. Snark
    New Screenshots!

  2. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: ikarop on Jun 12, 2014, 12:20:45 PM
    Booth tour:

    Man, that is so much cooler than the EGX set-up. Same as with CM, they had the Power-Loader at E3 didn't they? Wish we'd get some cool set-ups over here.
  3. ikarop

    Booth tour:
  4. Vakarian
    I hope there isn't a one hit stealth kill on the synthetics. I like the challenge of having to repeatedly smash their face in with a wrench.  :laugh:

    All I really want now is the ability to completely remove the HUD, and also what Seegson said about Amanda's interaction with the environment, for it to be a bit more like Outlast, would be awesome.
  5. meshuggah
    "The Alien hears everything, no matter where it is. Shoot someone with your revolver and, yes, you've dealt with him or her, but you better believe the Alien is coming. And shooting at the Alien when it arrives is pointless. The Alien can't be killed with such trivial toys. I'm not even sure it can be killed at all." - Eurogamer

    This is sounding/looking awesome. Hard not to be excited!
  6. Corporal Hicks
    QuoteTo make matters worse, the Xenomorph won't kill them. When the two square up, the synthetic will ask it innocent questions as to why it's on the ship, before turning their attention elsewhere. They will, however, apparently give chase to humans, throwing up even more encounters

    Bloody hell - I don't think I want to play this game. xD The previews are sounding really good so far.
  7. RagingDragon
    Yeah I don't like the chicken legs or the shiny buck teeth, but the size and overall design are incredibly good. It could've been so much worse, with fleshy goop AvP super tail aliens or thick-neck AvP:Rliens.

    It looks damned huge, and great to see it can still squeeze into vents with ease.
  8. Sadogoat
    It's interesting to note the differences in Alien design from the creature in the original movie - not only does it have slight chicken-leggage but the four fingers on its hands are split too.
  9. RagingDragon
    Man I'm so excited for this. The comments about the HUD have merit, but I imagine that if the game truly is as challenging as they say, not having a HUD would be akin to a super-hard/realism mode or something, which might be included.

    First time seeing the synthetics, then hearing about the human>synthetic>alien dynamic tickled me inside. A simple but creative way to make the game far more interesting and tense. Also can't wait for that creepy Ash feel, lol.

    I really hope this game succeeds. The franchise needs something good so badly.
  10. Xenoscream
    Quote from: Bio Mech Hunter on Jun 11, 2014, 07:51:09 PM
    Quote from: Seegson on Jun 11, 2014, 05:36:52 PM
    If you ask me, one thing i miss a little is the lack of interaction of Amanda,s body with the eviroment, like in OutCast. When you face a wall i miss Amand's hands on it...or taking the craftable stuff. Becouse of that the "sprint" thing is a bit strange...i feel a slight lack of animations.

    Talking about animations, the "transitions" between them still bad executed...the Alien seem to "jump" from one animation to other...and humans a little bit too

    But the games its awesome...beyond what i expected
    You're absolutely right. It breaks the immersion.

    This plus no HUD would make the game even more special.
  11. Bio Mech Hunter
    Quote from: Seegson on Jun 11, 2014, 05:36:52 PM
    If you ask me, one thing i miss a little is the lack of interaction of Amanda,s body with the eviroment, like in OutCast. When you face a wall i miss Amand's hands on it...or taking the craftable stuff. Becouse of that the "sprint" thing is a bit strange...i feel a slight lack of animations.

    Talking about animations, the "transitions" between them still bad executed...the Alien seem to "jump" from one animation to other...and humans a little bit too

    But the games its awesome...beyond what i expected
    You're absolutely right. It breaks the immersion.
  12. Seegson
    If you ask me, one thing i miss a little is the lack of interaction of Amanda,s body with the eviroment, like in OutCast. When you face a wall i miss Amand's hands on it...or taking the craftable stuff. Becouse of that the "sprint" thing is a bit strange...i feel a slight lack of animations.

    Talking about animations, the "transitions" between them still bad executed...the Alien seem to "jump" from one animation to other...and humans a little bit too

    But the games its awesome...beyond what i expected
  13. Bio Mech Hunter
    Fantastic footage. Lots of interesting info about the gameplay. I'm really looking forward to this.

    The only two things that are bothering me at the moment is the way the flashlight works (what The Eighth Passenger mentioned), and that Amanda's body doesn't cast any shadows. That's elementary stuff and hopefully CA will fix them before launch.

    Al Hope wasn't the right man to take the interview. The poor guy was so visibly nervous, and seemed to get frustrated with his own nervousness.
  14. Space Sweeper
    Jumped a few times watching the latest gameplay stuff, sometimes not even at jumpscares but with some sudden movements in the peripherals (like the little door mechanism where it opens). The atmosphere is looking perfect, even with the human enemies; the game seems to have some comparison to Bio/Systemshock in the combat, but with less lethal ability and, like Burial at Sea, a very low amount of ammo. Pretty unique blend of the two styles of horror games, I'd say. Love the way the flamethrower is used, essentially to buy some time while running away from the Alien, and the androids look genuinely creepy. Anybody else notice that one doing the Ash 'joint exercise' deal at the window? Great stuff.
  15. NickisSmart
    Better too hard than too easy. Honestly games these days are far too forgiving. This sounds challenging for all the right reasons. I've heard in a couple of these previews that the checkpoint system saves at inopportune moments, putting you between the hammer and the anvil. Maybe being able to disable it altogether as an option would be nice?
  16. UDA
    I wonder how frequent the human/android encounters are. The fact that the Andriods are hostiles makes me wonder, are they working to capture the alien? or to prevent it from creating other aliens (by eliminating the host)?

    I wonder if the human A.I. will actively try not to make noise because of the alien as well...

    Environments look great. The Alien looks amazing.

    I still want a little more insight on the story (Why are the andriods hostile? Why are people working together to get rid of the alien instead of attacking you, How did the alien get on the station, ect, ect)
  17. Darkness
    Those androids sure are freaky looking.

    The previews seem very positive. Only thing that concerns me is the difficulty. It's gonna get frustrating if you keep dying in the same places over and over again. Still can't wait to play in that environment though. It's so detailed.
  18. ikarop

    And a two more screenshots:
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