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Alien Covenant Trailer Coming Christmas Day!

At last, we have confirmation – the Alien Covenant trailer will be released tomorrow, Christmas Day! The official 20th Century Fox twitter account tweeted a short black and white video moments ago showing an Alien Egg opening with the tag: Tomorrow #AlienCovenant. After months and months of waiting, the first trailer for Alien Covenant is almost upon us!

Meanwhile, the embargo for the 20th Century Fox 2017 Showcase Preview event is due to end tonight reportedly so we might be getting a few more reports just before the Alien Covenant trailer drops.

Stay tuned on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest news on Alien: Covenant! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. Don’t forget to join in with other Alien fans on our forums and discuss the trailer tomorrow! From all the staff here at AvPGalaxy, we hope everybody has a wonderful Christmas.

Thanks to Enoch and SiL for the news.

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  1. PRJ_since1990
    Well I dare say I need to do a trailer review ASAP. With it being Christmas, time is very limited so it may not come until well after.

    Like I've said before, I am very cautiously optimistic because I am too afraid this is going to be the AvPR equivalent of a sequel to a film deemed "not violent/gory enough" so Scott and Company are going to go gore porn and I and many other fans will hate it because of it. But I digress and I will wait to make a final opinion.

    Also, a very Merry Christmas to everyone on the forums and their families. Whether you celebrate the birth of Christ or in a secular sense, I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend. Will be posting any NECA related gifts in the appropriate thread!
  2. Xenorgue
    I did not say it was impossible. I said it was unlikely. From an evolutionary point of view and a microbiologist, infection of a microorganism requires adaptation to its host. It is necessary that the microbe produce molecules that would have an antagonistic function to our cellular processes. For example, to adhere to our cells, they must produce molecules that are complementary to our cells. The affinity must be specific. It is a long evolution and selection between the host and the parasite
  3. lv_226
    We are going to finally get what we have been waiting for all along. I am going to go with my family to celebrate Christmas Eve. I just wanted to wish you all, whether or not you celebrate, a safe and wonderful evening.

    Oh, and see you all when the trailer drops!
  4. Xenorgue
    Quote from: Astronoë on Dec 25, 2016, 01:17:50 AM
    Humanity has colonized the galaxy and have strict quarantine between world's, Ripley mentioned it in passing. First there's the fear of alien bacteria n stuff n there's has to have been some outbreaks considering the sheer amount of systems in the galaxy we colonized in a short time. Considering humanity is still around n thriving they must have overcome bio threats n won't be caught unprepared.
    Even if Xenomorphs could somehow infect one world, they couldn't do it against all our worlds with humanity unawares.
    2nd our armies would be better n with robots n drones n stuff, the xenos would hit a wall.

    Humans despite their faults are better survivors than xenos, only in movies could we be threatened, unprepared, undergun'd n stupidity exists to drive the story forwards...

    I would be more afraid of the Predators who have all the tools to overcome humanity..stronger, very intelligent n better technology.
    Xenomorphs lack all the tools needed to tip the scales..

    The Xenomorphs would need to at least be at the same level as the Zerg to be a threat (Zerg would eat xenomorphs alive) those (Zerg) were overblown as well (no defense against long range weapons n nukes).
    Predators choose not to wipe us out even though they could, the Protoss as well, isn't that true supremacy? Feeling secure in their power.
    Xenomorphs though kill whatever's in front of them with no vision n always feeling everything is a threat to them. They are limited...

    Honestly, the blow of an extraterrestrial infection by a microorganism is extremely rare.

    Why ? Because for there to be infection, it is necessary that the microorganism is co evolved with us.
    It must produce proteins that will have an effect on our human cells.
    This is why viruses and plant bacteria do not infect us because these pathogens have co evolved with plants.
    There are over 100,000,000 viruses per mL of seawater. Why are not you infected? Because the vast majority consists of bacteriophage which infect only bacteria and are incapable of infecting humans.
    Of course some insect viruses can infect humans but when we look more closely, there is a pluri co evolution between the vector and the host.

    This is why it is unlikely that an extraterrestrial cellular or viral pathogen infect our organism.

    Of course, the alien in frontal combat against humanity can do nothing. However, the action of the alien is insidious like terrorism. Generally when a zone is infected by xenomorph the only solution is the total destruction of the area and it is generally like that that happens in movies. Except for alien 3.
  5. Astronoë
    Humanity has colonized the galaxy and have strict quarantine between world's, Ripley mentioned it in passing. First there's the fear of alien bacteria n stuff n there's has to have been some outbreaks considering the sheer amount of systems in the galaxy we colonized in a short time. Considering humanity is still around n thriving they must have overcome bio threats n won't be caught unprepared.
    Even if Xenomorphs could somehow infect one world, they couldn't do it against all our worlds with humanity unawares.
    2nd our armies would be better n with robots n drones n stuff, the xenos would hit a wall.

    Humans despite their faults are better survivors than xenos, only in movies could we be threatened, unprepared, undergun'd n stupidity exists to drive the story forwards...

    I would be more afraid of the Predators who have all the tools to overcome humanity..stronger, very intelligent n better technology.
    Xenomorphs lack all the tools needed to tip the scales..

    The Xenomorphs would need to at least be at the same level as the Zerg to be a threat (Zerg would eat xenomorphs alive) those (Zerg) were overblown as well (no defense against long range weapons n nukes).
    Predators choose not to wipe us out even though they could, the Protoss as well, isn't that true supremacy? Feeling secure in their power.
    Xenomorphs though kill whatever's in front of them with no vision n always feeling everything is a threat to them. They are limited...
  6. szkoki
    Quote from: Predatorium on Dec 25, 2016, 12:31:15 AM
    Christmas Day is on the 25th in entire Europe too! But you celebrate on Christmas Eve in some countries which is on the 24th. Please understand, you don't change the name of the day just because you....I can't do this.

    QuoteThey aren't perfect with their so-called "intelligence" if they can't create a civilisation, just being good at for that what is their defense against our nukes? Hissing? All we need is huge robot armies n drones n quarantine n we would wipe out the xenos.

    In the original script the alien kills Ripley, eats her brain and sends the final transmission with her it really was intelligent in Scott's original vision. Then they became cannon fodder.

    some of you guys are taking this topic too serious i guess :D
  7. Predatorium
    Christmas Day is on the 25th in entire Europe too! But you celebrate on Christmas Eve in some countries which is on the 24th. Please understand, you don't change the name of the day just because you....I can't do this.

    QuoteThey aren't perfect with their so-called "intelligence" if they can't create a civilisation, just being good at for that what is their defense against our nukes? Hissing? All we need is huge robot armies n drones n quarantine n we would wipe out the xenos.

    In the original script the alien kills Ripley, eats her brain and sends the final transmission with her it really was intelligent in Scott's original vision. Then they became cannon fodder.
  8. Astronoë
    Quote from: szkoki on Dec 24, 2016, 04:43:57 PM
    in my country x-mas starts with 24. i live in Europe so yeah 24th could be called x-mas day

    24th is Christmas eve ;)

    Quote from: Jenny Quantum on Dec 24, 2016, 06:28:07 PM
    I thought Eggmorphing was already canon; like in absence of a Queen, a Xenomorph would still manage to continue its species by turning to eggmorph the humans or other living beings. After all it's a perfect organism.

    They aren't perfect with their so-called "intelligence" if they can't create a civilisation, just being good at for that what is their defense against our nukes? Hissing? All we need is huge robot armies n drones n quarantine n we would wipe out the xenos.
  9. Xenomorphine
    Quote from: Murph Morph on Dec 24, 2016, 08:21:07 PM
    These "queen" theories ;D seriously I hate to break it up to you guys but Ridley's vision never and will never include the Queen, it was James' more straightforward idea of xeno reproduction that was partly inspired by termites (look it up.) This was repeated and tweaked in the following films with the new reproduction organ idea in Resurrection.

    Ridley had a much more larger yet ambigous scope on things that later expanded into to a completely different path with the Engineers and the dangerous biological altering goo.

    Scott was upset that he wasn't invited back to do the sequel and thought it should have gone back to examine the derelict, but loved what Cameron did and thought it was a great way to do a follow-up. The pair are good friends now (as they both also are with Fincher, too). Giger was also initially gravely disappointed he wasn't invited on the production, but also ultimately loved it (especially the Queen design).

    What we saw in 'Alien' were not largely Scott's ideas, but mostly those of O'Bannon and the producers.

    Not sure if he's ever watched the director's cut, where the derelict's included. That might have softened his initial feelings over that subject (it wasn't until many years later that this became available).

    Personally, my guess is that a Queen laying eggs won't be shown, not because of artistic reasons, but simply so that they can use the budget for other stuff. What eggs we'll see will already be pre-existing by the time the crew gets there. If a Queen does show up, I'll consider that a surprise.
  10. Daz1999
    It seems the engineers aren't going to have a big part in this judging by all the info so far, personally I'm happy about that.
    Can't wait til tomorrow, I wonder what fox's sleigh looks like
  11. Murph Morph
    @Infected I totally agree! I think we'll finally get the treat a lot of us hoped for back with Prometheus but never received.
    This time I think the emphasis will be more on horror judging by all the info so far, in other words an ALIEN film.
  12. Engineer
    Ok so I've watched this teaser a dozen times, just to make sure I heard it right... and I am pretty sure they used/borrowed one of the alien breathing sound-effects from alien isolation!! Did anyone else hear that?!
  13. Infected
    My nipples ar redddddyyyyyyyy!!!!!!

    Anyone else just got a strong feeling this movie will not include much Prometheus or engineer info? i think this movie will be a stand alone movie, although it will involve the Fassbenders and the horror David herritage from Prometheus, i dont think we will be given much again like we hoped with Prometheus and didnt got.
  14. Russ840
    Well my theory allows for Ridley to do what he likes and not have an effect on the later films. I honestly cannot see them discarding Aliens in the long run.

    Don't get me wrong. I am under no illusion that my theory is right. Lol. Just an idea I thought of, is all
  15. Murph Morph
    These "queen" theories ;D seriously I hate to break it up to you guys but Ridley's vision never and will never include the Queen, it was James' more straightforward idea of xeno reproduction that was partly inspired by termites (look it up.) This was repeated and tweaked in the following films with the new reproduction organ idea in Resurrection.

    Ridley had a much more larger yet ambigous scope on things that later expanded into to a completely different path with the Engineers and the dangerous biological altering goo.
  16. Xenomorphine
    Quote from: T MINUS 5 on Dec 24, 2016, 03:44:54 PM
    The teaser is done in the style of the Scott Free Productions animation - maybe the same artist.

    Good observation!

    Quote from: Predatorium on Dec 24, 2016, 05:44:29 PM
    Christmas day is 25th everywhere. However Christmas is celebrated on Christmas EVE in many countries whis is the 24th. I hope this clarifies things.

    Not in places like Russia, it isn't. :) I think theirs is meant to be the 7th of January.

    Quote from: Predatorium on Dec 24, 2016, 06:54:43 PM
    Omg i never thought of that, the entire crew of the derelict ARE the eggs!! Cool...Nah it looks lile a cargo hold. It's got a layer of lasermist covering it

    That was the original intention behind the original film, yes. Before the scene was removed.
  17. Jeri
    Anyone here have YouTube channel showcasing film theories?

    Can't wait to see what you guys think of the possible plot points; (egg morphing, Queen, foreshadowing events for Alien, etc.)  ;)

  18. Anonymous
    Mike, Christmas day is the 25th December and that's the global recognition of it... No idea where you got your "for most of europeans, christmas day is 24th of december" from....
  19. oberonqa
    Quote from: Jenny Quantum on Dec 24, 2016, 06:28:07 PM
    I thought Eggmorphing was already canon; like in absence of a Queen, a Xenomorph would still manage to continue its species by turning to eggmorph the humans or other living beings. After all it's a perfect organism.

    I avoid using the word "canon" because it tends to cause a lot of disagreement over what is and isn't "canon".  That being said, most fans do consider it canon to a greater or lesser extent... but the fact that it's never been referenced in any of the movies except for that one deleted scene tends to make the issue problematic.  Especially for those that aren't familiar with the EU material where eggmorphing is played with more often. 

    Ask ten random people on the street where they think the eggs on the Derelict came from, chances are very good the majority will say the eggs came from a Queen, even though eggmorphing is not only shown in the deleted scene, but also foreshadowed by some dialog in the movie (if memory serves, Lambert asks what happened to the rest of the crew while exploring the Jockey chamber).  Your average joe (haha!) knows of the Queen because she is pop culture.  Eggmorphing?  That's a fan topic due to it's non-existence in the remainder of the movies.
  20. Jenny Quantum
    I thought Eggmorphing was already canon; like in absence of a Queen, a Xenomorph would still manage to continue its species by turning to eggmorph the humans or other living beings. After all it's a perfect organism.
  21. Russ840
    I think a more reasonable explaination is that all the eggs on the derelict are first generation and this will use egg morphing to propergate.

    Going by things we have read and the fears of some. If David has tinkered with some creature, the neomorph?, and the result is something like big chap, then I would surmise that the initial way that the creature reproduces is via egg morphining. But due to the Accelerant having a part to play in the creation of the Big chap type creature, the later generations would naturally result in a Queen, due to the accelerant causing evolution/mutations, being born and her more efficient way of reproducing takes over.

    I say more efficient as each Xenomorph would require one host as opposed to 2.

    This could also give us a reason for the ridge headed aliens. They are all from the queens eggs.

    Just my theory, does it make any sense ?   Lol
  22. oberonqa
    Quote from: Russ840 on Dec 24, 2016, 05:51:48 PM
    I think they will go the route of 'egg morphing' and the queen will be the eventual evolution.

    This is my guess as well... if for no other reason Ridley has already shown a willingness to plumb the depths of Alien's backlog of unused ideas when making Prometheus.  Since eggmorphing has not been officially acknowledged by the series due to it's existence being present only in the Directors Cut (something which Ridley has gone on record many times stating he stands by the theatrical cut of the film as his Director's Cut and the 2003 edit was more as a gift to the fans and a result of looking at the film for 25+ years and fixing little small minutia), I can easily see him using that idea in Covenant. 

    I kinda figure eggmorphing is the Neomorph's original (read: biologicial) method of reproduction and the Queen is something that came about as a result of David's tinkering with the accelerant (possibily playing Dr Frankenstein with Shaw). 
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