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AvPGalaxy Podcast 01: Intro & Prometheus

It’s a feature we’ve been trying to get sorted for some time now and we’ve finally got somewhere with it. It’s hosted by myself, Corporal Hicks and fellow staffer, Mikey.

Due to a few technical and scheduling issues our first episode didn’t turn out quite as intended but we got through it and it’s ready for release. Hopefully we’ll learn over time and appreciate all the feedback we can get. Anyway, without further ado:

It’s very much in its infancy at the moment so you’ll have to bare with us as we learn and get into this. I hope you all enjoy the feature. We hope it becomes a regular and popular thing. Click here for the main Podcast page.

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  1. Corporal Hicks
    Just to let everyone know we've wrapped up our interview for the next episode (had a few delays in getting a guest sorted) but we got NECA on, Mikey and I will get the rest of it done tomorrow and I'm aiming for a release early next week, delaying to get some extra stuff from NECA.
  2. cloverfan98
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 23, 2011, 05:55:31 PM
    Okay guys, for episode #2 we're asking members of the community for something. #2 is going to be themed around merchandise and we're after clips of our community telling us:

    *Why they collect merch.
    *What they're most prized item is.
    *How much you think you've spent.
    *And who you are.

    If you're interested in submitting a clip, please email me at corporalhicks - at - with the subject Podcast Clip. Please ensure the clip is an audio MP3 file. Thanks.  :)

    Compaired to everyone else here my collection is no where as impressive but I might be able to think of something.
  3. Corporal Hicks
    Okay guys, for episode #2 we're asking members of the community for something. #2 is going to be themed around merchandise and we're after clips of our community telling us:

    *Why they collect merch.
    *What they're most prized item is.
    *How much you think you've spent.
    *And who you are.

    If you're interested in submitting a clip, please email me at corporalhicks - at - with the subject Podcast Clip. Please ensure the clip is an audio MP3 file. Thanks.  :)
  4. Neon_Knight
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 22, 2011, 12:39:15 PM
    As for background...I had tried having a track in the background but I decided against it. I'll try again for the next one. Maybe try a different track.

    Yeah, well if I were doing it, I'd put it right down so that it's barely audible but it's enough to cover up the hiss of background noise. You could just use Jerry Goldsmith's soundtrack to Alien, very ambient, minimalist.  I'd think it was perfect for that sort of thing. But that's just me. This is assuming you're not bothered by the fact that you'd be illegally broadcasting copyrighted music.  I'm not bothered by that sort of thing personally but some might be. 
  5. Brother
    I don't know what apps yall used, but you can try Teamspeak 3. Offers good sound quality, reduces background noise, allows you to record sessions, has a bunch of useful features.
  6. Corporal Hicks
    Yeah, that's probably because I always put a mic close to my mouth due to my XB mic being terrible and people not being able to hear me. XD I'll move it away next time.

    As for background...I had tried having a track in the background but I decided against it. I'll try again for the next one. Maybe try a different track.
  7. Neon_Knight
    Personal opinion - you guys definitely need better quality recording hardware.   The sound of breathing on the microphone really makes it seem less professional.   Or get some kind of guard infront of the microphone so you don't breathe on it.  That way it'll sound more like a podcast and less like people talking on counterstrike chat. Besides that, I'd reccomend having some kind of background noise, music of some kind.   Besides that, it seemed pretty cool to me.

  8. Predator Queen
    I enjoyed the first Podcast! Both Corporal Hicks and Mikey did a wonderful job and I don't mind your accent Corporal Hicks ^_^, I liked how it wasn't just straight forward AVP news you both had fun with it and went on a few different subjects which was nice.  Congrats everyone who made it possible!
  9. SM
    Yeah I've done a couple as well.  After 2 or 3 failed attempts using just notes I had to write myself out a full script to avoid a shitload of ums and ahhs.  Then the next attempt didn't work cos it sounded too scripted!

    The beauty though is you can go back and edit it or do it all again - unlike something that's live.
  10. Mike’s Monsters
    Quote from: SM on Feb 21, 2011, 11:48:20 PM
    Too much yakking about the technical glitches, but considering the technical glitches, not a bad start at all.

    Needs a bit more research though - Charlize Theron has been a fairly high profile actress since the late 90s.

    Thanks for the input. I knew a whole lot more about Charlize, but due to all of our goof ups, it was hard to remember everything at the moment. I forgot to re-open my notes after one of the crashed sessions.
  11. SM
    Too much yakking about the technical glitches, but considering the technical glitches, not a bad start at all.

    Needs a bit more research though - Charlize Theron has been a fairly high profile actress since the late 90s.
  12. Prime113
    Quote from: Space Sweeper on Feb 21, 2011, 09:21:54 PM
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 21, 2011, 09:12:54 PM
    It was originally ended with me going "And that's a f**king wrap" and Mikey then pissing himself but I didn't think it was suitable. I probably should have had some music leading us out but I can do that for the next one.  :P
    D'aww! Woulda been hilarious!
    After abstaining from curse words for all that time, I think it would have been quite a riot.  :laugh:

    Yeah, that woulda been great, man. I would have lol'd pretty hard.
  13. Corporal Hicks
    It was originally ended with me going "And that's a f**king wrap" and Mikey then pissing himself but I didn't think it was suitable. I probably should have had some music leading us out but I can do that for the next one.  :P
  14. Prime113
    lulz. Wasn't much of an outro.  ;D Reminded me of an early 70's movie by just ending right after Mikey stop talking about what he would like to do with the podcast.

    Also good to hear that one is from England and the other from Seattle. Like the difference there.
  15. Space Sweeper
    We really need to get on this. Scheduling wouldn't be so bad considering we all live in the same basic timezone (only one hour ahead for you guys), and I'm pretty sure we all at least have Alien and Aliens..

    Could be a hell of a lot of fun, too. I'm sure you and Marines would dominate the design discussion as I go off on how intense the scene is and how Veronica Cartwright is making me hyperventilate.  :laugh:
  16. Space Sweeper
    Quote from: Sharp Sticks on Feb 21, 2011, 07:39:25 PM
    Quote from: Space Sweeper on Feb 21, 2011, 07:36:01 PM
    When me, Space Marines, and Sharp Sticks eventually do our commentaries.. oh gawd. I'm going to need a shock collar.

    Why, so you can stay awake while I ramble on about the Orpheus connection and analyze futuristic upturned collars for three hours?  :laugh:
    "I, I personally think Sigourney looked pretty damn good in this shot."
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