AvP: Species War

Started by War Wager, Feb 14, 2008, 05:04:23 PM

AvP: Species War (Read 10,193 times)

War Wager

War Wager

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2158. The year of death. The fateful year when Earth began to slowly suffocate herself. After thousends of years of abuse from her main inhabitents, human beings, she finally gave up the fight. The polar ice caps began to melt and the sea's began to rise. Cities were drowned with ocean and new diseases and plauges began to ravage the crippling world. Thought to have been deafeted, the deadly Suris virus began to spread like wild fire across every continant, bringing a slow, painful death to millions. Only a year had past and the Earths population had dropped from to just . Many large groups of people dotted the dead planet, only one group per country. All hope was lost as the lands began to rot under the pressure of the Earths core as it grew larger and larger. The sun began to grow ever closer to Earth, diminishing it of all plant life. Lakes and rivers were no more and ocean are all but gone. Hell was real.

Earth was not the only world to suffer the horrible fate. Thousends of light years away, Grafon, the Predator homeworld was also is dying. The same was happening there as it was on Earth. It's ocean's rose and fell and it's core grew larger. It's two suns began to surround the planet with emense heat and it's moons disappeard. Two different species = one horrific fate. As many years pass and whole species begin to go extinct, humans and Predators continue to struggle.

The Death Of Grafon

Elder Clad sits in his cold, stone throne overlooking a vast savana of crippling buildings and monuments. The birdless blood red sky and the chirping on inscects has all but vanished. The only sound his the quiet whir of the wind as it passes through holes Clad's throne. He takes large deep breaths and his throat groans with each one. His weathered grey dreadlocks are slumed over his armoured shoulders and two cover his white left eye. His cracked scales are adorned with rings and chains that are tatooed into his upper manibles and brows, a sign of thousends of years of hunting, fighting and killing. Those days are long gone now. He had progressed straight up the ranks in Predator clan and had finally become a leader, a hero amonst his people. He was once a proud king of his world, as proud as a living soul could be. He felt as if nothing could ruin his perfect kingdom. Nothing could spoil it. He was wrong. The once beautiful city had became a ghost city in just a few short years. The sun's rays eat into the cities walls and pyramids causing the marvellous archatecture to crumble and root, as well as it's ships and towers. Not a shade of green is seen in the city, no floura, no fauna, no life. Clad rises to from his throne and walks to the edge of the tower placing a old hand on a rotting wall. He watches as a small ship suddenly comes to life, fire bursting from it's engines. The force causes the surrounding dust flying high into the air staining it tan. The ship slowly begins to leave the surface and it's engines get louder. Clad's ripped cape flutters in the breeze as the ship suddenly darts off towards the sky with tremendous speed. Clad's eye follows the small object until it disappears into the redness. He returns to his stone throne and begins to stare out onto the desert again.

The Gathering

Two men stand a top a watchtower, looking over the once thriving city of London. Big Ben is now just a pillar of rubble that continues to rot away with each passing day. Sand's snake their way through crevases in buildings and have stanined the grey pavements into yellow. The massive sun is almost gone, sinking into the horizon. Although the place is now a graveyard, it emits a surreal beauty. It is calm, peaceful for once in London. One of the men spots a small object heading for the ground at a frighting speed. "What the f*ck is that?" he whispers to the other. The object disappears into a huge sand dune and a faint crash is heard. The two men look at each other in confusion. "We should check it out" "No, we stay" "We need to check that out! It could be someo..." "It'll be another one of those meteors, it's nothing." The men are silent again as the wind whirs through their little base. "Well you can stay, I'm going" "You're staying here" bellows the other. "I'm just gonna che..." "You're staying f*cking here!" "Oh piss off." The man begins to descend a metal ladder into the warm sand below. "Hey, if you turn up missing, it ain't my fault!" "I'll be fine! Jesus..."

Not far away, a camp fire crackles as a group of men and woman huddle together. Some are chatting amonst themselves, while others just stare into the burning fire. The are covered with rags; ripped jeans and old shirts stainded with dry blood and moist with sweat. The cold, sad eyes still remembering the horror of seeing the world die before their them. Watching the sea's rise, seing their loved ones perish. But still the hold on, trying to stay alive. Hoping that one day a glimer of hope with shine down on them. Each one of them carries a cross chain around their necks which are also rusting away like the city around them. A tall darked haired man, Christie, rises from his seat; a car door; and addresses the crowd. He noods at them and the crowd instictivley know what do to. They close their eyes and lower the heads to their hands in pray. A woman stares into the darkening sky, her dirty hand placed over her heart. Christie begins the prayer. "Oh Lord, we thank you for giving us this day. For giving us courage to keep going. For giving us the bravery to stand against your wrath." He looks at a mound of dirt which is raised off the ground. "Be sure Keisha is safe and secure in your loving arms, in a better place. Amen." The group say their last words and continue to look on into the fire is silence. Christie looks over to sister Keris who is silently weeping. Christie walks over to his weak sister and places a hand on her left shoulder. "Why are we doing this?" she sobs as she looks into her brothers dark brown eyes. "We have to keep going, He wouldn't have us give up. The Day will come." Keris sobs louder. "The day we all die and we rot with the rest of the place! Theres no hope" Christie just looks at his sister. "There is always hope."

Out of the silence a clicking is heard. The groups eyes widen and dart in evey direction. The clicking continues as a loud growling is heard from a nearby bus wreakage. "What the f*ck" Christie whispers to himself. "Adrain?" a woman shouts. A huge figure appears out of nowhere startling the group. Two woman scream loudly as the thing raises it's arms in the air and bellows. "Holy..." a man hisses as he grabs a rusted knife from his trouser pocket and aims it at the figure. With a deafning zoom and a flash of blinding light his head is decapitated and it rowls off into the fire. The group scream and scatter in every direction. "Keris over here!" Christie shouts to his fleeing sister. He grabs her cold, sweating hand and darts off towards the closest building. They here the screams of the rest of the group as they flee. "Everyone follow me!" Christie belts. He hears nothing. Just screams and plasma shots. They suddenly smash into an invisable wall and slam onto the sand. A Predator un-cloaks itself and launches a net over Christie. Keris screams as the net clamps around her brother like velcro and snaps shut. Another net is thown over her and a truimphant roaring deafens her.

Captives: Part One

Keris teary eyes slowly open. She is in a dark room no more than 8 metres wide and 5 metres high. Her eyes slowly focus to reveal strange drawings and symbols on the walls of the room. Pyramids, humans, strange spider-like creatures and oval objects. She spots her brother lying a few feet away and she rushes to his side. "Chris wake up" she chirps. "Wake up!" Christie slowly regains consioness and looks at her. "Where the hell are we?" Tears start to fall from Keris face. "I don't know". Christie throws his arms around her and she does the same. Her tears soak into his ripped grey jacket. Keris spots another three of the group. "Amanda!" she squeks as she releases her grip and dashes over to her loving friend. "Terk's dead! He's dead!!" "It's ok honey." As they huddle and cry together, Christie rises to his feet and scans the room. Shards of bright light filter through cracks in the walls intreging him. As he stalks towards the gaps he tries to stay as quiet as he can. Pearing through, his eyes widen at the sight. "Where are we?" whispers a man. "We're not on Earth..." says Christie in a worried tremble. "What the f*ck were those things?" Christie shakes his head. "I don't want to know, the only thing that matters now is getting outta here."

The New Players

Not two miles away from Grafon, a collosal ship stands out against the blackness. It's serated edges and U-shaped exterior make it look like huge horse shoe. Not a sound raidets from it. Not the roar of an engine nor the whir of a booster. Nothing. A light blue aura of mist surrounds the ship, the only thing making the vessal visable in the twinkling infinity. It's errie, amonous exterior conceles a even stranger crew. Their corridors, pillars and archetecture almost reflect the Predator race. Exept everything here is solid silver and dark grey. Their corridors are lined with strange pipes and figures making them seem like some sort of sexual reference. The ships many halls and corridors filter out into a huge room in the centre of the vessel, it's ceiling stretching high above. In the centre of this black room a big telescopic object stands facing upward into the stars. On this object, a crew member sits, it's drooping maw quivering as it forces a huge black eye into a sphere. With it's disgusting right hand it slowly manouvers the telescope further left as if it is trying to focus on something in the distance. The object emites a un-holy sound as the pointed end thinnens and the spheres image becomes sharper. The crew member groans as it see's his target and like an old man in his rocking chair forces himself from his seat.

With loud thuds, the creature ponders through the ships corridors as it's glicing plated armour jangles off it's peach coloured body. The same blue mist that surrounds the outer ship fills the corridors too, southing to the eyes yet cold to the touch. The creature doesn't seem to mind however as it plows through the mist like a bull elephant. The creature finally descends into a chamber in which another one of the creatures sits upon a massive steel throne. The creature stares at the other with an evil proudness as it falls to his knees and bows to it. The kneeling creature mumbles in a strange alien vioce and it's leader clenches his fists with readimeant. These are the Jockeys and they are about to face an old enemy. For the last time.

Captives: Part Two

"Come on pull!" Christie shouts as he, his sister and the other three survivors try to pry open the crumbling wall. The women squel with pain and the their hands become scratched and bloodied from the grainy stones. "Come on!" As the group keep prying relentlessly at the wall, Keris spots a small, grey object in the ceiling corner above. "Wait, wait stop!" she screams as she points to the object. They stand staring at the thing until Christie grabs a stone and prepares to launch it in the things direction. "Don't touch it!" one woman yells. Christie just ignores her and gently throws the small rock hitting it silently. The rock falls to the ground and shatters. "F*ck it, it's nothing." They start again on the wall but Keris stands back, she knows something bad is going happen. The small cell fills will roars as the wall finally caves in and the group is blinded with sunlight. Before they can take in the breathtaking view however, the small grey object suddenly springs to life with noise and lights. The group startles and a ray of red light shines down upon them. With a sharp slice, a mans arm is cut off. "Noo!" a woman screams as her eyes fill with horror. "Move!" Christie yells as he goes for his other hand. The lasers descend again this time slicing through his sweaty head. "Oh my God!" the woman cries in a tearful weak voice. Keris eyes begin to tear and she grabs the woman from reaching her dead husband. The group of now four stand back as the object continues to emit burning hot lasers as they continue to cut into the mans dead lifeless body.

From The Centre Of The Earth

Night falls over the dying city as Clad stands in his tower overlooking the land. In the distance he can see a small red group of light; the lasers that caused the death of one of his captures. He'd been watching it for hours, thinking of what plan the humans would be devises to get out. But he knew they wouldn't be getting out, not if they wanted to die in the process. Just below his tower, Clad see's a group of Predators all lined up overlooking a large stone statue. The statue is not of Clad, nor his father, nor his fathers father, but his great grandfather. One of the founders of Grafon and the most respected of all the Elder's. The Predators are all dressed in ritual-ilke armours adored with skulls, feathers and fur. Each one grasps a long piercing dagger which they carry in their right hands. Clad, overlooking from above, walks over to his ledge and belows. The Predator below in his wake and raise their daggers in the air pointed towards their great founder. Clad proudly unsheathes two swords from his side belt as he continues to roar. The wind howls powerfully attcking his cloak and grey dreadlocks. The Predators below halt with noise and slam their daggers into the rumble beneath them. Then there is silence. Complete silence. Clad rises head in the wind and stares into the pale moon now shining over the haunted wasteland.

Not far away, in the desert of the once thriving tropical forest a rumble begins beneath the surface. Slowly the ground begins to melt and the rumbling grows even louder. A small crack appears in the rubble and suddenly the rumbling stops. Silence. The moon shines down on a small fleshy finger that emerges from the darkness and trys to find it's bearngs. The crack largens as a little spider-like monster leaps forth and begins to scuttle away into the darkness. It's venomous spikes and dripping tail are dragged along as the little beast heads towards the ancient Predator city. As it disappers completely, many more spiders emrge from the deep and bolt in the same direction.

Captives: Part Three

The small group lie with their backs to a wall as the women wimper. The killer object continues to emit powerful rays of energy which continue to block freedom. It's victim is now all but gone as the lasers eat away at his flesh. "We're not going to make it, are we?" Keris stutters to her older brother. Chrsitie just look into her tearful eyes and focuses them back the ground below him. The only other male, Turk, sits a bit away from the others as he plants his face into his gritty hands. He sniffs and forces out a small sentance. "Well... it's been nice knowing y'all. If He thinks it's time, then I guess it's our time. No point in trying to stop it..." The groups saddened eyes watch on as a tear rolls down his terrified face. Away in the distance, Chrstie can make out a tall figure atop a tower. Probably one of his captors. The figure almost seems to be staring back at him as if letting him know that he'd be there for a while. There is an anomous silence in the cell, the lasers continue to buzz and the wind howls at the group, making them grasp their coats.

Turk wipes a tear from his face and smiles. "What d'you call a puppy born from a Bull Dog and a Shitsue?" The group turn their heads in his direction. "A Bull Shit, howd'you give a lemon and orgasm?" continues Turk. The group force out a sickly smile. "Come on guys you know this one." he laughs. "How d'you give a lemon and orgasm?!" The watching group let out a giggle under their sheds of tears and they say the answer together. "You tickle it's citris." Turk begins to weep over his happy eyes. "Ok, ok what'd they Iri..." Suddenly from a gap in the ceiling above, one of the spiders laucnhes itself at Turks face and shuves a long, slimey tube into his dry throat. The group startle and watch in horror as their cell begins to fill with the bastards. "Oh sh*t!" hisses Amanda as the critters screach and scurry over one another like sharks in a frenzy. They all leap at their terrified faces with horrendous speed. Clad turns to the cell as it fills with un-holy mumbles and screams. Mabye the captives were serving their purpose

The Game Is Set

Clad awakens from his deep sleep. His cyro tube door opens and he is suudenly hit with even hotter air. His eyes are blinded as the suns shine into his wise eyes. He misses the old days when he would awake to the sound of birds singing in the air and the roars of his people. He misses walking in his kindoms beautiful jungle as insects and mamals scurred under his feet. The warm breeze in his face and the wind in his dreadlocks. Nowadays he awakens to a blood red sky, birdless and lifeless. His peoples proud roars are no more and his beautiful jungle is gone. And yet he goes on, living each day as a wise hunter and a skilled warrior and even though his people died around him, their soles still live within him. Clad emerges from his chamber and takes in a hollow breath. In front of him he see's his personal trophy and weapon rack. It covers the full lenght of the wall and is covered in strange skulls, statues and spines. Below them are his beloved weapons and armours. They shine like starts in the pale sunlight as Clad orderly removes them and places them over his stong scaley body.

Christie awakens from his horrible dream and places his hand over his head. He see's a small creature lying dead in front of him and is startled by it's hideousness. The other members of the group slowly regain counsiousness and startle and their own little spiders. "What the f*ck are these!" screetches Turk. Keris face kringes as she kicks one of the bodies away with her leg. Christe shakes his head in confusement as he rises to his weak legs. "Oh thank you God!" Amanda suddenly shouts. The lasers have gone and their path to freedom is clear. "Come on lets move!" belows Christe as the group sprint towards the gap. Turk grabs the cross around his neck and whispers something to the sky.

A strong wind races through the cracked doors of the fellow Predator cyro tubes. The occupients inside lie dead with their maws ajar and their chests burst open. Each wound is covered in bright green blood which is also splatted across the tubes themselves. There is an awful eeirie pressence in the chamber, like something that isn't meant to be there... is. At the chamber entrance a fully armoured, yet un-moving Predator is spalyed across the floor like a rag doll. It's left arm nearly three metres away from it's socket and it's legs are just hanging on to theirs with their tendons. The Predator has a huge hole between his wide eyes and blood still slowly trickles down it's face. The whole Predator population of Grafon has suddenly gone down from eight-five to just thirty-two all in one night. But there are many new inhabitents. Violent, vicious beast which are preparing for a war they intend to win.



Interesting premise - though it goes against my personally philosophy.




War Wager

War Wager

Well, I've completed Extinction. I decided to split the story in two; part 1 will set the state that the universe and the species that are struggling on in it; and part 2 will be the final battle itself.



why is the sun getting closer to the earth?



why are the planets' cores growing larger?

War Wager

War Wager

1. Nature's taking it's course
2. Planet core's aren't full of heat at all. They're full of things...  ;)



1.) hmm... it's your story so it's cool... but my understanding is that the sun would eventually expand into a red giant and burn up the earth, but it wouldn't happen for another 5 billion years

2.) I actually used to have a similar idea to that.

War Wager

War Wager

I'm not saying that going to happen, but the future's a scary thing. We just don't know whats gonna happen.  :-\  I used that idea to kind of get over a bleak, 'they're f*cked' sorta feeling to the reader.  :)

2. By things I mean Hive's of Xenomorphs...



1.) gotcha

2.) that's what I figured



The funny ones die first,always...

War Wager

War Wager

A Kings Grief

Elder Clad stands impatient before his founders grand stautue as he grasps his huge spear. The wind has calmed to almost nothing now and there a silence that even Clad finds strange. He continues to wait on his people to gather around him so they can begin their daily ritual of remembering their founder. Clad knows something is wrong. Lifting his spear high into the air, he slams in into the warm sand and begins to head towards his peoples cyro tubes. Clad slept in his tower, far away from his people. His kind believe that a Predator with much skill, tactics and expertease, in this case an Elder, deserved his own place of rest. Clad's father and forefathers had also stayed in this tower and every glorious dawn, would summon his fellow kind to worship the huge statue that stood in front. This had been done for centruries, a ritual almost a habit the Predators had got themselves into. But today, no Predator had shown and no drums were heard to heral the begging. Grafon was literally dead.

Clad's old eyes open wide with horror as he gazes into one of the Predator rest chambers. It's once black walls are now green and the once proud inhabitants are no more. Clad falls to his knees as the armour rattles. He places his head into his hands and growls with deafeat. Thoughts race through his mind. How did this happen? What would he do? Why did this happen? He raises his head and observes the think, bag-like objects cornering the chamber. Slime drips from them like rain on a porch and little rivers of slime work their way up the wall and across the cold floor. Clad instinctivley knows what has caused this and anger rages in his thumping heart. Raising to his feet like a soldier, he slowly walks around his peoples cryo tubes, observing his people's disembowled bodies.

The sight of their maws ajar and their inners sprayed across their cyro's makes Clad sick. The horrible stench of rooting flesh and dried blood causes him to shudder and he backs off for a minute before continueing on. Scattered on the floor around him are many fully armoured Predators. Literally scattered. Head here, legs here, mandibles here, their broken bodies ripped to shreds. As the odour continues to overpower Clad, he shudders again and begins to leave the mourge. As he takes one last look before leaving, he spots a small scaley hand lying under a dead body. Fearing the worst, Clad rushes over and carefully lifts the body revealing the small corpse of a baby Predator. It's scales are stained green and it's short, messy dreadlocks are ripped. Blood still flows from is tiny mouth, but it is as still as the night. Clad's heart turns to fire and he unleashes the loudest, most terrifying roar a man should ever hear.

The Invasion

Keris and the rest of the weak group are running between building debris, panting heavily as they occasionally glance at Clad's tower in the distance. "I need to stop!" moans Amanda. "Just a bit more, come on!" orders Christie. They reach another bulding part and fall to the ground panting. Turk clutches his chest. "Oh my f*ckin chest man, it's in agony!" "Lets see" says Christie as Turk lifts up his shirt and looks in the pains direction. Christie puts his hand to his chest and presses lightly. "That hurt?" "No man, it's inside, like my hearts gonna blow." "You're just unfit" Chrsitie smiles. "Oh man, I'm fitter than your fat ass!" he shrieks as he playfully punches Christe in the shoulder.

Amanda puts her back against the wall and clutches her throat. "I need something drink!" Turk places his hand on the hard ground. "I bet you theres water under here, just drink your spit for now though." Amanda cringes her face. "You're disguting" she squeks as Turk smurks to himself. "Oh sh*t get down!" Chrstie suddenly whipsers as everyone ducks closer to the ground. "What?!" Keris wimpers. "It's one o' those things" Christie mutters as he points through a small gap in the wall. "You see it?" The girls just lie there as still as stone as Turk puts his right eye through the gap. "Motherf*ckers huge!" he gasps as he watches Clad emerge from a Predator chamber. There is a flash of light from above and a loud rumbling is heard. "Great, rain. It's gonna ruin my hair!" Turk complains. Chrsite shakes his head at him and Amanda exhales with joy as she opens her mouth waiting for the cold, refreshing rain to fall. Keris look with horror at the red sky as it begins to turn purple. "Thats not thunder!" In a flash a huge laser crashes down like a ton of bricks demolishing a small pyramid nearby. "Oh hell no!" Turk shouts as he and the group sprint away from the ray.

Clad sprints away from the noise too as his armoued clattels and his cape swings from side to side. Another laser descends from the heavens this time making a creator in the Predator rest chamber. Clad doesn't look back however as he focuses on a cave enterance in the distance. Light blinds him as more rays of death smash into his city and cause rubble to fly high in the sky. Clad sees that he's running towards a small revine and he takes a massive leap over the casme. Landing on his feet he continues to charge at his goal like an olympic racer. The lasers behind him seem to be getting closer and closer as Clad dives into the cave like a rugby player. Blackness engulfs his eyes and rocks begin to fall from above him

Caught In The Middle

Minutes pass and Grafon is suddenly silent again. The wind silently blows over the landscape as sand is picked up with it. The derelect buildings of the city are all but rubble as the laser storm had covered the landscape like a tsunami. The sky is once again blood red and the horrible roaring from above has stopped. Minutes later, a masive ship descends from above the clouds as it slowly falls through air. The ships blue aura suddenly dispappears and the ship begins to descend faster. It casts a collosal shadow over the wreaked city as if it were a giant cloud. The ship finally haults to a stop as it gently touches the ground and it's engines ground to a hault. Silence once again. Inside the ship the Emperor Jockey stares at the barren scape scanning for any signs of movement. Appearing to be none he orders another Jockey to press a lever which causes a massive stone door to open leading outside. In front of the doorway are hundereds of lines of the crude, 10 feet tall beings waiting patiently on their leader to give the command to march forward.

Not so far away, the human group is lying at the foot of a once massive pyramid, covered in dirt and blood stains. Their eyes are wide and mouths are gaping, trying to take in as much precious air as possible. "It's... stopped..." Christie forces out as he tries to breath. He points to the top of a small hill. "I'm... gonna... take a look..." "No... stay... here!" screams his little sister. Chrsitie ignores her and staggers like a drunken fool to the peak. Hitting the ground like an army soldier, he crawls on his hands and knees to look over the edge. He can see the whole city, it's massive towers, pyramids and mounds of rubble. His attention is instantly drawn to the massive ship that lies nestled in the desert beyond. He begins to breath faster as he watches lines and lines of large humaniod creatures heading from the ship in his direction. At the front of the lines another huge beast bellows in some strange language, as it waves a rather deadly looking blade in the warm air. It's elegantly chaped cape flows in the wind like a flag and Christie can make out it's horrible, elephant-like face and mouth. Christie clamps his eyes shut, folds his sweaty hands together and whispers something to the air.

On another small hilltop, almost opposite from Christie's, a large, imposing PredAlien watches the army of beings march deeper into the Grafon ruins. It's dripping madibles quiver with an evil exitment as it scans the long line like a hawk. Behind the PredAlien, the surrounding area is full of the same slimey creatures as they crawl like ants to the hill top. Many more heads appear over the top of the hill and they begin to silently hiss. Their bladed backs and arms shine like gold in the killer sunlight and their long tails sway from side to side like a playful dogs. Only these things are not after bones, they're after fresh, meaty flesh and theres hundreds of that not to far away. The amy of PredAlien's begin to crawl down the hill slope like snakes, swarming their unsuspecting prey.

First Battle

"Theres an army 'o them bloody things!" announces Christie to the terrified group. "Their heading this way." The others look at each other with horrified eyes. Turk looks around him and spots a small creves under the rubble. "Well you's can run, I'm staying here!" In a flash he dives into the dark and shouts for the others to follow. "Come on we can all get in." "We should move Turk!" commands Christie. Amanda falls to her knees and crawls into the cave too. "Guys your gonna get yourselves killed!" Christie begins to speed walk in the opposite direction. "Come on Keris lets go." Keris looks at her brother and then at Turk and Amanda. "They won't see us." she mumbles to her brother. Christie shakes his head with disagreement. "Keris we need to move n..." A loud roar causes him and Keris to automatically dive into the crevis. "F*ck, f*ck..." Christie whispers to himself. The group back as far into the small cave as they can and lie as still as they can. They can hear hundereds of footfalls from above and small grains of sand begin to fall from the cave roof. They can hear the creatures muffled roars and groans and the clanking of weapons and armour. Amanda's eyes widen as she watches bladed boots start to pass the enterance and she quickly closes them. Christie can feel Keris shaking with fear and he clutches her hand with his own.

The Alpha PredAlien looks on at the advances army of Jockey's. The rest of the alien hoard lies scattered among the city ruins, looking for decent ambush advantages. The Alpha looks around the crubbling city behind him as drool flows down it's slimey chin. Tails disappear under boulders, heads appear between pillars, the hoard is in position to strike. All that is needed now is intense patience. To wait for the prey to come to them. To wait until they have completely circled them and that there is no chance of esacping the maze of rock. The Alpha hides behind his rock, now and again peering over the top to keep watch. It's inner-jaw begins to quiver with exitement as they wander ever closer to their doom. The Alpha peers over once again but he catches sight of a tiny dot far in the distance.

Chrsite slowly peers out of the hiding place and see's the monsters disappear into the inner city. "Right, lets go" he whipsers as the others begin to crawl out too. Christe points to small domed shape structure and noods. "We've done enough damn running!" Turk sighs. With his shaking fingers, Christie counts down from three and they all bolt to the stucture. Amanda can't help but look back as to where the monsters had disppeard and suddenly trips over a rock. "F*ck, come on babe!" Turk yells as he rushes back to the downed woman. Grabbing her hand, they both sprint like cheetahs to the dome. As they reach the enterance, they are overpowered by a horrible odour. "Oh man..." Turk cringes as he holds his hand to his nose. "What'd I tell you 'bout that Chris?" Christie rolls his eyes and cleches his own hand to his nose. "What is that?" Keris mutters. "I'm betting it's that." Christie points to a large wall of goo that covers the opposite wall and covers the ceiling and floor. The group can feel it's sticky, wet touch just by gazing at it. "Man that disgusting..." Amanda squeks. Suddenly the group hear a deafning scream and their heads turn to it's direction. It's coming from the inner city. Many more shrieks and screams start, as well as sharp metalic screeches and loud thuds. "F*ck some on!" orders Christie as he and the others head for the nearest wall. The wind howls through the dome sending un-easy shivers up spines. Hitting the floor with their backs against the rotting rubble, the group just sit there motionless.

A PredAlien leaps at an unsuspecting Jockey, screaching with fury. It clamps it's large claws around it's fleshy neck and begins to dig in. The Jockey lets out a horrifying roar and reaches at the beast with it's hands. The weight of the Alien causes the Jockey to fall to the ground and the Alien leaps off, landing not three metres away. Plasma bolts zoom here and there. Swords clank and chains whir as the once peaceful city becomes a battleground. The Jockey quickly rises to it's feet and turns to his attackers landing place. Slavering insanely, the PredAlien charges at his prey with full force. Quickly un-sheathing a large, silver blade the Jockey slices at it's attacker, spilling acid blood from it's chest area and on the ground below. It slices again this time at it's head, cutting off a pair of black mandibles. More yellow blood spurts forth as it's owner screams. In a flash, the Jockey shuves it's blade into the Aliens neck. It's glides through it's soft inners like a fish through water and appears at the back of it's tube-like dreadlocks. The PredAlien just stands there as if it were a statue. It's remaining pair mandibles quiver and the inner jaws teeth slowly close, and finally it falls to the ground.

Another PredAlien leaps between two Jockeys who are covered in their otherwordly blood. It slams it's lethal tail into ones back and smacks it's head into the others. The impaled Jockey gargles as purple blood fills it mouth and it is lifted into the air by the tail. The grounded Jockey slowly arises only to meet a inner jaw to an eye. The PredAlien thrusts the impaled Jockey away like a rag doll and it lands somewhere in the fray of fights. Swords continue to clash as yellow and purple blood fills the air. Turning just in time, the PredAlien dodges a large sword as another Jockey comes into view. Leaping like an antelope, the PredAlien dodges again as the sword is swiped at it's legs. The PredAlien floors the Jockey as it lands on it's metal back sending it's face smashing into a boulder. A roar summons the charge of yet another Jockey charging from behind. With swipe of it's spiked tail, the PredAlien slices off the Jockeys right arm causing it to drop it's sword in shock. The PredAlien grabs it with one claw and picks up the floored monster before it slowly arises. The two Jockeys moan with pain and struggle like mice as the PredAlien squezzes their frail necks, causes it's bones to crack. The monsters suddenly go limb and are thrown to the blooded ground. The victor rises it's head and roars into the red sky.

Three Down

Thrity minutes pass and the noise of the bloody battle has stopped. The entire Space Jockey army has been slaughtered, hundereds of corpses lie scattered among the ruins. The entire place is bathed with surreal purple blood that reflects the burning sunlight. There are no signs of life as accept the occasional PredAlien corspe twitching. The King Jockey's body lies splayed across a pointed boulder as cold blood continues to flow from it's stomach. It's giant cape flutters in the soft wind. The PredAlien force, which still numbers well over a hundered, have scattered further into the city looking for any remaining Predators. They had killed off most of the population with their young and created even more using the rooting corpses, but they knew some still survived. Hiding somewhere. Waiting.

"You know I had three dogs once" Turk begins. Amanda exagerates her eyes in preparation for another one of his lame jokes. Keris and Christe do the same and there is an arkward silence. "I'm serious, I had three Huskies!" he explains. "F*cking gorgeous things man." Amandas eyes almost sadden. "I love Huskies!" "Oh man you should have seen these, beautiful things." Turk continues. "What were their names?" Amanda asks. Turks eyes galze over and he suddenly springs to life again. "There was Max, my girlfriend named him after her dad, because he was always hungry like Max was." Christie notices him clutch his chest. "There was erm... George Jnr, named him after the President because he was slow too. And there was erm... the big girl Moonlight" "They sound beautiful" Amanda whipsers as a small tear filters down her face. "Yeah, I miss 'em you know. Loved 'em." A short silence ensues only to be broken with Turk coughing. "You all right?" Amanda asks. "It's my chest, it..." He lets out a horrible shout and the group rush over to him. "What! What!" "Ahhh! It f*cking hurts! Ahhhhh!" A small red dot appears in his t-shirt. Turk falls to the ground and begins to rive like a fish out of water. "Oh God... help me! Help me! The group try to hold him down and he rives faster and faster. The girls eyes begin to swell up and soon waterfalls are running down their pale faces. Blood spurts out of Turks mouth followed by a loud crunch from his chest. "What the f*ck!" Amanda screms. Turk eyes widen and he lets out the loudest scream in his life. "OHHHGOOOOOOOOOD!!" Suddenly his chest lunges forward and blood splatters in all directions revealing a small screaming monster. The group jump back in fright as the little worm takes it's first looks at the world.

Not a moment after, Amanda lunges over and she begins shaking too. Then Christie. The dome fills with un-holy screams as Keris witnesses the birth of true terror. Her mouth gaps open but nothing comes out. She closes her eyes and slams her hands to her ears and begins nodding her head to the ground. "Stop it, stop it, stop it..." she mutters under her tearful breath as the screams continue. Then in an instant, the racket stops. All that Keris hear is the soft squeking off the Chestburters. She slowly opens her eyes and is drawn straight to her brother. His eyes are is wide as the moon and his face is as pale as snow. Keris begins sobbing like a baby, folding her kness to her chest and rocking back and forth. With a mound of rubble nearby, one the Chestbursters sits watching the human, with an evil grin on it's face. Warm blood drips from it's metal teeth and covers it's soft pink body. As Keris continues to sob, she can make out a noise approching, like footsteps. Fearing the worst, she shoots to her feet and begins to back off from the sound. Her heart beats like drum and rivers of sweat pour down her mouth.

Hitting the wall on the other side, she lets out a fearful mumble as the Alpha PredAlien rounds the corner hissing like a mother tiger. It's black, mechanical body sends shivers up her spine as it's full skeletal body comes into view. The Chestburster looks up at the beast in almost amazement. Keris tries to remain quiet as the two creatures just glare at each other, turning their heads at each other like hawks scanning their surroundings. The little Buster sqeaks as the Alpha leans in closer and touches it with it's mandibles. Keris stands frozen against the wall waiting for something to happen. She see's that the PredAlien is suddenly standing right in front, towering over her like an black tower. She screams and falls to the ground as the PredAlien glides towards her. She pushes her fearful face away from the horror and begins to whisper a prayer. The monster leans right up to her, it's mandibles quiver inches away from her closed eyes. Suddenly Keris feels an extreme pain around her neck as the PredAlien grabs and picks her up by the throat.



I am utterly shocked!Continue the story!







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