[Exclusive] Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Presents A Revised Shooting Script For Prey!

Alien vs. Predator Galaxy is able to exclusively share with the fandom a draft of the script for Dan Trachtenberg’s much loved recent Predator film, Prey! Dated August 3rd 2021, this draft by Patrick Aison, is a revised shooting script that is very close to the finished film and contains some of the cut scenes that we’ve heard about previously.

Filming of Prey began in May 2021, this script was one of several revisions done while filming was taking place. Some notable differences from the released film include:

  • The dialogue in the opening is different, with a larger focus around an antagonist relationship with Wasape, the son of the Chief, that was largely cut from the finished film.
  • The subplot with the Chief dying and choosing a replacement is present in this draft.
  • The auto aim of the Predator’s mask is not so heavily telegraphed or repeated.
  • All the French dialogue is translated.
  • Taabe is the younger brother.

In addition to this first look at one of the drafts of Prey’s scripts, you can also check out scripts for the rest of the Alien and Predator films, including the first draft of Predator 2 which we recently shared for the first time ever for the fandom, in our Downloads section. Head on over and give them a read!

Be sure to keep your targets set on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for all the latest Prey news! You can also follow us on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. Be sure to join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums as well!

Published by
Corporal Hicks

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