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Marvel Announces Predator vs. Black Panther Series!

Following the successful and popular Predator vs. Wolverine series, Marvel Comics has announced that the next Predator series will see our favourite luminescent blooded extra-terrestrial hunter go up against the guardian of Wakanda, the Black Panther himself!

Predator vs. Wolverine scribe Benjamin Percy is returning to pen the Predator’s second crossover with a Marvel superhero. Speaking to io9, the Percy spoke about the success of the previous crossover and why the Predator was now heading to Wakanda.

I put all of my creative poison into Predator vs. Wolverine, so it was extremely gratifying to see the reader and retailer response—for the floppies and for the collected trade. The strong sales encouraged the idea of expanding the storyline. If the first installment was about the hunt for a man, it made sense to elevate the stakes and make this book about the battle for a kingdom. There are a number of reasons that Black Panther makes for a great adversary and Wakanda makes for great stage (including the fact that the perimeter shield, when locked down, creates a hunting preserve). But then you throw vibranium into the mix, and you’ve got a really interesting (and fresh) Predator narrative. The Yautja covet their weapons and trophies—and the kingdom’s vast stores of this rare cosmic metal would be impossible to resist.

While Percy is naturally keeping the details of the story close to his chest, he did reveal that Predator vs. Black Panther would include some form of Predator royalty:

What’s the Black Panther story people are most familiar with? The battle over the throne between T’Challa and Killmonger. I’m channeling something similar to that here—except on a cosmic scale. This Predator King has two sons who are at war with one another. Vibranium might be the weapon that determines their claim.

Joining Benjamin Percy will be Chris Allen on the interior artwork, making his Predator series debut. You can check out an example of his artwork from the series below.

The first issue of Predator vs. Black Panther is currently slated to hit comic book stores August 21st! The trade paperback for Predator vs. Wolverine is also currently out and you can snag a copy from Amazon (US/UK).

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Published by
Corporal Hicks

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