AvPGalaxy Forums

Games => General Game Discussion => Topic started by: Elliott on Mar 02, 2013, 02:46:58 AM

Title: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 02, 2013, 02:46:58 AM
While it is in it's beginning stages, it looks great!

https://www.facebook.com/crynosaurs (https://www.facebook.com/crynosaurs)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bUN0YN9DaQ#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bUN0YN9DaQ#ws)

Thoughts, constructive criticism?

"We are currently concentrating our efforts on creating the complex ecosystem that existed in North America 65,5 million years ago step by step and constantly expand the world and the animals that lived during that time. However the tech demo is by no means a representation of that and the environment aswell as the dinosaur design, animation and AI are only made for test purposes and will be replaced at some point in the future."
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on Mar 02, 2013, 03:09:18 AM
Why not. We need moar Dinosaurs.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 02, 2013, 05:04:35 AM
I do believe they/we are planning on removing the FPS aspect of it and making it a pure ecosystem simulator where you play AS a dinosaur.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: KNIGHT on Mar 02, 2013, 05:47:01 AM
God I would pay so much money for a good Dinosaur Simulator. This certainly has my interest.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: ScardyFox on Mar 02, 2013, 07:30:17 AM
Quote from: Galli on Mar 02, 2013, 05:04:35 AM
I do believe they/we are planning on removing the FPS aspect of it and making it a pure ecosystem simulator where you play AS a dinosaur.

I would buy that in a heart beat. If you did enough of your homework (which I have no idea if you did or didn't, just an expression) perhaps you could advertise your product through museums somehow (on top of "normal" means). Either or I think this is a really good and exciting idea if complicated and in depth enough.

With the new infusion of dinosaur interest because of how technology can showcase the animals now, I think you guys are really on to something. A love of dinosaurs has always been around, but now seems like a good time to strike while the metal is hot. I honestly can't stress enough how happy this makes me and excited for my son to play when he is older.

Please, keep us up to date on this. Sounds fantastic.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Predboy on Mar 02, 2013, 11:38:49 AM
Wow I looked at the other videos and the environments look amazing. Can't wait to see how the dinosaurs start to look when they're finished.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on Mar 02, 2013, 03:37:46 PM

Pardon me, sir, but what kind of game did you say that was?


Yes, Dinosaur and what else?


Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 02, 2013, 04:16:01 PM
Basically, think of an accurate Primal Carnage without humans. And a free-roam environment. :P

Now, here's the beginning idea of Saurian, a game that has joined with Crynosaur to create the most realistic dinosaur simulator out there;

There has been much talk about a dinosaur sim and how cool that would be and such and such. WELL, by gleaning idea's from all my good ol' chaps from the forums (Mainly from Jheuloh's creature sim topic) I've decided to make a post about what went down on page 5, man. Oh by the way, this is gonna have some SERIOUS reading so get out your cheaters.

So here it is! THE BEGGINING...

Most of us here think that Spore was overhyped. So this game is mainly going to be about what we all wished Spore could be, but isn't. Except whittled down to the creature stage and the dinosaur species for the sake of simplicity and enjoyment. Plus this forum is filled with dino fans so what the heck why not?

First off, there would be two main gameplay modes: Freeform and Scenario. We'll focus on Freeform for now. Freeform mode allows you to first of all build the planet your creature will soon be living on. The Planet Editor, as we'll call it, allows great diversity to your options. You can make your planet a massive wasteland, a lush jungle, or frigid landscape. Or maybe even mix biomes for a world that more or less represents Earth. The world editor would be very deep, with basic slider customization for those who want to just wing it and play, to deep and powerful customization for those who want that PERFECT planet.

Next would be creating your creature. Your creature has a Health, Hunger, Thirst, Stamina, and Temperature gauge (ideas by Jheuloh) which all effect your creature. First of all, you would need to choose the way your creature acts from the Behavior menu. There would be a few choices to choose from.

Activity: Nocturnal/Diurnal
Diet: Herbivore/Carnivore
Breeding: Pair/Harem
Reaction: Passive/Aggressive/Defensive
Social: Loner/Social
Locomotion: Terrestrial/Ariel/Aquatic

After choosing these, you'd be given the option to choose archetypes based on the diet and locomotion. Terrestrial Carnivores would have Small, Raptor, Medium, Suchian, and Large while Herbivores would have Small, Armored, Large, Ceratopsian, and Sauropod. Ariel archetypes would be Tiny, Small, Medium, and Large while Aquatic archetypes would be Small, Medium, Large, and Gigantic. Each of these basically describes the size, shape, and stats of your creature.

Customization would be like playing with clay. The body already comes with a head, claws, feet, tail, and limbs. When you select each of these, you could choose from a small menu parts or upgrades you'd like to put on there or even edit those parts to your liking. Each piece you put on can have a drastic effect on your creature, however. You can even edit the skeleton and skin. By using the "pinch" tool, you could grab parts of the skeleton, skin, limbs, etc and make them longer, smaller, thicker, or thinner.

EG: Making a sail would require you to pull up the spine so the bone peaks out of the skin. After multiple adaptations, you would have large, bony, spikes jutting from your back. You could then pull the skin up over the spines and VIOLA! You have a sail. Or maybe using the tool on the skull to elongate or shorten it.

Abilities, or Perks, would be things you unlock after surviving in the world for so long. Things like, Amphibious which allows you to swim and also unlocks things like webbed feet for the editor. While editing your creature after making it for the first time, limiters would be put in place to prevent you from making some whole new creature in one session.

NPC creatures and plants would be adapted to your world, and you'd have to adapt your creatures in order to keep up with the swing of things. Based on the kind of terrain, various disasters could happen. Things like Lightning Storms, Sandstorms, Hurricanes, Blizzards, Droughts, Floods, Heat Waves, Cold Snaps, Fires, and even Plagues that can ravish your ecosystem could come into play. Each of these things you'd have to put into consideration while creating your creature, in order to make sure it survives.

Scenarios would be little challenges you could play when you wanted a crazy challenge. Something like Land of Meat where more than 75% of the population are cunning carnivores and you are forced to play as a Small herbivore in the midst of all this. If you can keep your species alive for "x" amount of time, you win and maybe get a special part or something.

COMMUNITY IDEAS: There are ideas from people (and me) that I shall incorporate into the main idea.

Cinematic Kills - These make your game look cooler. Maybe they could be toggled on and off for those who wouldn't like them but here's the idea.

You're playing as a Large Carnivore and stalking your prey; a Huge Herbivore (Apatosaurus). After waiting for it to get in range, you charge off and attack. If the Herbivore doesn't notice you, you can do an instant kill animation where, say, you run up, bite the beast's neck, and force it to the ground, killing it instantly.

For Herbivores, it would be Counter. Say you chose the Armored archetype. You're out exploring and such when BAM! Mr. Raptor invites you for lunch, and you're the main course. Lets say when the raptor leaps, if you could use a counter which, lets say, makes your Herbivore take his tail (spiked, clubbed, both, etc) and smash the Carnivore right in the kisser, killing it instantly.

However, depending on the difficulty you play on, these things have a less % chance of working. On Casual, they would work 100% of the time, on Easy its more like 80%, on Medium its 60%, on Hard its 45%, and on Realistic it's more like 25%. While you do these animations, the camera would shift to a more cinematic view though.

Skeletal fractures - Breaking bones would be an interesting game mechanic. Say you tango'd with a Large Herbivore and came back with a broken leg. This would drastically reduce your movement speed and would require a full 24-hours of sleep to heal to the point of being able to use it again. Yes it's unrealistic, but for the sake of gameplay not being tedious, it must be done.

Dynamic Breeding - Breeding is an important part of the game, as it allows you to alter your dinosaur in between sessions. Breeding has two different extremes it can follow. 1) Your species breeds willy-nilly, increasing your population, but decreasing the amount of strong, intelligent, or fast individuals. 2) Your species reproduces through a selective breeding. Dances, fights, and showing off are to behaviors to choose from, and each has its bonuses. This method allows your dinosaur to birth more "perfect" young, but can take a toll on your population if you're too low on the food chain. You could set in between the two at some sort of balance also.

Rivals - Rivals, in the game's terms, are other dinosaur species that have a 45-55% chance of either winning or losing in a fight with your species. They can be Predator-Prey rivalries (T-Rex vs. Trike) or even rivalries between predators (Lions vs Hyenas). Not too many Herbivore-Herbivore rivalries, as most aren't really too aggressive to each other (that I know of). But that's my idea!

"Well, how exactly do they contribute to this game?" you may be thinking.

Basically, it sort of gives the player a familiar face to fight against. While the player may be going through his world, seeing all sorts of different species and then basically forgetting about them since they have no direct impact on his game, Rival species will make the player think "You again!" whenever he or she sees them. They'll be able to recognize the species at sight and want to take action. The other species, on becoming a Rival, may suddenly show a spike in difficulty! They might, after a while, know all your tricks, how you act, your various defenses; they may even take cheap shots against you, such as killing your species' young, or driving you out of your territory.

Dismemberment of Prey - Yes, that's right. As a carnivore and with the appropriate bite force, you can sever limbs off of your fresh (or old!) kills. Need to get in a quick bite on the run before the Tyrannosaur sees you? Just snap a forearm off and take off into the jungle! That easy! Also, by clicking on your prey and moving, you can drag your meal off to a more suitable place to eat. Pesky scavengers eating away at your hard-earned kill? Drag your prey off to your nest to keep only the most insane or starving of creatures away!

Each dinosaur is going to have an in-game skeleton, with various joints, bones, etc. Things that connect to a joint can be removed, so a full leg might have 2 or 3 parts to dismember and eat, depending on the shape of the leg. This will add a little extra touch of realism and convenience, and also have the additional benefits listed above.

Unique Abilities - These are different abilities taken from various animals (as in non-dinosaurs(and some are just made up!)) that I currently know about. This list will most likely be updated when the game is released/made/whatever. The unique abilities are obtained through countless upgrades on one skill tree. Once you "master" that skill tree, a Unique Ability becomes available to you! However! Make note that you can only have ONE Unique Ability at a time and some are PERMANENT! You will not be able to de-research them. They will be stuck with you whether you like it or not. So here are the UAs:

Adaptive Camouflage: Like an octopus, your dinosaur has control over it's mass and relative shape, allow it to essentially become that "log" sitting on the ground. By staying still for a while, your dinosaur will slowly start becoming less and less visible as it begins to copy the colors of the world around it. For example, when your dinosaur needs to hide in a forest, he can drop to the ground, change his skin color and texture, and look (and feel!) like a log. While you're using this, you're virtually undetectable. Only sheer luck or a persistent predator would find you.

Tongue Attack: Like a chameleon, you flick out your long tongue to catch prey. There are two features for this: either a sticky tongue, or a sharp tongue. Sticky tongues allow you to grab, hold, and reel in your prey, while sharp, harpoon-like tongue will pierce and stab prey, allowing you to reel smaller prey in or wait for larger prey to bleed out. Herbivores can use this as well for grabbing leaves or fruit from hard to reach places.

Parthenogenesis: You species can reproduce without males. This helps greatly with the population as a whole. Migratory females can reproduce without males, allowing your species to move to various islands or continents with little to no repercussions. It also helps in case there is a low male to female ratio or all the males are extinct. It greatly increases your species survivability (?).

Thanatosis: Your dinosaur basically plays dead. Leveling up this skill makes it more believable. This can actually function two ways. 1. Your dinosaur acts dead, confusing the predator and making it leave due to the possibility of disease or 2. Your dinosaur plays dead, attracting unwary scavengers. As they approach your "dead" body, WHAM! You leap up and snack on the unfortunate creatures.

Bioluminescence: Your dinosaur employs beautiful glowing lights that are all over its body. This is actually one of the most diverse UAs, as it covers a multitude of things. You can employ 1. Lures. Bright lights used for drawing unsuspecting prey near and then ambushing them; 2. Confusion. You blink your lights in a way that confuses predators or blinds them; and 3. Mating. You show your lights to your lovely lady as a way of saying "Hey check me out!" This is the most versatile Abilities you can employ.

Hive Mind: A PERMANENT Ability that is focused towards those who are social. It boosts your maximum pack/herd count to 100, removes all self-preservation from your underlings, and reduces the chance of revolt to 5%. It comes with a drawback, however, that you must order your dinosaurs to act. They will not act on their own. Again, this is PERMANENT so going back isn't an option.

Regeneration: Your dinosaur can regenerate limbs, albeit extremely slowly. More crucial pieces can be regenerated as this UA is leveled up. This can be very useful with the more aggressive species, as due to sparring, hunting, or competition, injuries can and will happen. Everything from tails, to arms and legs, to even jaws and eyes can eventually be regenerated with enough skill and time. This also is a PERMANENT ability.

Stinger: A poisonous stinger at the end of your dinosaur's tail. This can be very effective for ambush predators, as it allows you to dash in, knock over or disorient your prey, deliver a few stings, then wait until your prey is weak enough/dead so you can feast. It follows the same principle as the rest of the Poison tree, so whatever type of poison you have researched will be present in your stinger.

Flight: YOUR DINOSAUR CAN FLY!!! Err... Glide! This is a UA only available to Small Herbivores and Carnivores and the Raptor archetype. Once you research this, you dinosaur can drift on the wind currents, floating around the air with careless ease! It also allows you to set up almost undetectable ambushes from above and lets you reach places other dinosaurs simply cannot.

Well that's all I can think of at any rate... Tell me what you think. Thanks for reading too.


Now, a lot of those ideas have changed, or removed based on how fantasy they were, but the basics of living out the entire animal's life is still there.

You start as a hatching, and live out it's life.

Here's the original source of Saurian; http://forum.primalcarnage.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=2715 (http://forum.primalcarnage.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=2715)

Like us on MoDDB!
http://www.moddb.com/games/rtjp (http://www.moddb.com/games/rtjp)

Now, a lot of those pictures show off the old "Jurassic Park" modification, but those have been done away with or are being reused for other purposes.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on Mar 02, 2013, 05:45:53 PM
Oh my god. I think I just died.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: ScardyFox on Mar 02, 2013, 06:41:50 PM
Will buy
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Predboy on Mar 03, 2013, 10:21:28 AM
Quote from: Galli on Mar 02, 2013, 04:16:01 PM
Basically, think of an accurate Primal Carnage without humans. And a free-roam environment. :P

Now, here's the beginning idea of Saurian, a game that has joined with Crynosaur to create the most realistic dinosaur simulator out there;

There has been much talk about a dinosaur sim and how cool that would be and such and such. WELL, by gleaning idea's from all my good ol' chaps from the forums (Mainly from Jheuloh's creature sim topic) I've decided to make a post about what went down on page 5, man. Oh by the way, this is gonna have some SERIOUS reading so get out your cheaters.

So here it is! THE BEGGINING...

Most of us here think that Spore was overhyped. So this game is mainly going to be about what we all wished Spore could be, but isn't. Except whittled down to the creature stage and the dinosaur species for the sake of simplicity and enjoyment. Plus this forum is filled with dino fans so what the heck why not?

First off, there would be two main gameplay modes: Freeform and Scenario. We'll focus on Freeform for now. Freeform mode allows you to first of all build the planet your creature will soon be living on. The Planet Editor, as we'll call it, allows great diversity to your options. You can make your planet a massive wasteland, a lush jungle, or frigid landscape. Or maybe even mix biomes for a world that more or less represents Earth. The world editor would be very deep, with basic slider customization for those who want to just wing it and play, to deep and powerful customization for those who want that PERFECT planet.

Next would be creating your creature. Your creature has a Health, Hunger, Thirst, Stamina, and Temperature gauge (ideas by Jheuloh) which all effect your creature. First of all, you would need to choose the way your creature acts from the Behavior menu. There would be a few choices to choose from.

Activity: Nocturnal/Diurnal
Diet: Herbivore/Carnivore
Breeding: Pair/Harem
Reaction: Passive/Aggressive/Defensive
Social: Loner/Social
Locomotion: Terrestrial/Ariel/Aquatic

After choosing these, you'd be given the option to choose archetypes based on the diet and locomotion. Terrestrial Carnivores would have Small, Raptor, Medium, Suchian, and Large while Herbivores would have Small, Armored, Large, Ceratopsian, and Sauropod. Ariel archetypes would be Tiny, Small, Medium, and Large while Aquatic archetypes would be Small, Medium, Large, and Gigantic. Each of these basically describes the size, shape, and stats of your creature.

Customization would be like playing with clay. The body already comes with a head, claws, feet, tail, and limbs. When you select each of these, you could choose from a small menu parts or upgrades you'd like to put on there or even edit those parts to your liking. Each piece you put on can have a drastic effect on your creature, however. You can even edit the skeleton and skin. By using the "pinch" tool, you could grab parts of the skeleton, skin, limbs, etc and make them longer, smaller, thicker, or thinner.

EG: Making a sail would require you to pull up the spine so the bone peaks out of the skin. After multiple adaptations, you would have large, bony, spikes jutting from your back. You could then pull the skin up over the spines and VIOLA! You have a sail. Or maybe using the tool on the skull to elongate or shorten it.

Abilities, or Perks, would be things you unlock after surviving in the world for so long. Things like, Amphibious which allows you to swim and also unlocks things like webbed feet for the editor. While editing your creature after making it for the first time, limiters would be put in place to prevent you from making some whole new creature in one session.

NPC creatures and plants would be adapted to your world, and you'd have to adapt your creatures in order to keep up with the swing of things. Based on the kind of terrain, various disasters could happen. Things like Lightning Storms, Sandstorms, Hurricanes, Blizzards, Droughts, Floods, Heat Waves, Cold Snaps, Fires, and even Plagues that can ravish your ecosystem could come into play. Each of these things you'd have to put into consideration while creating your creature, in order to make sure it survives.

Scenarios would be little challenges you could play when you wanted a crazy challenge. Something like Land of Meat where more than 75% of the population are cunning carnivores and you are forced to play as a Small herbivore in the midst of all this. If you can keep your species alive for "x" amount of time, you win and maybe get a special part or something.

COMMUNITY IDEAS: There are ideas from people (and me) that I shall incorporate into the main idea.

Cinematic Kills - These make your game look cooler. Maybe they could be toggled on and off for those who wouldn't like them but here's the idea.

You're playing as a Large Carnivore and stalking your prey; a Huge Herbivore (Apatosaurus). After waiting for it to get in range, you charge off and attack. If the Herbivore doesn't notice you, you can do an instant kill animation where, say, you run up, bite the beast's neck, and force it to the ground, killing it instantly.

For Herbivores, it would be Counter. Say you chose the Armored archetype. You're out exploring and such when BAM! Mr. Raptor invites you for lunch, and you're the main course. Lets say when the raptor leaps, if you could use a counter which, lets say, makes your Herbivore take his tail (spiked, clubbed, both, etc) and smash the Carnivore right in the kisser, killing it instantly.

However, depending on the difficulty you play on, these things have a less % chance of working. On Casual, they would work 100% of the time, on Easy its more like 80%, on Medium its 60%, on Hard its 45%, and on Realistic it's more like 25%. While you do these animations, the camera would shift to a more cinematic view though.

Skeletal fractures - Breaking bones would be an interesting game mechanic. Say you tango'd with a Large Herbivore and came back with a broken leg. This would drastically reduce your movement speed and would require a full 24-hours of sleep to heal to the point of being able to use it again. Yes it's unrealistic, but for the sake of gameplay not being tedious, it must be done.

Dynamic Breeding - Breeding is an important part of the game, as it allows you to alter your dinosaur in between sessions. Breeding has two different extremes it can follow. 1) Your species breeds willy-nilly, increasing your population, but decreasing the amount of strong, intelligent, or fast individuals. 2) Your species reproduces through a selective breeding. Dances, fights, and showing off are to behaviors to choose from, and each has its bonuses. This method allows your dinosaur to birth more "perfect" young, but can take a toll on your population if you're too low on the food chain. You could set in between the two at some sort of balance also.

Rivals - Rivals, in the game's terms, are other dinosaur species that have a 45-55% chance of either winning or losing in a fight with your species. They can be Predator-Prey rivalries (T-Rex vs. Trike) or even rivalries between predators (Lions vs Hyenas). Not too many Herbivore-Herbivore rivalries, as most aren't really too aggressive to each other (that I know of). But that's my idea!

"Well, how exactly do they contribute to this game?" you may be thinking.

Basically, it sort of gives the player a familiar face to fight against. While the player may be going through his world, seeing all sorts of different species and then basically forgetting about them since they have no direct impact on his game, Rival species will make the player think "You again!" whenever he or she sees them. They'll be able to recognize the species at sight and want to take action. The other species, on becoming a Rival, may suddenly show a spike in difficulty! They might, after a while, know all your tricks, how you act, your various defenses; they may even take cheap shots against you, such as killing your species' young, or driving you out of your territory.

Dismemberment of Prey - Yes, that's right. As a carnivore and with the appropriate bite force, you can sever limbs off of your fresh (or old!) kills. Need to get in a quick bite on the run before the Tyrannosaur sees you? Just snap a forearm off and take off into the jungle! That easy! Also, by clicking on your prey and moving, you can drag your meal off to a more suitable place to eat. Pesky scavengers eating away at your hard-earned kill? Drag your prey off to your nest to keep only the most insane or starving of creatures away!

Each dinosaur is going to have an in-game skeleton, with various joints, bones, etc. Things that connect to a joint can be removed, so a full leg might have 2 or 3 parts to dismember and eat, depending on the shape of the leg. This will add a little extra touch of realism and convenience, and also have the additional benefits listed above.

Unique Abilities - These are different abilities taken from various animals (as in non-dinosaurs(and some are just made up!)) that I currently know about. This list will most likely be updated when the game is released/made/whatever. The unique abilities are obtained through countless upgrades on one skill tree. Once you "master" that skill tree, a Unique Ability becomes available to you! However! Make note that you can only have ONE Unique Ability at a time and some are PERMANENT! You will not be able to de-research them. They will be stuck with you whether you like it or not. So here are the UAs:

Adaptive Camouflage: Like an octopus, your dinosaur has control over it's mass and relative shape, allow it to essentially become that "log" sitting on the ground. By staying still for a while, your dinosaur will slowly start becoming less and less visible as it begins to copy the colors of the world around it. For example, when your dinosaur needs to hide in a forest, he can drop to the ground, change his skin color and texture, and look (and feel!) like a log. While you're using this, you're virtually undetectable. Only sheer luck or a persistent predator would find you.

Tongue Attack: Like a chameleon, you flick out your long tongue to catch prey. There are two features for this: either a sticky tongue, or a sharp tongue. Sticky tongues allow you to grab, hold, and reel in your prey, while sharp, harpoon-like tongue will pierce and stab prey, allowing you to reel smaller prey in or wait for larger prey to bleed out. Herbivores can use this as well for grabbing leaves or fruit from hard to reach places.

Parthenogenesis: You species can reproduce without males. This helps greatly with the population as a whole. Migratory females can reproduce without males, allowing your species to move to various islands or continents with little to no repercussions. It also helps in case there is a low male to female ratio or all the males are extinct. It greatly increases your species survivability (?).

Thanatosis: Your dinosaur basically plays dead. Leveling up this skill makes it more believable. This can actually function two ways. 1. Your dinosaur acts dead, confusing the predator and making it leave due to the possibility of disease or 2. Your dinosaur plays dead, attracting unwary scavengers. As they approach your "dead" body, WHAM! You leap up and snack on the unfortunate creatures.

Bioluminescence: Your dinosaur employs beautiful glowing lights that are all over its body. This is actually one of the most diverse UAs, as it covers a multitude of things. You can employ 1. Lures. Bright lights used for drawing unsuspecting prey near and then ambushing them; 2. Confusion. You blink your lights in a way that confuses predators or blinds them; and 3. Mating. You show your lights to your lovely lady as a way of saying "Hey check me out!" This is the most versatile Abilities you can employ.

Hive Mind: A PERMANENT Ability that is focused towards those who are social. It boosts your maximum pack/herd count to 100, removes all self-preservation from your underlings, and reduces the chance of revolt to 5%. It comes with a drawback, however, that you must order your dinosaurs to act. They will not act on their own. Again, this is PERMANENT so going back isn't an option.

Regeneration: Your dinosaur can regenerate limbs, albeit extremely slowly. More crucial pieces can be regenerated as this UA is leveled up. This can be very useful with the more aggressive species, as due to sparring, hunting, or competition, injuries can and will happen. Everything from tails, to arms and legs, to even jaws and eyes can eventually be regenerated with enough skill and time. This also is a PERMANENT ability.

Stinger: A poisonous stinger at the end of your dinosaur's tail. This can be very effective for ambush predators, as it allows you to dash in, knock over or disorient your prey, deliver a few stings, then wait until your prey is weak enough/dead so you can feast. It follows the same principle as the rest of the Poison tree, so whatever type of poison you have researched will be present in your stinger.

Flight: YOUR DINOSAUR CAN FLY!!! Err... Glide! This is a UA only available to Small Herbivores and Carnivores and the Raptor archetype. Once you research this, you dinosaur can drift on the wind currents, floating around the air with careless ease! It also allows you to set up almost undetectable ambushes from above and lets you reach places other dinosaurs simply cannot.

Well that's all I can think of at any rate... Tell me what you think. Thanks for reading too.


Now, a lot of those ideas have changed, or removed based on how fantasy they were, but the basics of living out the entire animal's life is still there.

You start as a hatching, and live out it's life.

Here's the original source of Saurian; http://forum.primalcarnage.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=2715 (http://forum.primalcarnage.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=2715)

Like us on MoDDB!
http://www.moddb.com/games/rtjp (http://www.moddb.com/games/rtjp)

Now, a lot of those pictures show off the old "Jurassic Park" modification, but those have been done away with or are being reused for other purposes.

Oh...oh my god. OH MY GOD *has a nerdgasm everywhere*
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 03, 2013, 09:19:28 PM
By the way guys;

http://www.moddb.com/games/rtjp/downloads/crynosaurs-rtjp-tech-demo-10 (http://www.moddb.com/games/rtjp/downloads/crynosaurs-rtjp-tech-demo-10)

Download our demo!

It's just a tech demo, or a proof of concept, but it does have some niiiiiice eye candy in it for all of you dinosaur fans. ;)

"Our first tech demo powered by the CryEngine 3 is finally released! As the player you have to survive a tropical island with deadly Velociraptors lurking around the corner! We hope you will enjoy these first steps as we embark on a journey taking us millions of years into the past!"
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Predboy on Mar 06, 2013, 01:08:59 PM
Can it be played on a mac?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Vertigo on Mar 06, 2013, 01:22:19 PM
Looks absolutely fantastic.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 06, 2013, 01:52:00 PM
Quote from: Predboy on Mar 06, 2013, 01:08:59 PM
Can it be played on a mac?
I do believe it requires the original Crysis to run, and I'm not sure if Crysis is Mac compatible.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 08, 2013, 12:42:41 AM
Sorry for the double post, but goody goody for all you dinosaur fans that do NOT own Crysis!

You do NOT NEED Crysis to run this tech demo as it is a tech demo for a game that is currently in pre-alpha development.

We're currently making progress and are looking to share some of our... "treats"... with you guys in the future!

Stay tuned!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: TheRaven on Mar 10, 2013, 03:15:13 AM
This looks so cool :D
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Mar 10, 2013, 11:54:12 AM
All my want. All of it.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: ikarop on Mar 10, 2013, 08:51:25 PM
Looks very nice! Hopefully the human factor will be removed completely.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 10, 2013, 10:27:06 PM
All throughout the jungle, the birds are chirping and the insects are buzzing. All is nice in the Mesozoic world of yester-year. The wildlife is flourishing and the world is happy.

Snap! The birds stop and flee. The insects stop their buzzing and burrow underground. The trees seem to grow still themselves as the Tyrant Lizard King stomps through the underbrush.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Predboy on Mar 11, 2013, 10:48:47 AM
I could totally whup his ass in a boxing match.  :)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Mar 11, 2013, 07:10:04 PM
I love that first screen shot. I know you said the human factor will probably be removed, but how is there a human with a shotgun there?   :P
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 11, 2013, 07:57:40 PM
Crynosaurs has done some work with player controlled dinosaurs, but using a human model as a default saves us a lot of time that we can use to work on the game.

Raptor Point of View! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkGH5OXHXPQ#)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Cal427eb on Mar 11, 2013, 08:08:32 PM
Quote from: Galli on Mar 06, 2013, 01:52:00 PM
Quote from: Predboy on Mar 06, 2013, 01:08:59 PM
Can it be played on a mac?
I do believe it requires the original Crysis to run, and I'm not sure if Crysis is Mac compatible.
It is. There are Mac versions of it.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: ScardyFox on Mar 11, 2013, 08:16:33 PM
Quote from: Galli on Mar 11, 2013, 07:57:40 PM
Crynosaurs has done some work with player controlled dinosaurs, but using a human model as a default saves us a lot of time that we can use to work on the game.

Raptor Point of View! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkGH5OXHXPQ#)

Lovely looking but I don't think there would be bird songs back then... without birds and all. Maybe some roaring every once in awhile in the back ground or the sounds of migrating dinos.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 11, 2013, 08:36:12 PM
Wrong, my good man.  ;)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargantuavis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargantuavis)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegavis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegavis)

Some were very early ancestors of modern birds, and a crapton were of weird extinct groups.

Depending on who you ask, there were at least ostrich and emu relatives, early chicken relatives, and ducks.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: ScardyFox on Mar 11, 2013, 08:59:41 PM
Quote from: Galli on Mar 11, 2013, 08:36:12 PM
Wrong, my good man.  ;)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargantuavis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargantuavis)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegavis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegavis)

Some were very early ancestors of modern birds, and a crapton were of weird extinct groups.

Depending on who you ask, there were at least ostrich and emu relatives, early chicken relatives, and ducks.

But would they be song birds? Sorry, not busting chops (or trying to be a smart ass at all) just want you guys to be known as the most authentic dino simulator ever. :)

I honestly am excited for the game lol for me and my son someday when he is old enough.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 11, 2013, 09:13:06 PM
Ah, song birds! My bad for the misunderstanding.

Passarines (songbirds) are a Paleocene thing, not a Mesozoic.

Those sounds are all stock, and will be replaced in the future with more accurate sounds.  ;)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: ScardyFox on Mar 11, 2013, 09:17:40 PM
Ah sorry for not clarifying, dude. :)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on Mar 12, 2013, 01:34:41 AM
You must have JPL fawning over you right now, Galli.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 12, 2013, 01:56:53 AM
Oh, joy.  :P
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Mar 12, 2013, 09:26:51 AM
Quote from: Galli on Mar 11, 2013, 07:57:40 PM
Crynosaurs has done some work with player controlled dinosaurs, but using a human model as a default saves us a lot of time that we can use to work on the game.

Raptor Point of View! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkGH5OXHXPQ#)

So when do you estimate we will be able to throw our money at you?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Xenomorphine on Mar 14, 2013, 08:20:14 AM
Wow... Reading down that list of the concept, this is the kind of game I'd love. Like a serious version of 'Spore'. Hopefully, with proper biting/killing animations than the point-and-click predictability that title had. :)

Please think of introducing the ability to come up with giant insects/arachnids of the day, too! ;D Would love to customise my own version of a Lovecraftian-type multi-limbed monstrosity and put it in a functional ecosystem.

Heck, if this proves successful, do an aquatic version! Giant squid/crustacean horrors! Then allow both products to merge and make it the most awesome thing in history. :D
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 15, 2013, 04:27:53 PM
Quote from: xeno-kaname on Mar 12, 2013, 09:26:51 AM
So when do you estimate we will be able to throw our money at you?
Crynosaurs is unable to accept donations at this time, but at some point in the future we are going to need all the help we can get. Save them pennies.  ;)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: ScardyFox on Mar 15, 2013, 05:23:55 PM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on Mar 16, 2013, 05:43:41 AM
Quote from: Gate on Mar 02, 2013, 03:37:46 PM

Pardon me, sir, but what kind of game did you say that was?


Yes, Dinosaur and what else?


Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Mar 18, 2013, 01:04:10 PM
So in the end are we still going to need Crysis for this, or is it its own game now?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 23, 2013, 02:06:37 AM
It's going to be it's own game!

And guys, big update!

Well, for some of us... haha. It's a pretty nice breakthrough for some of you "small detail nerds" out there.

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: KNIGHT on Mar 23, 2013, 02:12:46 AM
I'm not specifically knowledgeable in regards to programming and stuff, but I assume that image means that the model adjusts to fit inclines and stuff?

If so, f**king awesome.

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 23, 2013, 02:17:30 AM
Yes, if you're walking up a hill, your feet will align perfectly! Or so we hope.  :D
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Mar 23, 2013, 02:52:55 AM
Quote from: Galli on Mar 23, 2013, 02:06:37 AM
It's going to be it's own game!

And guys, big update!

Well, for some of us... haha. It's a pretty nice breakthrough for some of you "small detail nerds" out there.


So we can expect a name change? >:)

That is pretty sweet. The devil's in the details. In a dinosaur simulator such details are important. This is awesome  ;D
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 24, 2013, 10:15:58 PM
Crynosaur is just the project title, any games that come out of it are likely to have different titles.  ;)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 29, 2013, 12:45:10 AM
Environmental Concept Art guys!

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: KNIGHT on Mar 29, 2013, 12:59:57 AM
Looks interesting.

So what era of the Mesezoic will this simulator take place in? Or will there be multiple eras?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Mar 29, 2013, 01:49:22 AM
"We will be representing the Lancian strata of Western North America. The period directly before the K-Pg extinction event represented by the Lance, Hell Creek, Frenchman and Scollard formations. This means big, charismatic, famous animals such as Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops will be present.
There are few-to-no gaps we need to fill. Spec will be involved only in the reconstruction of animals known only from teeth or fragments, on which will be depicted based on their closest relatives."
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Vertigo on Mar 29, 2013, 02:14:28 PM
Quote from: Galli on Mar 29, 2013, 01:49:22 AM
Spec will be involved only in the reconstruction of animals known only from teeth or fragments, on which will be depicted based on their closest relatives.

Any idea right now what types of animal these will be?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Apr 06, 2013, 01:12:31 AM
Check out these two formations:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lance_Formation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lance_Formation)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_Creek_Formation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_Creek_Formation)

Any of the animals on this list could potentially be included in Crynosaurs. The goal is to have the player feel like they are really in the Cretaceous.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: ScardyFox on Apr 06, 2013, 06:45:48 PM
Are you ever going to do ocean ones?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Apr 06, 2013, 11:47:40 PM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Space Sweeper on Apr 06, 2013, 11:58:43 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JYJhWIwGUw#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JYJhWIwGUw#ws)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: ScardyFox on Apr 07, 2013, 01:11:29 PM
Quote from: Space Sweeper on Apr 06, 2013, 11:58:43 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JYJhWIwGUw#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JYJhWIwGUw#ws)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CipXIx34jTI#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CipXIx34jTI#ws)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Apr 12, 2013, 08:28:37 PM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Apr 20, 2013, 01:27:58 AM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Apr 20, 2013, 01:52:52 AM
Quote from: Galli on Apr 20, 2013, 01:27:58 AM

Looking good  ;D

Really want this game.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Apr 20, 2013, 03:22:49 PM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: RagingDragon on Apr 22, 2013, 11:55:45 PM
Wow. I'm so on board. The environments alone and the word "simulator" have pre-sold me. :laugh:

Reading about the limb dismemberment and mating has me drooling. I could contribute so many ideas here it would be silly.

But let me ask, because I didn't see it back there: is this going to be single-player only? Or will there be multiplayer?

I don't know how much work this would take, but a dynamic predator/herd scenario with player-controlled dinos would be so incredible. Herds would have to stick together, of course, find food, and this would draw them near the predators who would have to stalk/attack in packs to take one down.

So much potential. Can't wait!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Apr 27, 2013, 04:45:37 PM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Cal427eb on Apr 27, 2013, 04:48:13 PM
Nice.  ;D

This is coming along nicely I see.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on May 03, 2013, 08:14:41 PM
Remind me again, but how many are working on this with you?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on May 03, 2013, 08:53:54 PM
Over a dozen, Gate.  :)

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on May 03, 2013, 09:52:55 PM
Quote from: Galli on May 03, 2013, 08:53:54 PM
Over a dozen, Gate.  :)


Oh yuss.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Dovahkiin on May 04, 2013, 01:41:45 AM
A couple questions, if you don't mind, Galli.

When will this be released?
How much will it cost?
What is the extent at which players can control?

Looking pretty sweet.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on May 04, 2013, 07:34:47 PM
I'm afraid I'm unable to answer any of those questions at the moment. :(
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on May 04, 2013, 09:05:52 PM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Dovahkiin on May 04, 2013, 09:12:21 PM
Quote from: Galli on May 04, 2013, 07:34:47 PM
I'm afraid I'm unable to answer any of those questions at the moment. :(

Aww...  :'(
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on May 11, 2013, 05:00:06 PM


http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975 (http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on May 11, 2013, 07:22:20 PM
Quote from: Galli on May 11, 2013, 05:00:06 PM


http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975 (http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975)

That tech demo vid in the link...


The game looks gorgeous!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: King Rathalos on May 11, 2013, 07:41:20 PM
Quote from: Galli on May 11, 2013, 05:00:06 PM


http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975 (http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975)

Oh man, oh god, oh man...

And the screenshots that one guy did with the editor. :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Space Sweeper on May 12, 2013, 06:57:05 AM
I love that JP: The Lost World look to the jungle instead of the somewhat overplayed lush and green rainforest look.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on May 13, 2013, 12:54:37 PM
Well, we are going for accuracy, and redwood pines were in that location at that time period.

And I greatly prefer redwood forest over jungles.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on May 18, 2013, 04:35:28 PM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on May 18, 2013, 09:36:58 PM
Looks great  ;D
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Predboy on May 19, 2013, 06:14:25 PM
Quote from: Galli on May 11, 2013, 05:00:06 PM


http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975 (http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975)

In the link it said just for pc. *sigh* -_-
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Cal427eb on May 19, 2013, 06:16:49 PM
Quote from: Predboy on May 19, 2013, 06:14:25 PM
Quote from: Galli on May 11, 2013, 05:00:06 PM


http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975 (http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975)

In the link it said just for pc. *sigh* -_-
Well, it's a mod for Crysis so it's obvious that it would only be for PC.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Predboy on May 19, 2013, 06:20:20 PM
It still would've been nice if it was for mac too. Well so much for playing this game then.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on May 20, 2013, 12:34:34 AM
Quote from: Cal427eb on May 19, 2013, 06:16:49 PM
Quote from: Predboy on May 19, 2013, 06:14:25 PM
Quote from: Galli on May 11, 2013, 05:00:06 PM


http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975 (http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975)

In the link it said just for pc. *sigh* -_-
Well, it's a mod for Crysis so it's obvious that it would only be for PC.

It's planned as a full title, not a mod.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Cal427eb on May 20, 2013, 12:47:56 AM
Quote from: Galli on May 20, 2013, 12:34:34 AM
Quote from: Cal427eb on May 19, 2013, 06:16:49 PM
Quote from: Predboy on May 19, 2013, 06:14:25 PM
Quote from: Galli on May 11, 2013, 05:00:06 PM


http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975 (http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975)

In the link it said just for pc. *sigh* -_-
Well, it's a mod for Crysis so it's obvious that it would only be for PC.

It's planned as a full title, not a mod.
It is?!  :o

This entire time I was under the impression this was just going to be a very well done mod.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Dovahkiin on May 20, 2013, 04:00:24 AM
I am extremely stoked for this.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on May 21, 2013, 03:38:57 AM
Quote from: Cal427eb on May 20, 2013, 12:47:56 AM
Quote from: Galli on May 20, 2013, 12:34:34 AM
Quote from: Cal427eb on May 19, 2013, 06:16:49 PM
Quote from: Predboy on May 19, 2013, 06:14:25 PM
Quote from: Galli on May 11, 2013, 05:00:06 PM


http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975 (http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=103975)

In the link it said just for pc. *sigh* -_-
Well, it's a mod for Crysis so it's obvious that it would only be for PC.

It's planned as a full title, not a mod.
It is?!  :o

This entire time I was under the impression this was just going to be a very well done mod.

It was at the beginning, I believe. Then it turned into a full title.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Cal427eb on May 21, 2013, 03:41:27 AM
That's probably even better then.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on May 25, 2013, 06:56:07 PM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: KNIGHT on Jun 01, 2013, 02:35:26 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gxm8jQeW54# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gxm8jQeW54#)

Wow this looks awesome.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Jun 01, 2013, 03:45:47 PM
Oh, looks like you beat me to the punch KNIGHT. :P
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Jul 11, 2013, 11:03:17 PM
I am pleased to show off the newest addition to the Saurian world; Triceratops prorsus.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc_eOyPegJ0# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc_eOyPegJ0#)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Jul 11, 2013, 11:57:41 PM
Finally a bit more on this game  :)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Jul 12, 2013, 12:58:49 AM
Oh, there will be plenty more in the future. :)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: KNIGHT on Jul 22, 2013, 07:35:39 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSXncC58ga0#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSXncC58ga0#ws)

Laughing pretty hard. Looks so good, though.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: The Runner on Jul 22, 2013, 09:00:01 PM
I couldn't help but to laugh as the poor chamosaurine ceratopsian gets the crap beat of of it.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: RagingDragon on Jul 22, 2013, 10:05:03 PM
Quote from: KNIGHT on Jul 22, 2013, 07:35:39 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSXncC58ga0#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSXncC58ga0#ws)

Laughing pretty hard. Looks so good, though.
I'm sure the physics won't be like that in the game, but that was awesome. :laugh: Driving through all of them, there's something you don't see everyday!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Jul 22, 2013, 10:35:41 PM
The physics will be corrected and won't be like that in the full game. Just showing off the ragdolls and the awesome limb behavior. :)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: RagingDragon on Jul 22, 2013, 10:43:34 PM
It's great dude! I know myself and a lot of my gamer friends really want more realistic physics in their games. It's a whole new level of immersion when you feel like everything has real weight and there's good collision detection, I think.

Assassin's Creed was a breath of fresh air in that department. Made for some very realistic encounters both in and outside of combat, and the climbing wouldn't have been the same without it either.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Jul 23, 2013, 05:22:47 AM
Quote from: Galli on Jul 22, 2013, 10:35:41 PM
The physics will be corrected and won't be like that in the full game. Just showing off the ragdolls and the awesome limb behavior. :)

I was about to compliment those physics. Just the way they realistically fell and reacted to the impacts.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Ratchetcomand on Jul 24, 2013, 04:45:02 AM
Looks great.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on Jul 26, 2013, 12:29:05 AM
Quote from: RagingDragon on Jul 22, 2013, 10:43:34 PM
Assassin's Creed was a breath of fresh air in that department. Made for some very realistic encounters both in and outside of combat, and the climbing wouldn't have been the same without it either.

Because climbing rooftops with a f**king suit of Italian armor and armed to the teeth is realistic
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Jul 26, 2013, 12:33:17 AM
I keep trying to make the Devs put in a "focus jump" aspect for a dromeosaur species. Would play out interestingly,
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Aug 12, 2013, 06:14:31 AM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Vertigo on Aug 12, 2013, 06:17:47 AM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: RagingDragon on Aug 12, 2013, 07:03:23 AM
Quote from: Vertigo on Aug 12, 2013, 06:17:47 AM

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Aug 12, 2013, 03:02:31 PM
Looks good dude.

What software are you using for Animations ?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Aug 12, 2013, 08:12:08 PM
Animations are all done in 3DSMax!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Aug 13, 2013, 09:31:26 AM
Same here.

Do you find it easier doing animations in there as you would do in Maya ?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Komenja on Aug 13, 2013, 08:25:55 PM
How in the name of Turok's testicles have I not heard of this until now? I love the concept.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Aug 17, 2013, 06:52:48 PM
Update on this ?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Aug 17, 2013, 07:36:55 PM
Quote from: Komenja on Aug 13, 2013, 08:25:55 PM
How in the name of Turok's testicles have I not heard of this until now? I love the concept.

The game still has a while to go.

Quote from: Commander Keras on Aug 17, 2013, 06:52:48 PM
Update on this ?

The updates are few and far between.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Aug 19, 2013, 04:05:22 PM
maybe you guys can put dilophosaurus  in your game ?


Always fought they were awesome.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Aug 19, 2013, 05:46:24 PM
Quote from: Commander Keras on Aug 19, 2013, 04:05:22 PM
maybe you guys can put dilophosaurus  in your game ?


Always fought they were awesome.

That... thing isn't even a true dilophosaur. lol
This on the other hand is. (http://kyoht.com/paleo/images/StGeorgeDilophosaurus.jpg)

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Aug 19, 2013, 05:49:48 PM
Do the real ones have a expandable neck frill ?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: nostalgicalgorithms on Aug 19, 2013, 06:12:07 PM
I love the idea of a Dinosaur simulator. But if that ever gets boring add lasers.

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Vertigo on Aug 19, 2013, 06:15:31 PM
Quote from: Commander Keras on Aug 19, 2013, 05:49:48 PM
Do the real ones [Dilophosaurus] have a expandable neck frill ?

No. There's also no evidence they were venomous, and they were big, one of the largest bipedal predators in history at the time - roughly the weight of a large polar bear.

Also, they wouldn't be in the game as it's set near the end of the Cretaceous period. Dilophosaurus lived way over a hundred million years earlier, early in the Jurassic.

Quote from: Galli on Aug 19, 2013, 05:46:24 PMAlso;

So that's a 'yes' to my last post then?  :P
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: nostalgicalgorithms on Aug 19, 2013, 06:19:17 PM
No trying to derail thread but I'll just leave this here.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2bAmj5itbk# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2bAmj5itbk#)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Aug 19, 2013, 06:56:50 PM
Quote from: nostalgicalgorithms on Aug 19, 2013, 06:12:07 PM
I love the idea of a Dinosaur simulator. But if that ever gets boring add lasers.


You have just give me an idea!!!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: nostalgicalgorithms on Aug 19, 2013, 09:27:14 PM
I wanted Dino Rider toys so bad as a kid. By the time I started watching it in 1993 they were long out of stores. How on earth was it not the most popular show? Another rarely disused one was called UNIFIGHTERS. The toys were made by Galoob and it had the most epic commercial in the history of toys.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Aug 19, 2013, 10:33:51 PM
Looks interesting.

I see why you say "How on earth was it not the most popular show?" because I have never really heard of it untill now.

But Dino's with frigging lasers attached to there heads jus gave me a awesome idea!!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Vertigo on Aug 19, 2013, 11:17:04 PM
Quote from: nostalgicalgorithms on Aug 19, 2013, 09:27:14 PM
I wanted Dino Rider toys so bad as a kid. By the time I started watching it in 1993 they were long out of stores. How on earth was it not the most popular show? Another rarely disused one was called UNIFIGHTERS. The toys were made by Galoob and it had the most epic commercial in the history of toys.

I think it got mishandled somewhere along the line. As a kid in the early '90s, when one of my circle of friends got hold of an advert for Dino Riders, we all went nuts trying to get hold of a toy and see the show. It spilled over to pretty much every male member of my year at school. I don't think any of us ever had any luck. Then Jurassic Park appeared and all was forgotten.

They had lightning in a bottle there, I guess they had butterfingers and dropped it. Much like Nedry dropped his glasses...
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Aug 23, 2013, 11:32:25 AM
So is this going to be open world?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Aug 23, 2013, 04:38:50 PM
That's the plan.
Open world with multiple playable species.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Aug 23, 2013, 08:02:21 PM
Quote from: Galli on Aug 23, 2013, 04:38:50 PM
That's the plan.
Open world with multiple playable species.


So you can play as Raptors and T-Rex ?

Im downloading the demo from your site, looking forward too it.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Aug 23, 2013, 09:50:56 PM
Quote from: Commander Keras on Aug 23, 2013, 08:02:21 PM
Quote from: Galli on Aug 23, 2013, 04:38:50 PM
That's the plan.
Open world with multiple playable species.


So you can play as Raptors and T-Rex ?

Im downloading the demo from your site, looking forward too it.

That demo is just a tech demo, showing that the concept can be achieved. The only dinosaurs in it are the raptors and they aren't playable. :C

But don't worry for the wait shall be worth it!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Aug 24, 2013, 12:37:18 PM
Quote from: Galli on Aug 23, 2013, 09:50:56 PM
Quote from: Commander Keras on Aug 23, 2013, 08:02:21 PM
Quote from: Galli on Aug 23, 2013, 04:38:50 PM
That's the plan.
Open world with multiple playable species.


So you can play as Raptors and T-Rex ?

Im downloading the demo from your site, looking forward too it.

That demo is just a tech demo, showing that the concept can be achieved. The only dinosaurs in it are the raptors and they aren't playable. :C

But don't worry for the wait shall be worth it!

Yeah I know its a tech demo but the AI on the Raptors is very impressive I must say.

Did you code all of this your self ?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Aug 24, 2013, 04:38:19 PM
No lol

I had no hand in the programming. I just get handed information by the project leads and they say "spread it like wildfire."
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Sep 26, 2013, 03:16:34 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrDoTbhdXRA# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrDoTbhdXRA#)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: KNIGHT on Sep 26, 2013, 03:34:56 AM

It's beautiful.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Sep 26, 2013, 04:09:34 AM
Quote from: Galli on Sep 26, 2013, 03:16:34 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrDoTbhdXRA# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrDoTbhdXRA#)


Hell Creek!?

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on Oct 13, 2013, 08:12:56 PM
The animations are almost perfect. That T-rex had a few wonky maneuvers there but its great.

;_; getting used to feathered rex is hard.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Dovahkiin on Oct 13, 2013, 08:20:25 PM
I'm not too in love with the feathered T.Rex, but other than that...nice.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Sabby on Oct 13, 2013, 09:10:53 PM
I would prefer a game of this.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjhJSD8RU4k# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjhJSD8RU4k#)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Oct 14, 2013, 05:56:32 AM
Quote from: Gate on Oct 13, 2013, 08:12:56 PM
The animations are almost perfect. That T-rex had a few wonky maneuvers there but its great.

;_; getting used to feathered rex is hard.
This rendering of the rex under corrected lighting might help with that ;)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Oct 14, 2013, 11:20:12 AM
Quote from: Sabby on Oct 13, 2013, 09:10:53 PM
I would prefer a game of this.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjhJSD8RU4k# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjhJSD8RU4k#)

That looks really good actually lol!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Sabby on Oct 14, 2013, 06:53:27 PM
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: KNIGHT on Oct 22, 2013, 06:46:57 PM
So is Crynosaurus.. Not Crynosaurus anymore?

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1319089374/dinosaur-battlegrounds?ref=category (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1319089374/dinosaur-battlegrounds?ref=category)

QuoteGame footage from a demo created by the former Crynosaurs team.

Is.. There something I'm missing?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Xenodog on Oct 22, 2013, 10:13:45 PM
Quote from: KNIGHT on Oct 22, 2013, 06:46:57 PM
So is Crynosaurus.. Not Crynosaurus anymore?

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1319089374/dinosaur-battlegrounds?ref=category (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1319089374/dinosaur-battlegrounds?ref=category)

QuoteGame footage from a demo created by the former Crynosaurs team.

Is.. There something I'm missing?

I think just a name change?
Holy shit that it detailed though. This needs to exist.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Oct 23, 2013, 03:15:11 AM
This might help to clarify things a bit.
Dear Project Crynosaurs fans,

Over the course of the past year and a half, you've followed us as we've endeavored to fulfill our stated objective: To bring Dinosaurs to Cryengine. While we had some ups and downs, we feel we've accomplished our stated goal for the most part. During development however, its become clear that Project Crynosaurs as we originally envisioned it, combining Human and Dinosaur gameplay in an open world survival setting, would be a very tall order for us as a small, unfunded Indie team to bring to fruition. We have come to the realization that attempting to meld both styles of gameplay together would significantly delay our ability to deliver a game to you, the public, and would require compromises that would prevent us from fully realizing our vision for the Project. To that end, we have decided to create two separate game experiences as independent teams. This has been a very difficult and thought out decision for us, but ultimately it is for the best. It will allow for each development team to focus on producing a specific vision and implementing it with fewer of the compromises that face Indie developers like ourselves.

One portion of the team will continue with development of a Dinosaur based survival simulator set in the Hell Creek Formation of 66 million years ago. This team will be combining forces with Dinosaur Battleground ( http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1319089374/dinosaur-battlegrounds?ref=category (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1319089374/dinosaur-battlegrounds?ref=category) ), currently seeking funding through Kickstarter, and will be moving development over to a new game engine. Future Crynosaurs updates will keep you posted on their progress as they establish their own web presence.

The other portion of our team will continue developing Crynosaurs in the spirit of the original tech demo: a first person, human based survival experience, with a focus on strategy, exploration and problem solving. Crynosaurs will continue development utilizing Cryengine, and you can continue to follow along on Facebook, Twitter, and Crynosaurs.com.

Most importantly, a big thank you to everyone who has supported our development thus far. We have had a great time working together as a group, and look forward to independently developing our respective projects.


The Project Crynosaurs Development Team
The devs posted this on their Facebook page.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Oct 24, 2013, 11:25:52 PM
Quote from: P.Funkei on Oct 23, 2013, 03:15:11 AM
This might help to clarify things a bit.
Dear Project Crynosaurs fans,

Over the course of the past year and a half, you've followed us as we've endeavored to fulfill our stated objective: To bring Dinosaurs to Cryengine. While we had some ups and downs, we feel we've accomplished our stated goal for the most part. During development however, its become clear that Project Crynosaurs as we originally envisioned it, combining Human and Dinosaur gameplay in an open world survival setting, would be a very tall order for us as a small, unfunded Indie team to bring to fruition. We have come to the realization that attempting to meld both styles of gameplay together would significantly delay our ability to deliver a game to you, the public, and would require compromises that would prevent us from fully realizing our vision for the Project. To that end, we have decided to create two separate game experiences as independent teams. This has been a very difficult and thought out decision for us, but ultimately it is for the best. It will allow for each development team to focus on producing a specific vision and implementing it with fewer of the compromises that face Indie developers like ourselves.

One portion of the team will continue with development of a Dinosaur based survival simulator set in the Hell Creek Formation of 66 million years ago. This team will be combining forces with Dinosaur Battleground ( http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1319089374/dinosaur-battlegrounds?ref=category (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1319089374/dinosaur-battlegrounds?ref=category) ), currently seeking funding through Kickstarter, and will be moving development over to a new game engine. Future Crynosaurs updates will keep you posted on their progress as they establish their own web presence.

The other portion of our team will continue developing Crynosaurs in the spirit of the original tech demo: a first person, human based survival experience, with a focus on strategy, exploration and problem solving. Crynosaurs will continue development utilizing Cryengine, and you can continue to follow along on Facebook, Twitter, and Crynosaurs.com.

Most importantly, a big thank you to everyone who has supported our development thus far. We have had a great time working together as a group, and look forward to independently developing our respective projects.


The Project Crynosaurs Development Team
The devs posted this on their Facebook page.

Got scared there for a second. I want my dinosaur simulator!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Oct 25, 2013, 12:40:57 AM
Yeah, if this project ever fell through, I'd cry. ;_;
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Oct 25, 2013, 02:17:13 AM
Quote from: P.Funkei on Oct 25, 2013, 12:40:57 AM
Yeah, if this project ever fell through, I'd cry. ;_;

I'd Cry. No 'Saurs!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Oct 26, 2013, 10:49:01 PM
I hope no one saurus crying. 8)
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Oct 27, 2013, 03:28:56 AM
Quote from: P.Funkei on Oct 26, 2013, 10:49:01 PM
I hope no one saurus crying  :-\

You forgot your sunglasses, bro  8)

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on Oct 27, 2013, 04:08:37 PM
A bit off topic, but what do you think about the scientific thought that dinosaurs were literally so far from reptiles that modern birds are now considered survivors of the Dinosaur era?
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Greedo on Oct 27, 2013, 04:54:36 PM
Quote from: Gate on Oct 27, 2013, 04:08:37 PM
A bit off topic, but what do you think about the scientific thought that dinosaurs were literally so far from reptiles that modern birds are now considered survivors of the Dinosaur era?

If you look at a lot of Dinos they have bird features with some dinos having beaks and they way they move and near the end of destinction some of them even started to grow feathers with evolution.

Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Oct 28, 2013, 04:41:34 AM
Quote from: Gate on Oct 27, 2013, 04:08:37 PM
A bit off topic, but what do you think about the scientific thought that dinosaurs were literally so far from reptiles that modern birds are now considered survivors of the Dinosaur era?

I believe it. Most people think about T-Rexes shrinking down because of evolution, though. That's probably the wrong way to look at it. The big dinos are the ones that probably died out, and the small ones evolved and started to develop feathers and wings at some point.
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Vertigo on Oct 28, 2013, 10:34:34 PM
Quote from: Gate on Oct 27, 2013, 04:08:37 PM
A bit off topic, but what do you think about the scientific thought that dinosaurs were literally so far from reptiles that modern birds are now considered survivors of the Dinosaur era?

Quote from: xeno-kaname on Oct 28, 2013, 04:41:34 AMI believe it. Most people think about T-Rexes shrinking down because of evolution, though. That's probably the wrong way to look at it. The big dinos are the ones that probably died out, and the small ones evolved and started to develop feathers and wings at some point.

Figured we should roll this out to the general dinosaur thread (http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19454.780).
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Nov 03, 2013, 06:13:31 PM
To our fans and followers,

Recently we announced that Project Crynosaurs was dividing into two development teams, one focusing on continuing the initial premise of the tech demo, and the other focusing on creating a dinosaur based game experience set in the Hell Creek Formation 66 million years ago. We further announced that we would be partnering with Dinosaur Battlegrounds to advance development on our common goal. We regret to inform you that after considerable internal discussion, we do not feel that continued collaboration is in the best interest of either project, and we are therefore withdrawing from the Kickstarter campaign and discontinuing further collaboration with Dinosaur Battlegrounds. We wish Frank DeNota best of luck in his future endeavors. We also want to take this time to sincerely apologize for the short notice of this change, and to anyone who donated to the Kickstarter expecting us to be a part of it. While we encourage those of you who donated to continue supporting the Kickstarter, it is possible to withdraw your pledge, and you can find out more by visiting http://www.kickstarter.com/help/faq/backer%20questions (http://www.kickstarter.com/help/faq/backer%20questions)

To those of you who have followed our progress throughout this adventure, Thank You! We are happy to inform you that despite these changes, development has continued at a steady pace and we look forward to delivering something you can play in the coming months. To go with our new independence, we have a new name, which for some of you will be an old name: Saurian. You can follow our progress at our new Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/sauriangame (https://www.facebook.com/sauriangame)) Twitter Account (https://twitter.com/SaurianGame (https://twitter.com/SaurianGame)) and IndieDB (http://www.indiedb.com/games/saurian (http://www.indiedb.com/games/saurian)) with Youtube and website coming soon.

- Crynosaurs is not Saurian
- Crynosaurs will continue to develop a human driven dinosaur game in Crynegine in the vein of the original tech demo.
- Saurian will be a game about dinosaurs alone set in the Cretaceous.
- Dinosaur Battlegrounds will be it's own thing separate from both teams as it originally was.

Click the image to head to the new Saurian facebook page! Give it a like!
(https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/q71/s720x720/522006_214396378732803_81980973_n.jpg) (https://www.facebook.com/sauriangame)

If there are any Unity Programmers out there that are interested, send me your resume and portfolio and I'll make sure it gets to the right people!
Title: Re: Crynosaurs - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: xeno-kaname on Nov 04, 2013, 01:36:34 AM
Quote from: Galli on Nov 03, 2013, 06:13:31 PM
To our fans and followers,

Recently we announced that Project Crynosaurs was dividing into two development teams, one focusing on continuing the initial premise of the tech demo, and the other focusing on creating a dinosaur based game experience set in the Hell Creek Formation 66 million years ago. We further announced that we would be partnering with Dinosaur Battlegrounds to advance development on our common goal. We regret to inform you that after considerable internal discussion, we do not feel that continued collaboration is in the best interest of either project, and we are therefore withdrawing from the Kickstarter campaign and discontinuing further collaboration with Dinosaur Battlegrounds. We wish Frank DeNota best of luck in his future endeavors. We also want to take this time to sincerely apologize for the short notice of this change, and to anyone who donated to the Kickstarter expecting us to be a part of it. While we encourage those of you who donated to continue supporting the Kickstarter, it is possible to withdraw your pledge, and you can find out more by visiting http://www.kickstarter.com/help/faq/backer%20questions (http://www.kickstarter.com/help/faq/backer%20questions)

To those of you who have followed our progress throughout this adventure, Thank You! We are happy to inform you that despite these changes, development has continued at a steady pace and we look forward to delivering something you can play in the coming months. To go with our new independence, we have a new name, which for some of you will be an old name: Saurian. You can follow our progress at our new Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/sauriangame (https://www.facebook.com/sauriangame)) Twitter Account (https://twitter.com/SaurianGame (https://twitter.com/SaurianGame)) and IndieDB (http://www.indiedb.com/games/saurian (http://www.indiedb.com/games/saurian)) with Youtube and website coming soon.

- Crynosaurs is not Saurian
- Crynosaurs will continue to develop a human driven dinosaur game in Crynegine in the vein of the original tech demo.
- Saurian will be a game about dinosaurs alone set in the Cretaceous.
- Dinosaur Battlegrounds will be it's own thing separate from both teams as it originally was.

Click the image to head to the new Saurian facebook page! Give it a like!
(https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/q71/s720x720/522006_214396378732803_81980973_n.jpg) (https://www.facebook.com/sauriangame)

If there are any Unity Programmers out there that are interested, send me your resume and portfolio and I'll make sure it gets to the right people!

Nice name  :)
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Nov 06, 2013, 05:22:01 PM
Everyone! Updates galore! Including the name of the topic!

To start us off, I would like to announce that Saurian climbed up to Number 50 on IndieDB! (now at 99 at the time of posting)
http://www.indiedb.com/games/saurian (http://www.indiedb.com/games/saurian)

To celebrate, Saurian has released the newest addition to the game. The Ankylosaurus.
(https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/s720x720/1458443_215488345290273_2049482614_n.png) (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=215488345290273&set=a.215488338623607.1073741833.200506546788453&type=1&theater)

Also released is this video showing the WIP animations of the Trike and the Rex!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_5gOI9QqpI#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_5gOI9QqpI#ws)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dZRRqvwQ_M#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dZRRqvwQ_M#ws)
PLEASE not that the Thumbnails for the above videos does NOT show the real skin colors. Watch the videos for the real colors. Thank you!

And to celebrate this information, EVERYONE WALK THE DINOSAUR! :D (http://tyranttr.deviantart.com/art/Everybody-Walk-the-Tyrannosaur-411646977)
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Nov 17, 2013, 08:02:24 PM
I present to you, further Saurian updates!

Come here to join the team! (http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/211554-Saurian-Dinosaur-survival-game-seeking-talented-programmers-and-other-talents)

Updated Triceratops walk cycle! (http://tyranttr.deviantart.com/art/Triceratops-can-walk-too-414046356)

Now for the grand finale;
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Cal427eb on Nov 17, 2013, 08:15:08 PM
I would apply, but I barely have any programming experience.

I'm liking everything I've seen so far though.
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Nov 20, 2013, 05:53:09 PM
Quote from: Galli on Nov 17, 2013, 08:02:24 PM
I present to you, further Saurian updates!

Come here to join the team! (http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/211554-Saurian-Dinosaur-survival-game-seeking-talented-programmers-and-other-talents)

Updated Triceratops walk cycle! (http://tyranttr.deviantart.com/art/Triceratops-can-walk-too-414046356)

Now for the grand finale;

I don't think I've seen that last image on any of the other forums that host topics for this game. o.o
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on Nov 20, 2013, 07:44:29 PM
Yeah, it's because this site is special. :P

And some of the stuff I'm given to post here is stuff that hasn't been seen/posted elsewhere.
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: underbound on Nov 21, 2013, 02:35:08 AM
So where can I find this game when released? Is it free? Not trying to barrage you with questions just asking.
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Nov 21, 2013, 04:30:14 AM
The game will probably be available for download on their website when they finally have it up. Tomozaurus, one of the developers for this game, has said on Saurian's indiedb that it will probably cost around $15.
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Dovahkiin on Nov 22, 2013, 04:51:37 PM
Looks awesome so far!
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Dec 18, 2013, 01:23:36 AM
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on Dec 19, 2013, 01:06:17 PM
Quote from: Galli on Nov 06, 2013, 05:22:01 PM
Everyone! Updates galore! Including the name of the topic!

To start us off, I would like to announce that Saurian climbed up to Number 50 on IndieDB! (now at 99 at the time of posting)
http://www.indiedb.com/games/saurian (http://www.indiedb.com/games/saurian)

To celebrate, Saurian has released the newest addition to the game. The Ankylosaurus.
(https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/s720x720/1458443_215488345290273_2049482614_n.png) (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=215488345290273&set=a.215488338623607.1073741833.200506546788453&type=1&theater)

Also released is this video showing the WIP animations of the Trike and the Rex!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_5gOI9QqpI#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_5gOI9QqpI#ws)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dZRRqvwQ_M#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dZRRqvwQ_M#ws)
PLEASE not that the Thumbnails for the above videos does NOT show the real skin colors. Watch the videos for the real colors. Thank you!

And to celebrate this information, EVERYONE WALK THE DINOSAUR! :D (http://tyranttr.deviantart.com/art/Everybody-Walk-the-Tyrannosaur-411646977)
Was the Ankylosaurus Cretaceous? I was under the impression that it was a Jurassic animal.
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Vertigo on Dec 19, 2013, 05:42:48 PM
Quote from: Gate on Dec 19, 2013, 01:06:17 PMWas the Ankylosaurus Cretaceous? I was under the impression that it was a Jurassic animal.

Ankylosaurus itself is absolute latest Cretaceous, but the ankylosaur family does date back to the late Jurassic.
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Dec 20, 2013, 06:07:12 PM
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Godzillakuj94 on Dec 21, 2013, 01:22:15 AM
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Feb 01, 2014, 02:10:41 AM
https://www.facebook.com/sauriangame/posts/10152250885282502?stream_ref=10 (https://www.facebook.com/sauriangame/posts/10152250885282502?stream_ref=10)
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on May 06, 2014, 12:17:12 AM
A teaser....
As we're sure you all have noticed, we've been rather quiet on the real reason everyone is here: Game progress. Since we've added a substantial number of new followers since our last major update, we thought it was high time we gave you all a little peek behind the curtains. While this in-game screen shot might not look like much compared to some of the other things we've posted, there's actually quite a lot of progress encapsulated in this scene.

- Both Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops are in game. Playable.
- All of the trees are new, updated based on new information regarding their relationships to living species
- Water. Splashing. Rippling. Flowing. Water.
-While not visible in this image, we've implemented a rudimentary Day/Night cycle.
-AI development is proceeding nicely, and we're excited to show you just how awesome Rival{Theory}'s RAIN is.

"What about gameplay footage?" The truth is, while we do enjoy seeing our fans and followers foam at the mouth with anticipation, we also like making sure what we show off is polished and represents Saurian's full potential. We are still very early in development, there are a lot of improvements we want to make before we show you just how awesome this game is.

What's next? Here's a short list of what you can look forward to from us in the coming weeks and months

- More Dinosaurs...and some other critters too
- A fully foliaged map
- Weather
- Music

Stay tuned and keep spreading the word, there's a LOT more to come!
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Elliott on May 06, 2014, 01:52:11 PM
Grand updates! :D
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Jun 25, 2014, 04:23:00 AM
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: szkoki on Jun 27, 2014, 11:36:47 PM
you should just remake Dino Crisis bro :)
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: Gate on Jun 28, 2014, 04:22:25 PM
Quote from: szkoki on Jun 27, 2014, 11:36:47 PM
you should just remake Dino Crisis bro :)

That's not even the same concept
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Jun 30, 2014, 07:40:28 PM
Quote from: szkoki on Jun 27, 2014, 11:36:47 PM
you should just remake Dino Crisis bro :)
Oh, I'm not actually affiliated with or part of the team, if that's what you're implying.   
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Sep 08, 2014, 03:21:31 AM
Quote from: TomozaurusWe've been quiet for a while plugging away at programming and mapping for the coming Saurian prototype. We popped in today to test our work and thought we'd share some screenshots we took in the process.


Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: DoomRulz on Sep 14, 2014, 02:20:31 PM
This game looks awesome! Can't wait to play it.
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: P.Funkei on Dec 20, 2014, 10:16:38 PM
Much has transpired since the last update I've posted here, including the official reveal of RJ Palmer - renowned for his renditions of realistic Pokemon (http://arvalis.deviantart.com/) - as a member of Saurian's development team (concept artist) and a gameplay trailer.

Quote from: TomozaurusWe are happy at Saurian to welcome popular creature artist RJ Palmer to our ranks. To celebrate the addition, here are some of his animal concepts for the game.

Posted by Tomozaurus on Nov 18th, 2014

While we here at Saurian have been plugging away behind the scenes at the game itself, we were lucky to recruited talented and popular creature artist RJ Palmer as a conceptual artist. He has provided some truly excellent designs for our animals thus far and we thought it was about time we showed off some of his work.

We are quite fortunate to have the aid of such prestige. The input of someone with a real artistic eye alongside the scientific knowledge of our other staff is sure to provide some truly unique animal designs as beautiful as they are accurate.

Check out RJ's work for Saurian below and in our gallery. He can also be found on DeviantART (Deviantart.com (http://www.deviantart.com/art/Saurian-Concept-Art-495258921)) and Tumblr (Grimchild.tumblr.com (http://grimchild.tumblr.com/post/102977828401/i-am-extremely-happy-to-show-you-some-of-my))

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P26gR-RM-RI#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P26gR-RM-RI#ws)

Quote from: TomozaurusWe at Saurian are happy to announce the reveal of our very first gameplay trailer. The footage shown is at a pre-alpha stage of game development and does not reperesent the final product.

Posted by Tomozaurus on Dec 3rd, 2014

We at Saurian are happy to announce the reveal of our very first gameplay trailer. See below:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P26gR-RM-RI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P26gR-RM-RI)

You are about to watch footage of dinosaurs and feathers in a video game, very likely at the same time.

It also contains pre-alpha gameplay features such as poor FPS, placeholder sounds, temporary assets, unfinished lighting, misbehaving animations, partially finished models, incomplete mapping, unfinished code and a whole bunch of other stuff that is most likely broken and looks like coprolite. Don't worry, we're working on it ;)

(The music is still beast though, and a huge thank you to Saurian's composer Michael Ward! Soundcloud.com (https://soundcloud.com/lightreturn))

We are Saurian, an independent game project who's goal is to provide the most captivating dinosaur experience ever developed for commercial gaming by recreating the Hell Creek ecosystem of 66 million years ago through the Unity 3D Game engine, giving the player the first true chance to live like a dinosaur.

For more information on Saurian, check out:

Website: www.sauriangame.com (http://www.sauriangame.com/) (Coming Soon)
IndieDB: Indiedb.com (http://www.indiedb.com/games/Saurian)
Twitter: Twitter.com (https://twitter.com/sauriangame)
Facebook: Facebook.com (https://www.facebook.com/sauriangame)

Finally, an interview with Brian Switek of Dinologue has been released (http://dinologue.com/2014/12/behind-the-scenes-of-saurian-a-dinosaur-simulator/). It details some of the research that went into Saurian, amongst other things.

If you find this to be a promising project, and would want nothing more than to have it see the light of day, please vote for it for Indie of the Year on IndieDB (http://www.indiedb.com/games/Saurian), and make haste, because there's less than two hours left as of the time of this post. I apologize for procrastinating for so long.
Title: Re: Saurian - A Dinosaur Simulator
Post by: DoomRulz on Dec 22, 2014, 12:26:29 PM
I hope this game alone with JW, the new Primal Carnage, and theHunter: Primal are signifying of a new surge in dinosaur popularity. Will this mean Dino Crisis 4 at long last? I hope so.