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Films/TV => Alien: Romulus => Topic started by: Corporal Hicks on Mar 21, 2024, 08:54:00 AM

Title: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Corporal Hicks on Mar 21, 2024, 08:54:00 AM

Following the release of Alien: Romulus’ fantastically atmospheric teaser trailer yesterday, several of the bigger entertainment outlets have shared interviews with writer/director Fede Alvarez discussing the film and the teaser. And we’ve got a huge round-up of all the interesting bits!

From the very offset of the trailer we’re thrown into the familiar with Nostromo-esque corridors. Talking to GamesRadar, Fede discussed the aesthetic and the time setting, confirming that Alien: Romulus takes place 20 years after the events of Alien.

The first thing anyone watching the new trailer will be struck by is how your film's retro-futuristic production design recalls the Nostromo. Is it your hope that Romulus will feel of a piece with Ridley Scott's Alien? 

It was the era I was most interested in when we were thinking about making this movie and were suddenly faced with so many choices. Where do you start? That's what I wanted it to be – that era of science-fiction – and particularly that physical space of the first movie. So it starts there, honestly.

And there were narrative reasons why. It takes place 20 years after the first film. Technology in the world of Alien can change vastly, but I think it's not dependent on time. It's dependent on place. Where you are.

So the characters of this movie and the world are very blue-collar. The technology is still very low-tech and analog. And, look, I'm a kid from the '80s. Any monitor with some VHS tracking issues puts a lot of joy in my heart.

 Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!

For fans of horror, and fans of Alien and Predator especially, the realism involved in the creature effects is something of major concern when it comes to how modern film portrays the creature effects. Fede discussed the legacy talent involved in Alien: Romulus, as well as getting stuck-in with the puppeteering himself!

Just like anybody else, I've been appalled by bad CG in movies that have ruined my experience of it. But I'm not against it. I think you have to do whatever's best for the shot, and whatever technique does it better, you should do it.

We went to crazy extents in this movie to do things practically. We had Weta Workshop doing a lot of the Facehuggers. And not only that, we brought back the guys that worked on Aliens. Shane Mahan, who [sculpted] the Queen's head himself, was the one in charge of building all the Xenomorphs for our movie.

And when I say “build”, we built them. We did full animatronics for all the creatures in the movie. It was one of the best experiences in my career, just to see these guys that I admire so much, back [working together].

There were moments when we'd need nine puppeteers to make a creature work, and you had all those guys, now in their 60s, under the table. And I'm there with them because there's not enough hands. I got to be under the table, puppeteering these things, with the guys that worked on the original Aliens. So that's been the best part.

And then CG just comes when you really go, “Oh, if we do something here, we could do something really cool that the puppets never could.” And you go there. But we really tried... and we really succeeded. 

 Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!

Towards the end of Alien: Romulus’ teaser trailer, we see a shot of Cailee Spaeny’s character, Raines, emerging through a grill-grate in a shot very reminiscent of Ripley’s exit from the elevator in the Atmosphere Processor in Aliens. In her hands is a new rifle with some very obvious design references to the iconic M41A Pulse Rifle. Still speaking to GamesRadar, Fede confirmed it was a predecessor to the Pulse Rifle.

It is a Pulse Rifle. You have to think that our movie is decades before Aliens. So the Pulse Rifle, as people know it from Aliens, has not been invented yet. We can go really deep into the canon rabbit hole, but the Pulse Rifle was invented a few years before Aliens by this general. 

This is a precursor. But it's technically Pulse technology, what she's holding. And, yes, of course, the story called for a moment when she was coming out of an elevator. And obviously, you don't just walk out of an elevator casually in an Alien movie. So when we were about to do it we all knew, “If you walk out of the elevator, it better be an incredible shot.” So we took a lot of care, making sure that she stepped out of the elevator in the coolest possible way.

Fede always went into detail discussing how the idea for Alien: Romulus was inspired by the additional scenes from Aliens: Special Edition where we witness children on Hadley’s Hope, and how Fede wanted to explore what life was like for those frontier children as they grew into their 20s.

She's a younger character. All the characters are very young. That was inspired by the beginning of the extended cut Aliens. There's a shot that really inspired the whole story, where you can see all the kids running around the corridor on Hadley's Hope. I always thought, “Wow, what would it be like for those kids to grow up in a terraforming colony that still needs another 50 years to be habitable? You're probably going to take the same job as your parents. What's the hope?”

I thought: “Wouldn't it be great to catch up with those characters?” Not exactly those characters, but that type of young kid, growing up in a Weyland-Yutani shake-and-bake colony, and see how their life would be when they reach their early 20s. What do they want out of life? Do they want to stay there, and do what their parents did – work the mines, work the farms – and that's it? Or do they want more out of life?

That was what kickstarted the whole journey of this character. It was something I was always fascinated with. Maybe it's because I'm from Uruguay and the idea of growing up in a place where you know how far you can get, and the things that happen there, and the things that will never happen there. So at the time, I always connected with those characters.

While talking to The Hollywood Reporter, Fede discussed meeting with Sir Ridley Scott and how he had pitched the film as production on Alien: Covenant was starting to ramp up.

Right after Don't Breathe, I had a meeting at Scott Free, Ridley's company, and I think they were about to start doing Alien: Covenant. And I mentioned something that I would love to see. I said, "I hope this movie has some of this and that and this." And he was like, "Oh, that's interesting. What would you do with it?" No one was actually asking me [to pitch], believe me; it was more that they were intrigued about what I wanted to see as a fan. And I was like, "I think you guys should do this and approach it this way, and maybe it's about that." And suddenly, I was pitching, but I was not really being asked to do it. So that stayed in the air there somehow, and then a couple of years later, Ridley remembered that. He knew about it. He was like, "Fede had pitched this thing." So they called me back and said, "Hey, remember that story you mentioned? Do you want to write it and direct it?" And I was like, "f**k yeah!" And here we are.

 Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!

While we know Sir Ridley Scott response to seeing an early cut of Alien: Romulus – "Fede, what can I say? It's f**king great." – the Alien: Romulus director also discussed the intimidation he experienced working alongside Ridley, as well as how he had also talked to James Cameron about Alien: Romulus and the different responses each had.

As intimidating as it is, that's the best part of being able to work on something like this. For all of us and whatever it is that we do, the dream is to sit down with the masters of our craft and have a conversation about what we do and learn how to do it better. And the process of making this film definitely gave me that experience with Ridley. At the story level, we first told him what I was planning to do, and then when he read it, I discussed the script with him. And later, when he watched the movie, I discussed my cut with him. So I consider each one of those moments and creative conversations with Ridley to be a highlight of my career and my life.

James Cameron is also someone I've met through the years, and when he learned that I was doing it, we started chatting about it. So I also had that conversation with him at the script level. He's now seen the movie and loved it. It's also fascinating because [Cameron and Scott's] notes and comments are completely different. (Laughs.) They wouldn't repeat a note. Whatever Ridley said, Cameron said something different. They were all super smart comments, notes and thoughts on the film and the filmmaking, et cetera, but both of them have completely different approaches. So the fantastic part of being able to make this film is to have the chance to work with them.

Revealing that the decision to take Alien: Romulus into theatres was made before filming even began, Fede also spoke about working with Cailee Spaeny and how the character of Raines was written with her in mind.

She's an amazing talent. I met her a few years before, and it was a complete coincidence in a way. It's a credit to her talent, but when we started writing the movie a few years ago, my co-writer [Rodo Sayagues] and I already had her photo on the board. We put photos of faces on the board just to have a character face that we could turn to when they're going to say a line. "How would that person speak?" So we had her face on the board from the beginning, and I always tell Cailee, "I wrote this movie for you." So I met her and I'd seen her work, and then when this came about, I was lucky enough that she loved the script from the get-go. She then jumped aboard, and I've been thrilled to see her having so much success lately.

 Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!

Some of the more interesting news we heard about Alien: Romulus prior to the recent leaks and trailer release was a scene that Isabel Merced described as “disgusting” and Fede revealed that it’s hinted at towards the start of the teaser trailer!

 It takes place in [the teaser's] first shot. There's a tiny hint in there, and it has to do with that scene that Isabela talked about, which is great. When you manage to have an idea or concept that has not been seen before in any Alien movie — and it's also something that has never happened before in the history of movies and science fiction — my first test usually when I shoot it is to just look at the boom mic guy. He has no idea what's about to happen, and then I see his face completely in shock over what he's witnessing. So that is, for me, the biggest reward, and when you know that there's something special, then you just can't wait for opening night. I'll sit in the front and turn around to see people's reactions to those moments. 

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Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Covenant Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Mike’s Monsters on Mar 21, 2024, 08:59:42 AM
The disgusting scene is referred to visually, but not so much audibly. The audio is cut from multiple scenes throughout the movie into one.
It's at the beginning of the trailer.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Covenant Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Acid for Blood on Mar 21, 2024, 09:17:20 AM
Great round up! Nice work putting this together AvPG 👍
I love hearing bits of director insight.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Covenant Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 21, 2024, 09:20:36 AM
The disgusting scene Alvarez is talking about is the bloody cryo pod one surely ? Unless there is a disgusting scene when the ship is coming towards the Renaissance station at the very beginning  :laugh:
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Covenant Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Corporal Hicks on Mar 21, 2024, 09:21:40 AM
I've tidied up that text a little.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Covenant Interview Round-Up!
Post by: SiL on Mar 21, 2024, 09:26:42 AM
How about the title
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Covenant Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Prince on Mar 21, 2024, 09:29:34 AM
This film is going to be nasty.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Mr.M on Mar 21, 2024, 10:30:00 AM
I do love Fede's passion in film making. That's what this film needs is someone who loves Alien and the lore.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Immortan Jonesy on Mar 21, 2024, 12:33:19 PM
I loved the effort to execute in a complementary and balanced way between practical effects and CG. 8)
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: XENOMORPHOSIS on Mar 21, 2024, 02:18:22 PM
@Mike's Monsters curious to see the character Rain in action but it's hard to compete with Ripley. If I'm honest and perhaps I'm biased I'm abit deflated that we didn't get another outing with Ripley, it could be a case 20th Century Studios now Disney weren't interested in returning to Ripely could be that the character was over exploited. The thing that annoys me with the Alien vs Predator films, the Prequels and this film an new character but mainly lack of returning characters (aside from David8 in Covenant) it recycles the Ripley archetype arc rinse and repeat reskinned recast movie might as well be a remake discarding what came before, it's partly the lack of
Cathartic resolution for Ripley ending her story, Alien3 though climatic was underwhelming, some follow up to Resurrection pulling that off is slim but not impossible, just that sense of completion and Closure before moving on.

But there individual merits are with acknowledging there absolutely have been solid performances from
Sanaa Lathan,  Reiko Aylesworth, Noomi Rapace and Katherine Waterston. I'm eager to see Cailee Spaeny's Rain to take on that dreaded Xenomorph.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Eric sanders on Mar 21, 2024, 02:23:34 PM
I just saw the trailer of alien romulus  i like it has a fan of the alien franchise  Can wait to watch it on hulu and theater hope there is a book based on the movie and graphic novel  and video games after alien romulus is the next alien movie in the works by 2025 cast me in
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Mike’s Monsters on Mar 21, 2024, 05:23:19 PM
He's really harping on practical effects, and saying he'll use CGI when he needs it. I can say I expect a lot of CGI replacements and enhancements from what I saw. The practical effects needed it for sure from the performances they gave. It wasn't bad, but clear that the objects were just placeholders for light references.

There's way more digital effects than he's leading on to, and many directors are doing that lately. Top Gun Maverick completely lied during the marketing campaign and was full of CGI.

Great video series breaking it all down:

I totally get why he's saying things the way he is. But I'd say expect to see way more CGI than he's describing.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: oduodu on Mar 21, 2024, 05:44:48 PM

what  an endorsement that both scott and cameron loved it  after seeing it.

must be good then.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Mr.M on Mar 21, 2024, 06:33:02 PM
Given the day and age we are in, practical effects are a challenge with the resolutions that they shoot in, 4k and above and practical effects are not same not as they were back in the 70's and 80's
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: MaineXeno on Mar 21, 2024, 07:24:01 PM
Fede feels like an actual fan of the IP considering how much he is nerding out talking about it. He also shows respect to all the movies and not just one or two. Much better choice of a director then someone like Blomkamp who was gonna retcon 2 movies and has a f**k the alien franchise attitude now because his fan fiction didn't get made
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigChapismyBestFriend on Mar 21, 2024, 07:57:27 PM
Quote from: MaineXeno on Mar 21, 2024, 07:24:01 PMIt Fede feels like an actual fan of the IP considering how much he is nerding out talking about it. He also shows respect to all the movies and not just one or two. Much better choice of a director then someone like Blomkamp who was gonna retcon 2 movies and has a f**k the alien franchise attitude now because his fan fiction didn't get made
is Neil a good director? because overtime I hear more complaints about him that is not from YouTube
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Ingwar on Mar 21, 2024, 10:31:25 PM
Interview for Variety

QuoteThis takes place in the 57-year span between "Alien" and "Aliens." How careful did you have to be to not upset the larger mythology of the franchise?

["Alien: Romulus"] takes 20 years after the first one, and for me, I don't see it as upsetting the canon. It's something I take personal pleasure in doing, making sure that it all tracks and is all part of the big "Alien" franchise story — not only in the story, but also when it comes to how to make it. I talked with Ridley [Scott] as a producer, and had long chats with James Cameron about it at the script level. After the movie was done, I showed it to them.

Everybody's really important, from the VFX supervisor of "Aliens" and the guys that make the miniatures, and we hired a lot of them to work on the movie. Otherwise, it's hard to nail the style and the look and the vibe of a film like I wanted. That was the biggest pleasure of making this movie, to be able to do that whole process.

How did you achieve your goals with this movie and incorporate their foundational knowledge of the franchise?

Obviously "Alien" and "Aliens" are very different movies, but we figured out ways with this story to make sure I didn't have to choose. There are incredible, smart things [accomplished] in those movies. You really want to push it and create this world, so as a director, you're not sitting in your chair and just pointing at shit. I do VFX shots myself. I'm puppeteering there with them. In every movie, I think, "Okay, this is the one where I finally got to sit down and just point at shit." It doesn't happen. The movies get bigger and I'm still there on the floor getting my hands dirty. And that's really what Ridley and Cameron told me — the only way to make this movie is you have to be involved at every level. These are very handmade movies from their directors, that's why they're so unique. This is not a studio movie where you come in, do your thing and there's a machine going on that knows how to do them.

As you said, each director in the series made their "Alien" movie all their own. What elements does this movie have, that the others may not, because of you?

Well, it's definitely not just me. Roughly there are six years between the movies, so every movie has come out in a different era of filmmaking, so that's why they're so different. But for me, it was really taking it back to its roots. I wanted to travel back not just to the style of the original movies, but to the genre of the original movies. I really wanted to go back to the sheer horror of the first film, and to take those elements of thriller that "Aliens" has, and "Alien 3" has as well. We went to crazy extents to keep it pure to the filmmaking techniques of the first movie. But if anybody's worried, "Is it going to be too retro?" Don't worry, 2023 will pour through every window. There's no way to stop the modernity of filmmaking. And from that combination of the best of the classics and the best of today, then you have something new.

How tough was it to find a balance between the little green computer monitors of "Alien" and the futuristic technology of the more recent films?

I know a lot of people felt like it makes no sense. But I think we make the mistake when we watch the Nostromo and assume that's how the entire universe looks like. If I decide to make a movie on Earth today, and I go to the Mojave Desert and I take an old truck because a guy drives a Chevy, if you're an alien, you're going to go, "That's what the world looks like." But it doesn't mean there's not a guy in a Tesla in the city, which would be the "Prometheus" ship. The first movie is truck drivers in a beat-up truck. "Prometheus" is the ship of the richest man in the world.

It's no secret that the first two films are revered. Not asking you to trash talk any of the other movies, but were there any pitfalls, perceived or actual, in the execution of these stories that you were careful to avoid as you were writing and directing this movie?

I think what happens when you come into franchise like this one is that everybody has a different idea of what this is or must be. When I did "Evil Dead," some people thought it was a twist that I played it with a straight face, because for a lot of people that is a comedy. But if you saw the first one when you were a kid, like I did, there's nothing funny about it. In the "Alien" franchise, there were places that the directors and Ridley were more interested in that necessarily wasn't related to the horror of it all. But for me, "Alien" works at its best when it's scary, and when it's action like "Aliens." The horror and the shock of that world is personally what I liked the most.

Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Albert on Mar 22, 2024, 04:54:57 AM
The Scott Trilogy: Alien, Prometheus and Alien: Covenant
The Fox Trilogy: Aliens, Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection
The Alvarez Trilogy: Alien: Romulus, TBC, TBC
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: [cancerblack] on Mar 22, 2024, 07:44:30 AM
Quote from: Thatguy2068 on Mar 21, 2024, 07:57:27 PMis Neil a good director?

Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 22, 2024, 08:32:25 AM
I absolutely love District 9. But the guy pretty much sinked after that. His last movie Demonic or something like that was bad.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigChapismyBestFriend on Mar 22, 2024, 02:56:10 PM
Didn't he made those fantastic short films on the Internet. Or were those made by different people?
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 22, 2024, 03:16:06 PM
He did. I didn't see it but heard it was good.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Enjoy on Mar 25, 2024, 01:59:25 AM
I hope this movie has more then 6 people in it . Even if CGI ASH.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 25, 2024, 08:48:46 AM
There's definitely more than the main six. If they are in the present Renaissance station is unknown.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: SiL on Mar 25, 2024, 08:51:55 AM
I'm not getting the need for more people.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 25, 2024, 09:09:35 AM
More kills more thrills  :laugh:

But now I agree, the main 6 having impactful deaths should be enough. Covenant had many that weren't for example.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Enjoy on Mar 25, 2024, 05:49:32 PM
I want to see weyland yutani employee and robots show up at the end just like alien 3
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Mr. Joe on Mar 25, 2024, 07:27:06 PM
Maybe strong male characters Alec Brand, cap Glass, Galgo ... hero Yautja / Predator vs Aliens, Bad Blood, Mala'kaks / Engineers, Amengi ...   
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 25, 2024, 07:30:48 PM
Pretty sure you'll have that at the beginning, at least.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigChapismyBestFriend on Mar 25, 2024, 11:30:14 PM
Yeah, I gotta agree with big daddy says. Would be cool to see some gruesome scenes in this movie and with that one statement of "disgusting scene" I'm willing to see that, and I hope I'm not disappointed.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 25, 2024, 11:49:21 PM
As long as it is exerted on characters that I care a little bit about, it's a win.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: MudButt on Mar 26, 2024, 12:23:03 AM
I'm a thrills & kills freak as well and while I'd love to see more victims in these types of movies I would not want to sacrifice quality.

I think Fede will deliver just enough carnage with our cast  8)
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Enjoy on Mar 26, 2024, 02:17:19 AM
Maybe predator shows up at the end :o
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Predatorium on Mar 26, 2024, 11:03:33 AM
As long as the characters are clever and don't do stupid shit like taking off their helmets on a foreign planet I'm fine. When they die even though they did everything the possibly could right, that's when it's scary, when the threat is real.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 26, 2024, 01:15:44 PM
Quote from: Predatorium on Mar 26, 2024, 11:03:33 AMAs long as the characters are clever and don't do stupid shit like taking off their helmets on a foreign planet

Or sticking their heads in eggs when everything that happened to them before tells them they shouldn't.  ::)
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 27, 2024, 08:12:03 AM

Alvarez quick interview on a french media. He talks a bit about characters relationships.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Eal on Mar 27, 2024, 06:09:19 PM
Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 26, 2024, 01:15:44 PM
Quote from: Predatorium on Mar 26, 2024, 11:03:33 AMAs long as the characters are clever and don't do stupid shit like taking off their helmets on a foreign planet

Or sticking their heads in eggs when everything that happened to them before tells them they shouldn't.  ::)

On paper, it makes sense. None of the characters have actually seen an egg that has a rape-spider inside. It just looks like an interesting life form, and doesn't initially seem to be aggressive either. I don't think they should actually do it in movies any more though. The audience knows way too much about the Aliens for it to be believable.

That's probably why the Hammerpede in Prometheus didn't work as well. That thing...from the get go looks like it's going to murder to you, and seems to be acting aggressive. Biologist or not, there's no way anyone would actually want to touch that thing, let alone get near it. Milburn at no point takes a hit of Fifield's bong either, and weed tends to do the opposite thing when it kicks in.

The scene later on makes it worse, actually: when they examine his body, non-biologist characters jump back in shock and terror when the thing leaps out of his mouth. It retroactively makes Milburn more stupid.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 27, 2024, 07:16:20 PM
The main issue is trusting David. Oram sees him almost orgasm from touching the Neomorph then go mad when he kills it.

Plenty enough to not go along whith anything he could say. That includes listening to him say that it's safe to stick his dumb head in a big ass egg.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Eal on Mar 27, 2024, 07:20:44 PM
Quote from: XENOMORPHOSIS on Mar 21, 2024, 02:18:22 PM@Mike's Monsters curious to see the character Rain in action but it's hard to compete with Ripley. If I'm honest and perhaps I'm biased I'm abit deflated that we didn't get another outing with Ripley, it could be a case 20th Century Studios now Disney weren't interested in returning to Ripely could be that the character was over exploited. The thing that annoys me with the Alien vs Predator films, the Prequels and this film an new character but mainly lack of returning characters (aside from David8 in Covenant) it recycles the Ripley archetype arc rinse and repeat reskinned recast movie might as well be a remake discarding what came before, it's partly the lack of
Cathartic resolution for Ripley ending her story, Alien3 though climatic was underwhelming, some follow up to Resurrection pulling that off is slim but not impossible, just that sense of completion and Closure before moving on.

But there individual merits are with acknowledging there absolutely have been solid performances from
Sanaa Lathan,  Reiko Aylesworth, Noomi Rapace and Katherine Waterston. I'm eager to see Cailee Spaeny's Rain to take on that dreaded Xenomorph.

The best time to do that would've been in the mid 2000s, before 20th Century decided to go for monster mash.
Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 27, 2024, 07:16:20 PMThe main issue is trusting David. Oram sees him almost orgasm from touching the Neomorph then go mad when he kills it.

Plenty enough to not go along whith anything he could say. That includes listening to him say that it's safe to stick his dumb head in a big ass egg.

No, I agree. Oram had absolutely no reason to do that. Alan Dean Foster must've had his work cut out for him trying to explain that one.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 27, 2024, 07:28:58 PM
A lot of movies have characters making mistakes, but this one is definitely way up there.
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: aliens13 on Mar 27, 2024, 09:54:40 PM
Quote from: Eal on Mar 27, 2024, 07:20:44 PM
Quote from: XENOMORPHOSIS on Mar 21, 2024, 02:18:22 PM@Mike's Monsters curious to see the character Rain in action but it's hard to compete with Ripley. If I'm honest and perhaps I'm biased I'm abit deflated that we didn't get another outing with Ripley, it could be a case 20th Century Studios now Disney weren't interested in returning to Ripely could be that the character was over exploited. The thing that annoys me with the Alien vs Predator films, the Prequels and this film an new character but mainly lack of returning characters (aside from David8 in Covenant) it recycles the Ripley archetype arc rinse and repeat reskinned recast movie might as well be a remake discarding what came before, it's partly the lack of
Cathartic resolution for Ripley ending her story, Alien3 though climatic was underwhelming, some follow up to Resurrection pulling that off is slim but not impossible, just that sense of completion and Closure before moving on.

But there individual merits are with acknowledging there absolutely have been solid performances from
Sanaa Lathan,  Reiko Aylesworth, Noomi Rapace and Katherine Waterston. I'm eager to see Cailee Spaeny's Rain to take on that dreaded Xenomorph.

The best time to do that would've been in the mid 2000s, before 20th Century decided to go for monster mash.
Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Mar 27, 2024, 07:16:20 PMThe main issue is trusting David. Oram sees him almost orgasm from touching the Neomorph then go mad when he kills it.

Plenty enough to not go along whith anything he could say. That includes listening to him say that it's safe to stick his dumb head in a big ass egg.

No, I agree. Oram had absolutely no reason to do that. Alan Dean Foster must've had his work cut out for him trying to explain that one.
It would be best if David knocked out Oram and then get him to the egg chamber to get face hugged, but well it is what it is
Title: Re: Fede Alvarez Alien: Romulus Interview Round-Up!
Post by: Corporal Hicks on Mar 28, 2024, 09:22:40 AM
Quote from: aliens13 on Mar 27, 2024, 09:54:40 PMIt would be best if David knocked out Oram and then get him to the egg chamber to get face hugged, but well it is what it is

This. Oram should have gotten the treatment that Shaw did in the earlier Prometheus drafts where David literally held a facehugger over her.