The Predator Spaceships

The Predator features two different Predator ships, one belonging to the Fugitive Predator and another to the Upgrade Predator. They’re similar in design while the insides are very similar to what we saw in Alien vs Predator. The spaceships are definitely more of a focus in this film than previous Predator films.

Fugitive Predator’s Spaceship

The film opens with the Fugitive Predator being chased in his spaceship by another Predator ship belonging to the Upgrade Predator. Upgrade manages to damage Fugitive’s left thruster. Fugitive opens a window to hyperspace and ends up in Earth’s orbit. Inside of Fugitive’ ship is very reminiscent of the mothership we saw in Alien vs Predator – very metallic, sterile with Predator symbols in various places. The bridge area, where the pilot sits, is full of holographics to control aspects of the ship.

As his ship is falling towards the forest, Fugitive escapes in his pod. When Fugitive is incapacitated by McKenna, the Predator and his ship is captured by a government agency called Stargazer. Later, Traeger, head of Stargazer, brings Rory into the ship and McKenna frees him. Soon, the area is under attack from the Upgrade who enters the ship and activates the ship’s self-destruct. It explodes as he enters the nearby forest.

Upgrade Predator’s Spaceship

We initially see Upgrade Predator in his spaceship chasing after the Fugitive. Later, Upgrade opens a hyperspace window and reaches Earth. The ship is similar to Fugitive’s with twin thrusters and vertical thrusters. Inside is very similar too – cold and metallic. The bridge is at the front where the Upgrade can use holographics to control the ship.

As he flies through Earth’s atmosphere, Rory uses Fugitive’s stolen device to decloak Upgrade’s ship, much to Upgrade’s shock. A couple of F-22s open fire and the Upgrade returns fire. The cloak also acts as a shield. Upgrade manages to land the ship and begins tracking down the Fugitive and Rory. Towards the end of the film, when Upgrade tries to escape with Rory, McKenna and the Loonies bring the ship down and it crashes back to Earth.

Predator Ship Concept Art

Here you’ll find lots of concept art done for the ships, known as a the Predator Ark, from artists Victor Martinez, Milena Zdravkovic and Shane Baxley.