Barbarian Predator Mythos Bust

Release Date: 2021
Price: $650 / £750
Manufacturer: Sideshow Collectibles
Product Size: Height: 19″ (48.3 cm), Width: 17″ (43.2 cm), Depth: 13″ (33 cm)
Product Weight: 12.5KG
Units: 300


Sideshow presents the Predator Barbarian- Mythos Legendary Scale Bust.

Sideshow’s Mythos series captures the limitless possibility of fan-favorite franchises by emphasizing core concepts and introducing unique ideas to popular fictional universes. The Predator Barbarian is a hulking jungle hunter who brings a new level of ferocity to the dangerous fight for survival.

The polystone Predator Barbarian- Mythos Legendary Scale Bust measures 19” tall from the top of the beast’s spiny head to the bottom of its detailed Yautja-aesthetic base, imbued with a sense of dynamic movement through the portrait and dreadlocks. This bigger, more brute-like alien warrior features heavily armored shoulders, detailed facial markings, and snarling mandibles, making it the last thing you want to see in a dense jungle setting. The Predator Barbarian embodies all the ruthlessness of the killer Yautja species, painted with the signature earthen tones and piercing yellow eyes that allow these hunters to camouflage and stalk their prey with deadly precision.

Start the hunt and bring home the Predator Barbarian- Mythos Legendary Scale™ Bust for your trophy case of collectibles today!


  • Paul Komoda (Sculpt) (Design)
  • Simon Garcia (Mold and Cast)
  • The Sideshow Mold and Cast Team (Mold and Cast)
  • Joe Dunaway (Paint)
  • Anthony Mestas (Paint)
  • The Sideshow Design and Development Team (Development) (Design)


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You can find our written review of the Barbarian Predator or you can view the video review below:



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