Pro's and Con's of Predator 2

Started by Predator Eldar, Mar 21, 2007, 07:44:33 AM

Pro's and Con's of Predator 2 (Read 8,709 times)


What do you all think?




Quote from: JoelCraike12 on Sep 17, 2024, 10:11:20 AMWhat do you all think?

Without going to deep into the film and writing a whole review, I did want to note imo a couple of important aspects of the film itself. P2, in a smart way builds upon Predator lore while also keeping to the mystery of the Predator himself (which in IMO is one major contributor of many that made the original film so special). P2 also builds Predator lore expanding on predators hunting, weapons, unique armor and it's differentiating face design. Keeping to Winston's definitive masterclass face design of Jungle Hunter, in P2 they were able to successfully alter and change City Hunters facial features creating something new and distinguishable while staying true to the original design intent. In addition the Easter egg Alien skull trophy helped to establish AvP from comics to mainstream.
Overall It did great following in the footsteps of its predecessor while establishing its own identity. Glover and the cast also did a great job but for me Kevin Peter Hall was the star. His gait, his movements and pacing when on screen for me truly defines Predator. You can understand who the character is just by the way he moves or in some cases doesn't move - his performance translates so well on screen.

Predator 1987 was a superior film imo for multiple reasons and is the true classic but P2 did a great job withstanding and will always be special to me as well.

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