
Started by Deadly Lotus, Nov 13, 2007, 12:31:33 PM

Question (Read 5,998 times)

Deadly Lotus

Deadly Lotus

know this AVP2 game that's coming out next week on PSP?....

is it going to be like the others where you can be Alien, Predator or Humans?

can you be Predalien?

i haven't read any descriptions yet cause i couldn't find any...

on the game i am looking forward to taking the role as the usual character i choose(Alien)... that's not saying i am a total Alien fan, cause i like both Alien and Predator...

if you can be Alien what's the plot for Alien?

the human plot may be obvious in some ways...

ain't to sure about Predator...

anyone know anything about the new AVP game?



read some of the previews

although there might be spoilers so im avoiding them.

Deadly Lotus

Deadly Lotus

damn! i can't be Alien, but i'm still getting the game... cause AVP does rock... and so does Predator...

i thought that oneself could be Alien...teehee. :D

PSP Junky

PSP Junky




Yeah, That would be cool.

Deadly Lotus

Deadly Lotus

i bought the game a couple week ago, and it was darn easy, the easiest game i've



Yeah by far. I waited at gamestop for around 45 minutes waiting to get the first one. I was kind of let down, but psyched nonetheless.

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