Not Wolf?

Started by Private Hudson, Nov 03, 2007, 06:48:27 AM

Not Wolf? (Read 6,516 times)

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

I've just noticed that the Predator in AVP:R the Game is alot different than Wolf, double wristblades, Purple vision mode, etc.. Do you think the game might be like a tie-in or something, where your basicly following in the tracks of Wolf? :-\



You do play as The Wolf in the game, although there are obviously some slight changes to weapons & storyline due to the fact that it plays out slightly different than the movie version.

Here's a screenshot from the game so you can see for yourself:

The Wolf- AVP PSP

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Oh, I've never seen game pics with the Pred having the dual Plasma Casters like Wolf in the movie, thanks for the pic.



you all play as me  ;D

1 badass mofo ;)

PSP Junky

PSP Junky

Quote from: avpmad! on Nov 06, 2007, 07:24:42 PM
you all play as me  ;D

1 badass mofo ;)

Some one has issues ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)



i hope u do play as wolf,cuz he loox like a true yautja worrior



Yep, its wolf.



They started developing the game way before the movie was done, so there are some changes.



Which is why there is no Predalien. The predalien originally died in the first few minutes of the movie.

Garo Predator

Garo Predator

dude it looks like scar in the beginnings movie and i think a good ending for the game would be when the alien jumps on him and keeps him in long enough to kill him or have him live to fight the queen



The ending in the game was weak as heck, and nowhere near close to the movie.

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