Terrible graphics

Started by genocyber, Oct 21, 2007, 04:44:32 AM

Terrible graphics (Read 9,286 times)



Cmon,the graphics for this new AVP game look absolutely terrible.The models are jagged and ugly looking.It looks like a playstation 1 game from 1997



I honestly have to agree, we've seen much more from the PSP, so it's obviously not hardware limitations.

War Wager

War Wager

I honestly have to disagree. Still shots from PSP games always look poor quality. It's the same with stills from any console, it makes the graphics look poor when infact their not. This game has tremendous graphics for a PSP game, trust me...

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Look beyond the graphics man!!! What a game needs is gameplay, not graphics!!!

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Hence Halo3s success.

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Yeah, what I like about the Halo games is they always have great Gameplay+Great Graphics.

Colton White

Colton White

It's not the graphics. Think about it. The PSP Is a small screen. If you stretxh it, it will look like a very shitty game



PSP has made plenty og good graphic games.This is not one of them



God why cant they just release it on all systems?
It's like 300: march to glory.

300 men against a million...

Hmm lets get a game "console" that can handle a million enemies.
i know! the PSP!
Excellent idea Jenkins!

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: XxxAliensrulexxX on Oct 22, 2007, 01:47:53 AM
It's not the graphics. Think about it. The PSP Is a small screen. If you stretxh it, it will look like a very shitty game

It isn't. I was amazed at how big the screen actually was.



I have to agree with Huol here. They had their pick of the most powerful next-gen systems to truly bring this game to life...& instead they throw out a watered down handheld game...probably to cut back on their budget costs.

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

I'd prefer this game on PC, PS3, or Xbox 360. :)



Quote from: Private Hudson on Oct 22, 2007, 03:55:08 PM
I'd prefer this game on PC, PS3, or Xbox 360. :)
Everyone would. Atleast I have a PSP to play the game but I'm pretty sure this game isn't going to be great.

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

I'll bechya they'll make it for Consoles oneday.



Quote from: Private Hudson on Oct 22, 2007, 10:01:09 PM
I'll bechya they'll make it for Consoles oneday.
Maybe when FOX sells the franchises to another studio or something.

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