Interview Questions for Richard Chaves

Started by Corporal Hicks, Nov 19, 2024, 06:38:30 PM

Interview Questions for Richard Chaves (Read 836 times)

Corporal Hicks

Hey folk! We've got the opportunity to chat to Predator actor Richard Chaves in an upcoming episode of the podcast. You all know the drill. Feel free to shout up with any questions you have to be considered to ask in the episode :)


First off thank him for his service for me! And secondly I just want him to know he was one of the best things about the original film, loved every scene he was in and hated when that tree mangled him in the movie!

And then I'd like to know if he has always been a fan of the sci fi genre and what it meant for him to be in Predator. Seems like he is very active with the fans on instagram or in real life and loves the Predator franchise still!

Does he keep up with all the new films?? Will he see the new Predator movie coming out?

If he were to make a Predator film what would he like to see/do??

And of course who would win Alien or Predator ?


That's awesome - super nice guy!
I forgot to ask him when I met him at the chiller expo but could you ask him if there is any new plans to do any other meet and greets with other stars from the '87 Predator film? Maybe Jesse Ventura?

Thank you!


how much did he personally develop Poncho versus how much was on the page?

did he have perspective on his role on the team? who was Poncho to the rest of the group?

what was his reaction to the final film? was there anything he did in the moment that he felt should've made it to the screen but didn't?


Could he see a macho movie like Predator being made today?? Or would it be radically different.


First off thank you for your contribution to the franchise. Bit of a two pronged question. Firstly what was your initial thoughts when and if you saw the original suit whilst filming and then what were your thoughts when you saw what would become the Predator we all know and love?


Would be cool to ask him what he remembers about Jean Claude Van Damme during the filming.



the way he says:

i can t tell

after dutch asks him if he found Hawkins body remains ingrained in my mind.

Quote from: Yautja888 on Dec 01, 2024, 08:11:58 PMWould be cool to ask him what he remembers about Jean Claude Van Damme during the filming.

great question. i wonder if he ever spoke to van damme or had any kind of interaction with him.


Quote from: oduodu on Dec 05, 2024, 07:32:13 AMthe way he says:

i can t tell

after dutch asks him if he found Hawkins body remains ingrained in my mind.
That and Ripley's shudder when she finds Parker and Lambert are my two favourite reactions to finding corpses in any horror movies.

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