Do you have a headcanon?

Started by Mr.Warrior666, Nov 03, 2024, 03:38:05 AM

Do you have a headcanon? (Read 2,201 times)



I'm made of it



For me it's personally all the movies minus The Predator. I don't include that one at all. AVPR would have not made it if it wasn't for wolf, I just liked seeing the Predator home world and his costume design.

But within the movies I got my own idea of the Space Jockeys/ Aliens being ancient species, and the Predator lore having the caste system and clan wars, as well as AVP including what we saw with the temples and capturing queens



Alien, Aliens, Alien 3. 

Predator is its own thing. 

I still consider AVP as an untapped resource.  There is a lot of fun to be had in the franchise as the comics and games can show you, but I consider it its own thing as well and don't consider the AvP movies themselves to be anything but what ifs. 

Prometheus, and anything related to it: dogshit.   



I usually defer to the movies as canon. 

For AVP, the comics and books are my personal headcanon (the AVP movies are fun, but not a part of canon for me).

Nightmare Asylum

Nightmare Asylum

Alien: Prometheus - Alien: Covenant - Alien - Alien: Isolation* - Alien: Romulus - Aliens - Alien 3 - Alien: Resurrection

Predator: Prey - Predator - Predator 2 - I guess Predators

*when I'm of the mind to include anything from the EU in what I take as canon



All of it is canon

Nightmare Asylum

Nightmare Asylum

Quote from: Zazeren on Nov 16, 2024, 09:25:19 PMAll of it is canon

How do you reconcile the AVPs and with Prometheus and Covenant?




Predator 2


You can keep the ADI nonsense. Prey gets a pass. Covenant is barely holding on.



Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Nov 16, 2024, 09:33:19 PM
Quote from: Zazeren on Nov 16, 2024, 09:25:19 PMAll of it is canon

How do you reconcile the AVPs and with Prometheus and Covenant?

The RPG already did

David recreated the Xenomorph, but it always existed in some form before then

Oasis Nadrama

Oasis Nadrama

I mean, the two Weyland Industry timelines are directly contradictory.

Nightmare Asylum

Nightmare Asylum

Quote from: Zazeren on Nov 17, 2024, 05:08:31 PM
Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Nov 16, 2024, 09:33:19 PM
Quote from: Zazeren on Nov 16, 2024, 09:25:19 PMAll of it is canon

How do you reconcile the AVPs and with Prometheus and Covenant?

The RPG already did

David recreated the Xenomorph, but it always existed in some form before then

Even if you twist the intent of what Covenant establishes with David (which I'm sure Earth is going to do as well, officially), I was referring more so to the Weyland discrepancy that booted the AVPs into a separate continuity in the first place in 2012, five years before Covenant even released.



Alien Isolation
Alien Romulus
Aliens Colonial Marines TemplarGFX

Nothing else exists (in my opinion, which is what this is, opinions).

Kel G 426

Kel G 426

Alien & Aliens

And separately, Predator 1 & 2

No disrespect for the other movies;  I like Prey and Romulus a lot. But if I could make my own movie, I'd build exclusively from these "core four" films.



At this point the EU has remedied all of my canon issues of the prequels (making everything so human centric). The "Building Better Worlds" RPG scenario confirmed that Engineers created the xeno's first and "Dark Descent" confirmed that Space Jockey's are a separate species to Engineers. I'm happy lol.

Acid Splash

Acid Splash

I think I definitely like the idea of them sharing the same universe I just don't like the ancient aliens route of the avp movies and The predator I can honestly also throw off a cliff. The rest I can reconcile with a bit of unreliable narrator like in the case of David inventing the aliens is easy enough to wave away with Walter literally telling him his memory is faulty along with his good hood complex makes him easy to doubt.

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