Legacy effects website confirmed scorched was a subadult during the cocoon scene

Started by Coolertonic7, Sep 12, 2024, 08:33:37 PM

Legacy effects website confirmed scorched was a subadult during the cocoon scene (Read 702 times)


I was browsing the legacy effects website to see if there were more pictures of the practical effects and I noticed that there were pictures of scorched in two different categories, xenomorph and subadult xenomorph.

I found it cool, since it confirms that scorched wasn't fully grown when he came out of the cocoon.


Biggest difference seems to be the colouring.


I really like the coloring of the sub adult... Almost better than the classic black.


Is that your biomechanical tubing or are you just happy to see me?

Scorched Vuvalini

On that note...

The sculpting on the biomechanical tube, the sheath receiving the bottom end of it, and pubic area constitute some delightfully zany hermaphroditic imagery. Erect penis + vaginal sheath above, and vulvic cleft below. (The relative emphasis on female parts makes sense to me given the alien's entire head is an oozing cock.) I wish you could have lived to see the beauty of your creature realized so magnificently once again, Herr Giger...

Oh, er, the subadult thing -- yes, that is quite interesting. I didn't pick up on that at all just from the movie, but the maquettes side by side in the BTS photos makes it quite clear. I assume Scorched manages to darken in between "hatching" and joining with the hive?

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