Prey 2 Catch All Thread

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jun 26, 2024, 09:12:21 AM

Prey 2 Catch All Thread (Read 2,644 times)



Honestly, it wouldn't bother me if they turned Prey 2 into one of the segments for the upcoming animated anthology movie if the only point of the story is to find out how greyback got the flintlock.



@Coolertonic7 Honestly I wouldn't be against that idea. I personally prefer a formula that allows for new original stories to be told, where Predator hunts in different era's throughout history and different places around the world or even on other planets.



Quote from: CANNON on Oct 31, 2024, 09:22:32 PMI would like to see how Greyback gets the flintlock and if that's done in Prey 2 then that's what I want to see.

I would just hope they wouldn't make it where he loses and she, Naru or whomever defeats him and decides to spare him and then as a gesture of good faith gives him the pistol. I Wouldn't be surprised if they did something boring and safe like that.

I feel like I might actually like that. It wouldn't be crossing the line into team up, and it could add some interesting subtext to Greyback sparing Harrigan giving him the pistol. Whatever they decide to do the ending of Predator 2 is going to be getting even more layers, it already has with Prey.



Yeah I don't know how I feel about Predator and human team-ups. IMO I like my Predator traditionally as the antagonist, a hunter, unrelatable,  inscrutable, an unknown alien.  There is no communication, if you are armed than your prey.

Plus I also like the idea that because Harrigan defeated City Hunter that's the reason he was shown respect and given a trophy. Simple but powerful.

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