Alien Absolution - New Alien Fan Production

Started by Corporal Hicks, Apr 26, 2024, 03:26:51 PM

Alien Absolution - New Alien Fan Production (Read 1,149 times)

Corporal Hicks

The team over at the Perfect Organism Podcast have just uploaded their Alien Day fan production for 2024! This year, co-host Christian Matzke has written and directed a short fan film, Alien Absolution, which you can watch below!

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Quite enjoyed that actually. Looks a lot nicer visually than their last short film from last year.


Nice it was a cool concept I did chuckle though when the gentleman was egg morphing or cocooned and the girl just kneels down and says "hey" like it's all good


Brilliant work on the set design and costumes. Their production value increases with each release.

Acid for Blood

That was good. Christian done a great job designing the set.

Ale Motion Comic

Set design, alien custom, make up, props, 10/10.


I really love all the little details. Every shot has a little easter egg to find.

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