New Single-Player Map: Alien Trilogy L111 Entrance

Started by Olde, Feb 13, 2024, 07:45:32 PM

New Single-Player Map: Alien Trilogy L111 Entrance (Read 3,915 times)


Quote from: Olde on Apr 08, 2024, 07:18:09 AM
Quote from: Russ840 on Apr 07, 2024, 08:25:12 PMThis all sounds fantastic. How do I get this running ?
I assume you have AvP Classic 2000 on either Steam or GOG? If so, download the .zip file and look at the contents. Place the graphics and sound folders in the root directory (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000).

Now do you see the file marked L111_Entrance.rif? That's the map file. Put that in the avp_rifs folder. Now find the file named Derelict.rif and either move it to a separate folder or rename it to something like Derelict_ORIGINAL.rif. Now rename L111_Entrance.rif to Derelict.rif. You're essentially 'tricking' the game into running the new map as the first marine level.

Next, boot up the game and select the first marine mission, Derelict. It should run the Alien Trilogy map instead. If you want to revert back, just have the default Derelict.rif map be in avp_rifs and it should be back to normal.

Yea I have the GOG files. But I use the OG in game FMV's and original menu background and music from my OG disc. Hate the gold updates lol.

Thanks for the instruction. Really looking forward to trying this.


It's a pity avp classic has no way of force loading a custom single player map. Backing up and replacing the 1st marine level is hacky but it's the only way.

Maybe I could have called it 'Derelict.rif' in the zip file to save the renaming step, but I just figured if I'm asking people people to overwrite original game files, I want to be very sure they don't do it by accident! Hope you enjoy the map.


We've got new progress screenshots on the AvP Jag map for you all. Introducing sprites and doors.

Now that Cracco and I are working on it, we have more manpower but there's still no ETA on this, as even just sublevel 3 is a massive level. We'd like to get a demo of the map up in about a week or two, so here's hoping we can bring that to fruition.

Corporal Hicks

It's looking good, Olde!


As mentioned in Olde's 25th Anniversary post above, co-op and deathmatch multiplayer versions of L111 - Entrance have now been added to the release. The big selling point here is a whole new network of vents (designed and created by Olde) linking the level together, and allowing for some nasty surprises in co-op! Of course, the players can use them too and launch a few surprise attacks of their own.



Apologies for the delay. We've made great progress on the AvP Jaguar demo map in the last few days, and we now have it very near to completion. The version we are preparing for a demo is fully playable from start to finish with the intended player's path all laid out. All of the doors are fully functioning, as are level triggers and custom messages. We've done lots of bug fixes like ensuring the player can walk through corpse sprites and not get stuck on sprites with collision (tables, crates, barrels). We've also added some sounds from the base game, both ambient and player-activated. All that's left now is some comparatively minor stuff such as item/enemy placement, adding additional furniture, and doing more bug testing.

I think that when we're ready to showcase the demo and receive feedback, we'll start a new thread for the map. Not much longer now, so hang in there!

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